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In the Name of God بسم الله

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i have 2 questions regarding this hadit below...


  1. my first question is regarding #5 in the hadith below... does this mean to fast? 
  2. and my second question is regarding #6... does this mean to have my brain and heart that writhing pain that seems to come over my body as i remember my sin? is that the correct pain of obediennce ?? or is there a solace a blissfulness in being obedient in doing something i truly want to do an truly find Repentance??


It is narrated that someone said: Astaghfirullah (I seek God's forgiveness) before Imam ‘Ali Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã. He said to him. "May your mother mourn for you! Do you know what istighfar is? Verily istighfar is a degree of the 'illiyyun (people of high station) and it is a word that means six things. First is remorse over the past. Second, the resolution not to return to it ever. Third, to return to creatures their (formerly usurped) rights so that you meet God Almighty in a state of purity in which no one has any claim against you. Fourth, that you fulfil every duty that you neglected in order to satisfy your obliga­tion in respect to it. Fifth, that you attend to the flesh of your body that has grown on unlawful nourishment so that it melts away as a result of grief and mourning and your skin adheres to your bones, after which new flesh grows in its place. Sixth, that you make your body taste the pain of obedience in the same way as it earlier tasted the pleasure of sins. When you have done these things then say Astaghfirul­lah! [Nahj al‑Balagha, saying # 417]

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Salaam again.


The first means to be regretful of what he has done.


The sixth means this: because he has committed some sins, he has found those sins very enjoyable and tasty, so the sweetness of obedience automatically came out from his heart - because his heart is full due to his sins -; so to do his obligatory duties like praying, fasting, paying Khums and etc. became bitter for his heart, so he has to force himself to do his religious duties, after that the enjoy of obedience will enter his heart, Insha'Allah.


With Duas.



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thank you for the answers you provided...


but my question was regarding #5 and if he was referring to fasting (sawm) - "Fifth, that you attend to the flesh of your body that has grown on unlawful nourishment so that it melts away as a result of grief and mourning and your skin adheres to your bones, after which new flesh grows in its place."

Edited by taino3six
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Brother! according to scholars the first four things are the necessary things for a repentance to be accepted and the fifth nd the sixth things are as completion for repentance not necessary parts; i.e. if you want to have a perfect repentance you have to compensate what have grown in his bodily and spiritually life; for example he drunk wine, so he can do fasting (Waajib or Mustahab) in order to bring out those effects that have been stuck to his body and soul.

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