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In the Name of God بسم الله

View Of The Marjas On Areeza To Imam Mahdi

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  • Advanced Member


What is the view of the Marjas on Areeza? Two people on this forum wrote, long time back, that Agha Sistani supports it.

But they did not provide any evidence. Some people I talked to wanted proof that Agha Sistani supports it.

Can anyone provide documentation that Agha Sistani supports it? Like a letter or a link to one of his official websites?

What about other Marjas? Can someone provide any information on if they support it? Like letter responses, or links?

If there is no evidence of letters or websites, or risalahs, how do we know if our marjas support Areeza to Imam Mahdi?


  • Veteran Member

Its a primitive biddah ritual regardless of what they think of it. Last time I looked at Imam mahdi's resume I didnt see 'message in a bottle collecting' or 'letter treasure hunting'.

Guest adilrizvi

I do not see anything wrong with the areezas! Who has any right to say how someone should communicate with the Imam ? I don't need a marja to tell me if I can write to my Imam or not. I think you can try to communicate and supplicate to the Imam whichever way pleases you, provided it is within the limits of sharia and there is no haram involved in it.


Brother if marjas will not support this thing will u stop writing arizas to imam a.s??

What do you think imam doesn't know our desire our needs our sins our rewards our amals what are we doing what we have in our mind

What are our secrets don't you think that imam knows everything.

You might know that our full amals of 1 week goes to imam a.s on friday if we have done well imam feels happy for us.

If we have done wrong he weep for us.

I more thing I would to say we people ask for whatever we want example we all are writing I want this I want that I have this kind of problem

Plz do help us?

What do u think imam doesn't know all this thing about us whatever is happening in our life

Instead of asking and writting all our desires we should communicate with him ask for early re-apperance.

Another thing I would like to say is do u believe that we have 2 angels on our shoulders munkir and nakir the right note down our good deeds and the left man note down our bad deeds.

Have you seen this angels?

Do you believe in them?

Brother is all about our faith.

Brother just go ahead with arizas and ask for your prayers from imam a.s with faith

Then see soon inshallah your prayers will be answered

Do remember in your prayers


  • Advanced Member

it is totally exceptable otherwise we would not have this dua for it:

Translation of Dua-e-Ariza

I have written to you O my master, may His mercy and blessing be on you, seeking a favour from you.

I have complained to you for what has happened to me seeking solutions firstly from Allah

and then from you for a matter that has obsessed me.

I am helpless in combating the problem and for that I have resorted to seeking help from Allah and from you.

Knowing the status you have with Allah.

I am confident that you will help me get the solutions to my problems swiftly and that you will intercede on my behalf.

I am helpless and moreover I am sinful:

so help O master and present this problem to Allah and I pray to Him that He will solve this quickly

and grant me victory and success in finding the solution to my problems.

(Write your personal wishes and problems in the provided space)

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)


Everyone, thanks for your responses so far. I just want to remind that the question was:

What is the view of the Marjas on Areeza? (positive or negative - and which marja? does not matter - the more responses the better)

(And also please provide some evidence, since I cannot tell people that the Marja says XYZ because someone on ShiaChat said so)


ps: In my opinion, it is important to know where the Marjas stand (because of the issue of taqlid).

Edited by forgeforth
  • Advanced Member
it is totally exceptable otherwise we would not have this dua for it:

Translation of Dua-e-Ariza

I have written to you O my master, may His mercy and blessing be on you, seeking a favour from you.

I have complained to you for what has happened to me seeking solutions firstly from Allah

and then from you for a matter that has obsessed me.

I am helpless in combating the problem and for that I have resorted to seeking help from Allah and from you.

Knowing the status you have with Allah.

I am confident that you will help me get the solutions to my problems swiftly and that you will intercede on my behalf.

I am helpless and moreover I am sinful:

so help O master and present this problem to Allah and I pray to Him that He will solve this quickly

and grant me victory and success in finding the solution to my problems.

(Write your personal wishes and problems in the provided space)

This dua can be found in mafatih-ul-jinan. The last time I checked it was accepted by most maraje's.

Guest adilrizvi
Posted (edited)


Everyone, thanks for your responses so far. I just want to remind that the question was:

What is the view of the Marjas on Areeza? (positive or negative - and which marja? does not matter - the more responses the better)

(And also please provide some evidence, since I cannot tell people that the Marja says XYZ because someone on ShiaChat said so)


ps: In my opinion, it is important to know where the Marjas stand (because of the issue of taqlid).

It is important to know where the Marjas stand because of the issue of taqlid ??????

Yeah right.. when the Imam arrives (may Allah hasten his re-appearance) i think you'll run to your marja to ask him whether you should follow and obey the Imam or not(obviously, because of the issue of taqlid we cant obey the Imam or write to him or try to communicate with him or love him or long for him without asking our Marjas). You sound like you have no love for Imam Mahdi in your heart. May Allah guide you. I think it's everyone's right to write to the Imam or to try to communicate with him whichever way they find.

Edited by adilrizvi
  • Advanced Member

Thanks! This is the first response that answers the question.

Unfortunately Muhammad Rizvi is writing his own opinion here. There is no indication that he wrote S. Sistani's opinion, despite the questioner's plea.

This dua can be found in mafatih-ul-jinan. The last time I checked it was accepted by most maraje's.

Many people can accept a book without accepting it "wholly". Besides, I've heard therre are different editions of the Mafatih. Is there any evidence that a Marja accepts or rejects the "Areeza Dua" itself? That would be a strong evidence for the question.

It is important to know where the Marjas stand because of the issue of taqlid ??????

Yeah right.. when the Imam arrives (may Allah hasten his re-appearance) i think you'll run to your marja to ask him whether you should follow and obey the Imam or not(obviously, because of the issue of taqlid we cant obey the Imam or write to him or try to communicate with him or love him or long for him without asking our Marjas). You sound like you have no love for Imam Mahdi in your heart. May Allah guide you. I think it's everyone's right to write to the Imam or to try to communicate with him whichever way they find.

It is not about "me". In this world you have to deal with all kinds of people with all kinds of beliefs. Many of those people in the Shia world do taqlid. Information is good to have. I want to present knowledge and get views. Which is why I requested for the info. By the way, are you against taqlid? I would also be interested in your viewpoint. I'm open to both sides' opinion.

  • Advanced Member

Please Do remember a fundamental rule...

We need not to look at Maraje in the matters related to Usool e Deen. Maraje are only for furooaat.

Areeza is a subject that comes under the subject of IMAMAT which is Usool and not Faroo.

It is a matter between ME and my IMAM ajtfs. Its my love with IMAM ajtfs that will make its own path. Others should tolerate and not super impose their faith.

  • Advanced Member

Please Do remember a fundamental rule...

We need not to look at Maraje in the matters related to Usool e Deen. Maraje are only for furooaat.

Areeza is a subject that comes under the subject of IMAMAT which is Usool and not Faroo.

It is a matter between ME and my IMAM ajtfs. Its my love with IMAM ajtfs that will make its own path. Others should tolerate and not super impose their faith.

You raise an interesting observation:

Areeza is a subject that comes under the subject of IMAMAT which is Usool and not Faroo.

Yet someone could claim that the procedure is dependent on the hadith which comes under the purview of scholarship.

Just like Prophethood is a belief, but the text of Quran and the procedure of sending blessing is a textual matter.

I am not countering your claim, just saying that multiple interpretations do exist. And some people follow the other interpretations.

One of these interpretations is that while Imamat is a belief (under Usul-e-deen), writing and dropping Areeza is an action (under Furu-e-deen).

And since actions are governed by Sharia, then Areeza would be governed by Sharia too.

In any case, I want to know why people are so averse to finding the Marja's opinion? Is there a fear that the Marja might be opposed to it?

Also, if Areeza would be taken as Usul-e-deen, it would be an individual belief - not a community one. Just another thing to keep in mind.

In any case, the people whom I need to get back to with the Areeza info. would care to know what A.Sistani and other Marjas say about it.

If anyone can provide more info (beyond Safi Gulpaygani) esp. in regards to Sistani or the late Khoei or Khmeini, etc. please share.


Its a primitive biddah ritual regardless of what they think of it. Last time I looked at Imam mahdi's resume I didnt see 'message in a bottle collecting' or 'letter treasure hunting'.

if you wanted something from a loved one wouldnt you ask them? Imam (atf) may be in ghaybat but he still helps us out when we need it through Allahs (swt) blessings. Remember, he is the Imam of our time and is there for his people. We do not worship the Imams, we worship Allah (swt) but the Prophets and Imams are the representatives of Allah (swt) to us.

  • Advanced Member

You raise an interesting observation:

Areeza is a subject that comes under the subject of IMAMAT which is Usool and not Faroo.

Yet someone could claim that the procedure is dependent on the hadith which comes under the purview of scholarship.

Just like Prophethood is a belief, but the text of Quran and the procedure of sending blessing is a textual matter.

I am not countering your claim, just saying that multiple interpretations do exist. And some people follow the other interpretations.

One of these interpretations is that while Imamat is a belief (under Usul-e-deen), writing and dropping Areeza is an action (under Furu-e-deen).

And since actions are governed by Sharia, then Areeza would be governed by Sharia too.

In any case, I want to know why people are so averse to finding the Marja's opinion? Is there a fear that the Marja might be opposed to it?

Also, if Areeza would be taken as Usul-e-deen, it would be an individual belief - not a community one. Just another thing to keep in mind.

In any case, the people whom I need to get back to with the Areeza info. would care to know what A.Sistani and other Marjas say about it.

If anyone can provide more info (beyond Safi Gulpaygani) esp. in regards to Sistani or the late Khoei or Khmeini, etc. please share.

i am greatful to your soft reply.

regarding fearing from Maraje.. I do not think it is true in my case. But I can see people in different parts of the world fearing from contradictory fatwas.

I wish our Ulema adopt the channel of Ijmaa instead giving contradictory fatwas. Sorry this discussion does not suite under this thread as it is related to Areeza.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member

as syed nakshwani and syed modarrasi put it, if in our traditions and hadith talk about the negative and evil whispers shaitain does to us, then why is it hard to believe that imam mahdi (as) can whisper positive into our ears, they may be in hiding, but they are still the imam of our time!, and they assists us in more ways than you can think!


  • Veteran Member

if you wanted something from a loved one wouldnt you ask them? Imam (atf) may be in ghaybat but he still helps us out when we need it through Allahs (swt) blessings. Remember, he is the Imam of our time and is there for his people.

How many loved ones have collected messages in a bottle you dropped in the sea?

Imam Mahdi is not santa claus, he probably doesnt have the time or desire to go around treasure hunting for your letters.

  • Advanced Member

How many loved ones have collected messages in a bottle you dropped in the sea?

Imam Mahdi is not santa claus, he probably doesnt have the time or desire to go around treasure hunting for your letters.

you seem to restrict imam mahdi as to human attributes, do you really think these messages cannot be told to the imam as through Allah sbwt? but if you dont believe in this in the first place, then theres no need to comment as you dont share the same faith and belief we do


  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

How many loved ones have collected messages in a bottle you dropped in the sea?

Imam Mahdi is not santa claus, he probably doesnt have the time or desire to go around treasure hunting for your letters.



Dear mister Fink... Didn't you hear that every thursday night Imam Mahdi (a) is informed about the good and bad deeds of EVERY believer... This is one of the big reasons that du'a Kumail is recited on that night...

Dear mister Fink... Didn't you hear that on laylatul Qadr the Ruh and the angels inform the Imam (a) of ALL things which would happen in the coming year... All good and bad happening to EVERY single believer...

Dear mister Fink... I have put letters in the water for a long time... And have asked my children to put their drawings in it...

Dear mister Fink... Doing this has IMMEDIATE RESULT... Feel it in your heart...

Dear mister Fink... Do you belief in Ghayb? "This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah - Who believe in the Ghayb, establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them," (2:2-3)

I swear to God... Putting any message out to the Imam (a) in whatsoever way is reaching him!

I swear to God... Anyone saying As Salaam Alaykum to the Imam (a) is getting his reply instantly! If we don't hear it's our fault... That our ears are covered with the love of dunya...

ma'a salama,


Edited by islamicdaddy
  • Veteran Member



Dear mister Fink... Didn't you hear that every thursday night Imam Mahdi (a) is informed about the good and bad deeds of EVERY believer... This is one of the big reasons that du'a Kumail is recited on that night...

Dear mister Fink... Didn't you hear that on laylatul Qadr the Ruh and the angels inform the Imam (a) of ALL things which would happen in the coming year... All good and bad happening to EVERY single believer...

Dear mister Fink... I have put letters in the water for a long time... And have asked my children to put their drawings in it...

Dear mister Fink... Doing this has IMMEDIATE RESULT... Feel it in your heart...

Dear mister Fink... Do you belief in Ghayb? "This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah - Who believe in the Ghayb, establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them," (2:2-3)

I swear to God... Putting any message out to the Imam (a) in whatsoever way is reaching him!

I swear to God... Anyone saying As Salaam Alaykum to the Imam (a) is getting his reply instantly! If we don't hear it's our fault... That our ears are covered with the love of dunya...

ma'a salama,


There is no proof he was even born. What you say is talk of men and has no basis in Islam. You claim that the Imam is told of the believer's deeds every thursday night. Which thursday night? Yours or mine? A thursday night here might be a friday morning somewhere else. This absurdity is like those who say God comes down to earth every night, which night?

Even a vehement worshipper of fire will 'feel' something if he believes it to be true.

  • Advanced Member

There is no proof he was even born. What you say is talk of men and has no basis in Islam. You claim that the Imam is told of the believer's deeds every thursday night. Which thursday night? Yours or mine? A thursday night here might be a friday morning somewhere else. This absurdity is like those who say God comes down to earth every night, which night?

Even a vehement worshipper of fire will 'feel' something if he believes it to be true.

Oopsie... Thought I was speaking with a believer here... :)

You must have lots of time if you want to join all the boards who believe in things you don't... 595 posts... Respect!

As for your argumenting of thursday night... Seen much better posts from you bro! :)

Anyway... seems you found the irregularity of the holy Qur'an!


If you care for an answer anyway... It's the thursday night of the Imam (a) and where he is located...

Great anyway how you are debating things which you don't belief in! If you are ever intrested in joining my cereals-are-not-real-breakfast blog I'd be happy to have your support!

take care,


  • Veteran Member

Oopsie... Thought I was speaking with a believer here... :)

You must have lots of time if you want to join all the boards who believe in things you don't... 595 posts... Respect!

As for your argumenting of thursday night... Seen much better posts from you bro! :)

Anyway... seems you found the irregularity of the holy Qur'an!


If you care for an answer anyway... It's the thursday night of the Imam (a) and where he is located...

Great anyway how you are debating things which you don't belief in! If you are ever intrested in joining my cereals-are-not-real-breakfast blog I'd be happy to have your support!

take care,


No I think more People are beginning to question the birth of the 12th Imam. I have recieved many inquiries from fellow shias here that are questioning this issue, and many cant go public with it because they simply dont have the resources to explain their position.

A believer need not believe in someone whos birth cant be proven.

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

No I think more People are beginning to question the birth of the 12th Imam. I have recieved many inquiries from fellow shias here that are questioning this issue, and many cant go public with it because they simply dont have the resources to explain their position.

The only thing I have ever heard about this is that some mu'min think that Imam's occultation is in Barzakh. For me this is an impossibility cause Allah promised that the earth will never be devoid of an Imam عليه السلام. Anyway everybody is free to think what he wants. I honestly couldn't care less. :)

Imam Jafar as Sadiq (asws) said."Because Allah is great and mighty, He has never made the earth devoid of a just Imam".

(Kamaaluddin Vol. 1 Pg.229 and 234)

Imam Jafar as Sadiq (asws) said,"Even if two people remain on the earth. One of them shall be a Hujjat upon the other. And if one of them dies, it will be the Hujjat that remains".

(Kamaaluddin Vol.1 Pg.233)

Imam Reza (asws) said,"Certainly, the earth shall never be devoid of one of us. Imams".

(Kamaaluddin Vol 1Pg.229)

A believer need not believe in someone whos birth cant be proven.

Great logic mr-unbeliever-moderator-of-believers-discussion :)... Anyhow the way I see it is that when Adam (a) died he left Seth (a) behind... When Seth died he left ... (on and on) Nuh ... after that... Ibrahim... Musa... Harun... Dawud... Sulayman... 'Isa... Prophet Muhammad (sal)... Imam Ali عليه السلام... after that Imam Hasan al Askari (a) and when Imam Hasan died... ???

Who would be this question mark... all above prophets mentioned it... Prophet Muhammad (sal) mentioned it... The 11 imams (a) before Imam Mahdi mentioned him... +2000 hadith mention him... I personally tend to belief that the holy Prophet (and all others mentioned in this post) never ever lied during their life... So why would I doubt the birth of the son of Imam Hasan عليه السلام? There was a time that the Imam (a) was in minor hiding.

- Why? Cause someone wanted him death... That someone clearly believed in his birth...

- In minor hiding he had 4 representatives whom all of the shi'a met even from 1.000 miles away they travelled to give their khums to those representatives... thousand and thousand of shi'a have met these representatives who were the best shi'a after Imam... This is another proof...

(unless ofcourse you state that those 4 holy man were liars and just cashed in the money of those poor hard working shi'a!)

"Is Mahdi going to be among our own family or from some other?" He (the prophet) replied: "He will be among us. God will conclude His religion through him, just as He began it with us. It will be through us that people will find refuge from sedition, just as it was through us that they were saved from polytheism. Moreover, it will be through us that God will bring their hearts together in brotherhood following the animosity sown by the sedition, just as they were brought together in brotherhood in their religion after the animosity sown by polytheism."

(Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 51, P. 84; Ithbat al-hudat, Vol. 7, P. 191; Majma` al-zawa'id by `Ali b. Abi Bakr Haythami (Cairo edition), Vol. 7, P. 317)

Anyway... I'm off to debate some Harry Potter fans that Voldermort doesnt' exist... I don't belief in him anyway... But really can't sleep before I proof all of them of these facts... Belief me some People are beginning to question his birth I have recieved many inquiries from fellow Harry fans there that are questioning this issue, and many cant go public with it because they simply dont have the resources to explain their position.

take care,


Edited by islamicdaddy
Posted (edited)


Many things some people have attributed to imam mahdi (as) are attributes belonging only to god and hence attributing them to imam mahdi constitutes shirk

why would imam mahdi know our secrets? did the prophet even know the secrets of others ?

doesn't the verse say " and amongst you from the madina many hypocrites you do not know them god only knows them"

so if the prophet is ignorant of the secrets of the poeple in his time what makes us think that imam mahdi will know the secrets of all people ?

also what kind of brain he has to know the secrets of all people? he needs a supercomputer processor which is not some thing that he was reported to have

I am not but a man like you

Edited by alimohamad40
  • Veteran Member

They keep telling us the earth can't exist without an Imam. I've about had it with this lie. An Imam is a leader, a guide. There is no leader or guide today therefore there is no Imam. The earth is doing well, and was here for a long long time before men stepped foot on it.

Yes it is more likely the 4 represenatives were liers (like the many others who also claimed to be represenatives of the Mahdi because the position brings one wealth and honor) , just another scam that worked. It is upon a just Imam to prove himself to people and surely the Imam who can hide for 1200 yrs is able to avoid capture.

I've not come here with extraordinary knowledge, but some common sense reasoning that is much needed.

  • Advanced Member


Many things some people have attributed to imam mahdi (as) are attributes belonging only to god and hence attributing them to imam mahdi constitutes shirk

why would imam mahdi know our secrets? did the prophet even know the secrets of others ?

doesn't the verse say " and amongst you from the madina many hypocrites you do not know them god only knows them"

so if the prophet is ignorant of the secrets of the poeple in his time what makes us think that imam mahdi will know the secrets of all people ?

also what kind of brain he has to know the secrets of all people? he needs a supercomputer processor which is not some thing that he was reported to have

I am not but a man like you

who has claimed imam mahdi (as) knows our secrets? no one has implied that, and surely Allah SBWT knows ALL, and some of that can be informed to the imam of our time? logic... how can a human possibly determine if any of the imams did or did not posses this knowledge? remember this, imams and the prophets, are infinately more greater than us, and Allah SBWT is infinately more greater than them


They keep telling us the earth can't exist without an Imam. I've about had it with this lie. An Imam is a leader, a guide. There is no leader or guide today therefore there is no Imam. The earth is doing well, and was here for a long long time before men stepped foot on it.

Yes it is more likely the 4 represenatives were liers (like the many others who also claimed to be represenatives of the Mahdi because the position brings one wealth and honor) , just another scam that worked. It is upon a just Imam to prove himself to people and surely the Imam who can hide for 1200 yrs is able to avoid capture.

I've not come here with extraordinary knowledge, but some common sense reasoning that is much needed.

the religion would perish without guidance, and there is a guide today, you say the earth is doing well? last time i checked, there are deaths and murders every day, the rich continue to stay rich, and indulge in sin, the poor continue to stay poor, and are neglected, poeple spend upto 1 billion on homes, and countless billions of dollars on illegtimate wars, when that could easily be contributed to help the starving across the world, and you have the nerve to say the earth is doing well? you make me sick frankly. i pray Allah guides all of us

you say you cannot prove the birth of our holy imam, well i say to you, i can prove my family tree back to our 6th imam (as), just as syedaat of the 11th imam can trace theirs back to them, so what is your argument now?


  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)

the religion would perish without guidance, and there is a guide today, you say the earth is doing well? last time i checked, there are deaths and murders every day, the rich continue to stay rich, and indulge in sin, the poor continue to stay poor, and are neglected, poeple spend upto 1 billion on homes, and countless billions of dollars on illegtimate wars, when that could easily be contributed to help the starving across the world, and you have the nerve to say the earth is doing well? you make me sick frankly. i pray Allah guides all of us

you say you cannot prove the birth of our holy imam, well i say to you, i can prove my family tree back to our 6th imam (as), just as syedaat of the 11th imam can trace theirs back to them, so what is your argument now?


You're talking about something that has nothing to do with the topic.

Edited by Fink
  • Advanced Member

You're talking about something that has nothing to do with the topic.

you asked for proof of the 12th imam (as), you stated the world is fine? and i briefly stated why we need guidance, how is that remotely off topic? i just answered everything you were questioning. if you cannot answer just say it...


  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)

who has claimed imam mahdi (as) knows our secrets? no one has implied that, and surely Allah SBWT knows ALL, and some of that can be informed to the imam of our time? logic... how can a human possibly determine if any of the imams did or did not posses this knowledge? remember this, imams and the prophets, are infinately more greater than us, and Allah SBWT is infinately more greater than them


Brother, what are you trying to say, that the letter doesn't reach our Imam (as), that in fact it reaches Allah (swt) who then informs our imam of its content, which, presumably is asking the Imam to ask Allah for something on your behalf?

Do you not think it would be simpler to ask Allah yourself, but using Muhammad (s) and his pure family (a) as intercessors? That is the more authentic way of doing it, this concept of Allah (swt) giving the Imams power to answers prayers is dangerous ground, as there are no explicit ahadith where the Imams do anything other than pray to Allah for people, especially after they left this world, unless you know of any?

EDIT: actually, there were some miracle by some Imams, through the power of Allah

Read this hadith from al amali, see the power of asking Allah in the name of the ahlul bayt (a)

6. Intercession by Muhammad (SAW) and his progeny

He said: Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali b. al-Husain reported from his father, who reported from Muhammad b. Yahya al-Attar, who reported from Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Yahya, from al-Hasan b. Ali al-Kufi, from al-Abbas b. Amir al-Qasbani, from Ahmad b. Rizq al-Ghamshani, from Yahya b. Abul Ala', from Jabir, from Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali b. al-Husain, from his father, from his grandfather, peace be upon them all, who said:

The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "On the Day of Judgement, when the People of Paradise will have settled in their blissful gardens and the people of hell will be in the fire, there will be one who spent seventy autumns in the fire, each autumn is equal to seventy years; then he will beseech Allah, Most High, imploring: "O my Sustainer, I ask you in the name of Muhammad and the inmates of his house to have mercy on me."

Then Allah, Most Mighty, will command Jibraeel, peace be upon him: "Descend to my servant and release him." Jibraeel would say: "How can I descend into hellfire?" Allah, Most Benevolent, would say: "We have commanded the fire to be cold and safe for you."

He (Jibraeel) would say: "O my Sustainer! How do I know where he is located?" Allah would say: "He is in the pit of Sijjin." Then Jibraeel would descend into the fire, find him shackled onto his face, so he will get him out.

There he (the servant) stands in the presence of Allah, Most High; then Allah addresses him: "O My servant, for how long have you been in fire, entreating Me thus?" He would say: "I have no count." Allah, Most High, would say: "By My Honour, had you not beseeched in the name of those, who have a status in My estimation, you would have stayed there in a prolonged humiliation. But, I have ordained for Myself that no one asks me in the name of Muhammad and the inmates of his household, except that I forgive him all that is between Me and him. So, I have pardoned you today." Then Allah will command for him to be taken to the Paradise.

Also read this, it shows our holy Prophet did not know everybodies secrets

3. Sanctity of a believing soul

He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Khalid al-Maraghi reported to me from Ali b. Sulaiman, who reported from Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Nahavandi, who reported from Abu al-Khazraj al-Asadi, who reported from Muhammad b. al-Fudhail, who reported from Aban b. Abu Ayyash, who reported from Ja'far b. Iyas, who reported from Abu Saeed al-Khudri who said:

Once a slain person was found during the days of the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, so he climbed the mimber deeply enraged; and after praising Allah and thanking Him, he said: "How come a Muslim is killed and his killer in not known? By Him Who controls my soul, if all the people of the heavens and the earth were to join hands to kill a believer, or were pleased with it, Allah will send them to hell.

By Him in Whose hands is my breath, whoever flogs someone wrongfully and unjustly, he will be flogged the same way tomorrow in hellfire. By Him in Whose hands is my soul: No one takes us, Ahlul Bait, as his enemy, except that Allah will throw him on his face into hellfire."


Edited by Ali_Hussain
  • Veteran Member

you asked for proof of the 12th imam (as), you stated the world is fine? and i briefly stated why we need guidance, how is that remotely off topic? i just answered everything you were questioning. if you cannot answer just say it...


Again I was specifically addressing how the earth exists without an Imam, and your're talking about your family tree, war, and murder? You said the religion would perish without a guide. What religion? And how much of religion? The fact is there is no guide and there is a lot we don't know about our religion.

So back to my point, since the hidden Imam can not fulfill his role, he is not an Imam. Therefore either the hadith about the earth needing an Imam is misunderstood or its fabricated.

  • Advanced Member
So back to my point, since the hidden Imam can not fulfill his role, he is not an Imam. Therefore either the hadith about the earth needing an Imam is misunderstood or its fabricated.

Who died and left you in charge of deciding the role of the Imam and whether or not he is fulfilling it?



Writing letters to anybody and communicating with anybody good (wether dead/ martyred / alive) is surely ok. And as somebody mentioned above .. Allah surely communicates at least the spiritual aspect to the Imam .. And maybe more.

Furthermore, Allah SWT says in the first channeling to prophet pbuh to:

1. Read in His Name

2. Teaches with the pen ??

There are countless self-help books that claim how writing letters to people in our lives is a great exercise .. Even if the letter is never given physically to the person who receives them.

God knows best .. Feel there us nothing wrong with it, and sooner or later (latest judgment day) the imam will probably know every word that was written to him .. Am not sure about it, but am pretty sure he can feel it instantly when anybody thinks of him or writes to him anything. Allahu Aalam.

Imagine this scenario: a husband goes to war in an unknown place. The wife being worried and missing her husband gets frustrated because she needs to talk with her hubby! So she starts to write him letters to him in his absence .. Much like a personal diary (are diaries haram? No)

Anything wrong with the wife communicating this way? Even though there is no proof he's even alive .. ?? Or that he'll return .. Nothing wrong with those letters .. And actually quite the opposite .. Her husband is surely feeling happier in his journey feeling the love and moral support from back home. And the loyalty and faith as well .. As well as the creativity and power of using a pen to 'let it out' .. Also for the individual to get to know themselves better.

Hope I understood the topic right & Allah always sends people guides varying in ranks .. No matter where & when .. This includes ever part of earth. So that all people get judged fairly based on their family/ social context.

I don't really know .. Allahu Aalam

May Allah guide us all


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