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In the Name of God بسم الله

Why Non-Muslims Are Considered As Najis In Islam

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Dear All,


Thanks to Almighty Allah that we're followers of Bab-ul-ilm and we don't accept thing blindly and illogically.


This question is concerning me since long time that Islam is a religion for all Mankind, it's message of Peace, Love, harmony and kindness is for whole humanity. Lives of Prophets and Imams are full of Kindness towards Muslims and Non-Muslims but the same religion orders us to keep ourselves away from wet hands of Non-Muslims because they're Najis.


It's the decision of Almight that he were born in Muslim (Shia) family and that makes me 'Pak' and a same person born in a Non-muslim family is Najis. This is indigestible for me.


Please advise me.



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This question is concerning me since long time that Islam is a religion for all Mankind, it's message of Peace, Love, harmony and kindness is for whole humanity. Lives of Prophets and Imams are full of Kindness towards Muslims and Non-Muslims but the same religion orders us to keep ourselves away from wet hands of Non-Muslims because they're Najis.

No it doesn't. Some marja'iyya passed a fatwa that they are najis when hands are wet because of their spiritual uncleanliness and that is their view. The opinion was always based on obligaroty precaution though.


There are other marja'iyya that do not agree with this view and say that their research shows that it is only spiritual uncleanliness and therefore it is okay to touch them and even eat their food.


The religion itself doesn't say these things. They are under debate. There are established facts within Islam (e.g. Tawheed) but this is not a fact, it's a highly discussed topic.

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Salam, brother Hasan. Before asking why non-muslims are ritually impure, we should ask if they are considered to be impure in islam..


First of all, Islam does not consider all non-muslims to be impure. Quran says, polytheists are impure.. Not, non-muslims..

And we know well that there are monotheistic non-muslims.. And as per islamic jurisprudance, people of the scripture (Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians) are considered to be pure..


Secondly, unlike Christianity, we believe all humanity is born ritually pure, even though they might be born into a polytheist (e.g. idolater) family.. Please study the term فطرة / fitra, especially with Mutahhari's book on it.. You'll see that because the natural disposition tells and directs one to tawhid/oneness of God, the children of polytheists are also considered to be pure.. So, when they grow up, it is not that they are born into a family that makes them tahir or najis (pure or impure), it is that whether or not they choose to stay pure with the belief and love of God..


And, it is good that we ask and learn more about our religion. But, it is not good we keep such questions in for a long time.. I think, whenever we have such questions, we need to not delay asking and learning its philosophy.. Also, I think Ayatullah Mutahhari's "Divine Justice"  http://www.amazon.com/Divine-Justice-Murtadha-Mutahhari/dp/9647741464  should be one of the priorities in our books to read.


Anyway, I am sure brethren here will share their views on why disbelief of God is considered to be najs / impurity.. thanks. ma salam

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  • Veteran Member

Dear All,


Thanks to Almighty Allah that we're followers of Bab-ul-ilm and we don't accept thing blindly and illogically.


This question is concerning me since long time that Islam is a religion for all Mankind, it's message of Peace, Love, harmony and kindness is for whole humanity. Lives of Prophets and Imams are full of Kindness towards Muslims and Non-Muslims but the same religion orders us to keep ourselves away from wet hands of Non-Muslims because they're Najis.


It's the decision of Almight that he were born in Muslim (Shia) family and that makes me 'Pak' and a same person born in a Non-muslim family is Najis. This is indigestible for me.


Please advise me.


As it absolutely should be.

The problem with the interpretation of Ibrahamic religions that I often find is the sacrificing of the BIG message for little symbolisms. Segregation might have been the very logical approach 1400 or 2000 or 5000 years ago at a time when concepts such as multiculturalism had not yet been realized. Hygiene and other health issues had more ritualistic and subjective basis as opposed to today's scientific. Taboos sand misconceptions formed the basis of international relations than rational ideological systems ..etc.etc. Today however in a much different world where shaking the wet hands of a non-Muslim would not give you black death. Today's muslims and non muslims live together and under the same laws that muslims and muslims, jews and jews, or christians and christian lived back in their days. 


If we had inherited the value tables of the caveman (thank God they were not literate then) then that would have formed the basis of our reasonings today. Funny how knowledge (writing), which is supposed to liberate, in fact does the exact opposite- it imprisons.

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Dear All,


Thanks to Almighty Allah that we're followers of Bab-ul-ilm and we don't accept thing blindly and illogically.


This question is concerning me since long time that Islam is a religion for all Mankind, it's message of Peace, Love, harmony and kindness is for whole humanity. Lives of Prophets and Imams are full of Kindness towards Muslims and Non-Muslims but the same religion orders us to keep ourselves away from wet hands of Non-Muslims because they're Najis.


It's the decision of Almight that he were born in Muslim (Shia) family and that makes me 'Pak' and a same person born in a Non-muslim family is Najis. This is indigestible for me.


Please advise me.


There are many reasons for this which you should take into account:

(1) Do they have Tahara? In the means Do they do Wudu like you do? do they do taharah while in the bathroom?

Do they Do ghusal al Janabah?..Do they it Haram food? This all affects the state of Taharaha of a person, therefore from that 

Respective we clean our hands if we shake hands with them.

(2) They are not Najas in the means " PURELY NAJAS" because you do not know if he will become Muslim or not.

When We say Najas we say it in the means of the outside, ( the body ) and not the Soul.


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I think this whole 'najis' thing stems from the Quran stating that the mushriks in Mecca were 'unclean' or 'impure'. At some point this was turned into this odd idea of a spiritual impurity somehow translating into some kind of invisible physical impurity that one catches like disease so must be washed. I personally feel the meaning has more than likely been twisted.

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I think this whole 'najis' thing stems from the Quran stating that the mushriks in Mecca were 'unclean' or 'impure'. At some point this was turned into this odd idea of a spiritual impurity somehow translating into some kind of invisible physical impurity that one catches like disease so must be washed. I personally feel the meaning has more than likely been twisted.


That's an interesting way to look at it Ruq. So I think you're saying that you think they are impure in the metaphorical and not literal sense. So by that account, eating food that has come into contact with non muslims who are not Ahlul Kitab would be permissible, no? 

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