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Urinating Whilst Standing? Public Toilets? Men!

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I am currently at university and tend to stay there for around 10 hours each day. This obviously means I am required to use the toilet frequently. However, due to the large usage of these toilets, it is not always hygienic to sit down and urinate. Anyone have any advice as to possible solutions? The prayer hall is far away and walking there every single time I need to use the toilet is very very time consuming. Is it haram to urinate whilst standing? 



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I am currently at university and tend to stay there for around 10 hours each day. This obviously means I am required to use the toilet frequently. However, due to the large usage of these toilets, it is not always hygienic to sit down and urinate. Anyone have any advice as to possible solutions? The prayer hall is far away and walking there every single time I need to use the toilet is very very time consuming. Is it haram to urinate whilst standing? 


There is this thing called toilet paper ^_^ Use it to frame it on the toilet set. Problem solved. Some schools even have toilet seat covers. You can even bring a separate bottle of water for cleaning yourself after you use the bathroom.

Edited by Ethics
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There is this thing called toilet paper ^_^ Use it to frame it on the toilet set. Problem solved. Some schools even have toilet seat covers. You can even bring a separate bottle of water for cleaning yourself after you use the bathroom.

I heard that even if you put toilet paper if the toilet seat is najis it won't work. You have to cleanse the toilet seat with water.

For the op take a water bottle with you and clean the toilet seat it takes 1 min. And then if you run out of water and want to clean yourself if theirs no one in the bathroom walk with it to the sink and clean it their. But be very fast someone walked in on someone I know on their way to the sink and it was very awkward. The thing people do just to stay Tahar.

Edited by Martyrdom
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I heard that even if you put toilet paper if the toilet seat is najis it won't work. You have to cleanse the toilet seat with water.

For the op take a water bottle with you and clean the toilet seat it takes 1 min. And then if you run out of water and want to clean yourself if theirs no one in the bathroom walk with it to the sink and clean it their. But be very fast someone walked in on someone I know on their way to the sink and it was very awkward. The thing people do just to stay Tahar.


lol brother, thats disgusting. Who just puts toilet paper over a dirty seat? Ewww you obv got to clean it first haha

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I guess it depends on the public toilet. Some are decent and cleaning and putting some toilet paper would be perfectly ok. In other cases, honestly, it's better to do it standing because it's awful. I may sound a bit extreme here, but there are some public toilets (especially in public places with big crowds and activity and very small cleaning staff) I can't even APPROACH without puking. The filth is in the air, no way not to get poisoned and najis.

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Guest silasun

You can sit on a toilet seat after removing the wetness and puttig on toilrt paper and then just do the normal process of taharah of urinary organ.

Also remember that everything is tahir until you are sure that it is najis. But cleanliness is something different so try to be careful about that too.

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Probably is haram but its a lot safer and more sanitary than sitting on one of the public toilet seats.


Why do you have to sit?


Provided you've been working on your thigh muscles you can just take up the sitting position without actually sitting down and making contact with the seat.

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I encounter this almost everyday.

Do this:

1. Make a big ball of toilet paper and clean the dirty and wet seat

2. Once it thoroughly dry, start to build a three layer pad of toilet paper on the seat. I mostly start with the front and back of the toilet seat and later put the longitudinal layers.

It's ready to go. You are sitting on dry toilet papar which is Tahir as opposed to a dry toilet seat which is not Tahir.

I never use the toilet seat covers mostly available in malls and restaurants restrooms. They are too cumbersome to handle and don't cover all the plastic areas of the toilet seat.

Don't forget Istebra (only for men), which is almost impossible to do in standing position. So you will have to do the sitting part.

Edited by Irfani313
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I used to sit and urinate at work toilets, but it's just too much effort each time. So I stand but still within the cubicle. No problems performing Istebra and a wet tissue followed by a dry one to clean it up to maintain cleanliness.


Pretty sure it's allowed to do as long as you're not doing it against a hard surface (due to splash backs?).

Edited by StayingHalal
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^ is dangerous when using western toilets.


BTW, there if there is splash backs when standing, there must also be splash backs when sitting. So it doesn't matter whether u stand or sit. If properly done, there shouldn't be splash backs even while standing. 


One way is that after u do the job standing, do Istibra then clean urself with toilet paper. This way although u r not Tahir, but since you've cleaned urself dry, that means your underwear will not become najis. So next time u can just take Tahara at a convenient toilet and be Tahir again.

Edited by SlaveOfAllah14
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^ Cleaning yourself dry with toilet paper after passing urine would not make your bodyTahir brother; unless you hang yourself exposed in the sun for a good 30 min and until evaporation occurs. Obviously that's not humanly possible because we are not a piece of a garment.

This is a very good read. Please read till the end. http://www.sistani.org/english/book/46/2029/

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I never said it did. What I said was that if you clean urself with tissue paper then wear your underwear, your underwear will not be Najis. Simply because there is no wetness here to be transfered to your underwear. Then at a more convinient toilet you can do Tathir.

Take a read at the article u posted urself of Ayatollah Sistani. It says a Tahir can not become Najis if it comes in dry contact with another Najis.

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Dear brother, I perfectly understood what you wrote. That's why I posted the article, if you read it full, you will notice the article says that they will talk about the laws related to urine in the later part of the article, so the portion you are talking about is not relevant to urine. The urine rules are in the last 1/3rd of the article.

Anyway this is something I would recommend everybody to ask facet of face with an alim.

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Well, in the later 1/3 part, it talks about how to purify your cloths or body in the state of Tahara if it has urine. But the rule of Najasa not being transferred when it is dry or a non flowing wetness still holds. 

Edited by SlaveOfAllah14
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I really hope your interpretation of that ruling is correct. Because if it is, it's going to make my life much easier. Since it's new to me, I'll be verifying it with an alim in my very first encounter inshaAllah. Like I expected as I joined SC recently, I'm learning something new here every other week or so.

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Yup, and if you do talk to an Alim, do please let me know. I haven't talked to an Alim but I have talked to brother Qaim, he says it is correct.


Besides bro, it is the most practical and easy way to do our job ;), else man even going to the bathroom is going make life hard lol. 

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Dear SlaveofAllah14: I talked to an alim and I confirmed that your understanding of dry najasa not transferring to another dry object is correct.


In a nutshell, if a najasa is completely dry, then it won't transfer if its touched in complete dryness. So a person uses toilet and not using water but completely dries his body parts would not make his underwear najis. This person can later go home, do tahara with water and now he (she)  can pray salat with the same under garments.


On the other hand, if a person did not dry after urinating and the urine touched his underwear, then his body part and underwear are both najis. He (she) will have to change the under garments, make tahara on body part and can do salat in changed clean clothes.


Same rule goes, say a baby peed on rug. When rug dries up, even though the rug remains najis, this najasa would not make people walking on it najis as long as no moisture is involved.

If someone has wet feet, then his feet will get najis if he walks over the najis rug. Rug still needs to be washed up to make it tahir.   

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The argument is around splash and these are in reference to hadith about people not being conscience of "stain".


A lot of men use paper while standing.


Nothing is going to be "perfect".


But always remember, don't "go" into the wind. Any Boy Scout learns this.

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