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In the Name of God بسم الله

I Am Sinful But Want To Change

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  • Advanced Member

Assalam aliakum brothers and sisters in faith

I hv been seeking knowledge form many religeous forums about how to fix myself and rid myself of sins. I feel helpless as if caught in swamp of sin and disabled. I want to stop bad habits, stay clean, pray and to follow Allahs instructions. I want to be pious. Right now i am completely 'godless' but i believe in good and in islam. Maybe u shia ppl hv some good advice for a dark soul like me???

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Being Thursday perhaps you may find solace in the beautiful words of Dua Kumayl, read the meaning, ask for forgiveness for the sins you feel remorseful for.

Don't ever forget there is always hope and you truly are never alone.

"We are nearer to him than his jugular vein" (50:16)

I pray you don't give up on your faith.


dark soul?

you are thinking about changing yourself, and it is a good evidence proves God cares for you, and if God cares for you then you are not a dark soul .

First of all, accept yourself as a person who is able to be one of the best creatures in the world. whatever has happened to you, or whatever you have done till now, has been a part of a journey which you had to have to come to this point that you are not what Allah wants you to be.

Now you have understood, so stop blaming yourself.

don't be in rush. if you go fast then you will be more hopeless. get over your bad habits one by one. the fist bad habit that you defeat, the next one will be more more easier.

people believes that they know their Nafs but very less people really understands their nafs very well.

you have to know your Nafs in the beginning, what kind of things it likes, in what ways it is tempting you, what kind of things which it is stopping you to do them? when and how it is controlling you? Nafs is like a child, you have to know it very well to get over it.

all I can tell you is that don't get hopeless and never be in rush. it is a real battle that may take all of your life.

  • Veteran Member

alhamdulillah, the fact that you are posting this is a good indication. My first question to you is have you read the Quran from beginning to end in a language you comprehensively understand (i.e. you could write an essay in)?

  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)


May Allah (swt) grab hold of you. Keep the intention, and he will. Alhamdulilah I wish you all the best.

Implement your wajib prayers (if not already), and memorise the translations so you know what you are saying. Even if you don't concentrate 100% in the prayers, you will see the effects. Of course with that try your absolute best not to sin.

Edited by Kamran-Syed
  • Advanced Member

uAlaikom Salaam,

Surat Al-Ra`d Ayat 11: Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. Brother, keep in mind that Allah (SWT) is the All-Knowing All-Wise and everything that you do is kept in a clear record that will be presented before you on That Day.

With that being said, by you acknowledging your faults and you wanting to correct them shows that you are clearly on the right path. The brother above had some advice that I would have suggested myself since I did the same through my transition and still do. Work on one thing at a time, and with success of each fault conquered it becomes easier. Try to commit yourself to all 5 obligatory Salats if you don't already (as they are seperated like they are for a reason), gaurd your modesty, and continuously seek knowledge that will help with your growth. Dua Kumayl till this day helps me every time I'm going through anything.

I myself once lead a life that I thought at one point was impossible to escape. I had vices that were so second nature to me that I never saw myself doing anything other than what I was doing. When I got to the point it seems you are at now (acknowledging my faults) I made sincere steps to correct them. I'm not at all perfect, but I try my best to emulate the example set forth by the Holy Prophet (SAW) and his Ahlulbayt (as). Inshallah, you continuously try to better yourself and I'm sure if your intent is sincere you will be guided.

Yusuf Ali Mohammad

  • Basic Members

"Surat Al-Ra`d Ayat 11: Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves."

Try to focus on praying everyday and doing what is right. If you are at the cross roads on deciding to do right and wrong, stop....and think...what will be the benefit of both. Why do you need the haram? What is driving you towards committing sin?

Read dua'as and focus on small goals that you know you can attain.

May God give you the stregnth to be who you desire and want to be.

  • Advanced Member

I beg to differ, but many people perhaps misunderstood the true meaning to this ayah;

"Surat Al-Ra`d Ayat 11: Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves."

If it meant that we have freewill and hence we are capable to correct ourselves, isn't it quite redundant for the Lord to make such a statement?

What I understand it means is that -- from the premise of other Quranic verses that God does not inflict an iota of injustice and cruelty to His servants -- He only showers blessings and goodness to His servants -- it is the servants who change the goodness that has been laid out for them.

The fitrah of a human is always goodness. A baby is born without sin irrergardless he is born to a Muslim or a Kafir. It is at later stages that Satan blew into the ear of his heart that he chose to sin.

Allah is Light. His intention is to always light up our hearts. If He at His willy-nilly discretion wishes not to shower light into the heart of servant, He can't be God. He can only be Satan.

The heart of a Kafir is overturned and devoid of light. It is the Kafir (himself) who changed what is in himself in the first place.


In addition to wajibat, I have noticed that mostahabat are also good for this. Things like fasting, Duas, zkr, and giving charity.

Also you def. have to change a few things and people in your life. If you have frineds with bad habbit, then you need to stop hanging out with them.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Veteran Member

I want to stop bad habits, stay clean, pray and to follow Allahs instructions.

One small and easy step towards that is to make a habit to stay in wudhoo. Whenever you go to washroom / wudhoo breaks, redo it. You seem to have the conscience so the rest will fall into its place if you observe my little advice. :)

May Allah help us both (Ameen).

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