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What is your opinion on Assad?

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I have sunni parents who view Assad as an evil dictator, and one sheikh who I frequently watched in the past even called him "the firaun of our times" but I've been doing some research and I've realized this isn't all one sided. My dad views Assad as the "greater of two evils" in his words, and my mom probably thinks the same, the two being Assad Vs moderate rebels (FSA)...my question is, do you think the FSA (Free Syrian Army) is a terrorist group or that the revolution is legitimate, or neither, is assad supported by his people, and what do you think of Bashar Al Assad?


@sinan, bro if your parents are sunni or shia its your personal matter, but may Allah bless them ! As for your  hero Mr. Butcher al assad (mass killer of sunnis) what fsa is doing is correct but not in "proper way" by allied to isis as being weak. And Iran is "much' worried for shrines & power over there, though they are making syria a "sunni graveyard". As for Saudis they would have jumped earlier in syria "before" creating drama in Yemen. And lastly as for mideast allies they are supporting them for their mutual "benefits", that's all. 

Have a good time. 

4 hours ago, Reader. said:

@sinan, bro if your parents are sunni or shia its your personal matter, but may Allah bless them ! As for your  hero Mr. Butcher al assad (mass killer of sunnis) what fsa is doing is correct but not in "proper way" by allied to isis as being weak. And Iran is "much' worried for shrines & power over there, though they are making syria a "sunni graveyard". As for Saudis they would have jumped earlier in syria "before" creating drama in Yemen. And lastly as for mideast allies they are supporting them for their mutual "benefits", that's all. 

Have a good time. 

Last time I checked the greatest "mass murderer of Sunnis" was ISIS, FSA, Ahraar ash-shaam, al nusra,etc. These groups constantly fight and kill each other on the streets of Iraq and Syria killing civilians and themselves. Anyone who disagrees with ISIS their village is raped, their women sold into slavery, and their men killed,etc.

Bashar Al-Asad does not target civilians, this is a lie peddled by Sunnis such as yourself who support terrorists like the FSA with their tongues and support ISIS in their hearts, we know your games and we know how you think. Bashar has absolutely no reason to target civilians, he benefits nothing and would lose everything. If Bashar was targeting civilians then the Syrian people would not support him however this is not the case.



  • Development Team
Posted (edited)

I am conflicted about Bashar Assad, on one side I hear he is a mass murderer and ruthless dictator, and then I hear on the other side that is not the case and he is well-liked, respected and a "man of the people" so I am indifferent to Assad as of right now. Daesh, Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda by far will always be worse than Bashar Assad.

Edited by Gaius I. Caesar
  • Advanced Member

Of course,Bashar al assad is an evil,rotten creature. He is neither Sunni nor Shia but an alawi (out of the fold of Islam,trinity worship) doesn't matter however,which ever sect or religion,one belongs to. He is created a civil war in the nation,for holding onto power and millions of children,women and innocent people are homeless and running around for shelter and safety. If Imam Hussain (as) was here,he would want to seek justice and establish a righteous government by unseating Assad similar to his campaign against the evil dictator of his time yazid.

  • Development Team
11 hours ago, sunnilove2hussain said:

He is neither Sunni nor Shia but an alawi (out of the fold of Islam,trinity worship)

That's my main problem with Assad, he is terribly unfit to lead Syria being an Alawi and secularist.

22 hours ago, Abu-Jafar Herz said:

Last time I checked the greatest "mass murderer of Sunnis" was ISIS, FSA, Ahraar ash-shaam, al nusra,etc. These groups constantly fight and kill each other on the streets of Iraq and Syria killing civilians and themselves. Anyone who disagrees with ISIS their village is raped, their women sold into slavery, and their men killed,etc.

Bashar Al-Asad does not target civilians, this is a lie peddled by Sunnis such as yourself who support terrorists like the FSA with their tongues and support ISIS in their hearts, we know your games and we know how you think. Bashar has absolutely no reason to target civilians, he benefits nothing and would lose everything. If Bashar was targeting civilians then the Syrian people would not support him however this is not the case.



Alas, i was aware of this as usual, so didn't i said in my previous post "your hero" Mr. Butcher al assad (mass killer of sunnis)! That was in fact the reason i high lighted. Bro don't blame us and oppress us for your "hatred" towards sunnis, and fear "imams".

  • Advanced Member


Assad is a corrupt dictator but the revolution against him was hijacked by bad people who turned this into a Sunni Shia conflict. They have added a horrible sectarian rhetoric into the Syrian conflict, when everyone in Syria was and is affected by a corrupt ineffective dictator like Bashar and the gang that revolves around him. The Syrian people like any people want a government that represents them through democracy and they want freedom from being tortured and imprisoned because of an “emergency” law. But those who hijacked the revolution against Assad have given him a second life because no one wants the Muslim Brothers controlling Syria, much less Jabhat El Nusra and Daesh and Ahar El Sham or any sectarian group. The hijacking of the Syrian revolution by certain governments and clerics have turned this conflict into a very very ugly and sad conflict and has destroyed a generation in Syria. The only good group in syria is the ypg and those allied with them. 

5 hours ago, Reader. said:

Alas, i was aware of this as usual, so didn't i said in my previous post "your hero" Mr. Butcher al assad (mass killer of sunnis)! That was in fact the reason i high lighted. Bro don't blame us and oppress us for your "hatred" towards sunnis, and fear "imams".

What are you talking about? NATO themselves have admitted publicly that the majority of the Syrian population supports Bashar. If Bashar was systematically killing off his own people then his own people would never in a million years support him. The majority of his army are themselves Sunni due to the fact that the majority of Syria is Sunni. 

Posted (edited)

@Abu-Jafar Herz @Sinan @Gaius I. Caesar @Sawa


I begin in the name of Allah, the beneficient the merciful.

I want you all to read what i am about to write very carefully my dear brothers and sisters. I have been doing an incredible ammount of research on the syrian conflict, sometimes this research has been an obsession and i have had to force myself to cut down on it. Why- you may ask, have i had such a keen interest? The reason being the ammount of world-wide damage that can be caused, and the devious and scheming parties in this conflict.

Firstly, let me give you my opinion on Assad, as a shia, as a muslim, and most of all as a human being:

Do people not have a right to choose their own leader? Should we not have democratic processes in play to do this? Not only was Assad in power for well over a decade and a half, his father was in power for decades before. The people in charge really did not want him or his father. He is, by definition, a dictator. In this syrian conflict, and i ask you all to remember Allah knows what is in your heart, and i beg you to remember the suffering of Imam Hussain a.s on the plains of Kerbala and testify to yourselves one thing - do you not accept that whether Assad planned it or not, there are elements within his army - rouge elements who have commited acts against humanity? Who have used barrel bombs, who have hit schools, hospitals, and such? We need to be very careful as muslims to not start heaping praise on a man like Assad. He prays with his arms folded, his wife is a sunni, he seems more secular than anything else.

I ask you to go to users like Q'aim - a shiachat admin, Abu Hadi, a shia chat moderator, user after user, reliable, trustworthy men and women who do not like Assad at all, but consider him a lesser evil, and simply a matter between picking the lesser of the corrupt evils.

But here's the reason why i do not want Assad to fall, despite all of the above:

The syrian conflict was not about peace, democracy, and people trying to gain power from a dictator. Although initial marches were for peace, here is what happened:

1. The USA has always wanted to destabalize syria, to weaken it, not for the democracy of the 'muslimeen' - because lets face it, the closest arab ally to america is the father of all dictatorships, Saudi Arabia. Rather, the aim was to weaken Iran ultimately, and strengthen Israels position in the region, as well as israel's claim to the golan heights. For all the bad Assad has done, one good thing he has done is been anti-israel and pro-resistance, from helping the palestinians , to helping hezbollah- who defeated israel in 2006. The USA has deviously, cunningly used the media to spread misinformation about the conflict in Syria.

2. Gulf States, like saudi arabia, et al, have wished to instill their own proxies in syria. Again, countries like qatar, saudi arabia , are dictatorships themselves, and so it's hilarious seeing them supporting drives for peace and democracy. Instead, they have supported secterian terrorists, for example, Qatar's official support for groups like Ahrar Asham, who were founded by Alqaeda!

The majority of the strongest groups in Syria are hardlike, secterian and alqaeda linked or alqaeda sympathizing groups. From Daesh, to Jabhat al Nusra, to groups who have closely worked with them , such as Ahrar Asham, and Jabhat Al Nusra. If Assad were to fall, these highly efficient, ruthless, secterian, and devilish groups would undoubtedly fill in that power vacuum , and the situation in syria will be far, far worse. These groups have no intention for democracy. It will be worse bloodshed.

And this group are clever. They've used social media to make this all look like a sunni-shia thing, to turn sunni's against shia's and to , sadly, recruit sunni's who blindly believe the secterian propaganda their churning out. Don't get me wrong, Assad has done - or his forces have done, among elements of them, terrible things in this war, but a lot of it has been hyberbole by these groups.


I'm going to be adding a few links and pieces of information for you all to arm yourselves with knowledge.


Edited by Tawheed313
Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, Abu-Jafar Herz said:

What are you talking about? NATO themselves have admitted publicly that the majority of the Syrian population supports Bashar. If Bashar was systematically killing off his own people then his own people would never in a million years support him. The majority of his army are themselves Sunni due to the fact that the majority of Syria is Sunni. 

A lot of people support Bashar not because they like him. For example, many Kurds do not want Assad to fall despite the fact they say he badly persecuted them. The reason being despite the atrocities Assad has commited, the alternative is ISIS, Al Nusra, ahrar asham, jaysh al islam and hardline secterian takfiri militants.

And no-one can doubt that with the air raids, barralel bombs etc , Assads armies have undoubtedly been responsible for thousands, if not tens of thousands of civilian deaths. It's just the nature of the kind of weapons and the way war works, and i believe it's totally harram.

I don't want Assad to fall because he is the lesser of the evil here. It is in insult for me if i glorify him and praise him as a great leader with the same tounge as i praise amirul mumineen a.s

Edited by Tawheed313
On 18/02/2016 at 8:16 PM, Sinan said:

I have sunni parents who view Assad as an evil dictator, and one sheikh who I frequently watched in the past even called him "the firaun of our times" but I've been doing some research and I've realized this isn't all one sided. My dad views Assad as the "greater of two evils" in his words, and my mom probably thinks the same, the two being Assad Vs moderate rebels (FSA)...my question is, do you think the FSA (Free Syrian Army) is a terrorist group or that the revolution is legitimate, or neither, is assad supported by his people, and what do you think of Bashar Al Assad?

Let me also make one thing clear here:

The idea that this is Assad VS a moderate 'free syrian army' is a myth, a complete myth and total disinformation.

The reality:

1. The FSA are among the most fragmented and weakest of the groups , compared to the more hardline , terrorist groups, who are far more ruthless, far better armed etc.

The strongest 'opposition ' groups fighting Assad are:

1. Daesh - ISIS

2. Jabhat al Nusra, the official alqaeda affiliate.

3. Ahrar asham founded by alqaeda.

4. Possibly jaysh al islam, worked closely with al nusra, and their ex leader, zahran alloush, praised bin laden and praised al nusra - i.e alqaeda.


Now, in my books, however bad Assad may be, i would never back alqaeda, ISIS, alqaeda founded groups and secterian groups led by people who praise 'sheihk osama bin laden raahimullah'




Posted (edited)



I begin in the name of Allah, the beneficient the merciful.

I want you all to read what i am about to write very carefully my dear brothers and sisters. I have been doing an incredible ammount of research on the syrian conflict, sometimes this research has been an obsession and i have had to force myself to cut down on it. Why- you may ask, have i had such a keen interest? The reason being the ammount of world-wide damage that can be caused, and the devious and scheming parties in this conflict.


Wa alaikum salam.

I also have done much research on this topic. I just want to remind you brother, that if it wasn't for Asad the Shia and Christians would of been massacred like animals by the Muslim brother hood and other Salafi organizations. You should also keep in mind that like any institution, there are bad people in it and good people in it. Even at the masjid, sometimes there is a thief among them who steals the charity for example. Asad's regime is not perfect, no one is claiming that his regime is without flaws. 

It saddens me to see Shia actually buying into to the anti-Asad/anti-Sayed Hassan Nasrallah propaganda. Israel's number 1 enemy is Bashar Asad, and this is because they know that he cannot be bought by the west nor will he sell himself like the other Arabs leaders have done.



Firstly, let me give you my opinion on Assad, as a shia, as a muslim, and most of all as a human being:

Do people not have a right to choose their own leader? 





Yes they do, and they have chosen Bashar Asad and supported him before and during the civil war.

Here is a paper written by a political science professor at the Global Research institute. The paper shows how Bashar won his elections fair and square to the point where even Saudi Arabia and her allies in the gulf region were distraught by it. He also shows that the majority of the Syrian people do support Bashar.

He also mentions the fact that if Bashar was targeting and murdering innocent people en masse, his public support would not exist.





Not only was Assad in power for well over a decade and a half, his father was in power for decades before.





And this bothers you why? Do you even understand how Syria was before Bashar Asad and his father? Salafi groups were murdering Shia and Christians left and right, the Asad family took power as a result of their secularism and public support. If a Sunni regime was in power it would of probably continue to kill Shia and Christians, you act as if a pro minority equal rights leader taking control of Syria is a bad thing.



 The people in charge really did not want him or his father. 





The people in charge? What are you talking about? Obviously if the Asad family took power in Syria they'd be the ones in charge, or are you referring to the regime that was pro Turkey/Sunni/lets kill Shia and Christians along with the Armenians regime? No thanks, I'll take the secularist socialist.


He is, by definition, a dictator.

 His people support him, who are you or me to say otherwise? Following your logic Sayed Khumayni and Khamanei were "dictators" since no one voted them in, are we going to use this logic? There is nothing haram or Islamically illegal about having a regime running a nation, as long as that regime is just and the people are satisfied with the leadership then it is completely lawful.



In this syrian conflict, and i ask you all to remember Allah knows what is in your heart, and i beg you to remember the suffering of Imam Hussain a.s on the plains of Kerbala and testify to yourselves one thing - do you not accept that whether Assad planned it or not, there are elements within his army - rouge elements who have commited acts against humanity? Who have used barrel bombs, who have hit schools, hospitals, and such?

As I said before, no regime is without its individuals who break the laws of the country, but to suggest this is the norm requires proof which no one has ever provided.

The "barrel bombs" argument is a myth, just like the "gas attack done by Bashar" was proven to be done by terrorists and not Bashar. Bashar was being visited by UN inspectors the very same day when the attack happened, to suggest that he killed 1000 people by using chemical weapons while in the very presence of UN investigators in the capital is absurd. Furthermore, the chemical agent that was used to kill the innocent civilians was found with terrorist groups, as admitted by USA and her allies, this is why we don't hear this accusation anymore against Bashar being blasted on the TV. 

The barrel bombs argument is also a myth, Bashar himself denies using it in multiple interviews. The people who claim he uses barrel bombs are organizations who are proven liars like "shabka" and others. Most of their analysts don't even leave the office, they simply operate on hearsay and opinion, they were also anti-Asad even before the conflict. 

The videos showing the "barrel bombs" are not barrels bombs but are actually FAB-250 bombs that are even used by the United States and Russia, they are dropped by helicoptors.

In fact, it can be proven by statistics alone that these are not barrel bombs. In Aleppo, some 1500 bombs were dropped on targets that caused the death of around 3000 people. The report showed that the vast majority of the people who were killed were fighters, so the barrel bombs is just another way of attacking Bashar.


A lot of people support Bashar not because they like him. For example, many Kurds do not want Assad to fall despite the fact they say he badly persecuted them. The reason being despite the atrocities Assad has commited, the alternative is ISIS, Al Nusra, ahrar asham, jaysh al islam and hardline secterian takfiri militants.

Where are you getting your information from? The Kurdish groups are fighting alongside Bashar as we speak and they openly support him. I've also answered your accusations above, the Syrian people supported Bashar both before and during the civil war.



And no-one can doubt that with the air raids, barralel bombs etc , Assads armies have undoubtedly been responsible for thousands, if not tens of thousands of civilian deaths. It's just the nature of the kind of weapons and the way war works, and i believe it's totally harram.

I don't want Assad to fall because he is the lesser of the evil here. It is in insult for me if i glorify him and praise him as a great leader with the same tounge as i praise amirul mumineen a.s


Your self-righteousness and dramatic tone of bringing Imam Ali [as] and Imam Hussein [as] is cute. Fact of the matter is, the accusations that Bashar is killing his own people on purpose by using barrel bombs and air raids is absurd and illogical. There is absolutely no reason why he would do that and kill all influence and support he has from his people. If he was doing as you claim, then why do the majority of the people support him? Why does Sayed Hassan Nasrallah support Bashar? Are you trying to say that Sayed Hassan Nasrallah openly supports a murderer and tyrant? Sayed Hassan is not masum/sinless nor do we follow him blindly without using our heads, but to suggest that he is now "selling himself" for politics is also absurd given his honest track record. So if I have to choose between "tawheed313" on Shiachat and Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, I think I know who I'm going to listen to.



Edited by Abu-Jafar Herz

I would ask many to stop defending Bashar al Assad and saying he is a great guy and he never did anything wrong, just to feel inner peace in why Hezbollah are in Syria.

1st. Hezbollah arent in Syria defending Bashar al Assad.

2nd. Bashar al Assad is a dictator, and oppressed people, just like most dictators in the Arab and "Islamic" countries.

Yes only difference is Bashar al Assad opposed israel, and was one of the minorities that opposes israel.

Of course him being a dictator doesnt make him a pure devil as Anti-Assad people like making him seem, but it doesnt make him a pure angel as Pro-Assad make him seem.

Both sides need to be realistic. And realize, this war going on in Syria, isnt about Bashar al Assad, it is something bigger than who Assad is, and what Syria is.

  • Veteran Member

My personal opinion means nothing.


The important question is:


What does it mean for the people of Syria whether Bashar stays in power or not? And:

What does it mean for the resistance whether Bashar stays in power or not?


The Leadership and Sayyed Hassan have been very explicit on this issue.

1 hour ago, baradar_jackson said:

What does it mean for the resistance whether Bashar stays in power or not?

The Leadership and Sayyed Hassan have been very explicit on this issue.

Does it matter anymore?

The war is going on, whether Bashar is there or not. So the chair of presidency doesnt stop any war on Syria. Frankly, it has nothing to do with Al-Assad any more.

  • Advanced Member

Asad is surely not an angel but the opposition is of two kinds. 

Extreme Islamists with a backward mindset. And the Western, anti-Russia bloc.

Both influenced by the Tel-Aviv - Washington - Riyadh triangle. 

So the only option left for me is Asad. 

  • Veteran Member


It seems an authoritarian government is required to "keep the peace" in areas where different sects of Islam attempt to coexist.

An interesting exception is Lebanon.  But, it seems it's central government is ineffectual and has long been controlled by different religious sects.

Perhaps we should start to analyze this and ask tough questions.  What creates this environment where authoritarian "my way or the highway" regimes prevail? 

I know most will point fingers at others as the cause.  But, look at the Middle East.  Such instability, brutality and sectarian fueled hatred, surely there are all sides can improve upon.

All the Best,


  • Veteran Member
On 2/24/2016 at 1:09 AM, John Al-Ameli said:

Does it matter anymore?

The war is going on, whether Bashar is there or not. So the chair of presidency doesnt stop any war on Syria. Frankly, it has nothing to do with Al-Assad any more.


Bro this is illogical. Just because the war is ongoing makes the question of presidency meaningless? The point is not that Bashar be able to prevent a takfiri contagion, but rather how is he able to combat that contagion.

4 hours ago, baradar_jackson said:


Bro this is illogical. Just because the war is ongoing makes the question of presidency meaningless? The point is not that Bashar be able to prevent a takfiri contagion, but rather how is he able to combat that contagion.

Presidency is for Syrian people to choose. But my point is, at this moment, if there was Bashar al Assad, or there was no one. How would it change anything? Like let us say, he got killed, or he escaped, or whatever it was, would it change anything? There is a huge war in Syria, with people all over the world fighting, and the war is about a bigger issue than Bashar al Assad and Syria, it is about power of the worlds. Yes it started with an excuse of "Bashar al Assad" but its not for the "person of who he is".

Yes we do support the guy also not for the man he is, because for the man he is, he isnt a very just person, but alteast for his foreign political views. But to tell me people are dying in battle fields because of him? Of course not. Even Nusra and ISIS and even FSA know its not about Bashar al Assad anymore. It is something bigger and greater than that issue.

The whole "Arab Spring" wasnt about presidents or political systems. It was about shifting power.

  • Veteran Member
3 hours ago, Abu-Jafar Herz said:

Their eyes are now set on Lebanon. 

Even though its on life support March 14 is their last card they have left to play in Lebanon. They spent so much money on them and they have nothing to show for it. Saudi right now looks like a blind man throwing punches all over the place hoping it would hit someone.

27 minutes ago, Martyrdom said:

Even though its on life support March 14 is their last card they have left to play in Lebanon. They spent so much money on them and they have nothing to show for it. Saudi right now looks like a blind man throwing punches all over the place hoping it would hit someone.

They are desperate and angry now, their plans are falling all around them. They've lost in Yemen, they've lost in Syria, they will just keep getting more desperate and desperate.

  • Veteran Member
8 hours ago, Martyrdom said:

Even though its on life support March 14 is their last card they have left to play in Lebanon. They spent so much money on them and they have nothing to show for it. Saudi right now looks like a blind man throwing punches all over the place hoping it would hit someone.


King Salman is even more incompetent than his predecessors. The Yemen blunder among other things, proves this.


Syria was how Saudi monarchy went on life support. Yemen will be its graveyard.

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