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In the Name of God بسم الله

Miracles For Non-muslims

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Of all my Christian friends there are 2 (as far as I am aware) that practise Christianity. Both of these two friends of mine never really used to be religious, in fact if I am not mistaken one was an atheist and the other was either an atheist or a non practising Christian. But they both share in common the fact that they both either witnessed or were part of a miracle which brought them to Christianity.

The first of my friends (who was an atheist if I am not mistaken) was in a fight some years ago when he was seriously injured and survived. He felt God was watching over him and since then he has bettered himself and become Christian. He looked into Islam but says he wasn't convinced, which is why he turned to Christianity.

My other friends father was actually deaf in one ear and this (according to doctors) was a permanent disability. Nevertheless this one day, maybe 2-3 years after having become deaf, he was visited by two travelling Christians (my friend explained them to me as these miracle working Christians who travel the world but I'm not too sure about these particular details) who prayed for him. The following day he was healed. My friend tells me the doctors were baffled but you know how atheist doctors are, whether it be a miracle in Christianity or Islam, or any other religion, it will always be be mother natures way of being kind, or some other atheist gibberish :P

Now I've been thinking about this myself and I was trying to think of a reasonable explanation as to why God would lead them to Christianity instead of Islam, especially as both are convinced in Gods existence but I can't come to a conclusion.

At the end of the day Allah knows best but it always nags me how its Christians who witness miracles. In fact thats really whats kept my first friend to remain faithful, he tells me he witnesses miracles every now and again at Church.

But surely if these miracles were performed in the name of Islam we would have MANY MANY more followers...?

P.S. In case you're wondering, I am not asking this question because I am losing faith faith in Islam, I'm just questioning why it seems other religions are being supported by God?

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I guess it depends on your perspective, when compared to the miracles that the prophets performed then no, you're right, these are very minor. But generally for a man deaf in one ear to begin hearing after 3 years when the doctors have claimed there is no hope is quite a miraculous turn of events. I mean, if that was you, you wouldn't pass it off for coincidence would you?

Plus if anything these were just 2 examples I'm sure if you were to research into it there would be many more.

And you talk about "Islamic miracles" but that was really one of the questions I had (though I guess I didn't make it clear in the post). I have never heard of ANY miracles in Islam. Not just in terms of what the prophet did but I haven't even heard of Muslims recovering from illness miraculously etc. Which really leads back to my initial question of why God seems to be supporting other religions over Islam? I mean, I understand he can't exactly put it for us on a plate but it really does seem a bit like misdirection which which seems a little unfair if you ask me lol.

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What does the Quran reveal? That the Command is with Allah(swt) is all things.

If you add the desriptions "miracle" or "majic"(magi) to something, then you deny -or worse- what the Quran reveals.

I'll give a good example. When my aged Father decided to move back his old home, when he last walked out the back door for the last time the kitchen clocked stopped at 10:02. When he died about a year later and my sister was with him, she looked at the clock when she heard him fall and after returning from the hospital she found the clock the same, 2015 as I remember.

So, since the Command is with Allah(swt) in all things, the question becomes, "why would He(swt) do this "odd"(to us)//"nonsensical"(to us) thing?" Easy answer: so we testify for or against ourselves by whether we attach any "mysterious meanings" to such things because Allah(swt) always looks forward to the Last Day.

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