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Moon landing is a hoax?

Hassan H

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It was real. I've spoken with people who worked on it. If it was fake everyone who worked on the projects believed then to be real. It would be an absurd conspiracy. 

The better question is what makes you think humans are not capable of this kind of technological achievement?

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31 minutes ago, notme said:

The better question is what makes you think humans are not capable of this kind of technological achievement?

I guess, they must be thinking that space ships might require the same energy & procedures for take off from Moon as they see on Earth.

Not knowing anything about the escape velocities of Earth & Moon. 

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Van Allen radiation belts enveloping the earth. They protect our planet from a lot of harmful space radiation but also the radiation trapped within them is in beyond lethal doses. Because they protect our habitat is also why our satellites and upper atmosphere equipment with delicate electronics on board are able to function in low earth orbit continuously without decaying in a hurry. Once a space shuttle mission was sent closer to the belts in higher orbit to study the effects but the crew reported flashes of light and shooting stars even with their eyes closed to due radiation exposure and turned back. Its interesting to read about.

To date I have not read any explanations about the only missions allegedly traveling through those thousands of miles thick volumes of radiation belts. As for the rest there are simple answers to everything. But its like faith or freedom of faith. We always only believe what we want to believe, not necessarily what is. To each their own.

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I am inclined to believe that the moon landing was a hoax because of the van allan belts, however I also know of the existence of retroreflectors on the surface of the moon

these were placed on the moon at particular places specifically so anyone on earth with a telescope could calibrate it according to the retroreflectors. the only way they could be put there is either someone actually placing them there or dropping them from a shuttle, either way it would prove we have at least been close to the moon

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2 hours ago, Spiritual said:

I guess, they must be thinking that space ships might require the same energy & procedures for take off from Moon as they see on Earth.

Not knowing anything about the escape velocities of Earth & Moon. 

Don't be silly brother! They made a runway before they landed on the moon.:hahaha:

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:) So you think scientist dont knew about the Earth's megnetic field & radiation belt. They have sent the ships beyond the Kuiper belt where billions of space chunks present. 

Here is the article for you & for VARB conspiracy theorists:

"Apollo and the Van Allen Belts 

an estimate of the radiation dose received

Robert A. Braeunig 

© September-2014

Another hoax story that has cropped up from time to time is the assertion that the strength and intensity of the VARB is far greater than published. The conspiracists claim that NASA has hidden the real data and replaced it with false data. If we could only get our hands on the real data, they claim, it would show that Apollo was impossible. This is a ludicrous proposition. First, NASA is not the sole proprietor of VARB knowledge – other spacefaring nations have also studied the VARB – so for the assertion to be true it requires international cooperation. And second, space is a multi-billion dollar industry that depends on the accuracy of the VARB models. If the models were false, then billions of dollars of space hardware would be failing due to under designed radiation protection. Instead we find that satellites perform in a manner consistence with the published data.

No other spacefaring nation has expresses doubts about the ability to traverse translunar space, and they all acknowledge that Apollo succeeded in landing astronauts on the Moon. Furthermore, the United States is not the only nation to have sent living creatures to the Moon. In September 1968 the Soviet Union's Zond 5 became the first spacecraft to swing around the Moon and return to land on Earth. The mission was planned as a precursor to a manned lunar spacecraft. It carried a biological payload of two Russian tortoises, wine flies, meal worms, plants, seeds, bacteria, and other living matter. The biological payload was intact, proving that it was possible to survive a lunar flight and safely return to Earth. As a result of Zond 5, and Zond 7 in 1969, the Soviet Union concluded that, "seven-day flights along the trajectories of Zond-5 and 7 probes are safe from the radiation point of view."

It seems the only people who doubt the ability of manned spacecraft to safely traverse the VARB are conspiracy theorists."


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1 hour ago, Endtimes said:

Don't be silly brother! They made a runway before they landed on the moon.:hahaha:

:D,,,, Don't be silly brother. Its radiations out there no human can get to Moon in reality... They can dream however.

Guys, Quit this radiation talk for god sake! We are dealing with every sort of radiations on the surface of earth. X-rays, nuclear medicines, ultrasonics, electro-megnatic, wireless etc are the technologies we are using at the moment.  There are humans living in the ISS.

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Radiation outside earth's magnetic field is a risk to humans in space, but don't you think the humans who are willing to go to space are comfortable with risk? The spacecraft and space suits provide some protection. The most dangerous forms of radiation are most easily blocked and the hardest to block are least damaging to cells. 

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Russians have also sent organisms through the van allen belt, and they have returned safely. 


" two tortoises, mealworms, wine flies, plants, and other lifeforms. "


We really already went through this whole topic before.  And when legitimate evidence was discussed and the conspiracies were exposed, the topic mysteriously died off and the conspirators all ran back to their holes.

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9 hours ago, DigitalUmmah said:

I am inclined to believe that the moon landing was a hoax because of the van allan belts, however I also know of the existence of retroreflectors on the surface of the moon

Here is an interesting video on laser reflections from lunar surface in which NASA contradicts itself.


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7 hours ago, notme said:

The spacecraft and space suits provide some protection.

Then it is mighty selfish of America to not lend those Apollo space suits so that radiation contamination at Fukushima and Chernobyl could be dealt with.

4 hours ago, iCambrian said:

" two tortoises, mealworms, wine flies, plants, and other lifeforms. "

A turtle is not a valid comparison. We use “rad” to measure how much radiation a specimen has absorbed. The lethal dose for humans is 500rad. Turtles can take a dose as high as 15,000rad to 60,000rad. Because of this, scientists believe they can use turtle blood transfusions to cure radiation sickness in humans. A dose of 500rad would kill any human, but for a turtle it would cause no cellular damage at all. It is a silly thing to cite Soviet boast to Americans during the peak of the space race as scientific evidence.

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10 minutes ago, Hassan Y said:

Of course it is real, because if it wasn't than Russia would have found out by now. Footprints and the American flag are still there, because if they weren't than any country with a powerful telescope would have exposed Nasa by now.

If a "powerful telescope" could see footprints and a flag on the lunar surface there would be no need of lunar recon orbiter or similar unmanned spacecraft that mapped the lunar surface.

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1 hour ago, Darth Vader said:

If a "powerful telescope" could see footprints and a flag on the lunar surface there would be no need of lunar recon orbiter or similar unmanned spacecraft that mapped the lunar surface.

What I meant was some countries have technological capabilities to find out if the footprints or flag exists on the surface of the moon. If such does not exist, these countries would not hesitate to expose NASA.

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On 11/26/2016 at 8:02 AM, Hassan Y said:

What I meant was some countries have technological capabilities to find out if the footprints or flag exists on the surface of the moon. If such does not exist, these countries would not hesitate to expose NASA.


A reason for their silence would be because of free trade deals. Since the Kennedy administration, the United States government and its allies had been selling tons of American wheat to the Soviets. It’s no different to modern times: the US cuts multi-billion dollar trade deals with the Chinese and in turn China gets kicked off America’s list of human rights violators, likewise Russia gets tons of wheat in return for silence.

Thirdly, nowadays the Russian and American space programs are partners in crime. In the early 70s the US and Soviets agreed to work cooperatively in the exploration of space. This international cooperation became a reality in 1975 with the Apollo Soyuz Test Project, the first joint mission. Many other missions followed and Russia essentially became the United States’ best ally. In the 1990s, with the Buran program cancelled, the Russians had no shuttle to get to their Mir space station, only Soyuz. And the US had no equivalent to Mir. The solution was the Shuttle-Mir program, in which US shuttles carried astronauts and cosmonauts to and from the Russian Mir space station. Now the US and Russia have collaborated towards the construction of the International Space Station, involving not only them but also every other space nation – except for the US’s best trade partner, the Chinese.

The Russians were also kind enough to give American astronauts a ride to space aboard the Soyuz during the time the shuttle was grounded. And with the termination of the shuttle program, the US will now be reliant on Russia’s Soyuz to get to the ISS. It’s essentially a one-world space government, one big happy family. No one will blow the whistle on anybody.

If you really want to know what Russia thought of manned lunar exploration, just ask Jodrell Bank’s Sir Bernard Lovell. In May of 1963, the President of the Soviet Academy of Sciences Mstislav Keldysh instructed him to inform NASA’s deputy administrator Hugh Dryden that Russian had to postpone manned moon flights indefinitely, because they could see no way to protect their cosmonauts from the insurmountable dangers posed by solar flare radiation. Well into 1966, around the time Russia put Lunik 10 in lunar orbit, Sir Bernard remained in contact with the Soviets asking when they intended to send a human to the moon.

In 1999, Sir Bernard was quoted by the BBC along these lines: “I had frequently asked my Soviet contacts when they intended to send a human being to the moon and their response was always ‘when we can be absolutely certain of getting him back alive’. And they did not believe the Americans would do this and in fact it’s pretty clear that the Americans did take considerable risk.”

Well into December 1968, Alexei Leonov and his comrades pleaded the politburo to let them pilot Zond 7 around the moon, as the Zonds 5 & 6 had already flown around the moon and returned to earth in September and November of that year – the former of which was successfully recovered. But their pleas were rejected despite having proven their capabilities with Zond 5.

It is logical that Russia may likely have planned to fake their manned moon flights too. Aboard Zond 5 was an audio cassette player which played back the voices of cosmonauts Pavel Popevich and Vitali Sevastyanov. At the time many thought Russia had sent the first men around the moon, but upon return of the capsule it was revealed that it was only a tape recording. NASA, who at the time weren’t officially planning a ‘manned’ moon mission until April or May 1969, responded to the tape recorder stunt by changing Apollo 8’s flight plan from a high earth orbit flight to a lunar orbit flight in December 1968.

Russia had the opportunity to claim victory over the Americans, but they let it slip through their fingers. But even if they were to cry foul on the Americans, it would only jeopardize their own program. If the USSR was to come out and say that Apollo was faked due to lethal radiation, the Americans would just as easily cry foul if the Soviets proceeded to fake their own for the same reason. 

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16 minutes ago, Darth Vader said:


A reason for their silence would be because of free trade deals. Since the Kennedy administration, the United States government and its allies had been selling tons of American wheat to the Soviets. It’s no different to modern times: the US cuts multi-billion dollar trade deals with the Chinese and in turn China gets kicked off America’s list of human rights violators, likewise Russia gets tons of wheat in return for silence.

Thirdly, nowadays the Russian and American space programs are partners in crime. In the early 70s the US and Soviets agreed to work cooperatively in the exploration of space. This international cooperation became a reality in 1975 with the Apollo Soyuz Test Project, the first joint mission. Many other missions followed and Russia essentially became the United States’ best ally. In the 1990s, with the Buran program cancelled, the Russians had no shuttle to get to their Mir space station, only Soyuz. And the US had no equivalent to Mir. The solution was the Shuttle-Mir program, in which US shuttles carried astronauts and cosmonauts to and from the Russian Mir space station. Now the US and Russia have collaborated towards the construction of the International Space Station, involving not only them but also every other space nation – except for the US’s best trade partner, the Chinese.

The Russians were also kind enough to give American astronauts a ride to space aboard the Soyuz during the time the shuttle was grounded. And with the termination of the shuttle program, the US will now be reliant on Russia’s Soyuz to get to the ISS. It’s essentially a one-world space government, one big happy family. No one will blow the whistle on anybody.

If you really want to know what Russia thought of manned lunar exploration, just ask Jodrell Bank’s Sir Bernard Lovell. In May of 1963, the President of the Soviet Academy of Sciences Mstislav Keldysh instructed him to inform NASA’s deputy administrator Hugh Dryden that Russian had to postpone manned moon flights indefinitely, because they could see no way to protect their cosmonauts from the insurmountable dangers posed by solar flare radiation. Well into 1966, around the time Russia put Lunik 10 in lunar orbit, Sir Bernard remained in contact with the Soviets asking when they intended to send a human to the moon.

In 1999, Sir Bernard was quoted by the BBC along these lines: “I had frequently asked my Soviet contacts when they intended to send a human being to the moon and their response was always ‘when we can be absolutely certain of getting him back alive’. And they did not believe the Americans would do this and in fact it’s pretty clear that the Americans did take considerable risk.”

Well into December 1968, Alexei Leonov and his comrades pleaded the politburo to let them pilot Zond 7 around the moon, as the Zonds 5 & 6 had already flown around the moon and returned to earth in September and November of that year – the former of which was successfully recovered. But their pleas were rejected despite having proven their capabilities with Zond 5.

It is logical that Russia may likely have planned to fake their manned moon flights too. Aboard Zond 5 was an audio cassette player which played back the voices of cosmonauts Pavel Popevich and Vitali Sevastyanov. At the time many thought Russia had sent the first men around the moon, but upon return of the capsule it was revealed that it was only a tape recording. NASA, who at the time weren’t officially planning a ‘manned’ moon mission until April or May 1969, responded to the tape recorder stunt by changing Apollo 8’s flight plan from a high earth orbit flight to a lunar orbit flight in December 1968.

Russia had the opportunity to claim victory over the Americans, but they let it slip through their fingers. But even if they were to cry foul on the Americans, it would only jeopardize their own program. If the USSR was to come out and say that Apollo was faked due to lethal radiation, the Americans would just as easily cry foul if the Soviets proceeded to fake their own for the same reason. 

The technology to fake it didn't even exist back than. The mission videos explains why there was absolutely no way to fake it at the time. Even the cameras needed to fake it didn't exist back then. Not only that but any space agency with a powerful telescope can see the flag and the man made equipment on the moon right now if you look at the right spots. NASA said if you don't believe us, go look for yourself and see. Countries or companies that have no business or relation with America will be eager to find out if it's a hoax or not, but the flag and equipment is still there so there is no way it is a hoax and no company or country will challenge that. 

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10 minutes ago, Hassan Y said:

NASA said if you don't believe us, go look for yourself and see.

Let me know when you see it.

8 minutes ago, Hassan Y said:

Hell even Iran has the technology to find out you think Iran wouldn't expose America? They would have done it by now if it was a hoax.

Ahmadinejad doubted the authenticity of the holocaust, did anyone believe him? Countries do not function the way you think they do. How many countries announced that they doubted the 911 WTC reality? And to the propagandists or the patriots it has never mattered what the foreigners say.

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1 minute ago, Darth Vader said:

Let me know when you see it.

Ahmadinejad doubted the authenticity of the holocaust, did anyone believe him? Countries do not function the way you think they do. How many countries announced that they doubted the 911 WTC reality? And to the propagandists or the patriots it has never mattered what the foreigners say.

You could believe what you want, but what I see is there is more evidence proving the moon landing to be true than there are evidence of it not being true.

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2 hours ago, iCambrian said:

For anyone who thinks the moon landings were fake, post your evidence. And not just a YouTube video please. This includes you vader, who mysteriously disappeared from our last discussion.

I have linked that last discussion he keeps mentioning for all to see. That discussion had ended with just iCambrian winging on as he does repeatedly asking me to "make my case" with no real input. :blabla:

2 hours ago, Hassan Y said:

You could believe what you want, but what I see is there is more evidence proving the moon landing to be true than there are evidence of it not being true.

That is fine. As I have written before we all believe what we want to believe in and do not change our belief unless we become unsure of its truth, and becoming unsure and then researching is a difficult thing for the masses.

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1 hour ago, power said:

I guess America are somewhat responsible for creating a hoax landing to begin with, hence so much conspiracy theorist.   

So, so true. There is always something new and startlingly fishy to discover about the alleged moon landings. The moon rocks are missing and Apollo 11 does not have mission telemetry data, 698 out of 700 of its tapes are "lost". Why? Because all those 1's and 0's recorded by the Apollo computer could not lie so they got rid of them.

NASA's biggest crime though is the hijack of manned space travel research and technology with their lie of the moon landing. Otherwise someone may have researched VARB and deep space shielding by now. American government and agencies are the biggest and most damaging liars in the history of mankind. Obama and presidents before him kept lying and never sent a single man through the VARB and on to Mars or the Moon and keep delaying it. I for one know exactly why. Its not possible. VARB is a reason there is life on planet earth. VARB is real, the moon landing fairy tale is not.

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5 hours ago, Darth Vader said:

I have linked that last discussion he keeps mentioning for all to see. That discussion had ended with just iCambrian winging on as he does repeatedly asking me to "make my case" with no real input. :blabla:

That is fine. As I have written before we all believe what we want to believe in and do not change our belief unless we become unsure of its truth, and becoming unsure and then researching is a difficult thing for the masses.


I recall you making baseless claims. I asked you to back them up and you disappeared from the discussion. Im still waiting, to this day. Read the above link^

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6 hours ago, iCambrian said:

I recall you making baseless claims. I asked you to back them up and you disappeared from the discussion. Im still waiting, to this day. Read the above link^

I do not see any baseless claims not backed up. You will have to be specific. You asked about the film specs and I have you links for research. You asked about lunar temperatures and I wrote them. If you wanted me to publish a book on the subject endorsed by neil degrasse tyson and michio kaku of course that is never going to happen for multiple reasons. And there are already plenty of great books on the subject written by American scientists. One of those books inspired someone to make a hollywood film called "Capricorn One" showing how nasa fakes a manned mission to mars and that film has a rating of 6.8/10 on imdb. So unless you research for your own you are stuck with crude information being written by me.

But seriously bro, come on. We both know you are not interested in the subject and your own research on those things is zero. So spare my time please? I wrote more than enough there so that even a school kid can pick up the trail if they want to. I link documentaries and you turn them aside labeling them "youtube videos". I can't help you. You kept asking for arbitrary things. It is why I disappeared.

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Anyway I want to share another very interesting piece of evidence for anyone following the apollo hoax discussions.

The video shows how low earth orbit (real) EVA affects the space suit of an astronaut by inflating it to the extremes due to the vacuum versus how the suit is shrunk and creased due to deflation during fake events. Its another eye opener.

Part 2:

Part 3:

I encourage any space travel science veterans or the genuine truth seekers to view these. These show an important aspect of real space science and shatter the fictional.

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Here is a ridiculous piece of news published in UK's Telegraph about how the American shills presented a fake moon rock to Holland as a "gift" which was found to be petrified wood. Not surprising right?



Researchers Amsterdam's Free University were able to tell at a glance that the rock was unlikely to be from the moon, a conclusion that was borne out by tests.

"It's a nondescript, pretty-much-worthless stone," said Frank Beunk, a geologist involved in the investigation.

LOL But to be honest moon rocks aren't different enough from earth rocks anyway having the same mineral compositions and features.

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it is pretty much well established that not only was the moon landing a hoax but the it is even questionable if the moon even exists? Now swiss cheese does exist - and the moon does look a lot like cheese - so we can reasonably assume that we get our swiss cheese from the moon. But otherwise it is really all up in the air... as for powerful telescopes - look closely at the lens and you'll see a tiny US flag ... that is what you see when you point the telescope towards the moon. 

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15 hours ago, skylight2 said:

as for powerful telescopes - look closely at the lens and you'll see a tiny US flag

Which or whose powerful telescope are we talking about here? Have you seen the tiny flag yourself?

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On 11/28/2016 at 6:45 AM, Darth Vader said:

I do not see any baseless claims not backed up. You will have to be specific. You asked about the film specs and I have you links for research. You asked about lunar temperatures and I wrote them. If you wanted me to publish a book on the subject endorsed by neil degrasse tyson and michio kaku of course that is never going to happen for multiple reasons. And there are already plenty of great books on the subject written by American scientists. One of those books inspired someone to make a hollywood film called "Capricorn One" showing how nasa fakes a manned mission to mars and that film has a rating of 6.8/10 on imdb. So unless you research for your own you are stuck with crude information being written by me.

But seriously bro, come on. We both know you are not interested in the subject and your own research on those things is zero. So spare my time please? I wrote more than enough there so that even a school kid can pick up the trail if they want to. I link documentaries and you turn them aside labeling them "youtube videos". I can't help you. You kept asking for arbitrary things. It is why I disappeared.

lets go back to the original discussion then.

Heres a quote


" There is no need to research how violently photographics films can burn to the comparatively negligible proximity heat of a lit match of 80 celcius, or how, right here on earth, they freeze and break off into flakes when exposed to earthly cold temperatures of a few minus celcius. "


"Ok, so your argument, as far as I can tell, appears to be that cold temperatures on the moon are so cold that cameras would freeze and break into flakes.  See below for your statement.

"right here on earth, they freeze and break off into flakes when exposed to earthly cold temperatures of a few minus celcius. "

So that combined is a statement.

Temperatures on the moon become so cold, that the film of the hasselblad el 500 cameras, would freeze at the time in which astronauts attempted to use the camera outside of the spacecraft.

So, assuming this is your argument

1. What temperatures were the astronauts actually exposed to?

2. What protection did their camera and/or film have from those temperatures?"

We know that there is no atmosphere on the moon to hold a temperature, so question number 1 is important. We want to know, specifically, what negative temperature did the astronauts have to deal with? To them, was it like -100?, -200? -5? What temperature did the environment actually have that their film may " freeze and break off into flakes ".?


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