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In the Name of God بسم الله

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  • Advanced Member

I can see a constant increase in the numbers of people converting to Shi'sm and I sometimes tend to wonder if this is good or bad. What do our books say about the days before Imam Mahdi (as) re-appears? I know that destruction will avail throughout the Middle-East if not the whole world. But, do we have anything mentioning whether people will come towards the religion of Ahl-alBayt or will instead start to stray away from it? Will Imam Mahdi (as) appear when he has gained a massive following (Shi'a) or will he appear when everyone is starting to lose their Iman?

Posted (edited)

I think both possibilities exist. Perhaps times will get worse and God will decide to save the world through the Imam. Or perhaps times will get better and Imam will come because people are in a condition to follow him. We should strive for the later and perhaps this is the meaning of the prayer when we ask God to hasten his appearance.

Edited by StrugglingForTheLight

It will increase I think, because in the past 11 Imams, the Imams did not have many followers, they were always outnumbered, you see how Ali (as)  would have ended the Sofyani Fitna at his time but his own army turned Khawarij and threatened to kill the Imam if Malik killed Muawiya.


So now what I think the plan is that to give humans some time to develop and realize what they really need, then when enough people have realized that we need the last Imam and the Qaim will by that time have enough loyal followers, so victory will be possible, and guidance will not be blocked.

  • Moderators
Posted (edited)
[ikmal ad-Deen] as-Sakuni said that Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام: The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وآله said: There will come a time upon my Umma in which naught will remain of the Quran but its writing, and naught of Islam but its name. They will be named by it while they are the furthest of mankind from it. Their mosques will be populated, while they are ruined of guidance. The fuqaha of that time are the evilest of fuqaha under the shade of Heaven. From them fitna will go out, and to them it will return.



If you observe the current world and how Muslims handle their religion and how much fitnah we already have..you will conclude that it will only increase in future to the point where Islam is just as name and there will be very few true followers.

Edited by Dhulfikar
  • Advanced Member



So we can conclude from your replies that towards the re-appearance of Imam Mahdi (af) Islam will be high in numbers but will not be applied properly by the Muslim masses. Seems about right considering what's happening in the Middle East, fitna has become wide spread and easily invoked between Muslims today.



  • Advanced Member

Yes, a great number of ahadith tell us about the corruption of the Muslim nation at the end of times, what one finds repeatedly in the prophecies is that scholars will go corrupt, people will decorate Quran and mosques lavishly and there will be a general tendency towards gayness.


It tells us that there will be a lot of Muslims but their Islam will be limited to outer appearance, and the cause of their corruption will be misguidance from religious scholars who will distort Islam according to their selfish needs and that ummah will be so misguided that it will adopt the most indecent of evil practices.

  • 1 month later...
  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)

There are hadiths from our Imams saying one thing that there will be no hypocrisy regarding their religion left among people when he arrives, that people then will either be Muslim down to the bones or the so-called "muslims" of now will take up christian names and will be openly kafir and won't be misguiding others by the label they identify themselves with. Hypocrite "muslims" like Ash'ath Kindi of Kufa etc and their likes will simply not exist at the time of reappearance. Because its always the hypocrites who have betrayed and facilitated the letting down of all Aimmah and Ambiya. This is the one biggest criteria of reappearance. Second one is that us Shia will be rolled in this mill of circumstance like wheat is rolled in a flour mill and flour is separated from husk.


Therefore I think we should not put any stock in numbers now and then, Islam was never about numbers and numbers do not matter to us. Instead we should look to the condition of faith and that of our progeny and their future regarding their faith and nothing else. Even if the worldwide number of true Shia is only 10.

Edited by Darth Vader

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