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The impact of Imam Husain's revolution on the happiness of the nation

By: Sayed Abdul-Saheb Alhaidari

He who stops at the teachings of Islam, can ascertain that it lead to the happiness of humanity within life and hereafter. The prophet PBUH overstated in leading Muslims to the path of the real happiness declaring The Mighty saying (And as for those who were [destined to be] prosperous, they will be in Paradise, abiding therein as long as the heavens and the earth endure,) (11:108). Then the earlier Muslims initiated to seek after it, and agreed to work together to have it. Therefore, happiness was the goal of those who have healthy mentality and living thoughts, and it was the target which the souls reassure towards it, and the spirits comfortable with it.

When Umayyad became on charge, the balance was lost, and the rules were vanished. Thus everything was confusing, the truth mixed with falsehood. People returned to their earlier ignorance age, they lost the way to happiness, and differed in the path to get to it, and the ways to have it, they explained in such ways according to their tendency and desire.

As the evil grew, oppression and injustice spread, Husain AS announced his revolution against the unjust tyrants, those who abuse Muslims affairs. He sent his loud call around the world "I don't see death but prosperity, and living with tyrants is nothing but disgust and disgrace." His holy raising, great deeds, and precious sacrifices were spotlights which revealed the ignominy of Umayyad, the cons of Yazeid, and enlightened to the nations the path of happiness and strategies to win.

The raising of Imam Hussain, with number of his kind family, and his heroic companions, is a proof on that no way to happiness of nation except by everyone must do his duties towards Allah, the people, and himself.

The biography of Imam Husain's AS deeds, always following religious duties, rich in exploits and pride, and full of tenderness and benevolence. An example for his exploits glitters with glory , and shines the brightest history pages is saving the life of Oraineb, the wife of Abdullah bin Salam, saved her from a deep sadness and pain, from the house of cunning and deception, from the trap of Yazeid and the intrigue of Mo'aweia. Thus after he AS knew that Mo'aweia worked on to divorce her from her cousin with ruse and intrigue plans, and wanted to get her married to his son Yazeid for her perfection, beauties, he AS engaged her for himself, then he returned her to her husband and her wedlock. The married couple was so happy and thanked him AS for his attention and care.


One of his great deeds AS is giving water to his enemies, they prevented him to get further, and scared his harem and family, and did not let him go anywhere else. That was when Alhur bin Yazeid Alreiahi came with 1000 knight, and met Imam Husain AS near (Thei-Jashm). They appeared with excessive thirst and exhaustion, thus Husain AS ordered his companions to water them and their horses. They thanked him for this great favor, which demonstrated the highness of his divine soul, the nobility of the pure house, the house of the message and deposit, the house of guidance and leadership. The son of Ali AS by his selflessness reminds us on the memories of Sefein's water, when Mo'aweia preceded Ali AS to conquer the water, and prevented Ali's companions to reach it. Then the commander of the faithful AS sent a group of his companions, they pushed them away from water, he allowed the both sides to drink from it and said (Never! I am not preventing them from water which Allah made it Halal for them). From these deeds appears the nobility of pure souls whose refuses to face their enemies with any bad.

The greatest deed, the must effected, the more respected and appreciated, the more frequent and popular, and the more guiding and making happiness is his (Imam Husain AS) the major reforming revival, which history did not know any event greater and higher than it.

Imam Husain AS putted the details of the divine revolution plans, the way, the location, and studied its matters and sadness, known its needs and results, he was certain about its impacts and benefits.

All of that was before he left his grandfather's the messenger city. He AS knows the success of his goal, and the goodness of his destiny, knew that his nation will win after his martyrdom and reviving his grandfather's religion after his sacrifice, thus he has started process and operation. He gathered Hashemite and said "Death has been written on the son of Adam (human being) in such a suitable way like the elegance of a necklace around the neck of a young girl." Until he said " As if (I can see) my body parts and members are torn by the hungry wolves of a district between Nawawis and Karbala to quench their thirst and hanger by killing me. There is no escape from such a divine fate. We, the household of the Prophet, are subservient to whatever Allah has destined us. Now, whoever among us is ready for martyrdom and has prepared himself for death and is fond of meeting Allah, will move with us. We will set out tomorrow; Allah willing." And he stated at another places about his end, said "He who follow us will be martyred, and he who stay behind will not reach the victory." Indeed! Imam Husain AS left the city of his grandfather with his family, and showed displeasure and indignation for the actions of the guardians in the religion laws and Muslims affairs. Thus he announced to the world his refusal to give allegiance to Yazied, the man of immorality and debauchery, and said "No way! By God I will never surrender to them like a humiliated person and never pledge allegiance to them like slaves. We have protective personalities; Oh how impossible is humiliation from us! Allah refuses that for us, and His Messenger, and the believers, and laps and purified and zealous noses and repudiating souls, not allowing us to be lowered. "Do not prefer obedience to the mean ones, over the killings of the honorable."

The basil of the messenger (SAWA) and group of his heroic companions rose to defend the constitution of Islam and the rules of Quran. He did all that great deeds and sacrifices which is nothing like in human history. We must take this divine revolution as a lesson, teaching us the means of doing the duties, which is the way to happiness.

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Sorry to say but never was Maula Hussain's (as) sacrifice and mission described as a revolution by himself, the following Imams (as) or any of the classical scholars.

He was given the option to pledge allegiance to a fasiq or pay the consequences. To avoid bloodshed in Makkah he broke ihram and left 'for' Kufa.

I don't need to repeat the tragedy of Kerbala as we all know it intimately but it was refusal to bow to an unjust tyrant and preservation of Paak Nabi's (saw) deen.

If anything, Yazid (LA) and his cronies described the Hussaini kafila as baghi (rebels).

This revolution talk is way off the mark and not accurate at all.


  • Advanced Member

Sorry to say but never was Maula Hussain's (as) sacrifice and mission described as a revolution by himself, the following Imams (as) or any of the classical scholars.

He was given the option to pledge allegiance to a fasiq or pay the consequences. To avoid bloodshed in Makkah he broke ihram and left 'for' Kufa.

I don't need to repeat the tragedy of Kerbala as we all know it intimately but it was refusal to bow to an unjust tyrant and preservation of Paak Nabi's (saw) deen.

If anything, Yazid (LA) and his cronies described the Hussaini kafila as baghi (rebels).

This revolution talk is way off the mark and not accurate at all.


I would have to disagree with you. I thought that a definition of what revolution is might help the discussion:

A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around") is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time. Aristotle described two types of political revolution:

  • Complete change from one constitution to another
  • Modification of an existing constitution.[1]

Revolutions have occurred through human history and vary widely in terms of methods, duration, and motivating ideology. Their results include major changes in culture, economy, and socio-political institutions.

Scholarly debates about what does and does not constitute a revolution center around several issues. Early studies of revolutions primarily analyzed events in European history from a psychological perspective, but more modern examinations include global events and incorporate perspectives from several social sciences, including sociology and political science. Several generations of scholarly thought on revolutions have generated many competing theories and contributed much to the current understanding of this complex phenomenon.

If we use the definition that I just provided it is clear that Imam Hussein started a revolution. A revolution that is still not complete, but a revolution never the less. Shia Islam would hardly be perceived as it is today if not for the events at Karbala. The events of Karbala is an epic event in the lives of every Shia as it is expressed every year in the month of Muharram. It frames the thinking of Shias today and will always frame our thinking. I don't think Imam Hussein had to declare a revolution for his actions to have started one. He made his statement for the generations and it saved Islam had anything else happened we would all be sunnis.

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And I, in turn, would have to respectfully disagree with your disagreement. In the definition you used:

A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around") is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time. Aristotle described two types of political revolution:

  • Complete change from one constitution to another
  • Modification of an existing constitution.[1]

Neither was there a complete change from one constitution to another (plenty of fasiq leaders came after Yazid) nor was their any modification to the existing constitution. Also the definition states that it's time span is relatively short but in your following words you said it's still continuing today so that doesn't fit either.

People are trying to fit European/American definitions to Islamic events (for whatever purpose) and that doesn't always work.


  • Advanced Member


Imam Husain AS did rise up againest unjust gov.. and because of him that regime did'nt last..at the same time he revived the religion of his grandfather Mohammed SAWA so it could be an ideologiocal, relegious, political, social, Jihadi, revolution... which any rightful revolution stands for it.!

I don't really see any matter with using the term revolution!

  • Advanced Member


Imam Husain AS did rise up againest unjust gov.. and because of him that regime did'nt last..at the same time he revived the religion of his grandfather Mohammed SAWA so it could be an ideologiocal, relegious, political, social, Jihadi, revolution... which any rightful revolution stands for it.!

I don't really see any matter with using the term revolution!


I would rather say, "Yazid (the cursed one) rose against Imam Husain (as) asking for Bayah and Imam Husain (as) refused.".


  • Advanced Member


Brother, there is issue with using revolution in terms of Maula Hussain (as). Look at it from the Shi'ah perspective; the guidance was handed from Prophethood to Imamat. Maula Hussain (as) was the leader of the true Muslims, the power Yazid had was usurped from Saqifa onwards so they might have been temporal leaders but not legitimate.

Imam (as) didn't seek to take power, change the leadership or involve in military uprising. This talk of revolution has only been in Shi'ah vocabulary last 30 or so years and it's driver is political, not spritual.


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