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Shaykh Muhammad Al Arifi writes in his Tweet:

''Some of the brothers have asked us about waging war inside Israel - we say to them, Jihad is not allowed in countries where there is peace - such as Saudi Arabia, Israel and Qatar... "

This monafiq cleric was the one who few years ago insulted Shia scholars, including Ayt. Sistani because the Houthis in North Yemen gave Saudi soldiers a good lesson after they invaded their regions. After he called all Shias as majoosi and Sahaba insulters, he then went on to say that Shias never did Jihad in their history and always conspired with moguls and Tatars and etc.. against the Muslim world. He also actively called on all Sunnis and Sunni countries to help terrorists in Syria against Rafidhis (Alawites) and invited ppl to join the Jihad in Syria and Iraq.

Now, he forbids Jihad in Israel, Qatar and Saudi.

May you burn in hell Al-Arifi, inshallah!

  • Veteran Member

^This was posted on Shiadefencecenter.org and I just shared it here.... I have no idea why you feel like going around and accusing people of lying!!!

I even don't lose any sleep over this Arifi if this tweet is fake or not..... He made too much lies and insults directed towards Shia scholars and beliefs, so he deserves a few from shiacdefencenter... PLUS, this could be true.

  • Advanced Member

Roachy why acuse some1 of nonsense like that? Does he look like he knows? Hes just trying to pass info on..


^This was posted on Shiadefencecenter.org and I just shared it here.... I have no idea why you feel like going around and accusing people of lying!!!

I even don't lose any sleep over this Arifi if this tweet is fake or not..... He made too much lies and insults directed towards Shia scholars and beliefs, so he deserves a few from shiacdefencenter... PLUS, this could be true.

#1 ShiaDefenceCenter don't put 100% accurate things.

#2 Ahlul Bayt didnt teach us to make lies against someone just because they made lies against us.

#3 I'm sorry I didn't mean you were lying but just like you feel its your duty to pass on information, I believe its your duty to find out if something sounds fishy, whether to post it or not and make sure the sources are right and the information is right, or else Sunnis would look at us posting these things and laugh at us just like we laugh at them when their scholars or leaders lie.

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)



I just went through his whole twitter account for over the past month and I have not found this statement. I have also google'd this exact statement that was made, and I still haven't found it. There are only two option. 1.) This is a fake. 2.) He deleted it right away. If it is latter, then there would be more of an uproar in the Arabic Shia community, but I don't see it.

Also, if he made such a statement, I doubt he would delete it, he doesn't seem like the person who would back track from his statements.


Edited by Nader Zaveri

The tweet looks fake. If you looks exactly around the letters, there is another color printed which means the words were inserted onto the pic. Second, on twitter they write when he put that tweet "35 seconds ago" "1 day ago" "1 month ago" "5 minutes ago", on this pic, there is nothing.

Please for everyone who wants to post something, its your duty to know what your posting.

I suggest the topic gets locked.

  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)

I believe you are overreacting on this issue... I don't see any reason to debate this issue and build a team of defense for anti-Shia Takfiri cleric, Al-Arifi.

#1 ShiaDefenceCenter don't put 100% accurate things.

#2 Ahlul Bayt didnt teach us to make lies against someone just because they made lies against us.

#3 I'm sorry I didn't mean you were lying but just like you feel its your duty to pass on information, I believe its your duty to find out if something sounds fishy, whether to post it or not and make sure the sources are right and the information is right, or else Sunnis would look at us posting these things and laugh at us just like we laugh at them when their scholars or leaders lie.

#1 No site put or publish 100% accurate things, including Shiachat, or Al-Manar or Aljazeera or PressTv... Yet we all every day post and use their materials here.. I believe you too did use of these sources as well.

#2 I did NOT make anything.. That is not my work or my report. The background of the image clearly reads the source. Plus, lets not be selective when it comes to Ahlul Bait (as). We bring in the Ahlul Bait (as) over these unpopular issues to defend a Takfiri Shaikh, but when we discuss the 'murder' and 'humiliation' and 'mutilation' of the "suspected spies" by Hamas, then we forget everything about the teaching of Ahlul Bait and excuse the criminals involved for what they did. I am not telling this just to score against you... And I respect your points, but I am kind of against using the term Ahlul Bait and their teaching selectively wherever they suit us, but forget about them when they do not fit our view points.

#3 I am not really interested to find the best sources and the best facts in regards to these dajjal clerics... After all they are the same ppl who insult and accuse Imam Khomaini of issuing fatwa permitting sex with 6 months child, Muqtada Sadr allowing 'group' sex and Hassan Nasrallah having hidden agendas with Israeli government behind the closed doors. AND I am not looking for any credit from Sunnis whatsoever... It does not bother me and I don't care what they say or think of us...!

Btw: I don’t see any reason to close this topic… Al-Arifi is not our marja or scholar, his fatwa fake or fiction, does not make any difference.

Edited by Noah-
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

I agree with Roachy here. Imagine yourself viewing this from a neutral standpoint, we would look like biased idiots. We'd look like nawasib watching fake videos about shia and believing them. News can be taken sometimes for granted but this is painfully obvious, and we do not need these things to understand how they are wrong.

Edited by SeekingTruth153
  • Advanced Member

I'm not particularly a fan of him or his Saudi Arabian brethren but like the other's I don't think he'd be that stupid to put that up in a tweet even if he believed it. They extol suicide bombers (including Palestinian ones) in Saudi Arabia it's highly unlikely they'd say not to do Jihad in Israel.

  • Veteran Member

Al-Arifi Insulting the Prophet (pbuh)

In this video it shows that, Al-arifi accuses the great prophet of Islam of selling bottles of alcohol to the companions...

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

mA, jihad is just allowed in the countries like Syria, Pakistan, Bahrain. Cheers for Shykh Facepalm

Don't forget what is probably the Best Jihad of all for them, Iran! I think they may equate it to the battle of Badr! :no:

Edited by Kirmani

Al-Arifi Insulting the Prophet (pbuh)

In this video it shows that, Al-arifi accuses the great prophet of Islam of selling bottles of alcohol to the companions...

You are clearly missing the point.

No one defended him. I've seen that video along time ago, and we know how bad he is, but when you want to prove that guy is bad, post something TRUE about him, by putting that video its not proving he put "jihad against israel is haram", please man, accept the FAIL.

  • Veteran Member

You are clearly missing the point.

No one defended him. I've seen that video along time ago, and we know how bad he is, but when you want to prove that guy is bad, post something TRUE about him, by putting that video its not proving he put "jihad against israel is haram", please man, accept the FAIL.

Buddy, take a timeout.... This topic is about Arifi and I may post 10s of other issues/clips on him and about him... I did not post this clip for or over the previous specific discussion. Accept the FAIL or the win? Here, we don't have some kind of race or competition on Al-Arifi... YOU THINK it is fake... so think that way, nobody is stopping you, but WHAT YOU THINK could be the fact or not..And that is not really important.

Posted (edited)

Buddy, take a timeout.... This topic is about Arifi and I may post 10s of other issues/clips on him and about him... I did not post this clip for or over the previous specific discussion. Accept the FAIL or the win? Here, we don't have some kind of race or competition on Al-Arifi... YOU THINK it is fake... so think that way, nobody is stopping you, but WHAT YOU THINK could be the fact or not..And that is not really important.

Actually what I think IS the fact.

Listen Arifi is a Salafi in the end, and he is the enemy. But even with the enemy, there are ways to attack. Attack the enemy with the truth of what he is doing, not lies. I'm not saying you lied, but you just passed on a lie, and you want to convince yourself its the truth. Do you USE twitter usually? If you do, from the pic you put it looks like a fake fail photoshop..And no thats not a topic abot arifi...that is a topic about arifi and the anti-jihad in israel which you opened..

Edited by RoAcHy
  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)

Actually what I think IS the fact.

Listen Arifi is a Salafi in the end, and he is the enemy. But even with the enemy, there are ways to attack. Attack the enemy with the truth of what he is doing, not lies. I'm not saying you lied, but you just passed on a lie, and you want to convince yourself its the truth. Do you USE twitter usually? If you do, from the pic you put it looks like a fake fail photoshop..And no thats not a topic abot arifi...that is a topic about arifi and the anti-jihad in israel which you opened..

Ok. now that you are being a kid. Let me tell you this, it is REAL and true. Who are you to decide if it is fake or not? Since when you are sitting behind your PC became a FACT finder?

Since when the Salafis are the enemies? I thought Hamas and Jihad and etc.. were your best brothers and buddies? Some ppl are so blind for the LOVE of Salafis that doesn't matter what they do, they are still in denial... And try to find anything to excuse them. Some ppl here also denied the fact that Mursi was sending letters to Israeli president and officials asking for friendship..even his spokesperson denied at start, but then they all admitted.

From the past experience and politics of Saudi and how the MB and Salafis asked Israel for help in Syrian war, I BELIEVE this could be really true and A FACT and the boys of shiadefencecenter.org did a GREAT job by catching Alarifi before he deleted his tweet and exposed him.

Edited by Noah-

Ok. now that you are being a kid. Let me tell you this, it is REAL and true. Who are you to decide if it is fake or not? Since when you are sitting behind your PC became a FACT finder?

I dont need to be a PC FACT finder, it just needs a brain and logic, and you can find something logical and find something else nonsense.

Since when the Salafis are the enemies? I thought Hamas and Jihad and etc.. were your best brothers and buddies? Some ppl are so blind for the LOVE of Salafis that doesn't matter what they do, they are still in denial... And try to find anything to excuse them. Some ppl here also denied the fact that Mursi was sending letters to Israeli president and officials asking for friendship..even his spokesperson denied at start, but then they all admitted.

Yes, we always said Hamas were buddies. So? There is something called politics that maybe you are ignorant in.

From the past experience and politics of Saudi and how the MB and Salafis asked Israel for help in Syrian war, I BELIEVE this could be really true and A FACT and the boys of shiadefencecenter.org did a GREAT job by catching Alarifi before he deleted his tweet and exposed him.

Why would he post it, and then delete it? If it was true, you think only ShiaDefence exist in this world? Man there is something called MEDIA all over the world who would have caught it. But unfortunately, ShiaDefence proved to post illogical things, just to add to the list. From the post it is obvious that its fake, from whats surrounding the Arabic letters, to the point there is no "25 seconds ago" or so.

Use your mind, not your emotions..

  • Veteran Member

I dont need to be a PC FACT finder, it just needs a brain and logic, and you can find something logical and find something else nonsense.

And since when we apply things here on your logic and understandings? That is FACT and real. Unless you bring Arifi on Shiachat to swear on his Shahada and say he did not say that, then we might believe it.

Yes, we always said Hamas were buddies. So? There is something called politics that maybe you are ignorant in.

And now you are being a hypocrite.. When it comes to Hamas and Palestine, you forget everything about the facts, lies, truth, the Ahlul Bait and their teachings... And ignorantly call it 'politics' but elsewhere you forget about politics? What kind of politics when you always benefit the (so called Salafi enemies) while in return you are nothing but a bunch of Rafidhi Mushrik and no political gain ever?

Why would he post it, and then delete it? If it was true, you think only ShiaDefence exist in this world? Man there is something called MEDIA all over the world who would have caught it. But unfortunately, ShiaDefence proved to post illogical things, just to add to the list. From the post it is obvious that its fake, from whats surrounding the Arabic letters, to the point there is no "25 seconds ago" or so.

Use your mind, not your emotions..

Well, Alarifi posted then he realized that he made a mistake by exposing himself...then deleted it. Simple!

And I don’t think ShiaDefenceCenter needs any reasoning from self-proclaimed online detectives to approve its works or not.


Yes well if it was posted why isn't their a "1 min ago" or a timing. There isn't one showing on your photo, so its a fake one. FACE IT, accept you have passed on a LIE.

Close the thread.

  • Forum Administrators

Noah please accept that you may have made a mistake on this occasion. Bear in mind that if anyone persistently posts hoax videos on this forum, presenting them as real, their account may be suspended.

In future please exercise due diligence.

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