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In the Name of God بسم الله

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  • Advanced Member

Okay so my friend is Christian, and I want to turn her into a Muslim because I love her so much she is like a sister except I don't want to see her in jahannam in the after life an I want to help her. Oh also I'm kinda selfish cuz I want to get more hasanaat, since you know, whatever hasanaat a convert gets you will also get :P but anyways that's not my Main reason.

So you converts from Christianity or any other religious belief system that converted to Islam; can you please give me some ideas on what made you convert? Did you research? Perhaps someone talked you into it?

  • Advanced Member

May Allah reward you for your sincere intention :)

I would firstly just introduce her into the basics of Islam... Don't go giving her a Quran or Tafsir... Or anything like that. It will probs confuse the poor girl. Let her slowly study and learn about Islam. If you are going to discuss religion with her and bring up Christianity, do not disrespect her beliefs or try and put its faults in front of her. That will more likely backfire and she could get quite offended. Discuss the commonalities of the two religion and their different perspectives (For example, the concept God and the Islamic perspective of Jesus (as) ) I advise you to develop a sound knowledge of Islam (If you havnt already) before you discuss and promote Dawah.

But first, before you want her to become a Muslim you got to make her want to be one, and that's done by being the best and most excellent example of a Muslim :)

You are representing Islam. When the world actually see's how a Muslim should act, what their religion teaches, just how amazing Nabi Muhammad (pbuh&hf) was, what is in the Qur'an, the world will run towards this beautiful religion. It's just a shame we don't have good people representing Islam all the time for this to occur. Then we have the ignorant speaking when they shouldn't and then because of that, people lose interest and develop misconceptions.

May Allah guide your Friend Sister, your in my Duas :)


  • Advanced Member



I humbly disagree about not giving her the Qur'an to read. I believe that her reading the Qur'an may guide her - the Qur'an is a light and Imam Ali (as) mentioned that the Qur'an itself is a light of guidance.


You are 100% correct Brother, however I feel such a powerful scripture like that of the Quran could be somewhat hard to digest for a first time reader. I am speaking from personal experience. It can be heavy and too much for someone who is just beginning to study Islam. I feel they should dip their toe in the water a little bit, rather than jumping straight in, if you know what I mean.

But some people prefer that way. My friend who converted to Islam recently went on this camp for charity were they had to camp outside for a certain period of time. No one knew he was a Muslim but they eventually figured it out when they noticed him praying and what not, but the woman who was in charge started discussing Islam with him and he brought a copy of the Quran to read an also a small pocket-size biography of Muhammad (pbuh&hf). The woman became quite interested and asked if she could read the Quran so my friend said you can keep it and the other book.

So yeh, Sis, however you wish to invite your friend to Islam, make sure you do it with a sincere heart and put all your trust and faith into the Creator of all things. InshAllah things will go well :)

  • Veteran Member

Talk to her about the Trinity, asking her to explain it in a way that doesn't make it seem she worships three gods. Contrast it to the pure Tawheed of Islam. You could also ask her about the concept of orginal sin, and whether she thinks it is fair that all the descendents of Adam (as) and Eve are born into sin because of what they did, and required the death of Jesus (as) to atone for that sin. Bascially, keep the conversation to the big topics of faith and belief, and insha'Allah she will see that Islam makes far more sense than Christianity.

  • Advanced Member


No offense, but proselytism is one of the least effective ways to convert someone to Islam. Most often, it just annoys the other person to no end. The best dawah is being the kindest, best Muslim you can possibly be. Just go about your religious routines unashamedly. Maybe she will ask you: "Why are you excusing yourself?" and you will explain that you must say your prayers. Stuff like that gets people asking questions about Islam without it seeming that you are trying to force the subject into conversation, instead you are just going about your normal business as a Muslim.

Talk to her about the Trinity, asking her to explain it in a way that doesn't make it seem she worships three gods. Contrast it to the pure Tawheed of Islam. You could also ask her about the concept of orginal sin, and whether she thinks it is fair that all the descendents of Adam (as) and Eve are born into sin because of what they did, and required the death of Jesus (as) to atone for that sin. Bascially, keep the conversation to the big topics of faith and belief, and insha'Allah she will see that Islam makes far more sense than Christianity.

No, that will most likely not work. Pointing out the inconsistencies of her religion will only make her feel irritated. People have done this to me many times before. We don't need to criticize the doctrines of other religions to illuminate the truth of Islam.



I humbly disagree about not giving her the Qur'an to read. I believe that her reading the Qur'an may guide her - the Qur'an is a light and Imam Ali (as) mentioned that the Qur'an itself is a light of guidance.


Yes! I think a translation of the meaning of the Qur'an is a great way to start if she shows interest in learning more about Islam. The Qur'an is what converted me to Islam. The language used in it sends chills down your spine.

  • Veteran Member

No, that will most likely not work. Pointing out the inconsistencies of her religion will only make her feel irritated. People have done this to me many times before. We don't need to criticize the doctrines of other religions to illuminate the truth of Islam.

It depends how it's done of course, but actually even many Christian missonaries will admit that one of the main reasons many Christians turn to Islam is because of it's monotheism. Of course, they will then try to argue that Christianity is actually monotheist as well, but that's a seperate issue.

  • Advanced Member

It depends how it's done of course, but actually even many Christian missonaries will admit that one of the main reasons many Christians turn to Islam is because of it's monotheism. Of course, they will then try to argue that Christianity is actually monotheist as well, but that's a seperate issue.

Most people are really not capable of doing it correctly though!

  • Advanced Member

Thanks for the ideas guys.

Well, she is just 17 you know. So you know she's busy with normal teenage stuff and reading the Quran will probably bore her.

I think being a role model etc. would be a good way.

Also, I think I should start telling her how Islam treats a women and how he respects her, so she can realize how foreigner women are disrespected. Well since she always has boys on her mind as etc..

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