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In the Name of God بسم الله

Evil eye isn't leaving me

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Salam brothers and sisters ,

Plz help me in the name of Allah swt,  I'm so  tense since 6 to 7 months of my life.  I have been the victim of evil eye since 8 months , I'm just sufferring and sufferring. It has stole my happiness , my beauty from me , my peace , my comfortable life , this all been ended. 

I've been the victim of a very very very bad evil eye , more powerful than black magic, there's not been a single day I've not cried. I'm trying my very hard to get rid but I can't , I do many powerful ruqyahs , I read quls more than 500 tines daily, I read more than 40 times muzamil, many times manzil,  I daily read surah baqrah.  It's still powerful , it's not got weak. My life has become misery , I cry when I see other girls nd people enjoying nd smiling because I've lost that all , I m such hopeless thst  I often slap my face in misery  cause Iam unable to free myself of this curse, I'm only a teen, I've a much life ahead.  I've no hope , I often try to jump but I care about Allah swt .  Satan gives me waswasas  nd God  has left me to him nd I don't know what to do . 

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Just now, QiiQii said:

Well, how do you know it is an evil eye and not just a rough patch you're going through in life?

Plz don't ask the same question , I know it's an evil eye I'm sufferring I know I've those symptoms. 

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I can understand that it is disturbing you a lot to know that you have an evil eye on you. What do you think will make you feel a bit calmer about the situation?

  • Basic Members
3 hours ago, QiiQii said:

I can understand that it is disturbing you a lot to know that you have an evil eye on you. What do you think will make you feel a bit calmer about the situation?

I don't know , I'm miserable . how can I know what would make me feel better . 

2 hours ago, Farkhunda said:

I don't know , I'm miserable . how can I know what would make me feel better . 

Do you believe in Allah (azwj)?

Do you believe he is more powerful what what is harming you?



This may or may not work, it depends on you:  http://www.duas.org/sabaasab.htm

I had a dream in which I was taught to recite Suratal Falaq with a certain tone and spirit, and interpretation. Ever since then, life has changed from me, and I don't feel overwhelmed by negative energy and thoughts.

Recite suratal falaq every morning and before you go to sleep. But also whenever you are aware that evil eye is attacking you and afflicting you, recite it.

There is some people who have no idea what it means to be afflicted with the evil eye. I wouldn't bother with them, just ignore them, and do your thing. It's going to make you or break you.

Believe/trust in God and believe/trust in yourself. These two beliefs go together.




  • Basic Members

Hello Farkhunda, 

We don't know the truth of the situation, i.e. whether sans the Evil Eye you will in fact be flourishing. You may in fact be a "weak" person. Removing this Evil Eye does not necessarily entail going back to a "base" that you did not know you had...

What I'm trying to say is: how do we know that if we go back in time to before the Evil Eye took effect, that that period of flourishing you experienced was in fact real? Perhaps the base of your ‘self’ is not even real in the first case.

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The Muslim has to protect himself against the devils among the evil jinn and mankind, by having strong faith in Allaah and by putting his trust in Him and seeking refuge with Him and beseeching Him, reciting the prayers for protection narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), reciting al-Mi’wadhatayn [the last two soorahs of the Qur’aan], Soorat al-Ikhlaas, Soorat al-Faatihah, and Aayat al-Kursi.

Du’aa’s for protection:
A’oodhu bi kalimaat-illaah il-taammati min sharri ma khalaqa (I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allaah from the evil of that which He has created).


If you can't get out of it, for a long time, you may want to see a doctor. You may have depression, and medications may or may not be good idea.

But I would try that Du'a I recommended. Try it, it doesn't hurt. A lot of time people on depression medications don't help them and a lot of people get better without medications.

If you have other symptoms like hallucinations, again, if they are under control, you may or may not need medications. If your mind loses control though and it has lost it entirely before (ie you been through psychosis), I would take medications and never ever get off of them no matter how better you feel.

But if you feel afflicted with the evil eye, chances are you know the glare and you know how you are effected. You know the negative attack of it, so medications won't defeat that in themselves. They will help in some things while making other things worse. Like if you take anti-psychotics, the negate energy will be amplified, and it will be harder to feel happier, do things, etc... to a degree. Often medications help alleviate that, in the sense, they reduce the illness, but often, they make those things worse.

So you will have to find a way if you take medications to fight through the negative energy that comes with it. You have to strengthen your spirit, till your mind no matter how weak it is or how chaotic and negative it is, will not be in control of your spirit, but you in control of your mind.

Have hope in all this, and try to rely on hope, and never despair. Replace the despair with hope, believe in yourself in as much as you believe in God, for if you believe in God then you should know he has given you potential and power. 

Don't give into the negative thoughts.


  • Veteran Member


Try to remember the sufferings of Imam Hussain (as) at the final moment of Karbala until you forget about yourself for while...look at Imam Hussain (as) as he was alone surrounded by evil people (that full with evil eyes) and Imam was asking 'has anyone to help Hussain'... insyaAllah, with syafaat of Imam Hussain, by virtue that you remember the sufferings of Imam Hussain, Allah swt will remove your evil eyes, and your mental distress, insyaAllah. Spiritually, it will uplift you.

Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, layman said:


Try to remember the sufferings of Imam Hussain (as) at the final moment of Karbala until you forget about yourself for while...look at Imam Hussain (as) as he was alone surrounded by evil people (that full with evil eyes) and Imam was asking 'has anyone to help Hussain'... insyaAllah, with syafaat of Imam Hussain, by virtue that you remember the sufferings of Imam Hussain, Allah swt will remove your evil eyes, and your mental distress, insyaAllah. Spiritually, it will uplift you.


I can relate with this.  I would recite Quran and be more distressed over the injustice Prophets and Ahlulbayt face, and I feel this non-centering around yourself is very helpful.  Just reading Suratal Yusuf and the tears of Yaqoub is enough to make people realize the love of final Prophet has for Hussain.

Also helping the cause of Ahlulbayt in anyway you can will make you feel better.

I can say I was happier as a non-Muslim, but it was vain type happiness.  Islam isn't all about bringing happinness, but making us instead of being self centered, to center ourselves over God and his chosen ones from creation.

Edited by StrugglingForTheLight
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44 minutes ago, StrugglingForTheLight said:

Don't give into the negative thoughts.

@farkhunda ^Good advice for all of us. Let negative thoughts pass away. Do not dwell on them. Think positive thoughts instead. Please say this to seek Allah's help when you feel threatened by Satan: audhu billahi min ash-shaitanir rajeem.

  • Advanced Member


All of the posters here have some very good advice for you but I know this can be very overwhelming to take in too. So don't feel depressed if you feel that you won't be able to carry it all out. What I would suggest you do is start by identifying things that make you calmer. The prayers that make you calmer even if they are smaller ones and not bigger ones and only do them and trust that Allah will hear them from you even if they are small. However, if you feel that only reading the big ones make you feel better than do those or you can do a mixture of big ones and small ones. The point is to identify which ones bring you more inner peace. 

You should also consider the fact that maybe the point of the evil eye was not so much to make your life miserable but rather to drive you out of your wits which you shouldn't let happen. I think you are doing a great job to try to make sure that the evil eye doesn't affect you but you need to focus your energy more on what brings you calm so that you don't suffer more than you already are.

One thing I would suggest is perhaps, trying out different surahs or duas to see how they affect you in manifesting the peace inside. That will help you identify what works instead of trying them all together and not knowing which ones work best. Try to really focus on what you want to accomplish by reading the surah or the dua whether peace of mind, protection or both etc. Remember that the intention plays an extremely important part in trying to manifest what we are seeking from Allah S.W.T.

It might be hard at first to try to become peaceful after your life has seemed like a storm but trust me, we start from the very little to get to something big. So while you might not have the peace that you want and it seems difficult to get it at this point, all you need to do is take baby steps to get there. There is a Hadith in which Allah S.W.T. says that if my servant takes one step towards me, I take a1000 steps towards him/her. So remember the Allah S.W.T. is there for you even if you are too busy focusing on the things that are actually making you miserable.

Another thing I would like to say is that part of reading duas to make our lives better has to do with acknowledging before Allah S.W.T. that we are powerless in front of what afflicts us or that we have lost control of the situation. When we pray, we recognize that nothing is outside of Allah S.W.T.'s control and that he can intervene in your affairs to make them better for you. But we start with surrendering ourselves and our situation to Allah S.W.T. and his authority over everything. Then we hope for deliverance from our afflictions.

Finally, I want to say is that your anxiety may actually be because of other factors in your life. You will be surprised to know that our diet can impact our way of thinking. By eating some things, our thoughts can begin racing and others can help us think clearly etc. I would also try to investigate if my diet is not causing me distress. But it can also be things other than diet that are affecting you in the way that you describe so once again, I would say that you should try to identify what those are in order to begin treating them so that you will overcome your sufferings.

I hope this post doesn't overwhelm you but I felt like I needed to give you this information so that you have a way to help yourself. Keep us posted as you start applying these things to your life so that we know you are safe.

I pray to Allah S.W.T. to grant you peace and security and help you realize the calm that you are trying to acheive.

Wa La Hawla Wa La Quwwata illa Billah Al Ali Al Azeem.

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Just now, StrugglingForTheLight said:

I really don't want to think that I'm hopeless and I'm helpless but whenever I see other people freed from their sufferring , I look at myself , nd whenever after all my hard efforts of reading quran whole days n nights , screamingly crying to Allah swt , whole nights praying to him, doung several ruqyahs nd duas  but still  have not gained complete shifa I get disappointed.  

Sometimes after prayer I don't feel like making dua , I dont do dua. I just cry nd say to myself that I've no any helper,  Allah is not happy with me.  

Maybe you would say that I lack trust in Allah , what could i do i just want Allah to help me , Forgive me for my disappointment n take me out of the misery, Its very bad one  so severe , that I began losing my conscience . 


  • Basic Members

I really don't want to think that I'm hopeless and I'm helpless but whenever I see other people freed from their sufferring , I look at myself , nd whenever after all my hard efforts of reading quran whole days n nights , screamingly crying to Allah swt , whole nights praying to him, doung several ruqyahs nd duas  but still  have not gained complete shifa I get disappointed.  

Sometimes after prayer I don't feel like making dua , I dont do dua. I just cry nd say to myself that I've no any helper,  Allah is not happy with me.  

Maybe you would say that I lack trust in Allah , what could i do i just want Allah to help me , Forgive me for my disappointment n take me out of the misery, Its very bad one  so severe , that I began losing my conscience . 



I been afflicted by dark forces, I see a lot things I don't discuss with anyone to be honest, and I am yet not "cured" in the full sense of the word and don't ever expect to be. Rather I know I have to fight my whole life against them and constantly pray to God to help me against them. I have security and feel at peace.

Take medications if you have to, keep fighting, rely on hope and define "cure" as a living a honorable life as best as you can.


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I pray that may Allah free me of this affliction very soon so I can live a happy nd healthy life. 


Thankyou all for your help nd good advices , indeed for a tortured one these kind words means a lot nd supportive.  

I'll keep them in my mind , remember me in your prayers. <3 

  • Veteran Member
On ‎26‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 9:00 AM, StrugglingForTheLight said:

I been afflicted by dark forces, I see a lot things I don't discuss with anyone to be honest, and I am yet not "cured" in the full sense of the word and don't ever expect to be. Rather I know I have to fight my whole life against them and constantly pray to God to help me against them. I have security and feel at peace.

Take medications if you have to, keep fighting, rely on hope and define "cure" as a living a honorable life as best as you can.


Fighting dark forces (spiritually) is part of personal Jihad and one must not be defeated.  May loss few battles, but must win the war.  End results of each battle is peace in heart and mind.  This peacefulness granted by Allah swt (because winning the battles) is difficult to describe unless he/she experienced it.  A person feels that he needs help from Allah swt all the time to move on in life.  His weapons are duas...

Posted (edited)

Since you already read so many Duas, try Ziarat-e-aashura and dua sabaasab. But the most effective is going for ziarat. If you can afford to go, this will surely help you. You will probably need to go every year but considering your situation, you need to go as soon as possible. There are other people going through the same problem so it's not something you did. 

Edited by rkazmi33

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