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Deaf And Hearing Shiite! Please Announce Here!

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Salamun alaykum.



May Allah (swt) have mercy on you. I have a question.


In muharam how do you "listen". Well you can't listen, but how do you understand the tragedy? I have seen an interpreter doing some signs in his hand, but can you understand such?



Bil tawfeek.

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Salam Aleikum


dont mind about your question! I think that is very ok! Why not!

I am open and tolerant and love to correspond and to exploit my knowledge about different things.

I really dont know alot about Islam just little things!

But I dont stop to search for interesting topic about Islam and especially Shia! Very impressed topic to get worth experiences!

I also read qu-ran and Shia Law. Not just that! I just now read about book with title "Why Musilme and not Christian". Very interesting topic!

This book tells about lies in the world of christian for example letter from Paul about rules! I will investigate more about that.

Before I met my husband I never know the truth about Jesus and the another very important topic for example pork or hygiene.

I am sad also too that catholic church never told the truth and the christian people as my parent and my relationsship trust and believe still catholic church

but thus institution is just lie. I know I never will being able to change mind of my christian family. They are very old-fashioned and conservative.

They will live their lifes to the end unfortuntately! I havent power to tell them because they dont take me serious.

I am very thankful that I have a great brother who supports me much and never justice about my decision no matter I had made my own decision or had made mistaken in my past. He always was on my side and I thank Allah swt. for great man as my own brother.


Really alot people dont like to talk about religion, faith and policy. Very sensitive topic. Anywhere in the world! That is the truth! But I am the opinion always that nothing is more liberating than the truth!

We all are just humans and have to give alot effort for this life before the time is blessed and we will meet Allah swt. That is why Allah swt. gives us all opportunities to improve or to do our best in this life! Subhaha-ilah!



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If you heard the call of Deen , then in my opinion you are more hearing than most people who hear but don't pay any heed, as deafness for you didn't hinder you in pursuit of the true path. You deserve a hearty CONGRATS , sister!!!!

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Salam Aleikum


that is very encouraging to read such words! Thank you all for welcoming and congratulation so as for nice lovely words!

I will remember that!


No matter the things! We have to do our best. Allah swt. dont prefer anyone because of his special kind!

But Allah swt. is the All-mercfull and the compassionately Lord!

We always shall to pray to Allah swt. not just that we have to remember to thank Allah swt. for everything so as for

little unmeaning thing! We forgotten that some little things were retained and fullfiled!


Yes that is true no matter my own deafness I have my mind to use that for prayer, express, decision and so further.

Allah swt. love all creatures and had given us free spirit and own willingness to decide how we want to live without compulsion!

We just have to know what is good and wrong for us! Rules are available to help us to decide better. That is why Allah swt. had sent different prophets to write rules and laws to manage everything in this life so long as we live! Alhamdullilah!


Sorry what is Deen? I dont understand the meaning! I had searched for this word.





Edited by زينب حيران
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:Deen is difficult to translate into english , as :Islam itself is a :Deen , a way of life , faith and a system that encompasses everything on a multi dimensional platform that is universal.

Many people translate it to religion , but I disagree with this , as religion today only occupies a certain practise at a certain time towards a certain ideology, giving it a limited and a single dimensional existence.

Simply :islam is our :Deen , our way of life as prescribed by :Allah swt .


Edited by :Sami II
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Salam Aleikum


wow! That is very special on his kind! That is clear and understanding definition! With another words!

Thank you for your effort to explain! I really havent heard about this word Deen!

I like that much!


Every word is writing true and clear about Islam.


Since I am in the Islamic World I was allowed to get opportunity not to know just but to live within.

That is very great! Nothing is curios or foreign for me more.

I cook arabian, especially iraqi dishes regularly! Very nice and good slow food!



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Salam Aleikum


I buy only meat as chicken, beef and lambs in arabian market. Some ingredients and contents shall be halal!

I prefer to buy in arabian and turkish market.  And i buy fair trade too and free range and so in summer from garden tomatos and cucumber,

grapes, apples, plum, pumpkin and herbal. I live in village and buy eggs from happy chicken.


I try to get good food for my family! But it isnt easy to get well always.

You know alot of companies cheat consumer just because of big profite. Too bad but true and useful!

I had learned to cook arabian from my husband. He want the best for family always. No poison no haram no pesticide, no steroide, no antibiotics, no anabolic also too! What about you? And you all?


Unfortuntantely I had eaten sometimes pork in the past but I hated pork always and never liked it as I was little girl. My Mom cooks dishes with pork also too, and everything is haram. Since I met my husband I avoid every haram things! Very simply for me! Because haram things arent tasting nice much.

I dont eat with my christian parent and relationsship more.

We always prefer to eat at home and go to arabian restaurant or bistro. Insallah!



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when you cook such dishes , do you use :halal , organic , free range , pesticide free , herbicide free , non homogenised , non zionist , non nazi , non illuminati , non Israeli , non :Riba , steroid free , local , support the little guys co-op , hand raised cruelty free ingredients ?






non-monsanto  .. i think i'm gluten intolerant because all the wheat in this country is probably monsanto humanity killer GMO crops :/ .. that's why i stay away from anything gluten otherwise my skin reacts. so sensitive 



Salam Aleikum dear sisters and brothers!


I am German Deaf converted Shiite and want to know whether there are some deaf or hard hearing Shiite.

It would be very nice to see how much deaf or hard hearing Shiite had register here in this forum!

Might someone know one deaf or hard hearing Shiite please introduce each other here.

It would be great if you (deaf or hard hearing Shiite) would get bravery to introduce yourself!

So we will see and make meeting each other some day!


Sister and I would be very happy to know the others each other! Insallah!




Walaikum Salaam Sister


I have news for you: as brother :Sami was pointing to, you are Islamic speaking not hearing impaired, nor deaf :)


you see .. the kafirs, munafiqs, etc are the ones who are deaf:


They have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear. Those are like livestock; rather, they are more astray. It is they who are the heedless. 7:179


hearing Islamically is linked to the heart:


But We seal over their hearts so they do not hear. 7:100


that's why understanding, sight, hearing is linked directly to heart:


The example of those who disbelieve is like that of one who shouts at what hears nothing but calls and cries cattle or sheep - deaf, dumb and blind, so they do not understand. 2:171


it seems to me that you belong to this hearing group right here


The only statement of the [true] believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say, "We hear and we obey." And those are the successful. 24:51


and technically .. actually factually .. there is only One Who is called the Hearing  


.. and that is Allah .. the rest of us just hears a certain spectrum of sound, which is tiny compared to some animals, like cats ... some hear more, some hear less .. but it's physical non-important non-islamic hearing.


When it comes to Allah and Islam, the word deaf is used for people who can probably hear physical stuff, but are deaf spiritually .. deaf from the heart.


so rejoice thank God .. you are among the ones who are described in the Quran to say "we hear and we obey" in sha Allah 


Jazak Allah Khair and welcome to Shiachat .. it's a good place to learn masha Allah 



Edited by peace seeker II
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Salam Aleikum


I understand maybe you maybe live in Australia. There are little possibilities to eat and to buy halal food.

From which countries you all come? I am interesting to know because it seem that are Muslim/a from the wholly world!

That is very impressed to know each other in the wholly world!

I am living close Munich and border to Austria too. Munich is metropol of Bavaria and in the centre of Munich there are some arabian and turkish stores.


What about you all?



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Salam Aleikum


Very beautiful to describe about faith with heart!

I love to read such encouraging words which give me bravery to continue further.

Yes that is true that alot of believers dont give much effort to come near with Allah swt.

Some believers havent fear before Allah swt. and mean they can come to paradise so or so without effort.

I always was a God-Believer since I was little girl. I had prayed alot.

Therefore it wasnt difficult to convert from catholic church to shia. There are some similar common denominators as Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah and so forth.

Just catholic church isnt my world more because of some deviation. I cant agree everything from catholic institution for example this pope francis who ignores some important issues for example misues of catholic priest with boys or poverty and much more. Everything from catholic church is just lie. I never knew that I had prayed to graven image like holy people for example Holy Mary or Holy Antonius and so further. I had alot pics and figures but I never knew the truth from bible.

Priest dont know everything from bible also too. That is the big issue!


But in this topic I dont discuss about catholic church but rather I am in search of deaf and hard hearing brothers and sisters. I really wonder whether in this bigger forum some deaf and hard hearing shiite had register that.

I absolutely am sure there must be some deaf or hard hearing sisters and brothers. Always 10 percent altogether are deaf or hard hearing people always.

I never give up the hopeness to find the another deaf and hard hearing sisters and brothers. I will continue to search for that! I will pray to Allah swt. to get opportunity to find some deaf and hard hearing sisters and brothers. I had known before it wont be easy because of minority in common!


I will visit this forum regularly because it is very alive and worth knowing!

Maybe some day one or the another sister or brother will find the bravery to come out! That would be very great!



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Salam Aleikum


I understand maybe you maybe live in Australia. There are little possibilities to eat and to buy halal food.

From which countries you all come? I am interesting to know because it seem that are Muslim/a from the wholly world!

That is very impressed to know each other in the wholly world!

I am living close Munich and border to Austria too. Munich is metropol of Bavaria and in the centre of Munich there are some arabian and turkish stores.


What about you all?




Walaikum Salaam,


That's nice .. Munich is close to where i live about half my life, in Vienna. Although now i'm in Cairo, where i spend the other half .. so you speak German then .. how nice! Hopefully you find what you are looking for and also enjoy whatever halal food there is in Munich.



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Salam Aleikum


yes sure!

You live in Cairo now. That is very nice! You havent issues to buy halal food. There are alot halal food and cloths to buy! Subhana-ilah!

I am very sure some day it wont being issue more to buy alot halal products because evermore foreigner come to Germany and will change Germany a bit at time! Insallah! When I compare now with time of 20 years ago! That was changed much since! Now since then we are multicultural! For example mosque was built 10 years ago in next small city! Very nice mosque but sunni! No wonder because Sunni are the majority of the wholly Islam!

But it is advantage for all Muslim/a here to have more possiblities and opportunities to live in the thick of it! In 10 or 20 years it will be useful to buy halal procucts without difficulties! This year in the centre of Munich Bistro called Olive had expaned some branchs and evermore Muslim/a can buy Dürum, Kebab, Pizza only halal! That is very great what it was developed since! I was very happy to see such restaurants and stores with halal products! Not heavy more to search for special stores! Allah swt. is great and patient. We Muslim/a will interfere and live side on side together in PEACE hopefully! Insallah!


And it is observed always evermore christians resign from the catholic or evangelic church to Atheist or to another religion because they dont see or trust their own churchs more with only lies about God and the world! They dont get courage to continue their loyality to the LORD more! Without war and crisis Islam will change Germany and the wholly europe also very sure! It is very important and big task from Muslim/a to clarify citizien of europe good about ISLAM! Unfortuntately today yet the citizien of europe have big prejudgement towards ISLAM and think always ISLAM is meaning terror, Al-Quida, fear, threat and force for everyone in Europe! But that isnt true and the citizien of europe need to know more about ISLAM. I remember of this situation 10 years ago as I was with my oldest girl with another Muslimas in a group for kids. No one Muslima was able to correspond with German Woman because of foreign language and inclusion each other! Education is the most important what Muslim/a can convince european citizien of their willigness to integrate with them! I never was against Muslim/a and wonder always about "very closed group" not to open to talk about that! Unfortuntately! I had wished to contact with them 10 years ago with me and my oldest girl. But I failed and my oldest wanst feeling well there and complaint much! I had to resign and was in the German group again. Today this development is little better and more Muslim/a are ready to contact with european citizien. I got opportunity to contact with them. My oldest girl has got contact to one turkish girl whom Mom is very nice Muslima. I like to talk with her and her husband. Frida, girlfriend of my oldest, like to visit my oldest girl sometimes. Unfortuntately they were together in a class last year but this year they dont go together in higher school. My Girl goes to college and she goes to grammar school. It is a great pity that didnt work!


I really hope much to manage girls of my own husband to promote them to higher school and good education. They still live in Iraq and I want to reach to get them in Germany! I want to reach very good education for his girls with my knowledge and support. Insallah! It will be big challenge to manage that because his girls speak only arabian, also their mother tonque. My husband and I had talked about that. He will speak with his girls in their language always just with me and my girls we will speak German always. That was our arrangement what we want to reach for his girls! I will treat all girls good and equal without difference! I dont want to prefer any girl! All girls deserve chance and good education for the future as good ladies! Insalah!



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Walaikum Salaam,


that is nice, and same in Vienna. The halal meat is even getting popular with Austrians who aren't racist. some people avoid halal meat because they hate muslims and immigrants. I like to walk around city center in Vienna, and there was never any halal restaurant there. So i used to eat vegetarian at asians or pizzas. Now they opened two Turkish food restaurants at the same time, which is good news for me. Alhamdulilah


it helps to speak the language of the country one is in, so one can enter the culture and understand the people. wishing your daughters all the best and your husband too. Thank you for sharing with us your life situation, and i pray that Allah supports you always. It's a shame that in almost all christian countries people are going away from christianity, and choosing atheism for instance. Also it's sad that probably most muslim centers in europe are not very guided, so even if they make it to one of these, they will not be much better off. But at least they will have the chance to connect to one God .. and pray to Him .. so in this way it's better of course.


Wishing you well, and all the best to you and your family.


walaikum salaam

dear sister Zainab ..


did you see this video about halal slaughter? it is wonderful and really proves the superiority. there is no actual slaughter taking place, and you find the subtitle option on the bottom right:




thanks all the best


walaikum salaam

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Salam Aleikum


I understand maybe you maybe live in Australia. There are little possibilities to eat and to buy halal food.

From which countries you all come? I am interesting to know because it seem that are Muslim/a from the wholly world!

That is very impressed to know each other in the wholly world!

I am living close Munich and border to Austria too. Munich is metropol of Bavaria and in the centre of Munich there are some arabian and turkish stores.


What about you all?





I don't live in Australia as AUSTRALIA  is a private company registered in Washington DC and only exists in cyber space and on a piece of paper.

A living being cannot exist within the constructs of a fiction entity.

I live on the land mass known as AUSTRALIA, where I am an honorary tribal member of 2 Aboriginal tribes.

They have given me and my family permission to live here and conduct commerce and trade.

This permission has not been given to most other people , therefore they are occupying and usurping land that is not theres.

And we all know the punishment for such crimes against humanity.

Incidentally 3 of my 4 wives were ex Catholics.



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Salam Aleikum


thank you for wishes and the best for me!

I had seen in video just now about halal mercy!

Very nice and good to know why Halla is the best for everyone of us!


I was very impressed about action of farmer with goat and lamb!

Such animals werent in stress just trusted and peaceful!

And I noticed too that Halal meat tastes very soft and deliciouis! No wonder!

I bought just Halal since I met my husband! He is the first man who told me about meaning of Halal!

I really knew some Muslimes but I wonder why they never told me about Halal just they didnt eat pork not more!
I wish they had told me more about Islam and Halal. But it is better late than never! That is what I think about that!

Allah swt. had shown me in the long way of my life to Islam through my own husband!

He always is patient and his mercy is unbelieveable and great!

I had prayed to Allah last week for good relationsship between my father and my husband!

I was very afraid about my reaction of my father to see my husband. I had prayed alot Duas to Allah swt. because

last week before this week my father was very thrilled and excited about my husband and had big reproach about Muslime and Islam.

He told just bad things about Islam that Muslime force or beat women. Not good for women! And for passport or good advantage!

He wasnt stopped to being excited about Islam and Hjiab.

But last thursday my father was nice and politely to my husband. He had given his hand to my husband and said his regards on bavarian words.

He and my husband didnt understand each other because of language. My father speaks German and my husband just English and Arabian.

My husband was charming and nice.

Yesterday my father had asked me some nice and had given me his blessing for our marriage. He hoped the best for me to make my decision right for my husband! He had accepted my husband also! I was very relieved and had thanked Allah swt. alot for this good situation!

I was very happy and had told my husband that my father had given his blessing and everything is clear!


Yes that is true and sad about acutally development in the christian world where alot people resigned from catholic or evangelic church to become atheist.

If they would know the truth they will regret much about decision to being away from God or Allah swt.! What is money and life without hope to see paradise in next life! Maybe they think they enjoy much to be free and without duties with money and own advantages but if they will leave this earth they will see that they wont get easy in next life! All humans without exception will check by Allah swt.! That would be very terrible and they will wish to do the best in last life! But too late! Maybe they wont grasp because Allah swt. will close and hide them the way close to Allah swt. just the God fearing believers will find the way to Allah swt. with open heart and mind! Subhana-ilah!


I think always I shall do the best and give my effort to observe the rules and the qu-ran. That is like map for every believers to find the right way out from the earth! What is little effort to be through all exams in this life to reach paradise forever? I will decide to pray and serve Allah swt. always! I never change my mind no matter of danger or threat! I will always being steadfast! Alhamdullilah!


I am responsible for my soul and want the best for my family also too! I will teach my own kids and kids of my man about Allah swt.! I want them good example to live with Allah swt. always! Never away from the way of Allah swt.!

I pray to Allah swt. always to give me strength to make my decision right and to have good life with Allah swt. so well as I can.



Salam Aleikum


that is really very nice, that you had brought your wives the way to Islam as my own husband!

I respect you alot to show them the meaning of Islam!

Alot people really dont know everything about ISLAM. Just the worst things about Islam!
We need to clarify everyone about Islam! For example my own family and relationsship need to been required by me.

Islam isnt bad and dark so as the majority of european and american citizien think!

I always will defend Islam with my heart and my mind and correct them if they think wrong about that!

It really is big challenge for me to explain them step by step about Islam! I need to be brave and very patient with them

because they really need time to accustom and to accept Islam so as I need time to live as only German Muslima in my environment! Insallah!



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Salam Aleikum


we have girls from pervious marriages.

We havent children from each other.

We are divorced from the first marriage.

For every of us is thsi marriage the second.


His kids are still in Baghdad!

We want to take them to Germany here.

We need time to care with bureaucracies.


He is very good to my girls. And my and his girls are between 3 and 10 years old.



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Salam Aleikum


thank you for welcoming here to Shiachat.

I will come here regularly and check about news and development further.

I never will give up to hope to get respond from deaf or hard hearing sisters or brothers.

That would be very great to know there are such sister or brother as me. It really is very rare like diamond.

I will continue to search for such contact in different platform to get contact altogether to make meeting someday

mixed with deaf, hard hearing AND hearing people if Allah swt. will respond my prayer! Insallah!!!


I had talked with my deaf German Sister about that.

She had told me she searched for such contact since 10 years. Very long! And she had found just only sister from Padernborn in North Germany.

And not she found me so I had found her, so we keep in contact each other since lately! She was happy and wondered about me because I am the only converted deaf Shia Muslima whom she knows.


I hope one of you from here (Shiachat) know someone who is deaf in their society or relationsship. It would be great if you would tell your friend or acquaintance or your relation about that! One sister had told me too that Shia even is very rare that is why it never will be easy to find! Life even is never easy and it is big challenge always to manage it.



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Salam Aleikum


we have girls from pervious marriages.

We havent children from each other.

We are divorced from the first marriage.

For every of us is thsi marriage the second.


His kids are still in Baghdad!

We want to take them to Germany here.

We need time to care with bureaucracies.


He is very good to my girls. And my and his girls are between 3 and 10 years old.





That's nice to hear sister .

If I may ask a few questions .

Does your daughters have to observe hijab with your new husband ( if they are the age of maturity or when they reach maturity ) , are they non-mahram to him ?

Are your daughters and his daughters considered siblings by :Islam? 

If you had a son to your husband, would he be considered mahram to your daughters from your previous marriage?




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Salam Aleikum


our kids arent in this age yet. If they will reach to age to use Hjiab. My own girls are catholic still.

They will teached by my husband and me together. But in the beginning I shall go the first step to be right Muslima to give my girls

example to use Hjiab and to pray to Allah swt.! It is very earlier for my girls. Time will come and if I practice well as Muslima and I will

tell my girls about Islam and rules and so further.


First we shall settle ourselves my husband and me! Step by step! Not immediately! My husband understand my situation with my environment

as converted Shia Muslima! First I shall use Hjiab well so then Hjiab will sit perfect without issue on my face always! First with little hair later my face

will covered with Hjiab more than before!

I let decide my girls free and I used Hjiab public since lately but not before my own family and relatinsship. It is very big challenge to come out them!

My parent arent tolerant and modern! They will be shocked much very sure about my coming out sooner! I will pray to Allah swt. to give me strength with coming out as Shia Muslima! I am afraid yet about reaction especially from my father! I dont know what he will say about my looking! Insallah!


I will continue to pray further to get bravery with time to go the last step with coming out!


My husband and I havent son together that is why I cant respond such question. I really dont know alot about Islam and Shia. Just a piece of the wholly Islam! It is very confused to know Islam near because of much similar words or names of important people! I will try my best to notice by heart! Insallah!



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Salam Aleikum


thank you alot back!

It is great always to give itself to everyone to give strength, bravery, inspiration!

Really I had learnt alot since my first marriage was a failure. But it was lesson for me from my previous marriage.

I was on search for respond my life long always! I never was tired to give up the hope to get respond from the Lord!

My life is changed since and I think that is the best what was happened so I will share my experiences with sisters and brothers and

I can give them my advisement from my own experiences. And I can learn likely from sisters and brothers too.

We all live and learn without stop so long as we life!


This video is impressed but this sign language is arabian. I can understand just little! I will give effort to understand what this man had said

in this video! He has very strong charisma to tell to sisters and brothers.

Maybe I will try to see to send question about another deaf and hard hearing people in europe or in america.

That is really the first little step. Thank you alot to update me further! Allah swt. is great and mercy to make sure that I go my way further with Allah swt.!


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  • 1 year later...
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On 12/15/2014 at 4:30 AM, ZainabHairan said:

Salam Aleikum dear sisters and brothers!


I am German Deaf converted Shiite and want to know whether there are some deaf or hard hearing Shiite.

It would be very nice to see how much deaf or hard hearing Shiite had register here in this forum!

Might someone know one deaf or hard hearing Shiite please introduce each other here.

It would be great if you (deaf or hard hearing Shiite) would get bravery to introduce yourself!

So we will see and make meeting each other some day!


Sister and I would be very happy to know the others each other! Insallah!




I realize this was post a long time ago.  However, I am a Deaf Shi'iah.  I live in Washington D.C. USA.  

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