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Homosexual converting to Islam?

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I was raised Christian, but recently have been looking into Islam, which makes a lot more sense to me...

However, I have a problem - I'm homosexual.

As homosexuality isn't permissible in Islam, is it still possible to me to convert to Islam?

Is simply having homosexual desires impermissible, or is it just sexual acts? If so, providing I am celibate, I will have no issue? Please help...

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Guest silasun

Welcome to the forums! Hope you stick around.

To answer the question: 

No, a person who converts to Islam just has to believe the Islamic beliefs. It should also be noted that acting on the desires is not allowed, since actions driven by lust are not allowed except between a married man and woman.

However, holding these desires is not a sin. There are a number of Muslims who struggle with this issue and restrain themselves for the sake of God.

Edited by silasun
My punctuation stinks
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There is no problem in anyone converting to Islam, regardless of their background. All sins are wiped clear when you become a Muslim. Desires are not in themselves sinful, but obviously it is desirable to fight against sinful desires, rather than just not acting on them (although this is of course the most important thing).

May God guide you in your search for the truth.

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Welcome to shiachat! 

As others have said, having  attraction to your same gender isn't a sin. Entertaining those thoughts is dangerously close to sin and better to avoid. Engaging in homosexual acts is a sin. 

May Allah make your path clear and easier for you, and let us know if you have additional questions.

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15 hours ago, tkmimble said:

I was raised Christian, but recently have been looking into Islam, which makes a lot more sense to me...

However, I have a problem - I'm homosexual.

As homosexuality isn't permissible in Islam, is it still possible to me to convert to Islam?

Is simply having homosexual desires impermissible, or is it just sexual acts? If so, providing I am celibate, I will have no issue? Please help...

Salam aleykoum,

Be homosexual and religious (jew, christian or muslim) is very problematic if not impossible. You must struggle your love for women because its considered as a sin and NEVER do "homosexual sexual acts"; be homosexual is a sin according to religions but do homosexual "acts" (in public) is a bigger sin and even considered as a crime in an islamic state.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎10‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 1:59 PM, tkmimble said:

I was raised Christian, but recently have been looking into Islam, which makes a lot more sense to me...

However, I have a problem - I'm homosexual.

As homosexuality isn't permissible in Islam, is it still possible to me to convert to Islam?

Is simply having homosexual desires impermissible, or is it just sexual acts? If so, providing I am celibate, I will have no issue? Please help...


Salam Alaykum.

My dear brother, why don't you first become a Muslim/believer in a true and One God, then the rest of your problems will be solved. Trust Allah, for he is the only One who can cleans your heart, guide you on the right path, and solve all of your problems. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GOD, he is omnipotent, all knowing, all seeing and all hearing. You have to just put your trust in Allah and leave everything else up to him, he can create miracles.

May Allah swt guide you on the right path Inshallah. Allahuma sal e alla Mohammad wa all e Mohammad.


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  • 1 month later...
  • Advanced Member

Please also read upon why homosexuality is forbidden in Islam. When reading about different types of diseases, you find that many are caused from intercourse between males. Your body wasn't made to do such an act.

You should ask yourself, why do you feel this way? Is it because you are looking for someone to love who won't be so attached to you? There should be some psychological reason why.

Don't mind the readings you'll find about going to hell, great punishment, etc. Don't get scared or discouraged to join the religion. First you should understand WHY this thing is not accepted.

Once you become Muslim, all your sins are erased and you start new. So if you had done anything haram/ sinful in your past, it doesn't count anymore and you're forgiven. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm not Muslim, but I want to throw my two cents in. Surely, if one has such tendencies and inclinations, but constantly struggles and fights them off, they are a righteous person. Allah loves the repenter, for he is Merciful. Those who truly repent and struggle to do what is right are on a much higher spiritual level then most of us. Good luck in whatever path you follow!

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On 10/20/2016 at 4:59 PM, tkmimble said:

I was raised Christian, but recently have been looking into Islam, which makes a lot more sense to me...

However, I have a problem - I'm homosexual.

As homosexuality isn't permissible in Islam, is it still possible to me to convert to Islam?

Is simply having homosexual desires impermissible, or is it just sexual acts? If so, providing I am celibate, I will have no issue? Please help...

You can be a muslim and be homosexual in the sense that you have an attraction towards men.  If you acted upon your desires, you'd be a muslim in sin.  Your status as a muslim doesn't change.

A thief doesn't cease being a muslim when he steals, nor cease if one lies or cheats etc.  Acknowledging, repenting and making a sincere effort would preserve your status as a believer, no matter if you're muslim, jew, christian etc.

Your capacity to be a muslim would be questioned only if you think of some round about mental justification of homosexuality being allowed, against direct explicit command from God to not carry out these acts.  That should extend to other parts/commands of God from God's books, not just regarding homosexuality.

Celibacy is discouraged, strongly.  We must eventually marry, and attempt to have child(ren).  If you feel celibacy is one way to abstain from homosexual tendencies/acts - I would probably consult with someone who is knowledgeable who can offer real insight.  My unprofessional opinion would be that if you believe maintaining celibacy is your best way of exercising self control of the homosexual dimension of yourself, perhaps its alright to live life on in that fashion.

To convert to Islam you only need to declare there is no other God but God, and that Muhammad, peace be upon him is his final messenger.  You must believe in the Day of Judgement, the Angels, the books of God (Bible, Torah, etc.), fast/give charity every year and make a pilgrimage to Mecca to the Kaaba at least one time in your life if its in your capacity.

If you wanna discuss sects/theology, that I encourage to do self research, open discussions with others, to gain a fundamental background/insight to what's going on.  And try to make as an objective sincere approach that you can in practicing Islam.

Edited by wmehar2
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  • 1 month later...
  • Veteran Member
On 21/10/2016 at 7:59 AM, tkmimble said:

However, I have a problem - I'm homosexual.

Homosexuality is not permitted in Islam or any other religion.

So your conversion will be meaningless unless you seriously overcome your weakness.

If you fail, there is always a second chance.

However, persistent failures seriously undermine your Islam and your sincerity.

Now let me try to give you a little practical help.


1. First of all, to think that homosexual desires cannot be converted to heterosexual desires is a fallacy.

I personally know a person who was a top homo.

Yet somehow he was persuaded to marry.

And lo and behold, his homosexual desires vanished.


2. Secondly, think of the infinite magnitude of God's mercy.

You and I have a lot more things in life than millions of people in the world.

Can you not give up one pleasure in gratitude for God's infinite mercy?


3. Just suppose there are no homosexuals in the world.

What do you have left?

Only heterosexuals - right?

Now think for a moment.

Does every one of them get his fulfillment readily all the time?

No they don't.

If you go to countries like India, the opportunity for sex is much less than there is in the West.

Some people have to endure years of celibacy before they get married.

Well then, why can't you keep away from your desires?

Do it piece by piece.

One day at a time.

Keep reminding yourself that each day you are getting closer to God.

And if you can do it for one day, why not two, why not more?

And why not for the rest of your life?

Because then when you die, you will be standing before the Lord, with your report card in your hand, and answer God for each single occasion of your ingratitude. 

Remember there is a lot to be grateful to God for.

Why can't you just stay away from the fulfillment of just one desire?  

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