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In the Name of God بسم الله

Distance Learning - Islamic Studies

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Salaam Alaykum, 


I am interested in doing a PHd in Islamic Studies. I was wondering what the best distance learning option is available? I probably need to start from scratch ie Bachelors  Degree! 


I sincerely appreciate you help.



Edited by knowledgeseeker
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There is currently no respected online PhD programs in Islam, the respected PhDs are in person either from traditional schools in the east or orientalist schools in the west.


Getting an online PhD will cost you for honestly really no good reason, all the books that is used for the hawza curriculum is readily available online with commentaries and everything.


If becoming an aalim is your goal so that you may pull the people towards you so that you may do your part in Islam,then this is not a blameworthy wish. Many people choose to become distinguished in order to speak without the restrictions of discrediting attitudes and I commend you for that.


You should know that there are no ijazas or permission in Islam to become a shaykh, ijaza's are only used for one thing and that is to narrate ahadith or books. Now a days this is not needed and is replaced by the ijazaha of ijithad, so technically speaking you need to learn under a mujtahid to be a mujtahid, other than that you are free to study on your own and teach Islamic knowledge on the condition that you actually you what you're talking about.

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