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Sayyed Abdul Malik Al-Houthi ,the Yamani?

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I dunno. Maybe. But a strong feeling say me that Yamani will come soon inshaAllah. So I m trying to be a better Muslim! I hope that I can! Coz I really love to be Imam Mahdi s soldier!

Oh no... this reminds me of the days of people saying Ahmadinajad was the Khorasani xD

AhmadiNejad?! I heard Sayyed Khamenei is Khorasani!!!
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^ They just said and are saying ,which are very few people , he might be Sho'ayb ebn Saleh .


back to the main topic ,anyone knows that if Abdul Malik is a Athna Ashari Shia or Zaidi? and if he is a Zaidi ,regarding this he can still be Yamani?

Edited by kamyar
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  • Advanced Member

^ They just said and are saying ,which are very few people , he might be Sho'ayb ebn Saleh .


back to the main topic ,anyone knows that if Abdul Malik is a Athna Ashari Shia or Zaidi? and if he is a Zaidi ,regarding this he can still be Yamani?

He converted to  twelver Imami . But was born a Zaidi. Most of the Houthi fighters are Imamis not Zaidis.

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Guest silasun

Some points which COULD be evidence for this:


The 2 recent videos provided by 2 of our pious and eminent scholars who lecture in the west: Sh. Hamza Sodagar and Sh. Usama Abdulghani. Both of these point to the "Mukhtar role" of Ayatollah Khamenei... both say the return of our beloved Imam is soon inshAllah




The hadiths concerning the khorasani and yamani...


The death of King Abdullah


The general hadiths of the time before the Imam (as):  http://www.al-islam.org/articles/signs-reappearance-twelfth-imam-ajtf



I want to quote a post of Br Abu hadi on the death of King Abdullah:




I would like to congratulate all Muslims and especially all followers of Ahl Al Bayt(a.s) on the death of the Abdullah. 


If you look at his record of giving millions of dollars of money stolen from oppressed people and turning it over to beasts like Daish, Sipa Sahaba, Lakshar E Tayyiba, Al Qaeda, and others, you will see that he is directly responsible for the deaths of millions of mumineen. If that isn't deserving of being cursed, I don't know what is. It will be written in history, that the main concern of Abdullah was the opression and butchering of followers of Ahl Al Bayt(a.s). This is what he will be known for. 


At the same time, we should be cautious. From the hadiths that I have read, there is a strong possibility that this is the Abdullah spoken about in authentic hadith regarding the Faraj(relief) and the rising of Al Qaim(may Allah(s.w.a) hasten his return). But everything is in the hands of Allah(s.w.a) and there is also a possibility that this is not him. 


We should redouble our efforts to greet our Imam(a.f.s) in a proper way by 

1) Stop doing sins, haram. This is the most important thing that will help us to support our Imam(a.f.s) when he comes

2) Do good works as much as we can

3) Gain more knowledge of Islam and Ahl Al Bayt(a.s) so that when he does appear, we will not be confused with all the chaos and propaganda that will be floating around at that time. 

4) Be more earnest in our prayers for the Faraj. 


We should do this because if this is the time, we will be ready, and if this is not the time, we will be counted amoung his followers and supporters on Youm Al Qiyammat(Day of Judgement). 

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^ They just said and are saying ,which are very few people , he might be Sho'ayb ebn Saleh .

back to the main topic ,anyone knows that if Abdul Malik is a Athna Ashari Shia or Zaidi? and if he is a Zaidi ,regarding this he can still be Yamani?

He is a twelver,like his father and brothers,too.

"...He adds that Houthi leaders have visited and lived in Qom, that their leader Hussein Al-Houthi considers Ayatollah Khomeini to be a model for emulation, and that Al-Houthi's relationship with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is similar to Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah's."



Does anybody know the hadith about the Yamani in which a prohibition of weapon trade between muslims is mentioned?

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^ you are right that we can not specify a time for it .but what is the propose of Ahadith regarding Zohour ?

Does anybody know the hadith about the Yamani in which a prohibition of weapon trade between muslims is mentioned?

there is a Hadith which mentions something about it ( in the book Besharatol Islam ,p 93).but i wonder how can it be related to the current situation .

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Ayatullah Bahjat advised a man to look closely at the situation of Yemen when he asked about Zahoor of Imam (as) of our time. 


however we cant be completely sure. Alhamdolillah we have pious ulema and faqihs who will guide us with developments in this regard.

Edited by AnaAmmar1
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Thank you.

For now it might not be related but maybe later..Allah knows best.

Is it possible to post the narration?

It is in Persian . if you don't know Persian let me know to translate that:


از امام صادق (ع) روایت شده است که فرمود:

قبل از قیام قائم وقوع پنج علامت حتمی است: یمنی، سفیانی، صیحه آسمانی، کشته شدن نفس زکیه و فرو رفتن در بیابان.

و نیز فرمود:

خروج سفیانی و یمنی و خراسانی در یک سال و یک ماه و یک روز و ترتیب آنها همچون رشته مهره‏ ها پشت سرهم خواهد بود. پریشانی و سختی از هر سو پدید می‏آید و ای بر کسی که با آنها مخالفت و دشمنی کند، در میان درفش‏ها، هدایت کننده ‏تر از درفش یمین وجود ندارد، چرا که درفش حق است و شما را بسوی صاحب‏تان دعوت می‏کند. وقتی یمنی قیام کند فروش اسلحه به مردم حرام است. و آنگاه که خروج کند بسوی او بشتاب که درفش او درفش هدایت است. و بر هیچ مسلمانی، سر پیچی از او جایز نیست. و اگر کسی چنین کند از اهل آتش خواهد بود، زیرا که او مردم را به حق و به راه مستقیم دعوت می‏کند.

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What do you think?

How do you know !?


Oh no... this reminds me of the days of people saying Ahmadinajad was the Khorasani xD 

:blink:  :rolleyes:  :lol:


Ayatullah Bahjat advised a man to look closely at the situation of Yemen when he asked about Zahoor of Imam (as) of our time. 


however we cant be completely sure. Alhamdolillah we have pious ulema and faqihs who will guide us with developments in this regard.

I heard this is rejected by his office, is not it.

Edited by maes
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I think I understood everything, but to be sure it would be kind of you to translate it and everybody can understand it,too

I make 100 salawat for you brother and thanks again.

Khahesh mikonam ,



It is narrated from Imam Sadeq (a s) that he said :

 .Occurance of 5 signs before Qaim uprising is inevitable : Yamani ,Sofiyani , sky shouting ,killing of Nafs Zakiye and sinking in desert


And he also said :

   Sofiyani ,Yemani and Khorasani rising will be in the same year and the same month and the same day and its order is as consecutive  as beads.turmoil and hardship will rise from each side and woe to those who war and oppose to them.among the flags ,there is no guider flag than Yemen’s . that’s because it is Haq flag and guides you toward your owner(Saheb al-zaman) .when Yamani rises selling arm to people is [or become] haram .and when he rises , hasten toward him ,because his flag is flag of guidance . and defiance from him is not permissible for anybody .and if anyone does so ,he will be in Hell ,because he guides people to the Haq and invites to the strait path. 


Insha'Allah it can help and thanks for those Salawats .


I heard this is rejected by his office, is not it.

Salaam , Ayatollah Bahjat office can not reject or verify ,because they don't know all things that happened during his life.

beside that it is quoted by some of reliable persons such as Hojatol Islam Sediqi .

Edited by kamyar
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If no one from houthis is the Al-Yameni it is possibility that Al Yameni is coming soon now bcuz it is the first time Shias of Yemen are joining together against Al-Saud Govt.

On the other hand situation of Yemen is going to be really bad other muslim countries and even Israel is joining saudi forces.

More fighters/leaders will rise and it might be possible that Al Yameni will also show himself.

It is confirmed that situation of Yemen is not going to be stable and peaceful. Now or in coming 10 years Al Yameni will show himself Inshallah

God knows better

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I found this hadith online and I think it comes from a Sunni source.


1006 - حدثنا رشدين عن ابن لهيعة عن عياش بن عباس الزرقي عن ابن زرير
عن علي قال يا رسول الله على أهل الشام من يفرق جماعتهم حتى لو قاتلتهم الثعالب غلبتهم وعند ذلك يخرج رجل من أهل بيتي في ثلاث رايات المكثر يقول خمسة عشر ألفا والمقلل يقول اثنا عشر ألفا أمارتهم أمت أمت على كل راية منها رجل يطلب الملك أو يبتغي له الملك فيقتلهم الله جميعا ويرد الله على المسلمين ألفتهم وفاصتهم وبزارت


1006 - Narrated to us Rasheed through Ibn Lahi'a through Ayash bin Abas Alzarqi through ibn Zaria on Ali (as) said:

Allah will send on the people of Sham (Syria) those who will divide them to the extent that if they were to fight a pack of foxes, the foxes would win, at that point a man will rise from my household through 3 banners, some will say they are 15,000 and others will say they are 12,000. Their slogan will be 'Death, Death' imprinted on every banner. Amongst the 3 banners men will seek kingdomship to themselves but Allah will kill them all and return the control to the Muslims




Ansarullah/houthi slogan reads


Allah is Great

Death to America

Death to israel

Curse the Jews

Victory to Islam


The thing is, it doesnt say that this man will be the Yamani.


Also Their banner is white, and according to hadith the Yamani will carry a yellow banner. Does yellow = white in arabic? 1400 years ago did they use the term Asfar {yellow} and Abyad {white} to describe the same shade of colour? its very unclear if the Houthi group is or even related to the promised Al Yamani. Its worth keeping an eye on this, Rajab in 2 weeks. 

Edited by RiseOrDie
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I'd like to add a random thought here, that I know from Yemenis I met:

First of all they claim not only to be ancestors of all Arabs, but ancestors of mankind. They believe that Noah settled there and the arc landed on the highest Yemeni mountain, which supposedly is the highest peak in the Middle East. So, anyway .. Sanaa supposedly used to be called Medinet Sam, who is also known as Shem / Sem or Sham. The son of Noah settled there and created this ancient city, according to most Yemenis. Later, the name of Medinet Sam got changed to Sanaa, referring to workmanship that was taking place there. Sinaa means workmanship or industry.

Anyway, so technically speaking Sanaa and the area there could be the true bilad al sham .. God knows.

I am not sure about this, and I shared this idea earlier years ago, but thought of throwing it out there again.

In any case, the biggest evidence is time. If this is the true Yamani, then he will not lose, not stop fighting, and be a banner of guidance till the Qaym officially rises .. And it should be quite quick.

As brother rise or die said .. Rajab is around the corner, and this holy month as well as all others will always bring clues to the ripeness of the matter in sha Allah.

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An important Shi'a hadith 
الفضل، عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن عمرو بن أبي المقدام، عن جابر الجعفي، عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: الزم الارض ولا تحرك يدا ولا رجلا حتى ترى علامات أذكرها لك وما أراك تدرك: إختلاف بني فلان، ومناد ينادي من السماء، ويجيئكم الصوت من ناحية دمشق بالفتح، وخسف قرية من قرى الشام تسمى الجابية. وستقبل إخوان الترك حتى ينزلوا الجزيرة، وستقبل مارقة الروم حتى ينزلوا الرملة، فتلك السنة فيها اختلاف كثير في كل أرض من ناحية المغرب. فأول أرض تخرب الشام، يختلفون عند ذلك على ثلاث رايات: راية الاصهب، وراية الابقع، وراية السفياني. 

al-Fadl from al-Hasan b. Mahbub from `Amr b. Abi’l Miqdam from Jabir al-Ju`fi from Abu Ja`far عليه السلام. 

He said: Remain on the ground and do not mobilize a hand or a leg until you see the signs that I mention to you. I do not perceive that you [O Jabir] will see them: A schism between Banu fulan,3 a Caller who will call from the sky, a liberating sound that will come to you from the direction of Damascus, the swallowing-up of a village from the villages of Sham called aj-Jabiyya, the advance of the Turkish brothers until they descend to the peninsula (jazira),4 the advance of the rebels of Rome until they descend to ar-Ramla.5 In that year there will be many schisms in the whole Earth from the direction of the West (al-maghrib). The first land that will be destroyed is Sham, and they will schism at that point upon three banners: the red banner, the spotted banner, and the banner of the Sufyani. (Tusi’s Ghayba

(sahih) (صحيح) 



[1] According to another narration, these five places are: Damascus, Homs, Aleppo, Jordan, and Palestine. 

[2] It is unclear if this was a mistake made by the Imam or the narrator, as the “peace be upon him” stamp is sometimes present depending on the copy. Either way, the mistake was corrected later in the narration. 

[3] This may refer to Banu `Abbas, and Allah knows best. 

[4] This may refer to the Arabian Peninsula or an unnamed island. 

[5] ar-Ramla is a place in Palestine.




Edited by al-Ibrahimi
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I found this hadith online and I think it comes from a Sunni source.


1006 - حدثنا رشدين عن ابن لهيعة عن عياش بن عباس الزرقي عن ابن زرير

عن علي قال يا رسول الله على أهل الشام من يفرق جماعتهم حتى لو قاتلتهم الثعالب غلبتهم وعند ذلك يخرج رجل من أهل بيتي في ثلاث رايات المكثر يقول خمسة عشر ألفا والمقلل يقول اثنا عشر ألفا أمارتهم أمت أمت على كل راية منها رجل يطلب الملك أو يبتغي له الملك فيقتلهم الله جميعا ويرد الله على المسلمين ألفتهم وفاصتهم وبزارت


1006 - Narrated to us Rasheed through Ibn Lahi'a through Ayash bin Abas Alzarqi through ibn Zaria on Ali (as) said:

Allah will send on the people of Sham (Syria) those who will divide them to the extent that if they were to fight a pack of foxes, the foxes would win, at that point a man will rise from my household through 3 banners, some will say they are 15,000 and others will say they are 12,000. Their slogan will be 'Death, Death' imprinted on every banner. Amongst the 3 banners men will seek kingdomship to themselves but Allah will kill them all and return the control to the Muslims




Ansarullah/houthi slogan reads


Allah is Great

Death to America

Death to israel

Curse the Jews

Victory to Islam


The thing is, it doesnt say that this man will be the Yamani.


Also Their banner is white, and according to hadith the Yamani will carry a yellow banner. Does yellow = white in arabic? 1400 years ago did they use the term Asfar {yellow} and Abyad {white} to describe the same shade of colour? its very unclear if the Houthi group is or even related to the promised Al Yamani. Its worth keeping an eye on this, Rajab in 2 weeks. 

It could be yamani as the hadith talks about three banners and the three banners according to hadith will be sufyani khorasani and yamani. The hadith says some people will say 12000 some will say 15000 is this talking about the number of men in the army? According to Wikipedia their number is 100,000.....

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Maybe this is what the hadith is talking about......taken from Wikipedia.....

Membership of the group had between 1,000 and 3,000 fighters as of 2005[30] and between 2,000 and 10,000 fighters as of 2009.[31] In the Yemen Post it was claimed, however, that they had over 100,000 fighters.[4] According to Houthi expert Ahmed Al-Bahri the Houthis had a total of 100,000-120,000 followers, including both armed fighters and unarmed loyalists.[32]

Also what's interesting is that in the hadith it says death twice and also in the slogan it says death twice.....

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It could be yamani as the hadith talks about three banners and the three banners according to hadith will be sufyani khorasani and yamani. The hadith says some people will say 12000 some will say 15000 is this talking about the number of men in the army? According to Wikipedia their number is 100,000.....

Yes I think you are right, according to ulema the most righteous banner is Yamani, we must all follow him when the time comes and Insha'Allah we will follow him. The most evil is the Sufyani, and while the Khorasani will be supporting Yamani, his army will be brutal, unforgiving and anti-Arab, but they will come to meet and pledge allegiance to Imam Mahdi (as)


As far the the number of the army is concerned I literally have no idea, 12-15k sounds very small especially since hadith says Sufyani will have 70k army or even larger!

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I think saying 70,000 at that time would rather be 700,000 of today, as the world population has multiplied by ten at least. So, if we compare standards and put into context, then those numbers can be possibly inflated .. I know that someone might say "but the 313 won't be 3,130 .." Well, I don't have an answer to that, except that the 313 aren't really an army .. In itself .. In classical terms of the word army.

Nowadays armies of millions is the norm, something that didn't exist back then ..

.. Just a possibility when dealing with predictions .. To sometimes put them in context

WAllahu Aalam

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Thats another possibility especially since we are already dealing with hundreds of thousands of Soldiers in Iraq, Syria, Saudi etc. But could it be that after a major conflict the population would be reduced significantly? where at that time the Sufyani's 70k will actually be a big army. Also half of the Sufyanis army will be swallowed in the desert between Mecca and Medina.


What I am waiting for is at least one imminent and major sign, so far we have clues (division in Sham)(possible Yamani) but they are not strong indication that those signs are even related to Imam mahdi (as), we literally have nothing yet!


Also there will be a kusf in Syria/Damascus which will be the start of the Sufyani. Is this sign imminent? 

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that very well might be. here is where bada comes in, because there are ahadeeth that say the world population will be reduced by 2/3 before emergence. don't ask me to bring reference, but it was a hujat Allah sheikh who casually told me about it, who studied 17 years in qum. anyway, bada (changing of God's course of destiny) would be that Allah decides not to make us go through such a disaster, such as a nuclear war between the so many nuclear governments. it's hard to tell from now.


so maybe in the end the sufiani army will be 70,000 after all. back to the standards of a big army 1,400 years ago.


you are right that none of the concrete signs have emerged yet. So far we have whiffs of those signs, like people and events that remind of those, but not clearly yet. 


It seems there are many people and events that show symptoms of expected people, and one of those days it will be them for real. The situation is as much out of our hands as the prediction of the 313 gathering beyond their expectations, or without them even planning it.


the best thing we can do is pray .. for it.


what it feels like is that events are unfolding faster than ever, which gives me hope.

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Indeed there are big indication that something is brewing, we are definitely closer than ever to the big event whether its months or years. 


"The risings of as -Sufyani, al-Yamani and al- Khurasani will be in the same year, in the same month and on the same day. They will be like the beads of a rosary; one following the other. Sufferings will be on every side. Miserable will be whoever resists them. From among the three banners, only the banner of al-Yamani will be a banner of guidance because he will invite to the mission of your man(al-Qaim). When al- Yamani rises, he will forbid selling weapons for all of the people and for the Muslims as well. When al-Yamani rises, you are to join him because his banner will be a banner of guidance. It is not permissible for any Muslim to turn away from him and whoever does so, will be in Hell, because al-Yamani will invite to the truth and the straight path" [ar-Raja by al-Astrabady p.157 and Mojam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, Vol 3, pg 253]


If this Hadith is Sahih , Al Yamani must be in a position of power and control in order to do such thing like forbid weapon trade, ^


Lets keep an eye on Yemen and Syria over the next month, despite airstrikes the Houthis and their Allies are advancing southward, perhaps in days or weeks they will announce their full control of the whole country 


Map of Yemen as of 28 March, note** that Al Habilayn and Zinjibar have already been liberated by Houthis in the last 48 hours




If Aden is captured, then this leaves Al Mukala as the only other major Yemen city not controlled by Ansarullah Houthis

largest Yemen cities and control




Aden is now contested as Houthis entered it today and TOOK ADEN AIRPORT!! 



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I'm closely following the Yemeni matters and had a keen eye on both the aspects i.e. of Al-Arabiya channel and PressTV for the other side news.


I wanna know and I'm really behind this question that ARE HOUTHIS SHIA ISNA ASHERI? If yes, then please, I request to show me any proof.. I would really love to know that if Abdul Malik (The Leader of Houthis) is Shia Ithna Asheri then I would feel comfortable supporting him!


Its really good to see Saudi coming out of its den and showing its true face. Isn't it surprising that Saudi for the first time himself coming out to kill Shias openly?


I think, the matter is truly leading to the Reappearance of my Mahdi a.s!


I request all of my bros and sis to educate themselves and prepare themselves for the MAHDI by making yourself closer to god through my Mahdi a.s!

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