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In the Name of God بسم الله

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Asalam-o-Alaykum brothers and sisters.

This has to be the least talked about topic throughout the whole Muslim community, including the Sunni and other sects.

We can simply look up matters and rulings for Abortion, Euthanasia, IVF, etc. That's all well and good, a well-known Mujtahid can easily provide answers for these matters.

However, there are still some things that need addressing, as they will become common in the future.

Matters not addressed or they are addressed briefly:

- Cloning:

I understand that Ayatollah Sistani provided an answer to cloning animals (which is permissible), but what of Humans? Am I allowed to have a double? And if I do, then was it Allah's will that another me was created or a creation of my own?

- Genetic Modification -->

An answer was provided by Ayatollah Sistani that, as long as it is beneficial, it is permissible as long as there are no side effects. If anyone is able to (I've tried) then could you help me go into more depth with this?

- Designer Children

Now this is what the main controversial topic of the future will be. Children born under IVF that enables their parents to choose his/her eye colour, skin colour, hair colour. Parents can also decide how tall and what body type they will be, and even decide what their facial feature will look like. Parents may even decide how smart, and how athletic their child will become.

Already there are big countries like Australia that have banned having children like that because they believe such children will be at such a significant advantage over the other normal children.

Other religious traditions have already made rulings on these matters. The Catholic Church prohibit it, as God is the one and only creator. Therefore, by deciding essentially all the child's features, the parents are then acting "in the place of God".

If we are to successfully transition into the future, then we must seriously be thinking of the matters above. Not only will this help our future generations, but it will also help non-Muslims to have a clear understanding of what our deen says about this, rather they have some fuzzy idea that they might share with other like-minded people who look into these matters.

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