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In the Name of God بسم الله

Could This Be Evil Eye Or Sihr?

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Guys I need an opinion!

So alhamdillah Im engaged to someone I love back home in Iraq and weve been engaged for a year. Ive come back to America to finish studying and his visa is almost complete in sha Allah. We talk on facetime every day. Alhamdillah we usually never argue and when we do its about tiny simple stuff that can be resolved quickly. Its just this past week has been so different. every little thing I do or say has been making him mad and causing arguements. Its the first time in a whole year weve ever argued more than three times a week. just last week I was noticing how we havent argued in a long time and this week its like BAM arguements coming out of no where. Today I was telling him how I dont feel like hes my husband and by that I meant I feel like hes my bestfriend and I asked him if he feels like Im not his wife and he got mad at me and it didnt turn into an arguement but he just said what kind of question is that in a sort of rude way. I guess that was my fault in a way because I shouldbe been clearer but I dont see it as something to get mad over even if I didnt clear it up. I feel like Im letting him down and I always immiedietly start feeling like I cant breathe and I just want to cry when I think about all the arguments weve had this week. Usually I forget about the arguements we have but this week theyve stuck to me and I cant get over them. He still tells me he loves me and we're still good with eachother so its not that hes treating me badly. Its just the arguements are excessive this week and I dont feel its normal. Even tho he still says he loves me I dont feel it because I feel like I bothered him a lot this week. What makes me think this is the evil eye or sihr is because when I was in Iraq everyone wanted me for their son. Now that I got engaged people might have their eye on our relationship. Esp since people ober there know my parents never had a good relationship, they might be surprised that we are and arent saying mashallah. What do you guys think I should do? Do you think this is the evil eye?

  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)

Fights out of nowhere are pretty normal in long-distance relationships (and even sometimes in short-distance relationships). People need to stop thinking that everything that goes even slightly wrong in their lives is down to magic.

Maybe there is some underlying issue that is bothering him that you need to talk to him about. Possibly it's the fact that he will be soon leaving his country? Telling someone who has that in his mind that you don't feel he is your husband might not be the best idea.

Edited by Haydar Husayn
  • Veteran Member

well i think,from reading your 2 posts,that the problem is with u,u need to be closer from Allah inorder to get rid of all those bad feelings and doubts u've got recently.

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thanks everyone. I talked to him and we got everything sorted out. hes been working alot and the time zones are very different so when we talk its usually after midnight his time which might be why hes been so grumpy. I thought it would be magic because weve been good all this time and these fights came out of no where so whats why. Alhamdillah we talked about everything though so everythings back to normal.


He got upset because he's upset you would ask a question like that to him. Asking if he doesn't see you as a wife is doubting all that he says and does to you and you should trust what he says instead of worrying about things that are really not true.

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Sand People Logic.




So believing in magic is "sand people logic," when it has been clearly mentioned in the Quran? Do you wish to call Allah a liar? Of course magic has no effect if Allah does not permit, and it is haram to practice it, but saying it is fake is wrong. Magic is not some superstitious concept that suggests a person can gain control of everything, and is subject to His power, as is everything. Also not all problems are from magic, and maybe only very few are, but that is a completely different matter. 


“And they followed what the shaitans chanted of sorcery in the reign of Sulaiman, and Sulaiman was not an unbeliever, but the shaitans disbelieved, they taught men sorcery and that was sent down to the two angels at Babel, Harut and Marut, Yet these two taught no man until they had said, ‘Surely we are only a trial, therefore do not be a disbeliever.’ Even then men learned from these two, magic by which they might cause a separation between a man and his wife; and they cannot hurt with it anyone except with Allah’s permission, and they learnt what harmed them and did not profit them, and certainly they know that he who brought it should have no share of good in the hereafter and evil was the price for which they sold their souls; had they but known this.”

(Surah al-Baqarah 2:102)


Read this it is a good explanation: http://www.al-islam.org/greater_sins_complete/36.htm

Posted (edited)

Have you ever been in an elevator with a group of people and smelt something?. Then everyone looks around and sniffing their noses? Now thats real magic.

Edited by D3v1L

So believing in magic is "sand people logic," when it has been clearly mentioned in the Quran? Do you wish to call Allah a liar? Of course magic has no effect if Allah does not permit, and it is haram to practice it, but saying it is fake is wrong. Magic is not some superstitious concept that suggests a person can gain control of everything, and is subject to His power, as is everything. Also not all problems are from magic, and maybe only very few are, but that is a completely different matter. 


“And they followed what the shaitans chanted of sorcery in the reign of Sulaiman, and Sulaiman was not an unbeliever, but the shaitans disbelieved, they taught men sorcery and that was sent down to the two angels at Babel, Harut and Marut, Yet these two taught no man until they had said, ‘Surely we are only a trial, therefore do not be a disbeliever.’ Even then men learned from these two, magic by which they might cause a separation between a man and his wife; and they cannot hurt with it anyone except with Allah’s permission, and they learnt what harmed them and did not profit them, and certainly they know that he who brought it should have no share of good in the hereafter and evil was the price for which they sold their souls; had they but known this.”

(Surah al-Baqarah 2:102)


Read this it is a good explanation: http://www.al-islam.org/greater_sins_complete/36.htm


Pretty much yeah. Sand people logic.

  • Advanced Member

Nope. I don't think this is an evil eyes at all. Most likely the long distance is putting the strain on your relationship.


I also think the underlaying cause over these “fights” you've been having is immaturity. Both of you need to move pass this “stage” of uncertainty. But like I said, the long distance is not helping one bit.

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