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In the Name of God بسم الله

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Well done for making this video, but you kind of hit them to hard. By that I mean we don't want to be the ones going around saying they are Kafirs, but you should have done it in a more educational way if you get me. but apart from that Sunni's can't disagree with the video since it's mostly Quran based :)

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Well done for making this video, but you kind of hit them to hard. By that I mean we don't want to be the ones going around saying they are Kafirs, but you should have done it in a more educational way if you get me. but apart from that Sunni's can't disagree with the video since it's mostly Quran based :)


Thanks for the feedback, brother. I understand what you mean, but I only used the word 'kaffir' to refer to the original enemies of Islam who attempted to deviate the religion to gain wealth and power for themselves. I used the word 'munafiqun' ('hypocrite') to refer to Sunnis making hypocritical and ironic accusations against the Shia. By Islamic definition, someone who knows this information from the Sunnah and still continues to reject the Imamat is a munafiqun, and someone who rejects the Ayahs from the Quran such as Surah “Verily, Allah has decreed to purify you, O' Ahlul Bayt, and sanctify you in a perfect way” (Al-Ahzaab, Ayah 33) is by Islamic definition not a Muslim. The Quran also says to be stern with the faithless, and Amir al-Mu'minin Ali ibn Abi Talib (Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã‎) called the Sunnis (who were aware of this information) munafiqun. Deviations in Islam, which has been perfected, is of the upmost seriousness, and it is wrong to have a passive attitude towards it.

Amir al-Mu'minin on the Sunnis:

"They have made Satan the master of their affairs, and he has taken them as partners. He has laid eggs and hatched them in their bosoms. He creeps and crawls in their laps. He sees through their eyes, and speaks with their tongues. In this way he has led them to sinfulness and adorned for them foul things like the action of one whom Satan has made partner in his domain and speaks untruth through his tongue."

Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 7

Amir al-Mu'minin was delivering a lecture from the pulpit of (the mosque of) Kufah when al-Ash`ath ibn Qays objected and said, "O' Amir al-mu'minin this thing is not in your favour but against you." Amir al-mu'minin looked at him with anger and said:

"How do you know what is for me and what is against me?! Curse of Allah and others be on you. You are a weaver and son of a weaver. You are the son of an unbeliever and yourself a hypocrite... The man who contrives for his own people to be put to sword and invites death and destruction for them does deserve that the near ones should hate him and the remote ones should not trust him."

Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 19

Surah Al-Ma'ida, Ayah 54:

"O you who have faith! Should any of you desert his religion, Allah will soon bring a people whom He loves and who love Him, [who will be] humble towards the faithful, stern towards the faithless, waging jihad in the way of Allah, not fearing the blame of any blamer. That is Allah’s grace which He grants to whomever He wishes, and Allah is all-bounteous, all-knowing."

It is important not to blur the line between sweet-temperedness and passiveness so that you do not legitimize false Sunni beliefs.

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  • Advanced Member

If I were a sunni I'd closed the vid long ago because of the way its presented, not because what it says. However as a muslim I think this vid is great :)

Tip: up till now I've never had a conversation last long with a sunni unless I'm EXTRA friendly, go VERY slow and explain in FULL (people are psychologically wired to block out all uncomfortable info like it was never there; even if in reality the quran does say so). Once you go too fast they block and stop listening... Same for christians...

Tip2: lately the sunnies I encounter have "evolved" or should I say "devolved" in that they ignorantly claim to be simply muslim and not sunni or shia... and again they stop listening to you claiming you're bringing about fitna... so for example instead of saying "in shia islam we have 12 imams" just say "in islam we have 12 imams"

Tip3: youtubers have the attentionspan of a fish so seperating the vid in 3 distinct parts with clear titles might get more views inshAlaah

Just an opinion, hope it helps

Ramadan Moubarak

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