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In the Name of God بسم الله

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  • 8 months later...
  • Forum Administrators

New members are restricted to 10 posts in a 24 hour period until 60 days since joining ShiaChat. Your join date is on your profile.

  • 3 months later...
  • Moderators
Posted (edited)

New members cannot use the chat room, cannot send a private message (PM) and cannot start a blog. Post 25 times in the forums to become an Advanced member and get advanced privileges. :) 

ShiaChat is in the English language, except for this forum: 


Edited by ShiaChat Mod
Link update.
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

Can somebody explain to me why I wasn't able to post reply's to topics? I know that I'm a basic member, but I haven't read anywhere that there is a limit of posts per day till you're an advanced member. If there is, could you show me the link so I know when I'm able to post again. 

[Mod Note: New members are restricted to create 10 posts in a 24 hour period until 120 days since joining ShiaChat. Your join date is on your profile.]

Edited by ShiaChat Mod
Mod Note
  • Forum Administrators

To SEARCH ShiaChat to find the answer to your question, read this post:


  • Forum Administrators

All members are under restriction, not just new members:

Basic Members:

  1. Only 10 posts in 24 hours period until 60 days since joining the forum
  2. First 25 posts will be moderated 
  3. Cannot delete own posts
  4. No private message (PM)
  5. No chat room access

Advanced and Veteran Members:

  1. Only 10 new PM conversations in a 24 hour period and only 1 PM topic in an hour (500 total)
  2. No attachments in PM
  3. Only 15 posts in 24 hours period until 120 days since joining the forum
  4. Cannot delete own posts
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Forum Administrators

:sign_welcome: If you cannot remember where your new topic is located, or which topic that you replied to, click on your username and go to your profile page. Click on the "See my activity" button to see everything. Click on Topics on the left side to see your own topics. Click on Posts to see all your posts. The new ones are on the first page and the older posts are on the last page. 

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Forum Administrators

About your private information, e-mail addresses, etc:

Do not disclose any one's private information in the forum, including your own. This includes WhatsApp, e-mail address, IP address, house address, and any other individual information, such as your real name. Whatever you post on the Internet will be read by scammers and spammers. Thousands of people visit these forums daily and it's not worth the spam or scams that are possible. 

  • 2 months later...
  • Forum Administrators
Posted (edited)

Don't confess your sins in a topic at ShiaChat! See this topic, please:


Edited by ShiaChat Mod
Link updated.
  • Forum Administrators
  • 4 weeks later...
  • Forum Administrators

No advertising in any post, topic or PM (personal message). 

If you become a registered member, you may post a link to your website in your signature, on your 'About Me' page or in the URL field on your profile.

FYI: ShiaChat has ad banners at the top of the homepage. These banners cost money. It would not be fair for advertisers to pay for their advertising banners and you receive free advertising. Please consider purchasing an ad banner that would be affixed near the top of the ShiaChat homepage.

To learn how to advertise at ShiaChat, and the fees involved, see this page: http://www.shiachat.com/ads/

The current 2 week advertising fee is displayed there. Click on the drop down box to see other periods of time that are available to advertisers.

After your payment has been submitted and your website is reviewed, a member of the ShiaChat.com advertising team would contact you.

  • Forum Administrators

Since guest members cannot be tagged, there is no way to let you know that your topic is under review by Moderators. If 24 hours has passed by and you cannot find your topic, you can safely assume that your topic was not approved. 

  • Forum Administrators

Topics asking for help in finding a spouse (mutah, nikah, soul mate) will not be approved. Read this topic: 


  • 3 weeks later...
  • Forum Administrators

If you need people to make dua for you and you are shy to make your own topic to ask for dua, you can post in this thread:


  • 3 weeks later...
  • Moderators

If you have a financial problem, tell your relatives and friends who can help you. If you inform the mosque near you, I am sure that they will help you as much as they can. If you do not live near a mosque, then seek help from a local NGO where you live. ShiaChat does not allow topics asking for financial help, due to a prevalence of online scams. 

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Moderators

Mods discussed Discord, and the decision was that we will not allow any new threads, because ShiaChat cannot vouch for nor can it endorse a Discord group. 

If you already participate in a Discord, you can invite someone by private message (PM), not in a public topic. Please remain alert and if the owner of a Discord group disappears, then consider that the site might have been hacked. Never give out personal information that can identify yourself or someone else. 

  • 5 weeks later...
  • Forum Administrators

When creating your topic, the "Title box" is the subject of your question. :) Please do not use Miss, Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc. as the title of your topic. Mods, at their discretion, can change the title of your topic.  



  • 2 weeks later...
  • Forum Administrators
  • 3 months later...
  • Forum Administrators
On 3/1/2017 at 6:29 PM, ShiaChat Mod said:

REMINDER: Mods might refuse to approve any guest topic with SEXUALLY EXPLICIT content.  If explicit content is edited out, the topic can be approved and discussed.

A few points about choosing your Guest username:

  • Any topic started by a guest with an inappropriate username will not be approved.
  • Questions by guests are supposed to be anonymous, so do not use your real name or the name of anyone else.  
  • If you log in with a username that looks like somebody's real name, Moderators reserve the right to not approve your topic.
  • Questions by a guest that are embarrassing (sexually explicit, masturbation, porn, etc) -- especially if the guest username includes the word Syed (sayyid, sayed, etc.) -- can be ignored, and some, most or all Mods might not approve those kind of posts.
  • Forum Administrators

If you want to learn how to make wudu and pray according to the Shia madhab (school of thought), the topics are in the Jurisprudence and Islamic Law subforum. See the topics here:





Grand Ayatullahs (find a marja!)


  • 2 weeks later...
  • Moderators
On 10/19/2017 at 9:58 PM, Guest Account Ali said:

Greetings, I would like to know at what point will I be able to post comments and posts without having them be hidden first and approved by a moderator?

Greetings! Look at the first post in this topic to see when you will be an Advanced member. :) 

  • Advanced Member


1 minute ago, ShiaChat Mod said:

Greetings! Look at my first post in this topic to see when you will be an Advanced member. :) 

Also, by "post" do you mean actual posts and comments, or just posts? Also, I have a decent number of comments on back-order that I would appreciate be approved or not. I appreciate your response. 

  • Moderators
1 minute ago, Guest Account Ali said:

Also, by "post" do you mean actual posts and comments, or just posts? Also, I have a decent number of comments on back-order that I would appreciate be approved or not. I appreciate your response. 

Posts are replies in the forum topics, not comments on someone's profile. If you look at your profile, all your posts have been approved.

  • Development Team
On 10/19/2017 at 9:58 PM, Guest Account Ali said:

Greetings, I would like to know at what point will I be able to post comments and posts without having them be hidden first and approved by a moderator? 

Congratulations, Brother. You are now an Advanced member. 

  • Forum Administrators

Excessively large fonts (size 16-72) -- or extremely small fonts (size 8-11) -- can be edited by a Mod to a standard size (12-14). If you have done this frequently, a Mod can give you a warning. 

  • Forum Administrators

If you are an Advanced member (with 25+ posts in the forums) you can send a PM (private message). Here is how:

Go to the member's profile page. Next to their username is a box that says "Message." Click on it and write what you want to say and click the "Send" button. Wait for the member to reply to your PM. 

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