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In the Name of God بسم الله

Obama Admits He Is Muslim

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who cares if he is or isnt.. he is in a powerful position in politics, yet he does nothing to make the muslims in america have any easier life. he doesnt do anything to benefit the muslims

he also goes onto other interviews and doesnt admit he is muslim - he changes depending on which country he is in.

Edited by MissShiaMuslim
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This video is fake, parts are clearly edited out for example where he says "My Muslim Faith". You should watch the orginial videos, I could similarly edit videos of muslims and make them seem like non muslims or make them seem like they are preaching the bible or something.

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who cares if he is or isnt.. he is in a powerful position in politics, yet he does nothing to make the muslims in america have any easier life. he doesnt do anything to benefit the muslims

he also goes onto other interviews and doesnt admit he is muslim - he changes depending on which country he is in.

Like a chameleon? Haha.... But well said...

...so was Saddam Hussain

Exactly... And so were Mua'wiyah, Yazeed and co... They were all "Muslims"...

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  • Advanced Member

who cares if he is or isnt.. he is in a powerful position in politics, yet he does nothing to make the muslims in america have any easier life. he doesnt do anything to benefit the muslims

he also goes onto other interviews and doesnt admit he is muslim - he changes depending on which country he is in.

yup.... exactly...!! calling oneself as a muslim dosent matter.... to be a muslim you need to act like muslims....

Like a chameleon? Haha.... But well said...

Exactly... And so were Mua'wiyah, Yazeed and co... They were all "Muslims"...

:) well said...

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who cares if he is or isnt.. he is in a powerful position in politics, yet he does nothing to make the muslims in america have any easier life. he doesnt do anything to benefit the muslims

He gives muslims equal rights along with everyone else. You make it sound as if muslims are persecuted here or something. I happen to know many muslims who love it here, along with people of all religions who love it here. This is capitalism, where a women like opara can grow up in the ghetto and get sexually assaulted, write a book and become the richest women in the world. If life isnt perfect, dont blame the president

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He gives muslims equal rights along with everyone else. You make it sound as if muslims are persecuted here or something. I happen to know many muslims who love it here, along with people of all religions who love it here. This is capitalism, where a women like opara can grow up in the ghetto and get sexually assaulted, write a book and become the richest women in the world. If life isnt perfect, dont blame the president

And of course, in no other country in the world are women allowed to grow up without being sexually assaulted, only the USA offers this "sexual assault free" life.

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"when gaza strip was getting bombed obama didnt say flat, thats why i didnt vote for him, next one either, im a part of the problem, the problem is im peaceful and believe in the people. "- Lupe Fiasco- the words i never said

I used to listen to music not to long ago, i stopped now, but i really liked that song "the words i never said" and those lyrics fit well,

Edited by iminnosect
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  • Basic Members

who cares if he is or isnt.. he is in a powerful position in politics, yet he does nothing to make the muslims in america have any easier life. he doesnt do anything to benefit the muslims

he also goes onto other interviews and doesnt admit he is muslim - he changes depending on which country he is in.


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Re Obama is a jew, not muslims.he fear muslims because he was failed in implementing his policy in Iraq,Afghanistan and every muslim country.He loses his peoples support each time he indulge with muslims.his country also face economic crisis, maybe for same.

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Who cares if he's a muslim or not? I find this interesting about American politics that people sometimes care a hell of a lot more about peoples previous indiscretions and religious beliefs rather than their actual policies. I'm also flabbergasted people do not want to vote for romney just because he's a mormon in his own personal time, i doubt it'll affect his policies much.

In most of western europe and other western countries like australia, new zealand and canada most people don't care at all and those who do care are definitely a minority, you almost always dont see the other candidates challenging someone based on their religion either..its all on policy.

More interesting though are the actual numbers:

Table 1. Public and Private Acceptance,

This Group Does Not At All Agree with My Vision of American Society

Group (%)

—Atheist 39.6

—Muslim 26.3

—Homosexual 22.6

—Conservative Christian 13.5

—Recent Immigrant 12.5

—Hispanic 7.6

—Jew 7.4

—Asian American 7.0

—African American 4.6

—White American 2.2

I Would Disapprove if My Child Wanted to Marry a Member of This Group

— Atheist 47.6

—Muslim 33.5

—African American 27.2

—Asian American 18.5

—Hispanic 18.5

—Jew 11.8

—Conservative Christian 6.9

—White 2.3

Source:American Mosaic Project Survey, 2003. (Quite interesting study http://www.soc.umn.e...the%20other.pdf )

Maybe they should spread a rumor he's an atheist homosexual, that'd probably do more to hurt him.

Edited by kingpomba
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you must be joking

Well, his point is very valid. Even if Obama is a Muslim, so what? Even Saddam - or for that matter, even Yazid - was a Muslim but does that mean they brought any good to Islam or Muslims? In fact, they damaged Islam more than non-Muslims do.

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Well, his point is very valid. Even if Obama is a Muslim, so what? Even Saddam - or for that matter, even Yazid - was a Muslim but does that mean they brought any good to Islam or Muslims? In fact, they damaged Islam more than non-Muslims do.

you didnot understand my post brother

i was trying to say saddam wasnt a muslim after all that he had done

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