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In the Name of God بسم الله


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Guest Slave of Zahra

It is narrated that the Prophet (saw) has said:

Allah does not look at (the value of) you faces nor you wealth but

He looks at you heart and practice

  • Advanced Member


I get hadiths daily too, so i'll contribute as well :)

It is narrated that Imam Sadiq (as) has said:

A believer fears no one but Allah, and says nothing but the truth.

Guest Slave of Zahra

It is narrated that Imam Baqir (as) has said that the Prophet (saw):

Whoever desires to be the richest of people should be more certain

of what is in the hands of Allah than in the hands of others.

Prophetic Traditions on Islam on the authority of the Family of the


Page 186 Hadith number 912

Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri

Guest Slave of Zahra

It is narrated:

Whoever removes an annoying hurdle from the path of Muslims, Allah

shall write for him a virtue, whose reward is Paradise.

Jami al-Saadat

The Collector of Felicities

Page 116

Muhammad Mahdi ibn Abi Dharr al-Naraqi

  • Advanced Member
It is narrated:

Whoever removes an annoying hurdle from the path of Muslims, Allah

shall write for him a virtue, whose reward is Paradise.

Jami al-Saadat

The Collector of Felicities

Page 116

Muhammad Mahdi ibn Abi Dharr al-Naraqi


We get the same "hadiths of the day..."

D'oh :squeez: I was hoping we got different ones...

Guest Slave of Zahra
We get the same "hadiths of the day..."

D'oh  I was hoping we got different ones...

yeah me too .. i thought that would be neat if we got different ones but inshallah u can post them if i forget or if u have some saved inshallah.. btw my sig is a hadith i got one time .. i liked it so i kept it inshallah..


  • Advanced Member


It is narrated that the Prophet (saw) has said:

Do not look at the minuteness of the sin, but see whom you have

sinned against.

A Bundle of Flowers from the Gardens of Traditions of the Prophet &

Ahlul Bayt (as)

Page 63

Ayatollah Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani

Translated by Sayyid Abbas Sadr-ameli

Guest Slave of Zahra

It is narrated that the Prophet (saw) has said:

He who sleeps bearing deceit against his Muslims brother in his

heart, has spelt in the wrath of Allah, and remains in that case

until he repents.

A Bundle of Flowers from the Garden of Traditions of the Prophet &

Ahlul-Bayt (as)

Page 196

Ayatollah Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani

Sayyid Abbas Sadr-ameli

  • Advanced Member

It is narrated that Imam Baqir (as) has said that the Prophet (saw):

Whoever desires to be the richest of people should be more certain

of what is in the hands of Allah than in the hands of others.

Prophetic Traditions on Islam on the authority of the Family of the


Page 186 Hadith number 912

Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri

Guest Slave of Zahra

It is narrated that Imam Sajjad (as) has said:

Beware of companionship of the sinful, and helping the unjust.

A Bundle of Flowers from the Garden of Traditions of the Prophet &

Ahlul-Bayt (as)

Page 119

Ayatollah Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani

Sayyid Abbas Sadr-ameli

Guest Slave of Zahra

It is narrated that the Prophet (saw) has said:

No drop is more beloved with Allah, Almighty and Glorious, than the

drop of blood which is poured in the way of Allah.

A Bundle of Flowers from the Garden of Traditions of the Prophet &

Ahlul-Bayt (as)

Page 217

Ayatollah Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani

Sayyid Abbas Sadr-ameli

Guest so_solid_shia

Imam Ja'afar Al sadiq (as) Imam of the 4 "imams" said :

' I feel sorry for the man who does not do mutah once in his lifetime'

  • Advanced Member


It is narrated that Imam Sadiq (as) has said:

To remove a mountain is easier than removing faith.

Tuhaf al-Uqoul

The Masterpieces of the Intellects

Page 422 Hadith number 8

Abu Muhammed al-Hasan bin Ali bin al-Hussein bin Shu'ba al-Harrani

Translated by Badr Shahin

Guest Slave of Zahra

assalamu alaikum

sis freedom fighter ...

so r we getting different hadiths???(crossing my fingers and hoping) :squeez:

where do u get yours from? inshallah


Guest Slave of Zahra
Posted (edited)

It is narrated that Imam Ali (as) has said:

A servant (of Allah) does not taste faith till such time that he

abandons telling lie both seriously and as a joke.

Fascinating Discourses of Fourteen Infallibles (as)

Page 79 Hadith number 32

Islamic Propagation Organisation

Javed Iqbal Qazilbash

Edited by UmAli
  • Advanced Member

Aslamo 3alikum,

Like your body, your mind also gets tired so refresh it by wise sayings - HAZRAT ALI (A.S.)



  • Advanced Member

salam alaykom. i wish to add hadith in arabic. so just i wish that it could b read, cuz i c that no arabic font is read on this site

قال عليّ (ع) : وعلى العاقل أن يحصي على نفسه مساويها في الدين والرأي والأخلاق والأدب ، فيجمع

ذلك في صدره أو في كتاب ، ويعمل في إزالتها

  • Advanced Member

salm. if i cant join u by arabic ahadith how about by ahadith about one topic??

today it will b about Imami ALi (as):

1) The Prophet (s) said, “The title of the believer's book is love for Ali (a).” Al-Manaqib of Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 243; Tarikh Baghdad of Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi, 4/410; Al-Jami^ of Al-Sayuti, 2/145; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda.

قال النبي (ص) : عنوان صحيفة المؤمن : حب عليّ

المناقب لابن المغازلي 243 - تاريخ بغداد للخطيب البغدادي 4/410 - الجامع للسيوط 2/145 - ينابيع المودة.

6) The Prophet (s) said, “The one who wants to live my life and die my death will attach himself to Ali (a).” Musnad of Ahmad, 5/94; Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/128; Kenz Al-Omal, 6/217; Al-Tabarani.

قال النبي (ص) : مَن سرّه أن يحيا حياتي ، ويموت مماتي ، فليتول من بعدي عليّا

مسند أحمد 5/94 - مستدرك الصحيحين للحاكم النيسابوري 3/128 - كنز العمال 6/217 - الطبراني.

15) The Prophet (s) said, “Exemption from the Hellfire comes with love for Ali (a).” Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 2/241; Tarikh Baghdad of Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi, 6/851; Akhtab Khawarizm, 86; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 90.

قال النبي (ص) : براءة من النار حبّ عليّ

مستدرك الصحيحين للحاكم النيسابوري 2/241 - تاريخ بغداد للخطيب البغدادي 6/85 - اخطب خوارزم 86 - ابن المغازلي 90.

34) The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is with the Qur’an, and the Qur’an is with Ali.” Al-Bukhari, 5/19; Muslim, 2/360; Al-Tirmidhi, 5/304; Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/109; Ibn Majah, 1/28; Musnad Ahmad, 3/328.

قال النبي (ص) : عليّ (ع) مع القرآن , والقرآن مع علي

البخاري 5/19 - مسلم 2/360 - الترمذي 5/304 - مستدرك الصحيحين للحاكم النيسابوري 3/109 - ابن ماجة 1/28 - مسند أحمد 3/328

39) The Prophet (s) said, “The position of Ali (a) amongst the people is like Surat Qul Hu Allahu Ahad in the Qur’an.” Muslim, 1/48; Al-Tirmidhi, 2/299; Al-Nisa’i, 27; Musnad Ahmad, 6/299; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 191.

قال النبي (ص) : عليّ (ع) مثله في الناس , كمثل قل هو الله احد في القرآن

مسلم 1/48 - الترمذي 2/299 - النسائي 8/117 - الخصائص للنسائي 27 - مسند احمد 6/299 - ابن المغازلي 191

  • Advanced Member



It is narrated that Imam Hassan (as) has said:

The annihilation of people lies in three things, arrogance , greed and jealousy

Fascinating Discourses of Fourteen Infallibles (as)

Page 79 Hadith number 32

Islamic Propagation Organisation

Javed Iqbal Qazilbash

  • Advanced Member

salam alaykom. i choosed two hadith for Imam Mahdy (ajala Allah lana farajaha)

If our devotees' (may Allah give them success in obeying Him) hearts are gathered on meeting their obligation, their good fortune of meeting us would not have been delayed, and their joy of seeing us would have been expedited. (Al-Ihtijaj, by al-Tabrasy Ch.2, P.499)

Nothing spites Satan like performing the prayer, so perform it and spite him! (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.182)

Guest Slave of Zahra

It is narrated that Imam Muhammad Taqi (as) has said:

If the ignorant keeps silent, people would not differ.

Fascinating Discourses of Fourteen Infallibles (as)

Page 215 Hadith number 5

Islamic Propagation Organisation

Javed Iqbal Qazilbash

  • Advanced Member



It is narrated that the Prophet (saw) has said:

When the two angels who record the deeds take your letter of deeds

to Allah, and He see's that it is good in the beginning and at the

end, He will tell the angels, `witness that I forgive My servant due

to both ends of his letter of deeds.'

Mishkat ul-Anwar fi Ghurar il-Akhbar

The Lamp Niche for the Best Traditions

Page 302 Hadith number 600

Hassan ibn Fazl ibn Hassan Tabarsi

Translated by Lisa Zaynab Morgan and Dr Ali. Peirabi

  • Advanced Member



It is narrated that the Prophet (saw) has said:

On Judgment day, nothing holds more weight than being good-tempered.

Mishkat ul-Anwar fi Ghurar il-Akhbar

The Lamp Niche for the Best Traditions

Page 558 Hadith number 1311

Hassan ibn Fazl ibn Hassan Tabarsi

Translated by Lisa Zaynab Morgan and Dr Ali. Peirabi

  • Advanced Member



It is narrated that the Prophet (saw) has said:

No drop is more beloved with Allah, Almighty and Glorious, than the

drop of blood which is poured in the way of Allah.

A Bundle of Flowers from the Garden of Traditions of the Prophet &

Ahlul-Bayt (as)

Page 217

Ayatollah Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani

Sayyid Abbas Sadr-ameli

Guest Slave of Zahra

It is narrated Foruh asked Imam Sadiq (as), `how do you recognise

your true followers?' Imam Sadiq (as) said, `our followers are the

people who follow our ways.

Mishkat ul-Anwar fi Ghurar il-Akhbar

The Lamp Niche for the Best Traditions

Page 166 Hadith number 304

Hassan ibn Fazl ibn Hassan Tabarsi

Translated by Lisa Zaynab Morgan and Dr Ali. Peirabi

Guest Slave of Zahra
Posted (edited)

assalamu alaikum

i did not receive my usual hadith in my email not sure why but anyway i found this quote from imam ali (as) and thought i would share it inshallah..

Amir al-mu'minin peace be upon him. said

The endurer does not miss success although it may take a long time


Edited by UmAli
  • Advanced Member



It is narrated that the Prophet (saw) has said:

Whoever is troubled by his bad actions and made happy by his good

[ones]is a believer.

Prophetic Traditions on Islam on the authority of the Family of the


Page 218 hadith number 1132

Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri

  • Advanced Member



It is narrated that the Prophet (saw) has said:

O Ali, he who forgets to seek blessings for me is missing the path for paradise.


The Sermons

Page 101

Sheikh as-Sadouq

Translated by Badr Shahin

Guest Slave of Zahra

It is narrated that the Prophet (saw) has said that Allah the

Almighty has said,

I have a great problem with man. I created him, but he worships

others. I gave him his daily bread, but he thanks others. I cut off

his daily bread, but he complains to others about it.

Mishkat ul-Anwar fi Ghurar il-Akhbar

The Lamp Niche for the Best Traditions

Page 796 Hadith number 1914

Hassan ibn Fazl ibn Hassan Tabarsi

Translated by Lisa Zaynab Morgan and Dr Ali. Peiravi

Guest Slave of Zahra

It is narrated that Imam Sajjad (as) has said:

Whenever a believer withstands calamities for three days and does

not complain to anyone, Allah will solve his problem.

Mishkat ul-Anwar fi Ghurar il-Akhbar

The Lamp Niche for the Best Traditions

Page 680 Hadith number 1613

Hassan ibn Fazl ibn Hassan Tabarsi

Translated by Lisa Zaynab Morgan and Dr Ali. Peiravi

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