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In the Name of God بسم الله

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  • Advanced Member

Salam Alaikum,

I was told that doing your engagement, during the scorpio times is very bad for your marriage, something like that. I told the person I don't buy these surperstitious things, and apparently they told me it's a hadith from IMAM SADIQ (as).

Has anybody else heard or read something about this?

Thank you,

Fi Aman Allah

  • Advanced Member

yup there r good days and bad days.. some books tell you the exact calculations.. don't have em though.. usually we just ask the shaik and he tells u what the bad days/dates are


To clarify though, I mean the actual marriage (i.e. the `aqd). There is no such thing Islamically as an engagement in the western sense, but I know a lot of people (particularly Arabs) use that term to refer to the `aqd (while calling the reception later on the marriage), while in fact the `aqd itself is the actual marriage.

Posted (edited)

Most maraja3 have a list of the days of the year which are bad for marriage, if you look on their websites. They update the calendar annually.

Edited by Mushu

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