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In the Name of God بسم الله

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  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)



Ok you guys might think I'm mental but I'm not ... basically there is a voice in my head that tells me to do things

The thing is the voice doesn't tell me go commit Haraam it tells me good things such as do a longer dua in Qunoot or do a different dua in Qunoot or if I'm doing dua and about to stop it says no make dua some more

Now this sounds like it's a good thing but the catch is it also says stuff like

No your wudhu is wrong repeat it again, you can keep lying to yourself that it's correct but deep down you know its wrong

Do a certain dua in Qunoot otherwise you will mess up your prayer later on and will have to repeat it


So it seems like it's a good thing, but I'm not sure it is.

anyone know how to help?

Edited by habib e najjaar

There are thoughts that make you do this or that which is normal.

There is a voice in the head talking to you in your head separately from your own self, this is not good.

Have you ever tried to have a conversation with the voice.

1. For example it said read dua A in qunoot, you said, no, I'll read dua B in qunoot because this is what I want to do?

2. Also during the salat, you are not supposed to even have other thoughts let alone a separate voice in the head telling you to do this or that. Have you tried the tell the voice to "shut up", and let me focus on my prayers without interruption from the "voice" or even your own thoughts.

3. Are you living alone, with your parents, or in a dorm with friends? May be it is relevant to find out who is influencing you in which way?


Oh wow. :blink:

Tbh, at first I was going say you're being too obsessed with your namas, wudu etc but if you say its 'usually right' or 'it' tells you to do good things, I'm not so sure..

Why don't you try speaking to a sheikh/imam/teacher/scholar etc in your area? Or even one you trust? They will probably be able to give you better advice.

Posted (edited)

Ok you guys might think I'm mental but I'm not ... basically there is a voice in my head that tells me to do things

The thing is the voice doesn't tell me go commit Haraam it tells me good things such as do a longer dua in Qunoot or do a different dua in Qunoot or if I'm doing dua and about to stop it says no make dua some more

Now this sounds like it's a good thing but the catch is it also says stuff like

No your wudhu is wrong repeat it again, you can keep lying to yourself that it's correct but deep down you know its wrong

Do a certain dua in Qunoot otherwise you will mess up your prayer later on and will have to repeat it


So it seems like it's a good thing, but I'm not sure it is.

anyone know how to help?

yeah i think this is your subconscious talking to you. Very strange occurence and something which would not pass of a healthy state of being. You might even attribute it to a lack of concentration on your part (reconfirming if your'e in the 2nd or 3rd Rakat is normal) but completely forgetting would mean a lapse of concentration !!

Try to creatively focus on your energy, take it to what interests you and hopefully you should have a stronger mind and stronger will Insh'Allah !

Edited by habib e najjaar
Posted (edited)

I also think the issue here is a stronger mind and stronger will.

Fix it both ways:

1. Physical - slowly but surely push your own physical limits in say running marathons etc. The goal here is to increase your will power. You can do other things as well, for example start fasting for 10 days straights, give yourself 2 days in between, then go for 10 days and so on. Fasting is a very good exercise for strengthening the will. Also good spiritually. Fast in its true form, no more listening to music, no more gazing etc

2. Spiritual - you need a sound will and a strong heart.

a. Start by reading Quran with translation and tafseer. Think about what you read.

b. Read about aimah (as) and Prophet (sawaw) life. Grab some serious books such as original text of hadith, nahjulbalagha etc.

c. Make a direct connection with Imams (as), I found the Bihar Ul Anwar to be really helpful, it has volumes dedicated to each Imam's life, after reading the anecdotes of Imams' (as) lives, I feel connected to them like living in their age and time and feel spiritually very strong.

d. Have a conversation with your voice and make rules. You take the charge. Tell it to remain quiet when you are praying, reading or studying. Setup a time to listen to it and for other times force yourself and the "voice" to remain disconnected.

Edited by Waiting for HIM

Just see that whatever you are doing is acceptable to Allah s.w.t or not

Just focus on what Allah s.w.t want.

If you think that yes you are right you are 100 % that you are correct go on.

If not then listen to your voice

It might be some feeling which want you to do the things correctly.


JazakAllah Khair for the help everyone,

What I realised is that thing about the masjid was most likely just a coincidence, it happens to everyone. And as for the rest of the stuff that happens its probably just me thinking its correct therefore believing it and then because I keep thinking my prayer is gonna go wrong something small happens and its not wrong but I believe it to be, or it goes wrong cos I keep thinking about it.

or maybe just me telling myself things and thinking it's something else :donno:

Bro you know the diff between right or wrong

If you find that yes you are right then go ahead N if not then you know what I will say

  • Advanced Member

You need to relax 1st and not panick.. You need to ask yourself are u doudting your self cuz you have laquened(u telling ur self) ur self or beacuse your consiouns telling you to doudt... Sometimes we tell our selfs that oh I need to do that again but we think its that voice telling as but reality where telling the brain to doudt ..

When your reading read deeply like focus on what your reading.. When you read something interesting u usually dont think of anything else...

When the voice makes you shoook blank it out . How? Think of something complitile different or just focus on somthing that makes you happy looool

Will ur doing ur wudu just look at the water so that ur mind doesnt think. Just say the words out loud so u can just hear what your saying... So you know you have said the right words...

If nothing works see a gp...

Inshallah something works for u brother hehe

  • Basic Members

dear sir,

my son was born on 3rd september and passed away on 7th september. i was in deep shock. my cousins arranged for the funeral. after the bath i was told by my cousins who asked the imam of imam bargah that there will be no namaze janaza for my son as he was newly born. i burried my son. after a couple of days i enquired abt namaze janaza from some religous ppl and they replied that janaza is a must for every human born.please answer my question and also provide solution,what can i do now to accomodate this mistake : rules of islam?

  • Moderators
Posted (edited)
therefore believing it and then because I keep thinking my prayer is gonna go wrong something small happens and its not wrong but I believe it to be, or it goes wrong cos I keep thinking about it.

This is btw, shaitan whispers (This happens for most of us). The most important part of doing rituals is having confidence of that Allah (SWT) accept your actions. Edited by Zufa

Exactly, urafa call it, e infatuation with the articles of prayers as another form of shirk.

The test is this, during salat, are you most concerned about how perfect you are standing or how perfect you are doing sajda, the position of hands, the placement of turba, if all the fingers are strictly together etc.

Or, are you concerned about if you are standing in front of the Lord of the lords, shivering with his magnificence, trembling with his greatness and realizing now smaller than a piece of dirt that we are, and so on, like Imam Ali (as) when people could pull arrows from his body and he won't even know. That was the level of involvement of Imam Ameer ul Momineen salat. But at the same time he was so aware if the cries of the poor that he gave his ring away when he was in the state of rukoo and Quran commended this in a form of an ayat.

In conclusion, being careful in prayers are good but you also need to let yourself go and get dive in love and leave some of the regimental things behind. Once you do that, ibless will quit making your articles of salat as your Ilaha.

  • Advanced Member

I think this is normal. You are just thinking. Nothing wrong here.

The only thing you should be concerned is when the voice in your head tells you to do bad stuffs.

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