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The Day-jobs Of The Imams (as)

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Imam Ali AS planted date trees. He also drew many buckets or bags of water from a well to water another person's trees and was paid in dates.

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imam sadiq used to have a school ..

not sure if he was paid for it though .

society didn't run with the system of money before..they had the system of 'exchange' .. for example if they wanted bread, they exchanged milk instead.. or for example if you wanted to hire a slave, you give a sheep instead.

it was much better..much less materialistic than today

Edited by Enlightened_x
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Salaam to all,

We know of many narrations where the Imams (as) would strongly encourage others to work to make a living.

I was wondering if someone could tell me exactly what jobs the Imams (as) did themselves to earn money?

It would be helpful if you could do it like, "Imam Ali (as) did X for a living", "Imam Sadiq (as) did Y for a living", "Imam Taqi (as) did Z for a living" etc, rather than generally saying "THEY ALL did a bit of farming, carpentry, digging etc".

Basically, I would like to know specifically what each Imam (as) may have done to earn money.

Or perhaps they didn't work. If they didn't work, then where did they get their income from?

References would be nice but even if you've heard it from someone credible, that'll do for me.


Brother, what a really good thread! :D

Unfortunetly I cannot provide any answers :( but inshAllah we will get some soon as I am also interested now

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imam sadiq used to have a school ..

not sure if he was paid for it though .

society didn't run with the system of money before..they had the system of 'exchange' .. for example if they wanted bread, they exchanged milk instead.. or for example if you wanted to hire a slave, you give a sheep instead.

it was much better..much less materialistic than today

(salam) (bismillah)

Actually there was a currency back in the day. It was printed by Romans until Imam Jafar Sadiq's (as) time I think.

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I know from my parents and books that He my Moula got immense wealth from his father Abu Talib a.s,probably here everybody knows this how rich Abu Talib a.s was.Then he got wealth from Bibi Syeda s.a by marriage bagat e fidak( the gardens of fadak) ,nahr e furat and much more ,gold,cloth,vessels,horse and a sword.He also got many more date trees other than fadak.He never worried about wealth.It just came to him naturally.He worried more about ibadat.

I also know from Nahj ul Balagha that he got some war booties which he distributed amongst poor and his other relatives who joined him in battle .He gave them only their share even if they were not happy with it.He fought many battles ,so more battles won and more gained.He also gained the fort of Khaiber .But this is not known as to how and when did it become public treasure.

He also taught people to read and write the Quran and people would generally give some gifts.Many people became Muslims and to repent and support Islam or as a personal sign of respect would gift him and or his family members.

He earned through many ways,teaching,farming,governing,etc.He also imposed taxes on non Muslims ,but he spend this earning all in public welfare.

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It appears that the Prophet had a trade before Islam as he was a shepherd for a period of time and after Islam he had many farms .It has been reported that  Imam Ali also used to have farming. About Imam Sadigh I found that he had trade and Imam Kazim had both trade and farming however it still needs much more research 

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The only one I remember off the top of my head easily is Imam as-Sajjad (as), who owned a date farm and had a lot of wealth because of it.


A one thousand Ruk‘ā Prayer

The biographers unanimously agreed that Imām Zayn al-‘Ābidin, peace be on him, prayed one thousand Ruk‘ās by day and night[2], and that he had five hundred date-palms, Hence he said two ruk‘as by each date-palm.[3] As he prayed abundantly, he had calluses like those of the camel on the places of his prostration. Some calluses fell off every year, and he put them into a bag. When he passed away, they were buried with him.[4]


source: http://www.maaref-foundation.com/english/library/pro_ahl/imam04_sajjad/zayn_al_abidin/11.htm#_T5140



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