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In the Name of God بسم الله

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Posted (edited)

Chapter: 3Verse: 42

وَإِذْ قَالَتِ الْمَلَائِكَةُ يَا مَرْيَمُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ اصْطَفَاكِ وَطَهَّرَكِ وَاصْطَفَاكِ عَلَىٰ نِسَاءِ الْعَالَمِينَ

"Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah hath chosen thee and purified thee- chosen thee above the women of all nations." [3:42]

وبهذا الاسناد قال : حدثنا أحمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني ، قال : حدثنا علي بن إبراهيم بن هاشم ، قال : حدثنا جعفر بن سلمة ، قال : حدثنا إبراهيم بن محمد الثقفي ، عن إبراهيم بن موسى بن اخت الواقدي ، قال : حدثنا أبو قتادة الحراني ، عن عبد الرحمان بن العلا الحضرمي ، عن سعيد بن المسيب ، عن ابن عباس قال : ان رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) كان جالسا ذات يوم وعنده علي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين ( عليهم السلام ) فقال : اللهم إنك تعلم ان هؤلاء أهل بيتي وأكرم الناس علي ، فاحبب من يحبهم وابغض من يبغضهم ووال من والاهم وعاد من عاداهم واعن من أعانهم ، واجعلهم مطهرين من كل رجس معصومين من كل ذنب وأيدهم بروح القدس منك .

ثم قال ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) : يا علي أنت إمام امتي وخليفتي عليها بعدي وأنت قائد المؤمنين إلى الجنة ، وكأني أنظر الى ابنتي فاطمة قد أقبلت يوم القيامة على نجيب من نور ، عن يمينها سبعون ألف ملك وعن شمالها سبعون ألف ملك وبين يديها سبعون ألف ملك وخلفها سبعون ألف ملك ، تقود مؤمنات امتي إلى الجنة ، فأيما امرأة صلت في اليوم والليلة خمس صلوات وصامت شهر رمضان ، وحجت بيت الحرام وزكت مالها وأطاعت زوجها ووالت عليا بعدي دخلت الجنة بشفاعة ابنتي فاطمة ، وانها سيدة نساء العالمين ، فقيل : يارسول الله هي سيدة نساء عالمها ؟

فقال عليه وآله السلام : ذاك لمريم بنت عمران ، فأما ابنتي فهي سيدة نساء العالمين من الأولين والآخرين ، وانها لتقوم في محرابها فيسلم عليها سبعون ألف ( ملك ) من الملائكة المقربين ، وينادونها بما نادت به الملائكة مريم فيقولون : يا فاطمة ! ان الله اصطفاك وطهرك واصطفاك على نساء العالمين .

ثم التفت إلى علي ( عليه السلام ) فقال : يا علي ! ان فاطمة بضعة مني ، ونور عيني وثمرة فؤادي ، يسوؤني ما ساءها ويسرني ما سرها ، وانها أول لحوق يلحقني من أهل بيتي فأحسن إليها بعدي ، واما الحسن والحسين فهما ابناي وريحانتاي وهما سيدا شباب أهل الجنة ، فليكونا عليك كسمعك وبصرك .

ثم رفع ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) يديه إلى السماء فقال : اللهم اني اشهد ( ك ) أني محب لمن أحبهم ومبغض لمن أبغضهم ، وسلم لمن سالمهم وحرب لمن حاربهم ، وعدو لمن عاداهم وولي لمن والاهم

With the previous chanin of narrators: Ahmed bin Ziyad bin Jaafar Al-Hamdani, from Ali bin Ibrahim bin Hashim. from Jaafar bin Salmah. from Ibrahim bin Mohammad Al-Thaqafi. from Ibrahim bin Musa. from Abu Qotadah Al-Harrani. from Abdul Rahman bin Ala Al.Hazrami. from Saeed bin Musayeb. from Ibnh Abbas, who said:

The Messenger of Allaht (saww) was with Ali, Fatema, Hasan, and Husain (as) one day when he said:

O Allah! You know that they are my family and they are the most honourable people in my eyes. O Allah! Love those who love them, and hate those who hate them. Befriend their friends, antagonize those who antagonize them, and support those who support them. O Allah! Purify them from any uncleanliness; make them infallible and support them with the Holy Spirit.

Then the Prophet (saww): said:

O Ali! You are the Imam of my nation, you are my caliph on my nation after me, and you will lead the believers to Paradise.

It is as if l can see my daughter, Fatema, on the Day of Judgement. She will be brought on a platform made of light. There will be seventy thousand angels to her right, seventy thousand angels to her left, seventy thousand angels in front of her, and seventy thousand angels behind her, and she will be leading the (female) believers of my nation to Paradise.

Every woman who prays five times a day, fasts in the month of Ramadhan, goes to Elajj, pays Zakaat, obeys her husband, and accepts the Wilayat of Ali after me will enter Paradise with the intercession of my daughter.

Fatema is the Master of All of the Worlds' Women. People asked, "Is she the master of the women of her time?"

The Prophet (saww) replied replied: "Maryam was the master of the women of her time. My daughter, fatema, is the Master of All of the World's Women from the first to the last. Every time she stands in her mihrab for prayers, seventy thousand high-ranked angels come and say Salaam to her.

The angels call out to her, 'O Fatema! "Verily, Allah has chosen you, and purified you, and chosen you above all the women of the worlds" (3:42), which is the same way the angels used to call Maryam.

Then the Prophet (saww) looked at Ali and said:

O Ali! Fatema is a piece of my flesh, she is the light of my eyes, and she is the apple of my heart. That which saddens her saddens me, and that which pleases her pleases me. She is the first one (from my family) who will join me, so treat her with kindness after me.

As for Hasan and Husain, they are my sons and my flowers. They are the Masters of the Youth of Paradise, so treat them like you would treat your eyes and ears.

Then the Prophetes raised his hands toward the sky and said:

O Allah! I testify that I love those who love them. I hate those who hate them. I am at peace with those who are at peace with them. I fight those who fight them. I am the enemy of their enemies, and I am the friend of their friends.'

[source: Bisharatul Mustafa Le Shiyyat-e-Mustafa, Chapter. 4, Hadees. 89]

For more: http://www.marefatea...ait.com/tafseer

Edited by muhibb-ali

I don't doubt that Fatima s. was and is the greatest of all women in the heavens and in the earth... However I'm curious to know why? In her short period on this earth, what did she do better than what Asyah, Maryam, Kahdijah s. did, suffered and went through? Or is it mostly because she's the daughter of the noblest of nobles and best of all the best s.?

Yeah she went through a lot, and was the most pious, but why better than the three other women of which one was eventually crucified to death by her husband the Pharaoh, and the second went into exile out of false "shame" put on her by people and this after an entire life of miseries, and the third going through sufferings with the holy Prophet s. during his crucial "beginning" especially... I mean I'm sure Fatima s. must have done things far better than all of these, but what? Why does Allah a.j. prefer her to all else?

  • Advanced Member



The 14 Infallibles (as) are the chosen ones of Allah (swt) over and above all the creations of Allah (swt) and Allah (swt) has given them this high status and position above the rest of his creations. And this was decided by Allah (swt) before the creation of the worlds.



I don't doubt that Fatima s. was and is the greatest of all women in the heavens and in the earth... However I'm curious to know why? In her short period on this earth, what did she do better than what Asyah, Maryam, Kahdijah s. did, suffered and went through? Or is it mostly because she's the daughter of the noblest of nobles and best of all the best s.?

Yeah she went through a lot, and was the most pious, but why better than the three other women of which one was eventually crucified to death by her husband the Pharaoh, and the second went into exile out of false "shame" put on her by people and this after an entire life of miseries, and the third going through sufferings with the holy Prophet s. during his crucial "beginning" especially... I mean I'm sure Fatima s. must have done things far better than all of these, but what? Why does Allah a.j. prefer her to all else?

The same could be said about Prophet Muhammad saw. Other prophets had better miracles according to some people such as raising the dead, controlling jin and nature, staff to snake, etc. Some prophets lived hundreds or thousands of years. Even Jesus as is still alive and was raised to the heavens.

The reason Muhammad saw and Fatima as are the most perfect is because of who they are, not what they did. They are chosen by Allah swt to be the greatest among all creations.

Posted (edited)
By the way you guys, if Fatima (as) was higher in ranking than Maryam (as), then why was there an entire Surah named after Maryam (as) ? Was there a chapter also for Fatima (as)? Ya3ni in the end, shouldn't they both be equal in status as they are two of the best women ever? Edited by ImAli's Shadow

The same could be said about Prophet Muhammad saw. Other prophets had better miracles according to some people such as raising the dead, controlling jin and nature, staff to snake, etc. Some prophets lived hundreds or thousands of years. Even Jesus as is still alive and was raised to the heavens.

The reason Muhammad saw and Fatima as are the most perfect is because of who they are, not what they did. They are chosen by Allah swt to be the greatest among all creations.

We all know this...

But maybe someone knowledgeable could shed some more light to us, to help us understand more to argue more and convince others...

I said already that I have no doubts in my heart about it, I just want to acquire ore knowledge... Don't just tell me Allah a.j. chose them, we all know that...

  • Advanced Member

By the way you guys, if Fatima (as) was higher in ranking than Maryam (as), then why was there an entire Surah named after Maryam (as) ? Was there a chapter also for Fatima (as)? Ya3ni in the end, shouldn't they both be equal in status as they are two of the best women ever?

Sister the names of Imams(as) are not even mentioned,though even zaid bin harith's name is there.Allah did n't want the expoitation of their names if He had given them everyone was about to name their daughters the same to show this verse was for them actually.Anyone could become Ali.Allah tells their Attributes,which are for sure better than Maryam(as).
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

We all know this...

But maybe someone knowledgeable could shed some more light to us, to help us understand more to argue more and convince others...

I said already that I have no doubts in my heart about it, I just want to acquire ore knowledge... Don't just tell me Allah a.j. chose them, we all know that...

My first request is,please change the picture in your avatar,its really hard for me to see the holy names at one side,and this one on the other.Don't mind,i felt like saying so.

Now for your question,would you tell me please how long Maryam(as) lived? again 18.Now let me compare why Marium(as) is given a rank? first reason her father was Prophet Imran(as).Fatima(as)'s Father is surely better than Imran(as).

Marium(as) was sent out of Mosque at the time of labour,whereas Fatima(as)'s Husband was born inside Kaaba.Marium(as)'s son was Prophet with Book,but when He will be descended on Earth again.He will pray behind the Son of Fatima(as),Imam Mahdi(as),and for purity Fatima(as) is even much greater.Her Noor was kept in a heavenly apple never tranferred to loin of any man in her ancestry except Her Father(saww).She was given as gift at the time of Meraaj.

Now come to sufferings and achievements.All three women did a great service but can you compare their sufferings to Syeda(as)? Age does n't matter,Syeda Sakina(as) was four but what She experienced was much great pain and torment than what Asiya(as) suffered.Similarly Her grandmother Fatima(as) saw what no one else could.She after enjoying the highest honors saw the diversion of people to the extent that they came to burn the same door where Prophet(saww) and angels used to pay salutations.She suffered a great agony of killed child inside Her womb,nails went through her child.

In this age when every facility is available to women ,can you imagine how painful it can be to live with those wounds,still child,broken ribs,and broken arms?Still She was praying,working for Her family,serving her Father's religion by being patient on those sufferings.Nor her mother,neither Mariyam o Asiya went through such ordeals.Still you need more.

Her inner anguish was even more painful than the physical one.She was n't allowed to cry for Her father.She had to stand in Her Father's Mosque for hours for Her usurped inheritance.None of them asked Her to sit even.

And the biggest thing is,how Islam was saved? It was Her upbringing which gave us Hassan(as),Hussain(as),Zainab(as),Kulsoom(as).What Prophet Mohammad(saww) said that '' the character of Martyr is the character of His Mother.So the Karbala was Her character,her nurture.

Is there a Mother in the world,whose Heart is so anguished,whose generations and generations are being killed.It started to be considered a crime to be Her progeny,even in this age.Won't her Heart cry blood? Was Maryam o Asiya had to suffer after death,She did.Her daughters were taken captive hand tied,bare headed into court of drunkard.

And have you seen a war fought with dead?Even after 14 centuries,Her grave was destructed,the lovers of Her Faimly are still being killed mercilessly all over the Muslim world.

So who deserves to be on Highest Rank?


Just curious, is this narration authentic?

What did you find skeptical? Edited by Kaniz e Zahra
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)


Found another narration on the same lines which again proves the same the Fatema Zehra (sa) is having a higher status that Maryam (sa).

حدثنا احمدبن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا الحسن بن علي السكرى، عن محمد بن زكريا الجوهري قال: حدثنا شعيب بن واقدقال: حدثني اسحاق بن جعفر بن محمدبن عيسى بن زيد بن علي قال: سمعت أبا عبدالله " ع " يقول إنما سميت فاطمة عليها السلام محدثه لان الملائكة كانت تهبط من السماء فتناديها كما تنادي مريم بنت عمران فتقول: يا فاطمة الله اصطفاك وطهرك واصطفاك على نساء العالمين يا فاطمة إقنتي لربك واسجدي واركعي مع الراكعين، فتحدثهم ويحدثونها فقالت لهم ذات ليلة:أليست المفضلة على نساء العالمين مريم بنت عمران؟ فقالوا: ان مريم كانت سيدة نساء عالمها، وان الله عزوجل جعلك سيدة نساء عالمك وعالمها وسيدة نساء الاولين والآخرين

Angels addressing Fatema Zehra (sa) say,

"Are you not greater over the women of the worlds Maryam bint Imraan? They said, "Verily Maryam was the master of the women of her time" And verily Allah (swt) has made You [Fatema (sa)] master of the women of your time and her time and the master of the women from the first to the last."

[source: Ilal Al-Sharae, Sheikh Sadooq Vol. 1 Pg. 182]

Edited by muhibb-ali
  • Advanced Member

Most scholars say that Hazrath Fatima (as) was better than Hazrath Mariam (as) because one of her titles is Umme Abeeha. This means that she was the mother of her father and also lets not forget that her father is the best human of all creation of Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì.


My first request is,please change the picture in your avatar,its really hard for me to see the holy names at one side,and this one on the other.Don't mind,i felt like saying so.

Now for your question,would you tell me please how long Maryam(as) lived? again 18.Now let me compare why Marium(as) is given a rank? first reason her father was Prophet Imran(as).Fatima(as)'s Father is surely better than Imran(as).

Marium(as) was sent out of Mosque at the time of labour,whereas Fatima(as)'s Husband was born inside Kaaba.Marium(as)'s son was Prophet with Book,but when He will be descended on Earth again.He will pray behind the Son of Fatima(as),Imam Mahdi(as),and for purity Fatima(as) is even much greater.Her Noor was kept in a heavenly apple never tranferred to loin of any man in her ancestry except Her Father(saww).She was given as gift at the time of Meraaj.

Now come to sufferings and achievements.All three women did a great service but can you compare their sufferings to Syeda(as)? Age does n't matter,Syeda Sakina(as) was four but what She experienced was much great pain and torment than what Asiya(as) suffered.Similarly Her grandmother Fatima(as) saw what no one else could.She after enjoying the highest honors saw the diversion of people to the extent that they came to burn the same door where Prophet(saww) and angels used to pay salutations.She suffered a great agony of killed child inside Her womb,nails went through her child.

In this age when every facility is available to women ,can you imagine how painful it can be to live with those wounds,still child,broken ribs,and broken arms?Still She was praying,working for Her family,serving her Father's religion by being patient on those sufferings.Nor her mother,neither Mariyam o Asiya went through such ordeals.Still you need more.

Her inner anguish was even more painful than the physical one.She was n't allowed to cry for Her father.She had to stand in Her Father's Mosque for hours for Her usurped inheritance.None of them asked Her to sit even.

And the biggest thing is,how Islam was saved? It was Her upbringing which gave us Hassan(as),Hussain(as),Zainab(as),Kulsoom(as).What Prophet Mohammad(saww) said that '' the character of Martyr is the character of His Mother.So the Karbala was Her character,her nurture.

Is there a Mother in the world,whose Heart is so anguished,whose generations and generations are being killed.It started to be considered a crime to be Her progeny,even in this age.Won't her Heart cry blood? Was Maryam o Asiya had to suffer after death,She did.Her daughters were taken captive hand tied,bare headed into court of drunkard.

And have you seen a war fought with dead?Even after 14 centuries,Her grave was destructed,the lovers of Her Faimly are still being killed mercilessly all over the Muslim world.

So who deserves to be on Highest Rank?

What did you find skeptical?

You shouldn't have written anything... Honestly...

And as for your first request... Denied...

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)


@Violently Happy

You shouldn't have written anything... Honestly..

No need to be rude, at least she is trying.

@Muhibb E Ali

Both narrations seem to be weak, even though there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the matn of the second narration, are there any other similar narrations? Can you shed more light please.

Edited by muslimunity1
  • Advanced Member

You shouldn't have written anything... Honestly...

And as for your first request... Denied...

I have n't written anything for you honestly it was to defend the status of My Holiest Lady(as),infact you did n't need to raise questions honestly they were quite illogical.You can't digest Her rank then stay silent.


@Violently Happy

No need to be rude, at least she is trying.

@Muhibb E Ali

Both narrations seem to be weak, even though there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the matn of the second narration, are there any other similar narrations? Can you shed more light please.

Thanks brother

And can you please elaborate what do you find weak in these narrations,and why?

Posted (edited)

Of what Use The conclusion will be????Ask Yourselves...

Yeah certainly if this is prolonged too long, it can cause disharmony...

The best would be Allah Knows the best...if still someone wants to debate..

And more better would be if you all stamp in your minds...You all are no ones to deduce anything and you all to know..

Both were Upright, Pure and Women Of Truth...try to restrict yourselves to this...

Edited by ateef
  • Advanced Member

Of what Use The conclusion will be????Ask Yourselves...

Yeah certainly if this is prolonged too long, it can cause disharmony...

The best would be Allah Knows the best...if still someone wants to debate..

And more better would be if you all stamp in your minds...You all are no ones to deduce anything and you all to know..

Both were Upright, Pure and Women Of Truth...try to restrict yourselves to this...

Yes both are Pure ladies but One is declared better than all of the women in paradise,so ask the Prophet(saww) what were the reasons of such declaration,if all were to be on same level.We are not deducing we know what we are saying,that is stamped in our minds.She is on the highest rank among women.
  • Advanced Member



Thanks brother

And can you please elaborate what do you find weak in these narrations,and why?

Some are Majhool narrators.

Posted (edited)

Are you not ashamed telling me to ask prophet...

Did the Prophet Compare and say she is better or you are bent on comparing???

....When will you people improve...cannot you see what my post is portraying

Edited by ateef
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

Are you not ashamed telling me to ask prophet...

Did the Prophet Compare and say she is better or you are bent on comparing???

....When will you people improve...cannot you see what my post is portraying

Yes He(saww)says She is better,go read Ahadees properly He did say that ''four women are superior most,Maryiam,Asiya,Khadija(as),and Fatima(as).And Fatima(as) is better than all.''

When you will improve and stop thinking yourself as reformer?

Edited by Kaniz e Zahra
Posted (edited)

Hadeeth please...Post Here...Or you just spreading ignorance...

Atleast being a reformer is better than being from a opposite sect and putting inclines ideas...

So I will not stop...!!!

Edited by ateef
  • Advanced Member

Hadeeth please...Post Here...Or you just spreading ignorance...

Atleast being a reformer is better than being from a opposite sect and putting inclines ideas...

So I will not stop...!!!

I have heard this Hadees from best of our ulema,who are far better than you in matters of knowledge,i read it too,but have n't copy pasted things because one day i will be joining Shiachat.

Secondly,who are you going to reform? No body is interested in your so called 'preachings'.

  • Veteran Member

I don't doubt that Fatima s. was and is the greatest of all women in the heavens and in the earth... However I'm curious to know why? In her short period on this earth, what did she do better than what Asyah, Maryam, Kahdijah s. did, suffered and went through? Or is it mostly because she's the daughter of the noblest of nobles and best of all the best s.?

Yeah she went through a lot, and was the most pious, but why better than the three other women of which one was eventually crucified to death by her husband the Pharaoh, and the second went into exile out of false "shame" put on her by people and this after an entire life of miseries, and the third going through sufferings with the holy Prophet s. during his crucial "beginning" especially... I mean I'm sure Fatima s. must have done things far better than all of these, but what? Why does Allah a.j. prefer her to all else?

thats a good question actually , it is a sham eto say i am a shia but we dont even feel like knowing more about our 14 ma'sooms

The same could be said about Prophet Muhammad saw. Other prophets had better miracles according to some people such as raising the dead, controlling jin and nature, staff to snake, etc. Some prophets lived hundreds or thousands of years. Even Jesus as is still alive and was raised to the heavens.

The reason Muhammad saw and Fatima as are the most perfect is because of who they are, not what they did. They are chosen by Allah swt to be the greatest among all creations.

it had been reported that prophet said he had been through all the suffreings of the previous prophets

Posted (edited)

I have heard this Hadees from best of our ulema,who are far better than you in matters of knowledge,i read it too,but have n't copy pasted things because one day i will be joining Shiachat.

Secondly,who are you going to reform? No body is interested in your so called 'preachings'.

I do not preach to get interest...I preach so that people can understand what they really need to do..What this comparing two truthful women and then ending up in an arguments...

I need not be anyone to reform...What shall be your state when 10000's of like me shall come...In future...

I am in Islam and should always stand upon what is good..

You people are just spoiling the name of SHIA Schooling...

As far as your ulema...He might have knowledge...but do not know to put forth...

He might be far better..In Knowledge..and more knowledge then me...

But his ranking system makes me find him foolish!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by ateef

Sahih al-Bukhari Volume 4, Book 56, Number 819:

Narrated 'Aisha:

Once Fatima came walking and her gait resembled the gait of the Prophet . The Prophet said, "Welcome, O my daughter!" ... Then he said. 'Don't you like to be the mistress of all the ladies of Paradise or the mistress of all the lady believers? So I laughed for that."

  • Advanced Member

I do not preach to get interest...I preach so that people can understand what they really need to do..What this comparing two truthful women and then ending up in an arguments...

I need not be anyone to reform...What shall be your state when 10000's of like me shall come...In future...

I am in Islam and should always stand upon what is good..

You people are just spoiling the name of SHIA Schooling...

As far as your ulema...He might have knowledge...but do not know to put forth...

He might be far better..In Knowledge..and more knowledge then me...

But his ranking system makes me find him foolish!!!!!!!!!!!

Even if 100000000000000000000 of your likes will come it does n't effect us,haq remains haq, never effected by numbers if it was to be the case,we were always in minority but never feels threatened by number of opponents.

Our ulema are fools for you? whereas you are fool for us.Ask Prophet(saww) for ranking system,why He said She is mistress of all the ladies in Heaven? Is Marium(as) not included in the heavenly ladies?


:Fatimah (as) is greater than Mariam (as), because :Allah. (swt) chose it .

:Fatimah. (as) together with :Muhammad (as) , :Ali (as) , :Hassan (as) and beloved :Hussain (as) was the reason

:Allah. (swt) created the Universe.

It was their :Nur , that started the creation , and sustained it .

It was their devotion to :AllahÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáìthat saved humanity .

It was their piety that protected us from annihilation.

It was their sacrifice that fuelled the movement of truth .

Their love of :Allah. (swt) that has created :Jannat.

And hell was created to be filled with their enemies.

They are the reason we are here .


Posted (edited)

anyone among you heard the story of woodcutters wife???And know about her status???

Even if 100000000000000000000 of your likes will come it does n't effect us,haq remains haq, never effected by numbers if it was to be the case,we were always in minority but never feels threatened by number of opponents.

Our ulema are fools for you? whereas you are fool for us.Ask Prophet(saww) for ranking system,why He said She is mistress of all the ladies in Heaven? Is Marium(as) not included in the heavenly ladies?

So be with It..

People like me are not your opponents..I am stressing on what is required...Do you see any type of bending in Quran...


Check the Number of times the Name Of Our Prophet is there in It and also the other Prophets..

The Numbers

Surely Its Not the biased One...Even though it was revealed to our Prophet...

:Fatimah (as) is greater than Mariam (as), because :Allah. (swt) chose it .

:Fatimah. (as) together with :Muhammad (as) , :Ali (as) , :Hassan (as) and beloved :Hussain (as) was the reason

:Allah. (swt) created the Universe.

It was their :Nur , that started the creation , and sustained it .

It was their devotion to :Allahسبحانه وتعالىthat saved humanity .

It was their piety that protected us from annihilation.

It was their sacrifice that fuelled the movement of truth .

Their love of :Allah. (swt) that has created :Jannat.

And hell was created to be filled with their enemies.

They are the reason we are here .


Do you have any proof...that Allah chose????

I heard the reason of creation was Only Prophet Muhammadh(Peace Be WIth Him) and now I hear addition of some more...

Edited by ateef

anyone among you heard the story of woodcutters wife???And know about her status???

So be with It..

People like me are not your opponents..I am stressing on what is required...Do you see any type of bending in Quran...


Check the Number of times the Name Of Our Prophet is there in It and also the other Prophets..

The Numbers

Surely Its Not the biased One...Even though it was revealed to our Prophet...

Do you have any proof...that Allah chose????

I heard the reason of creation was Only Prophet Muhammadh(Peace Be WIth Him) and now I hear addition of some more...


you grasshopper


So show me the Proof...!!!

In one of the statements ( both Shis and Sunnis agree) the :Prophet (as) says: ":Fatimah (as) is the master of all the women of the worlds."


And stay in your houses and do not display your finery like the displaying of the ignorance of yore; and keep up prayer, and pay the poor-rate, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying.

(:Quran 33:33)


In one of the statements ( both Shis and Sunnis agree) the :Prophet (as) says: ":Fatimah (as) is the master of all the women of the worlds."


And stay in your houses and do not display your finery like the displaying of the ignorance of yore; and keep up prayer, and pay the poor-rate, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying.

(:Quran 33:33)

Sahih al-Bukhari Volume 4, Book 56, Number 819:

Narrated 'Aisha:

Once Fatima came walking and her gait resembled the gait of the Prophet . The Prophet said, "Welcome, O my daughter!" ... Then he said. 'Don't you like to be the mistress of all the ladies of Paradise or the mistress of all the lady believers? So I laughed for that."

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