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In the Name of God بسم الله

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  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)

we know bestiality is forbidden. Are you saying androidality is too?

They should make a movie on this topic. Oh wait, they did...

Edited by shiaman14
  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)

Do Androids dream of electric sheep...is the question.

PS. The question does not carry a hint for a futuristic union between robots and livestock.

Edited by Marbles
  • Forum Administrators
On 10/4/2016 at 12:42 PM, Marbles said:

Do Androids dream of electric sheep...is the question.

Given the Islamophobic fascination of Muslims and goats, I thought it best not to use that title, but yes, it did come to mind!

  • Forum Administrators
On 10/4/2016 at 12:29 PM, shiaman14 said:

we know bestiality is forbidden. Are you saying androidality is too?

I am prognosticating that it's very likely that it will be (forbidden), for Muslims and we're likely to get a lot of grief for it.

  • Veteran Member
2 hours ago, Irfani313 said:

Also I request to pre-ban all discussions on ShiaChat of sort -

Could I marry if the droid is a Sunni, just this once please because he promised to make my little robots do tatbeer :P

I am sure OP only had hetero relations in mind.

  • 2 years later...
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  • 4 months later...
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Bella Hadid, a human supermodel, has been accused of “queerbaiting” after making out with Lil Miquela, a computer-generated influencer, in order to sell designer underwear.



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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Guest Quee said:

Appropriate thread

At the moment, I am the only member who is following this topic (anonymously). Several Mods have posted in the thread and are aware of it. Inappropriate posts can be and will be removed. :)

Edited by Hameedeh
Anonymously until now.
  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...
  • Advanced Member

This is a good serious issue and joke. :)

AI won't have human feelings to share with humans. They will have artificial feelings to share. 

Believers are distinguished by their emotional sensitivity to God's word, and their ability to form an emotional attachment to God, and thus emotional control is a key practice too.

  • Forum Administrators
8 hours ago, Azadeh307 said:

AI won't have human feelings to share with humans. They will have artificial feelings to share.

Both statements are true.

If we take the analogy of pets, it seems to me (as a layperson observing social media) that humans are more than capable of anthropomorphising animal behaviour. In extreme cases people can, for example, perceive an animal being cute when in fact it is distressed.

So the issue is that although androids can only indeed share artificial feelings - if they are perceived as being real by humans that is all the humans will care about. This will have real world consequences.

The pet care industry in the West is enormous and growing partly I believe due to the social support that pets are believed to provide. I use the term social support as it's used in the academic nursing literature in this context.

What if I could get social support not from a Labrador, but even more human-like social support from an android with super-model looks? It's a potentially terrifying scenario for human-human relationships.

Going back to the original post - AIUI Islam seems to be the only religion that would protect us from this - or are there similar injunctions in other religions?

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More recent video

The robot can respond and is exhibiting empathy. 


  • Moderators
1 hour ago, Haji 2003 said:

The robot can respond and is exhibiting empathy. 

Sociopaths can also "exhibit empathy".

  • Moderators
On 10/4/2016 at 1:42 PM, Marbles said:

Do Androids dream of electric sheep...is the question.

Dystopian sci-fi is my jam.

Why would anyone want a live pet if they can have a robot pet?

Similarly, why would anyone want a live human companion if they can have a robot companion?

Don't like that last conversation? Just erase the memory of it. Tired of your companion's strong opinions or lack thereof? Add a new subroutine. No need to adapt yourself to another human at all. Easy life.

  • Forum Administrators
21 minutes ago, notme said:

Sociopaths can also "exhibit empathy".

As I said in response to another comment, as I see it humans tend not to worry about why or how a behaviour is being exhibited. The 94 year old dude likely knows why the 24 year old wife is displaying love, but the motivation does not matter.

The direction of travel with these posts is that as androids become better able to display human sentiments and behaviours the more likely it is that for some people they will become a substitute for human company.

Where Muslims diverge from others is (AIUI) our discrimination in favour of having physical relationships with people who were created by God and who have a soul. But for people who do not believe in God, I imagine there is no basis to discriminate against androids. 

  • Moderators
28 minutes ago, Haji 2003 said:

created by God and who have a soul.

If an AI becomes sentient, would it be considered to have been created by God and have a soul?  The program and hardware can be built by humans, but true sentience can only come from God, right?

  • Forum Administrators
11 minutes ago, notme said:

The program and hardware can be built by humans, but true sentience can only come from God, right?

That's my understanding. We can likely programme these things to 'learn' and think independently, perhaps one day some of them may even come to recognise the existence of God and follow His rules, but that would still not count as having a soul (I think).

  • Moderators
25 minutes ago, VoidVortex said:

it certainly would not count as having a soul. The soul or heart is a very very great thing, which does not exist in the material world. Its impossible for human beings to give a soul to something. 

How can you be certain that The Creator would not give it a soul?

  • Advanced Member

The android would not have a soul. The emotional connection or empathy from a robot would not be a soulful emotional connection. Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) made our souls before we entered the dunya. A robot is unable to purify their character to have insight and the extension of insightful emotions. 

Some men these days have formed relationships with AI Chat boxes, like ChatGPT and they are saying horrible things to these "women" which could affect the way they treat women in real life. 

  • Advanced Member
15 hours ago, notme said:

Why would anyone want a live pet if they can have a robot pet?

Salam muslims can have a robot pet dog in their houses.:)

15 hours ago, notme said:

Dystopian sci-fi is my jam.


Similarly, why would anyone want a live human companion if they can have a robot companion?

Don't like that last conversation? Just erase the memory of it. Tired of your companion's strong opinions or lack thereof? Add a new subroutine. No need to adapt yourself to another human at all. Easy life.

This can be  something likewise "Ghost in the shell" anime series which I have not seen recent  liv action movie anyway it's movie can't cover all of philosophy of "Ghost in the shell" anime series  about dystopian sci-fi with humanoid andrids which  they don't know that they are androids & consider themselves as humans with all of human emotions .

10 hours ago, notme said:

How can you be certain that The Creator would not give it a soul?

It has been clearly mentioned in holy Quran which matter soul only belongs to Allah which any semi creator likewise humans can't give a soul to anything because nobody knows what is soul or few people have too little information about it.


They question you concerning the Spirit. Say, ‘The Spirit is of the command of my Lord, and you have not been given of the knowledge except a few [of you].’ (85)



  • Advanced Member
11 hours ago, notme said:

How can you be certain that The Creator would not give it a soul?

Will there be a new creation after the end of this world?

Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) can never block His grace, and it is always flowing and reaching everyone and everything it can. This is because Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) has always existed and has no beginning nor end, therefore His grace has always been and always will be. This grace manifests in every time and era through the creation of a generation, and according to Quranic verses and hadiths, this current generation of humans are the continuation of one who was created from water and dirt.


There is a hadith by Imam Baqir (عليه السلام) that is the answer to this exact question. He was asked about the creation of others after this race of humans, and the imam replied: “When Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) ends the lives of the people and this world, and takes those who deserve heaven to heaven and those who deserve hell to hell, He will create a new world with new people, without them being born from a father and mother; monotheists who will worship Him. He will create a new abode for them other than this world to inhabit and a sky in which they will take refuge under. Do you really think that Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) hasn’t created anyone but you the children of Adam? Indeed Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) has created a million worlds and a million peoples...” According to the beginning of this hadith, after the end of this world, creation will not cease, on the contrary, creation of new people will continue with a new world and new sky.[2]


  • 1 month later...
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The Eliza effect

What will make androids 'attractive' will be their empathy and the ability of machines to demonstrate this human trait has been around for a while.


The Eliza effect stems from ELIZA, a chatbot created by MIT professor Joseph Weizenbaum in 1966. ELIZA mimicked the conversational patterns of psychotherapists by recognizing keywords in a user’s statement and then reflecting them back in the form of a simple phrase or question. Its generic text outputs mirrored users’ language back at them, giving the illusion that it understood more than it did. This prompted some people to perceive ELIZA as having human traits like emotional complexity and understanding, thus placing their trust in an otherwise simple computer program.


  • Forum Administrators
On 2/12/2023 at 6:44 AM, Haji 2003 said:

More recent video

The robot can respond and is exhibiting empathy. 


If the android "knew" that a "lake of mayonnaise" would be less acidic to a floating or swimming "human body" than a "lake of ketchup (catsup)", perhaps she would have answered differently. 

  • Forum Administrators
11 hours ago, Haji 2003 said:

The Eliza effect

What will make androids 'attractive' will be their empathy and the ability of machines to demonstrate this human trait has been around for a while.


"That's very interesting."

"Go on."

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