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Following Wedding Ceremony took place inside a Imambargah

Strictly Qaseedas & Nasheed

Some people moaned it was too religious & should have been in a wedding hall & music & dancing

What do other Momineen think ???

  • Forum Administrators

Don't be shy to respond because the OP asked for Momineen to discuss. If you are a Muslim you can please reply as well. 

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It's their Wedding day, their big day; the couple should have the right to make their special day as religious or cultural as they want it to be without being judged. I personally think this was beautiful. If I ever get married, I would want my wedding ceremony to be something like this, too. At the end of the day, no matter how grand you try to make any event, there will always be people who find something to oppose. There are so many people who start their marriage off now days with so much debt because of how grand of a wedding they wanted to have, trying to live up to people's (or society's) unattainable expectations. Don't follow the status quo just because the majority are, do what you want because it makes you happy


"If you live for people's acceptance, you'll die from their rejection.

~ Imam Ali (AS)


And the point is? Unless you are aiming at suggesting, what the others proposed is not viable with the current belief system. If so, most know it, but do enjoy the Cinderella type weddings and you always find them to be the successful and wealthy party of the communities.  The ones, that pay for large costs of up keeping the so called community centers. Unless you all want to create a utopia Islamic center that does not segregate according to social class, then make some monies and practice what you want to preach, or carry on being led by those with wealth and power.


Here is a little piece of advice. Humans love to moan and complain, its the best trait that we have. We moan about everything and anything, that does not go inline with our little sphere of influence and self importance. We even moan about the same religious practices to how each person should brush their teeth.



Begin your life with halal for it to be successful.

experience or is it just some emotive random line, you think that actually works?. Life is Life, its an obsequious circle of randomness, that through observation, one will realise, the game does no follow the prescribed rules of haram and halal.

  • Veteran Member

experience or is it just some emotive random line, you think that actually works?. Life is Life, its an obsequious circle of randomness, that through observation, one will realise, the game does no follow the prescribed rules of haram and halal.


Life is life? Is that some emotive random line? As if you have unlocked the mysteries of life and attained Nirvana. What is life? How does it work? How does science and Allah (s.w.t) affect life? Before blatantly saying Life is life make sure you have a complete understanding of what life is. People spend their whole existence trying to understand it, in the end they have only explored little of its true meaning.


My emotive random line is—in it's most simple terms—positive action causes a positive reaction. The positive deed that you commit will result in the توفيق (reconciliation?) from Allah (s.w.t).


This concept is no different form how you make your money. If your money is made from Haram, then the food you consume is haram, the things you purchase are haram, the roof under your head is haram (unless you're not paying for it), and so on.


It is a chain. If in a marriage you perform a sin then that's when the توفيق departs. Let alone beginning in haram.

Posted (edited)

You are responding emotively, however my line is a benefactor to the actual reality of existence. Supposedly, I have attained nirvana and I have figured life, out, how will you believe me?, unless I wear a certain attire, attend the specific schools, speak the exact words that rile up your emotions that give you hope and quench that lost sense of self. Hence your accusation is irrelevant. Although I understand its a thorn within everyone.


Your version is a general presupposed concept of the fantasist. As I keep reiterating in my recent posts, and that being of evidence to prove the accusation of such notions, such as sin causing destruction and good causing non destruction. Yet, history and the present future have failed to demonstrate this security. All we are doing is, summarizing what we have read from narrations and scholarly  ( humans, just like us all ) works, but have not observed, tasted or felt such realities, then how can one conclude them to be true. Neither of us can, we just create and believe that the idea is correct or has to be correct.


There is the assumption that positive acts create a responding positive action, but that is only based on the moral law of a following, rather then it being the actual truth. If positive acts such as prayers, then that  of the oppressed, should have been granted, saving them from the tyrannical  events that cause them to lose their sense of self and possibly even faith.


If the complaints regarding the clean start to marriage, then how many times have we observed men in certain attires attending to recite the contractual agreements and then having to witness the entry celebrations of music and dance?. Yet, why do these men, who know this to be a negation of religion, continue and carry on this contractual recital, and that is because they need the M O N E Y. ( observed two times if memory recalls ).



This concept is no different form how you make your money. If your money is made from Haram, then the food you consume is haram, the things you purchase are haram, the roof under your head is haram (unless you're not paying for it), and so on.

Interesting point for children, however, consider the source of money. Where does it come from? who owns it? who shares it? Who makes it? Who controls it?. Where does all the source of food come from? the poor polytheists working long hours, so the supposed theists can buy it off shelves, stacked my atheists alike on minimum wages? struggling to live?. The thiest then goes home and thanks his Lord for his daily bread, and off to work for the atheists while keeping his monies in the banks owned by the devil worshipers.  If the chain is broken how can the rules apply?. :)

Edited by monad
  • Veteran Member

You are responding emotively, however my line is a benefactor to the actual reality of existence. Supposedly, I have attained nirvana and I have figured life, out, how will you believe me?, unless I wear a certain attire, attend the specific schools, speak the exact words that rile up your emotions that give you hope and quench that lost sense of self. Hence your accusation is irrelevant. Although I understand its a thorn within everyone.


All of the above statements are assumptions and generalisations. You don't need to wear an attire or attend specific schools or speak the exact words that rile up my emotions in order for you to be a person that had attained a high spiritual level. I don't know who fed you those claims but you'd be better off actually roaming around, asking and observing.


Your version is a general presupposed concept of the fantasist. As I keep reiterating in my recent posts, and that being of evidence to prove the accusation of such notions, such as sin causing destruction and good causing non destruction. Yet, history and the present future have failed to demonstrate this security. All we are doing is, summarizing what we have read from narrations and scholarly  ( humans, just like us all ) works, but have not observed, tasted or felt such realities, then how can one conclude them to be true. Neither of us can, we just create and believe that the idea is correct or has to be correct.


There are plenty of successful marriages where they have started in halal and ended in halal. So I really don't know what the problem is here? Many of the Ulama had the best of marriages.


There is the assumption that positive acts create a responding positive action, but that is only based on the moral law of a following, rather then it being the actual truth. If positive acts such as prayers, then that  of the oppressed, should have been granted, saving them from the tyrannical  events that cause them to lose their sense of self and possibly even faith.

I for one can testify that the prayer of the oppressed is immediately answered. In fact, I can testify that if you were oppressed and simply felt sad about it, Allah (s.w.t) deals with the oppressor, and this is from personal experience. 


There is a well known incident of a teenager who constantly beat his father. His father one day had enough, went to Amir Al-Muimineen عليه السلام walking, barefoot, raised his hands and asked for his right to be taken. The kid died before the father came back home. This incident was spoken of by Sheikh Ja'far Al-Ibrahimi himself.


There are so many examples to refute this paragraph.


If the complaints regarding the clean start to marriage, then how many times have we observed men in certain attires attending to recite the contractual agreements and then having to witness the entry celebrations of music and dance?. Yet, why do these men, who know this to be a negation of religion, continue and carry on this contractual recital, and that is because they need the M O N E Y. ( observed two times if memory recalls ).

Yes, that's the person's fault, not the religious dogmas. So I don't see your point here?


Interesting point for children, however, consider the source of money. Where does it come from? who owns it? who shares it? Who makes it? Who controls it?. Where does all the source of food come from? the poor polytheists working long hours, so the supposed theists can buy it off shelves, stacked my atheists alike on minimum wages? struggling to live?. The thiest then goes home and thanks his Lord for his daily bread, and off to work for the atheists while keeping his monies in the banks owned by the devil worshipers.  If the chain is broken how can the rules apply?. :)

This pretty much lacks the understanding of the concept I proposed, yet you call it for children. Source of money: Has nothing to do with the concept. If the work you're doing is Halal and the company you're working for doesn't have ties with anything haram then your money is halal.


Every penny you've payed for products like Coca Cola will have part of the sins that they commit (the massacres they aid) on your neck.


Again, you're trying to claim that the theist is storing his money in a devil worshipper's bank because his religious dogmas tell him to.

  • Advanced Member

This Marriage took place inside an Imambargah

No Music ...No Dancing....No Drums....No Trumpets....

Just a couple of Qaseedas & Speech by Maulana

  • Moderators

Didn't you post this last week?

  • Advanced Member

Should all Muslim marriages be Islamic? 


Personally, I don't think so. Not all Muslims are religious, so why should their weddings have to be Islamic? 

  • Veteran Member

Didn't you post this last week?



And some other videos repeatedly. 


Sean Webb, please do not keep posting the same videos all over the forum. You made many threads and posts regarding some videos, and I had to hide most of them yesterday. You did something similar with your previous account. You may have noticed that the moderators were not approving your posts. I hid them after no moderator was willing to approve them. 


Please do not flood the forum with threads about one or two videos, and reconsider the quality of your posts.

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