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In the Name of God بسم الله

Lottery And Gambling In The United States

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I did not watch the video.  But, I agree.  Gambling is not good for society and it is sad so many are attracted to it.


I remember when State lotteries first started in the United States.  They were going to be simple affairs with the money going toward public education.  This "concept" has morphed into an out of control, in my opinion, State run travesty that preys primarily on the poor and uneducated.  It is very sad watching the hopefuls waste their money for a 1 in a billion shot at riches.  And, a funny thing, even with all the lottery revenue, my taxes paid toward public education continues to rise.  Where is the money going?


Added to that is the casino going up all over the place.  They place advertisements showing all these beautiful happy people having such a good time.  When you visit you see reality.  Sad people throwing their money away.


Most Christian denominations prohibit  gambling also by the way.


The problem is, if it is not the State running gambling operations it is organized crime rings.  It seems some people just can't resist. 


Even so, it no doubt harms society overall and it is very sad and troubling to see the "government" participating.


All the Best,


Edited by David66
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David66: I was listening to Ohio Channel 24Nov14 and one point in a discussion was that the revenue from casinos was oversold and is not as much as projected.

factoid: the Horseshoe in Cincinnati had a $14million drop in gross revenue in Sept from August which also was a down month.


I used to be a good poker player, where the odds of any hand in relation to any other hand is well known. So you can win.

BUT, the other "games" are only through your money away schemes.


The "one arm bandit" always wins unless programed to pay out --and that can be controlled.

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