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In the Name of God بسم الله

On Mathematics

peace seeker II

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If i was to home-school my own kids in mathematics, i would teach them the binary system before anything else. We were all taught the decimal system where we have the 10 numbers, namely 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9. However, the binary system only has 0 and 1 (hence 'bi'nary .. as in two symbols), which makes the counting like this: 1, 10, 11, 110, 111 .. so 1 + 1 = 10. This is how you would count if you only had 0 and 1's. It is especially easy to understand for people who studied computer science.

In my opinion the binary number system goes in line with Islamic names of God. We have the Names of God al Zahir (the visible/ present) and al Batin (the absent).. at the same time the name of God al Ahad (the One )and al Wahid .. also resonating with the number 1. There is a strong emphasis on duality in Islam, like further Names of Allah al Muhyi (giver of life) and al Mumeet (bringer of death) - also relating to the symbols of 0 and 1.


Furthermore, the universe is governed by duality all over. Everything has two sides - a positive and negative, up and down, past and future, left and right. Of course the exception would be black holes, which nobody knows anything about. It coincides with the Taoist principle of Yin and Yang, where everything is understood through this binary way. Existence and nothingness. White and black. male and female. Hard and soft.


Another Islamic support for the binary system in Islam is the name of God al Nour - or the Light. In science today, we study light as a form of Energy that is in essence the same as sound, heat, magnetism, x-ray, ultrasound, matter and visible light (the only difference being the 'frequency' of how many times it goes from existence to non-existence in a span of time). So, scientifically speaking everything that is, is energy. This light / energy is represented as a wave that moves along an horizontal x-axis up and down in relation to the vertical y-axis from 0 to 1, then curves down to 0 again to go down to -1, then curves up again to 0. the x-axis represents time and the y axis represents the going from existence (1) to non existence (-1). So here again we are dealing with zeroes and ones alone. It seems that the language of the Universe is a bunch of zeroes and ones, as described in the Matrix movie.


Another important point in homeschooling away from the retarded schooling system of today would be to spiritually connect to the character and meaning of each number. The kids should absorb the importance, meaning and character of each number. The number 1 alone, in relation to 0, deserves many weeks of digestion and due respect - if not months, years, or lifetime(s).

After the Number 1 is pondered upon and given its due respect, as well as learning how to count, add, subtract, multiply etc in that system, one can go the the amazing number 2 and treat it like a pet. Like this amazing creature with its own energy, color, personality, potential and shape. From the point (1) we get a line (2 points connected), and this can be expanded and meditated upon. Now we can count 0,1,2,10,11,12,120,121,122,...


Of course once we have the number 3, and 4 .. we get into the 2 -Dimensional and 3-Dimensional world of possibilities. I believe that if one truly masters those dimension mathematically and conceptually, one can possibly understand further dimensions better.


This way we can work our way up beyond the standard decimal system, which we use today. Why should we only have 10 numbers? Why not have 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15? .. I believe once a person goes through this step-by-step, a person will have a much better grasp of real mathematics. It will also be more fun and attractive for the learner. Instead of focusing on dry numbers without a holistic view and understanding, and avoiding sheer memorization.


Furthermore, in contrast to the tedius and difficult mathematic processes of most schools today, we should learn and develop the likes of Vedic Mathematics, which will make life much easier. Instead of learning long division and multiplication, we can learn the short version. I still don't understand why we are being taught the "long" version, when there is a shorter one. Just the fact that it's called long shows me that they are aware of there being a shorter one. There are so many easy, fun, flexible and creative ways to solve problems in Maths, that even work mentally without writing it down. It is probably yet another conspiracy way of keeping people dumb and stupid, so you they can be controlled better and lead astray. Just like not teaching kids anything about the golden ratio and sacred geometry.


Please feel free to ask questions or correct me if i'm wrong. This is very easy stuff, and if you don't understand it, it's probably because i'm explaining it wrong.


thank you



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I agree.

The whole existence as we see is coded.

From Islamic point of view, based on 1,3,4,12, 30 ,360 ( Al-kafi- hoduseh asmah )

Number 10 also has lots of significance in the Quran,

because it has 2 zeros, one in the beginning one in the end, and much much more.

( these are the few things my teacher has discussed)

All numbers and alphabets are creations of God,

You may have seen this, the below is a boy who sees and senses numbers in its true form :



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I'm interested in learning about Vedic math.  Can you recommend a book or short website?  (Not a video or long website - my eyes don't like long periods of looking at a screen.)  

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Thanks all for your responses !

Brother tendersoul

That is really interesting. I would LOVE to read a presentation on this by you. Maybe you can post more about it?

Will check out the video soon I'm sha Allah. Looks really interesting !

Brother Gaius .. yeah it is easier and designed to work in our heads. Imagine if someone learns this from young age, and develops passion for this.. what a great mathematician he/she can be! Masha Allah !

And sister notme I really am no expert in this and to me maths is an uncharted territory for mankind. We have just touched upon it I believe. And I haven't gone much into vedic mathematics, but I know it exists and discovered it maybe 13 years ago (and got really upset at the torture I had to go through in school). So if you study it for half an hour you'll know more than me. Don't know any specific books to recommend. But for sake of my kids maybe some day I'll learn it in sha Allah .. If Allah gives me kids .

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Brother tendersoul

That is really interesting. I would LOVE to read a presentation on this by you. Maybe you can post more about it?

Will check out the video soon I'm sha Allah. Looks really interesting !




Parts of it is in Al- Kafi , explaining, 1,3,4,12,30,360 briefly: 


The Book on Oneness of Allah (God)


Chapter 15

Chapter On the Coming into the Existence of the Names of Allah

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I know,right? Do you think the Vedic math system could make me into a great mathematician if I learn it?


yeah i think so



Parts of it is in Al- Kafi , explaining, 1,3,4,12,30,360 briefly: 


The Book on Oneness of Allah (God)


Chapter 15

Chapter On the Coming into the Existence of the Names of Allah


oh thank you. maybe some day you can post the ones related to mathematics and numbers here? or another thread? .. thanks



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Chapter On the Coming into the Existence of the Names of Allah H 305, Ch. 15, h 1


 Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s), who has said the following: 


"Allah, the Most Holy, the Most High, created a name  with letters that had no sound.

He created it with the word that would not be spoken.

He created it with a personality that had no body. It had a similarity that is not described.

He created it with color that is colorless.

Diameters were negated from it. Limitations were distanced away from it.

The feel of all Mutawahhim (intuitive sense) is curtained from it.

It is hidden but not covered. He placed it to be a perfect word consisting of 4 parts together.

No one of them is before the other.

From these He made public only 3 names because people desperately needed them.

One of them is kept out of public sight.

This is the protected and treasured name.

The names that became public is Allah ( ا-ل-ه ), the Most Holy, the Most High.

He, the Most Glorious, for each of these made 4 subservient key elements that formed 12 elements.

Then for each key element He created 30 key elements to indicate an action ascribed to the 4 key elements.


He, therefore, is Al-Rahman (The All compassionate); al-Rahim (The All merciful);

al-Malik (The King); al-Quddus (The Holy); al-Khaliq (The Creator); al-Bari’ (The Maker);

alMusawwir (The Fashioner); al-Hayy (The Ever living); al-Qayyum (The Self-subsistent).

Neither slumber nor sleep seizes Him. Al-’Alim (The All-knowing); al-Khabir (The Allaware);

as-Sami‘ (The All-hearing); al-Basir (The All-seeing); al-Hakim (The All-wise); al-‘Aziz (The All-Majestic);

al-Jabbar (The All-compeller); al-Mutakabbir (The Allsublime); al-‘Aliyy (The Most High);

al-‘Azim (The All-Great); al-Muqtadir (The AllDominant); al-Qadir (The All-capable);

Al-Salam (The All peaceable); al-Mu’min (The Allprotector); al-Muhaymin (The All-preserver);

al-Munshi’ (The All-inventor) al-Badi‘ (The All-originator); al-Rafi‘ (The Exalter);

al-Jalil (The Majestic); al-Karim (The Generous); alRaziq (The All-provider);

al-Muhyi (The Bestower of Life); al-Mumit (The Inflictor of death); al-Ba‘ith (The Resurrector);

al-Warith (The Inheriter).


These names in addition to the (Asma’ al-Husna) beautiful names make them 360.


Such is the ratio of these 3 names. These 3 names are key element names.

Only 1 name is kept out of public sight, protected and treasured with these 3 names.

Thus, Allah has said, "Say, call Allah or al-Rahman. Call whichever you call.


For Him there are beautiful names. (17:110) ??? from each were .

I by letter, nor expressed by word,nor indicated by similitude, nor emblazoned by colour.

Negated from Annit are all dimensions, removed from it all limits,

inaccessible is it to the sensations of every sensate being, and veiled is it without any veil.


Allah made it one all comprehensive Word, with 4 constituents contiguous, immediate, without one being after the other.

3 out of the four were made manifest, since creation was most in need of them,

and 1 has been concealed, the ineffable, the occult Name.

Of the (3) Names that have been made manifest, their manifestation is Allah'—the Hallowed, the Exalted.

To each one of these (3) Names, Allah, the Exalted, subordinated 4 'Supports'.

Thus, they have all become 12'supports' in number.

Then Allah created 30 Names in respect of every support according to (His different) actions.


These names are: Al-Rahman (The All-compassionate); ar-Rahim (The All-merciful); al-Malik (The Lord); al-Quddus (The All-holy); al-Khiliq (The Creator); al-B&ri' ( The Maker); al-Musawwir (The Fashioner); al-.Hayy (The Ever living); al-Qayyam (The Selfsubsistent); 'Whom slumber seize Him not, neither sleep'; al- !41im ( The All-knowing); al-Khabur ( The All-aware); asSami ' ( The Allhearing); al-Basir (The All-seeing); al-Hakim (The All-wise); al->lziz (The All-mighty); al-Jabbar (The All-compeller); al-Mutakabbir (The All-sublime); al-Aliyy (The All-high); al-!Azim (The All-glorious); al-Muqtadir ( The All-omnipotent); al-Qddir ( The All-powerful); as-Saldm (The All-peaceable); al-Mu'min (The All-faithful); al-Muhaymin (The All-preserver); al-Munshi' (The All-evolver) al-Badi' (The All-originator);ar-Rafi' (The Exalter);al-Jalil (The Majestic);al-Karim (The Generous); ar-R§ziq (The All-sustainer); alMuRyi (The Bestower of Life); al-Mumit (The Inflictor of death); al-Ba'ith (The Resurrector); al-W6rith (The Inheriter).


"These names along with the other Beautiful and Good Names come to a total of 360 names.

They all branch forth from the original 3 which are the 3 supports.


And that one ineffable occult name became concealed through these 3 names.

This is what Allah, the Sublime, has said, 'Say, call upon Allah, or call upon 'ar-Rahmdn' (the Compassionate);

whichsoever you call upon, to Him (alone) belongs the name most Beautiful. ' (al-Isrd', 17: 110)"

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