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In the Name of God بسم الله

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Just another holocaust denial//shoah denial.


Besides, "lidar" only measures distance, it has little other uses.


Ashes went up the chimneys or were washed out below the grates.


You won't find any neo-nazis here, newbie. You'll have to go to the VVhite House for that.

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@ hasanhh


Thank you for commenting on my post. I'll try to keep my response brief.


"Just another holocaust denial//shoah denial."

That is a mere parroting of nebulous power terms, intended to stifle debate. Such expressions are incompatible with rational discourse.


"Besides, "lidar" only measures distance, it has little other uses."

The lidar clearly showed the graves in the cemetery and the various other man-made features in the area. Neither the lidar nor the ground-penetrating radar found the enormous burial and cremation pits described in the Exterminationist narrative, which would be impossible if such features existed.


"Ashes went up the chimneys or were washed out below the grates."

For one thing, this totally disregards the realities of cremation. Also, while you denounce my lack of faith in the Exterminationist account; you yourself feel free to ditch unilaterally the enormous burial pits of that narrative, and add chimneys which have never before featured at Treblinka!


"You won't find any neo-nazis here, newbie. You'll have to go to the VVhite House for that."

You refer to "Holocaust" sceptics as "neo-nazis", and then offer the US regime as an example of such. In reality the US regime is vehemently opposed to "Holocaust" Revisionism. Any foreign leader it targets for elimination is always said to be "the new Hitler", and the carnage it inflicts is justified as preventing "another Holocaust".


Your comment consists of sheer obscurantism. I'll be charitable and assume you were just having an off-day.

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This forum has enough of these "start a conversation" extraneous premises.


But Holocaust Denial is one of the most insidious .


There is nothing exaggerated about Nazi crimes against the Roma, Russians, Jews, political prisoners, reprisals and so forth.



Lidar is not able to measure anything within soils. So this is junk scientological.


Chimneys is what are at the other sites if not at Treblinka.


And "holocaust deniers" are not "skeptics" but bu!!cwappers.


The Obomb'em VVhite House back neo-nazis and the Pravvy (das Reich) Sektor in the Ukraine. Just because the US (dalang) directed Likud in lsrael  does not object does not diminish the crimes in das Ukraine.


And I am not having another "off day", but, to use a 60s expression, "you are off your rocker".!

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  • Veteran Member

Just another holocaust denial//shoah denial.


Besides, "lidar" only measures distance, it has little other uses.


Ashes went up the chimneys or were washed out below the grates.


You won't find any neo-nazis here, newbie. You'll have to go to the VVhite House for that.


Actually, I'm inclined to believe that the 6 million number is made up, and the idea that the nazis wanted to use gas chambers to kill all Jews is pretty weak as well, there is enough evidence to argue against it.


It doesn't really matter though, a single life is precious, many Jews clearly got a raw deal under the nazis, as did many other groups.

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Ali Hussain:


I read the 3 volume USArmy report.


The Death Camps of Central and Western Europe had documented by name and photograph:

6.5 Million Roma

5.5 Million Jews

2.+ Million Political Prisoners


This does not include the 20+ Million in Russia, White Russia and Ukraine, The Half Million Jews murdered "in the field" (usually burned alive), reprisals, and other sub/inter ethnic murders (like in the Balt countries, Poland or Balkans)


Provocateurs like "invicious" above usually do not know anything about what they try to start fights with. (Guessing, I'd guess he is a student trying to get contrived data points for a paper.)

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I'm not going to pretend to be any kind of expert on this issue, to be honest, I'm basing this of a few things that I've seen online.


A few basic videos:




6 Million Number:



Holocaust Survivors Tell The Truth:



David Cole raises some interesting points, you can search on youtube for some of his research, a large number of the 6 million seems to have come from Auschwitz, but even Auschwitz have revised that number (4 m to 1 m) - Raul Hilberg apparently questions the 6 million figure as well.



I'm not saying this because I'm some kind of Jew hater, I'm sure I harbour much less hatred towards the Jewish religion than the majority of Muslims, I just find that there are enough points against the mainstream story to make it questionable.

Edited by Ali_Hussain
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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'll add this for the skeptics and shoah-deniers:


Yousef Ali translation, 1937 edition, Sura A'raf [7] note number 1096;


"...The Jews in their Ghettos in Europe suffered much persecution. Nor are they out of the wood yet. If the Pogroms of the Slavs against them have ceased, their fate in Nazi Germany is the talk of the World (underline added -ed.)."


So what was going on and the worse yet to start was known. You can also read Ayatollah Khomenei's 1941 speech triggered by the Shah's closing-up with the Nazis.


There is also a book by Hans Habe, I forget the title, wherein he describes some of his and others activities when the Nazis tried to sell Jews at $250 each to save them from execution. As I remember, a family could be gotten for $1,000.

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@ hasanhh


Along with the categorical assertion and name-calling, you have made one point which I think I should answer; although it is actually explained in the links from my article.


"Lidar is not able to measure anything within soils. So this is junk scientological."


The airborne lidar image of course doesn't show underground depth. The surface of areas that have been disturbed reflects differently from virgin soil, and the perimeters of such features are clearly visible. It should be noted that the lidar was used by the Exterminationist Caroline Sturdy Colls.


In the Ukraine, the Pravy Sektor and Svoboda have been exploited to install a regime of Jewish oligarchs.

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This hokey stuff requires the "Charlie Brown Response", 'Ooohhh, good grief'.


Reflectivity alone is grossly insufficient because its return is highly affected by surface moisture.


And there is no observed 'name calling'.


So, what is this, in paraphrase, neo-Nazis "install"ing Jews?  


:lol: 'till I got :sick:

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