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In the Name of God بسم الله

Even And Odd Miracle In The Quran

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This aspect of the Qur'ān has always impressed me. 


The following is part of the introduction to Professor Abdeel Haleem's Translation of the Qur'ān (which I strongly recommend): 


A central feature of Qur'ānic style is contrast: between this world and the next (each occurring exactly 115 times), between believers and disbelievers, between Paradise and Hell. This has been studied in great detail, and scholars have found truly remarkable patterns of contrasts: angels and devils, life and death, secrecy and openness, and so on, occurring exactly the same number of times.13 This sense of balance in the text is continued in passages where the Prophet is instructed to say, ‘Now the truth has come from your Lord: let those who wish to believe in it do so, and let those who wish to reject it do so’ (18: 29) and ‘There is no compulsion in religion: true guidance has become distinct from error’ (2: 256) (one of the names the Qur'ān gives for itself is al-Furqan––the book that distinguishes [right from wrong] (25:1)).




13A. Nawfal, al-I" jaz al-" Adadi lil-Qur'ān il-Karim (Cairo, 1976).

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