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What Am I Supposed To Do?

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Okay so I think I seriously have OCD, not to the level where I want to kill myself to end the misery but its bad enough to take most of my mental space.

First the basics, every time I sit to pee, I feel like its splashing on my under thigh, the area thats exposed underneath while sitting. and since I feel splashes, I end up doing a lot of washing every time I pee, the front the back the everything. And even though its distressing At least I feel clean at the end of it. Currently I live in Pakistan so we have ample of water in the toilets and proper drainage to avoid flooding in the toilets. But I will be going to the UK for studies and these privileges wont be enjoyed there... and since I was wondering I need to find a way to be able to use the public toilets there without causing a flood, I had an idea this morning. I was just trying it out... so I decided I'll pee while standing, I threw some tissue paper in the seat and I kinda aimed at it so it absorbs the urine, and then I'll flush it out no splashes, minimal washing(as I said I think I have OCD). So when I was at it, it kinda felt like i had splashes of my left leg, now I wasn't sure if there were actual splashes or my mind playing games on me because I was watching very closely as the pee went in the pot and I didn't see any splashes, so I ran my hand on my leg to feel for wetness, I didn't feel anything and I kind smelt my hand later, no odour either. At that time I didn't want to leave the place unclean so I practically showered and washed the floor and all.

Now for the sensible side in me; first of all I have a theory, I think my mind just plays games on me and there aren't any splashes, either while sitting OR when i was standing, cause I have tried sitting and not peeing and I still feel some thing on my lower thigh (At this point I realise I sound totally looney) my theory is that since I take my pants off the hair on my legs kinda adjust to being not in pants and thats what feels like splashes... but I don't know how to be sure. And I know the rules regarding doubts are, that when you are not sure that something's gotten najis, ignore the doubt. How am I supposed to do this when the outcome of not washing everything are seemingly disastrous.

Please, please, please help.

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Thanks for that advice Zareen, but I do ONLY use western style bathrooms and almost every time I pee I feel like its splashing underneath...

And should I just ignore the doubts I have about splashes, since it is said that when something's originally clean and one doubts whether it became najis or not one should just consider it clean even if there is a way to prove otherwise. In which case I should have just ignored the doubt I had about my leg when I experimented peeing standing(which I won't be continuing)

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Shia debater, I think washing up in the shower sounds very much doable, although I have one question, the water that flows down in the tub while i am washing... is that Pak or not?


You need to ignore this waswas, it will only ruin your faith. If you are using a western style toilet, just aim a bit forward (sorry for the explicitness here) to as to make sure you don't get any splash back (you could put a bit of tissue in the front of the bowl in the water to absorb some of it. And when washing with the water, you don't need to use some huge watering can and get water all over the place. Find something like a small travel bottle and just clean the effected area with minimal chance of it splashing back up. (For the, um, larger operation you might just quickly just in the shower to properly clean up from that) And for goodness sake, do NOT stand. That's just going from waswas to something that is actually wrong.

And if these waswas are still bothering you after you have taken precaution in this, sprinkle your leg with some water afterward so that you won't be able to tell or wonder whether other wetness has gotten on there or not.

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thanks for your replies guys... it helped.

Okay, I really don't get why these waswas wont leave me alone. Now I am doubting something else, when I know it got najis and I did wash it, its just that I took a video of actually washing it, and since that video no longer exists I am having doubts whether I washed it or not. additionally when this thing got najis, I was very OCD so there is not way I would have left it dirty. UGH just when I was starting to feel normal-ish, like last night I slept so peacefully and today, while I was praying this waswas came to my mind. I REALLY don't know what to do, and this sometimes makes me pray for death, because then I wouldn't have to worry about these things.

Guest adilrizvi

Shia debater, I think washing up in the shower sounds very much doable, although I have one question, the water that flows down in the tub while i am washing... is that Pak or not?

If the shower is connected to a kur source, and the falling water is still connected with kur, then it is pak.

Personally brother I prefer using a pipe. I'll be direct.. Since you have doubts that the back of your legs or thighs have gotten najis by the splashes, take off your pants/undergarments.. use a pipe to pour water on your body right from the point of your waist to your feet three times. It will only take like a minute when done with a pipe connected to a tap. And you will have no doubts anymore. I hope this method helps.

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OKAY, so latest addition to my insanity, just a quick question. So I pee-ed, I did istibra, and then while I was washing even though i was making sure that all stays clean, my brain was playing tricks with me telling me maybe I am pee-ing... since I am not sure its all doubting.. so will that washing be OKAY, so my common sense says that If i doubt that i might have pee-ed I should just ignore it and that washing would be okay... Is that so, please reply ...

  • 6 years later...
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On 8/31/2011 at 3:37 PM, Mhkhoja said:

OKAY, so latest addition to my insanity, just a quick question. So I pee-ed, I did istibra, and then while I was washing even though i was making sure that all stays clean, my brain was playing tricks with me telling me maybe I am pee-ing... since I am not sure its all doubting.. so will that washing be OKAY, so my common sense says that If i doubt that i might have pee-ed I should just ignore it and that washing would be okay... Is that so, please reply ...

you should visit the link sent by the brother above, and using the table of contents on the left side, go to and read the section called in "Satanic Insinuation", it may be of great help if you're still struggling with these issues...

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