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Supposed Declaration On Imam Khomeini.

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A Sunni Facebook "friend" posted this supposed statement of Imam Khomeini. My searches online have turned up Sunni websites only. What do you all know about this supposed statement? I did find one thread on Shia Chat, but it was very short and did not really provide any useful information

  • "The Islamic and non-Islamic powers of the world will not admit our power till such time that we establish our hold over Makkah and Madinah because these are the centers and citadels of Islam. Hence our domination over these places Is an essential requirement ... when as a conqueror I will enter Makkah and Madinah, the first thing to be done at that time by me would be to dig out two idols (Abu Bakr and Umar) lying by the side of the Prophet's grave."

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A Sunni Facebook "friend" posted this supposed statement of Imam Khomeini. My searches online have turned up Sunni websites only. What do you all know about this supposed statement? I did find one thread on Shia Chat, but it was very short and did not really provide any useful information

  • "The Islamic and non-Islamic powers of the world will not admit our power till such time that we establish our hold over Makkah and Madinah because these are the centers and citadels of Islam. Hence our domination over these places Is an essential requirement ... when as a conqueror I will enter Makkah and Madinah, the first thing to be done at that time by me would be to dig out two idols (Abu Bakr and Umar) lying by the side of the Prophet's grave."

And? The narration he might be basing this off of is extremely weak, but the details of the general doctrine that he is referring to, raj`a, have not been conclusively expounded in the literature. So, this remains a possibility, and there is nothing wrong in what he said.

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And? The narration he might be basing this off of is extremely weak, but the details of the general doctrine that he is referring to, raj`a, have not been conclusively expounded in the literature. So, this remains a possibility, and there is nothing wrong in what he said.

1. What does this have to do with raj'a?

2. Doesn't really go well with other pro-unity sayings of his.

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1. You need to read the original narration, and you'll realize that it's about raj`a.

2. You should see how many other things he's said that don't go well with the pro-unity theme.

1. About Imam Mehdi punishing Abu Bakr and Umar once they've been brought back to life? If it's about that then yes, I agree there are weak narrations on that.

2. I'll have a look into that. A common one I've seen, on here as well, is the one about the kufar cutting the ummah's hands...

Edited by Vigilare
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Read about the man and and his speeches, then judge for yourself. This is just Wahhabi talking [Edited Out] as usual. And the so called Shias on here who have posted comments on here supporting the statement and thus implying Ayatullah Khomeini said it are just [edited] anyway.

Edited by Haji 2003
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I think my respect for Sayyid Khomeini رحمه الله وسامحه would increase if this were true.

في امان الله

Hmm do you think he needs your respect!! So glad all you armchair Ayatullahs will never be faced with the choice of leading an Islamic country.

Edited by A true Sunni
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Although, I find that statement from Khomeini disgusting and uncalled for - worse have been said by other figures. Khomeini, like all other political leaders, had to please all sides. In the statement posted by the OP, he attempts to reach out to those from the anti-unity camp, on the other hand, his famous statement about position of the hands in prayer was an attempt to reach out to the pro-unity camp. To be realistic about it, in my opinion, Khomeini was more worried about repelling the Iraqi invasion than he was about conquering Mekkah and Medina. Rhetoric is just rhetoric.

Edited by Abu_Muslim
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Please re-read my post and tell me how my post warranted such a response in that tone.

في امان الله

I have reread your post what I am against is when unqualified people (and i apologise if i am wrong about you being qualified) sit in judgement of people who are vastly more qualified then you.

By saying you would have greater respect you are implying that you understand the religious statement and political statement then he does. So my tone is harsh in reaction to that.

You obviously havn't heard the stories circulating IndoPak that the 1979 attack on the Kabah was Iranian inspired and the insurgents were Iranian.

Ignorance is amazing. All accounts say it was wahhabi arabs but it doesnt stop people trying to rewrite the history books

Although, I find that statement from Khomeini disgusting and uncalled for -

It has not been established that he said it all and for you to make the assumption he did because of some face book evidence is pretty disheatening

Edited by A true Sunni
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Inshallah that the day arrives when the Shia of Aale Muhammad (saws) lead salah in Makkah and Madinah & dig the two idols out of their graves.

lol, a shia with even a knife will not even smell the scent of Masjid nabawi (saww) for a million years. Rather remember my these words, Shiism will not expand now, it will only contract till it is in Isfahan and Qum only.

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lol, a shia with even a knife will not even smell the scent of Masjid nabawi (saww) for a million years. Rather remember my these words, Shiism will not expand now, it will only contract till it is in Isfahan and Qum only.

Kalaam don't you have better things to do than sitting at shiachat all day making useless statements ?

Get a life.

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lol, a shia with even a knife will not even smell the scent of Masjid nabawi (saww) for a million years. Rather remember my these words, Shiism will not expand now, it will only contract till it is in Isfahan and Qum only.

Remember these words: Shia Islam is true Islam and is expanding every day.

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lol, a shia with even a knife will not even smell the scent of Masjid nabawi (saww) for a million years. Rather remember my these words, Shiism will not expand now, it will only contract till it is in Isfahan and Qum only.

it's in a small village 70 kms from Krakow , Poland , for the first time with sisters wearing :Hijab's and applying for polish passports with :Hijab.

Something the :Sunnis have not dare challenged the polish government and they have been there longer .

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lol, a shia with even a knife will not even smell the scent of Masjid nabawi (saww) for a million years. Rather remember my these words, Shiism will not expand now, it will only contract till it is in Isfahan and Qum only.

Actually, no Muslim will get to smell the scent of Masjid an-Nabawi once your Wahhabi-Salafag friends bulldoze it as they are planning to. As for your second, poorly worded ("remember my these words" ?!?) statement, well, you mushrikeen* can dream all you want, but we are not going anywhere.

Keep breeding like rabbits, though, because your jahl seems to be proportional to the size of your population. The more of you there are, the more ignorant and savage you become. In fact, don't you have a Shi'i Masjid or Husayniyyah to blow up, or some heads to cut off? What are you doing wasting your time here?

* ie worshippers of the munafiqeen al-akbar

Edited by Abdul Qaim
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In fact, don't you have a Shi'i Masjid or Husayniyyah to blow up, or some heads to cut off? What are you doing wasting your time here?

* ie worshippers of the munafiqeen al-akbar

Don't you have Sunni Masajid and homes to destroy or kill Sunni Muslims using electric drills (like you did in Iraq)? Doing these will hasten the appearance of al-Mahdi according to Shia scholars. Why are you wasting your time here ?

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Listen, Abu Shaytaan, over 80% of the victims of the sectarian fighting in Iraq, have been Shi'ah, you munaafiq. . Your Salafag brethren were the ones who blew up the Al-Askariayn shrine. You filthy pond-scum were then ones who blew up Sayyid al-Hakeem in front of Imam 'Ali's masjid in Najaf. Your low-life brothers are the ones who are constantly setting off bombs and killing scores of Shi'ah at a time. We won't even mention the constant killings and beheadings of Shi'ah in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This [Edited Out] about Sunni masaajid and drills is absolute [Edited Out] and a smokescreen at that.

wow. such an explosion of emotions. something that doesn't let him think clearly. our sunni leader was attacked just a few days ago, and many were killed. but the shias are actually good at crying foul.

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I have reread your post what I am against is when unqualified people (and i apologise if i am wrong about you being qualified) sit in judgement of people who are vastly more qualified then you.

By saying you would have greater respect you are implying that you understand the religious statement and political statement then he does. So my tone is harsh in reaction to that.

You obviously havn't heard the stories circulating IndoPak that the 1979 attack on the Kabah was Iranian inspired and the insurgents were Iranian.

Ignorance is amazing. All accounts say it was wahhabi arabs but it doesnt stop people trying to rewrite the history books

You're reading too much into what I said. Respect increasing for someone doesn't mean I think myself above that person.

في امان الله

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As far as i am aware, Imam Khomeini (r.a..) never made a speech stating he will take over Mecca and Medina and pull out Abu Bakr and Umar from their graves. This is Wahabbi propaganda.

If these Salafis can provide a reference for when the speech was delivered and where, we can take it from there, otherwise your wasting your time.

It looks like they have taken the narration of Imam Zaman (ajtf) taking over the Hijaaz and destroying the graves of the first 2, and then ascribed it to Imam Khomeini (r.a..).

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You're reading too much into what I said. Respect increasing for someone doesn't mean I think myself above that person.

في امان الله

No but what it does mean is the you have prejudged a situation. Also an indication that you should be more careful of how you phrase comments on here


It looks like they have taken the narration of Imam Zaman (ajtf) taking over the Hijaaz and destroying the graves of the first 2, and then ascribed it to Imam Khomeini (r.a..).

Which it should also be pointed is not a strong narration. Since when has desecration of graves be they whoever been a trait of any of the Holy Personages.

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Totally irrelevant from the topic

Ayatullah Sayed Ruhollah Khomeini (r.a) 80 years of age and Namaz-e-shab ... We wanted to leave Iraq for Kuwait. At the border, the Kuwaitis would not let us

enter. At that time Imam was 80 years old. We had left Najaf at 5 am in the

morning. When the Kuwaitis would not let us enter, we had no choice but to return

to the Iraqi border. There they treated Imam very badly. They didn't even give him

a room in which he could rest. In the end, Imam laid out his cloak on the floor and

lay down. After an hour, orders came from Baghdad that we had to go to Basra. We arrived in Basra at one o'clock after midnight and Imam slept at two o'clock. It

was not long before an alarm clock rang. It was four o'clock in the morning. I saw

that Imam was getting up for Namaz-e-shab. Truly how wonderful it was. A man

80 years of age who from 5 the previous morning till 2 at night had not slept

remembered to set his alarm before going to sleep so that he could get up for

Namaz-e-shab. ~ Hujjatal Islam Haj Ahmed Agha Khomeini – Imam's son

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  • Veteran Member


No but what it does mean is the you have prejudged a situation. Also an indication that you should be more careful of how you phrase comments on here

Quite the assumption. It can be that one has the utmost respect for a person, and then that respect increases.

في امانا لله

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  • Veteran Member


Quite the assumption. It can be that one has the utmost respect for a person, and then that respect increases.

في امانا لله

Your respect should be based on the values of the person you are respecting. Your increase in respect is based on your own value system.

Since it is under contention whether he said the statement or not and it is being used to villify him . I very much doubt he said it. Ayatullah Khomeini was far more astute and a visionary then you give him credit for. If anything your 'wish' that he said it degrades him not elevates him

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lol, a shia with even a knife will not even smell the scent of Masjid nabawi (saww) for a million years. Rather remember my these words, Shiism will not expand now, it will only contract till it is in Isfahan and Qum only.

how can you be sure of that, Allah can take back your life at any moment. And so what if Shiism does not expand, we want to be where truth is and truth is with Ali. So if Ali is on one side while the whole world is on the other side, we will stay with Ali. Its our belief that the truth is with Ahlulbayt and the truth will prevail.

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