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In the Name of God بسم الله

Last Time I Checked, There Was Only One We Worship

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I believe the Quran says -->

(2:163) And your god is one God. There is no deity [worthy of worship] except Him, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

In other words... We do not worship or pray to the prophets, imams, khalifa's, scholars, or any human being! JUST GOD!

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Guest adilrizvi

we should prostrate to Zuljinah too.. According to some of our reputed scholars.. here is an example of why they say "shia kafir"

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Guest adilrizvi

you do realize the story he is telling is true right? About the founder of Pakistan Quaid e Azam.

The story says that a Zuljinah gave Quid-e-Azam's grandmother a son after 11 of her sons had died at birth. If you want to belive that.. You can. I do not believe that. I believe that Allah is all powerful and only he has power over life and death.

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you are completely misunderstanding the way Pakistanis and Indians talk about their tawassul and istighaatha. Like the Qaide Azam or whoever is saying that Allah has given them X because is their dua to Him by the waseela of who/whatever.

yea I agree the way they say things are kind of confusing and apparently heretical... I think such talk should be avoided, but people, especially Pakistanis, are so freakin' emotional and we can't judge their intentions or assume 'em.

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Mr thread creator. First of all answer three things especially after watching the video uploaded as "last time i saw bakris' by brother Rasul.

1- What is worship which is only and solely for Allah? I am sure there are more than 100 acts which we muslims today consider 'act of worship'.Therefore please define 'worship' first so we know we are talking about same thing.

2- Which muslim say to worship other than Allah?

3- Is there any kind of act of wordship done by people in the past to other than Allah?


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to the op:

did Allah tell you to read tarawih in jamat during ramzan, or your fast is incomplete?

if not, does this mean you worship umar?

Where in this post did it mention Taraweeh prayer and worshiping Umar(r.a)?



Clearly, your post is targeting Shia Muslims as you mentioned Imams.

Would you please explain how we worship other than Allah سبحانه وتعالى, Astagfirullah..?

http://www.shiachat.com/forum/index.php/topic/234992663-acceptance-equality-one-ummah/ read I would like to know your response to this? whats your opinion?

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Absoloutely! Now what is your point???

I believe the Quran says -->

(2:163) And your god is one God. There is no deity [worthy of worship] except Him, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

In other words... We do not worship or pray to the prophets, imams, khalifa's, scholars, or any human being! JUST GOD!

Absoloutely! Now what is your point??? Which Muslim sect worships other than Allah???

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  • Advanced Member

I believe the Quran says -->

(2:163) And your god is one God. There is no deity [worthy of worship] except Him, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

In other words... We do not worship or pray to the prophets, imams, khalifa's, scholars, or any human being! JUST GOD!

The verse is pretty much self explanatory.

Are you trying to make a point here?

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Last time I checked my God doesn't look like me. Are we talking about the same Allah here?

:) well seems that last time was then ages ago. Check it out now with your scholars, they are trying to make Him look like you Nauzbillah , please read regarding

wahhabi anthropomorphists

Take care

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Are you calling me a mujassim?

Lets not get lost into the argument of what i meant and what you meant and not waste our time in this month of Ramadan, stick to our educational and something to learn out of sort of dialogue. I am sure learning something out of Word of Allah is very righteous thing and even you will not have doubt over it.

Therefore sticking back to the thread, as no proper question is placed and the thread says Last Time I checked, There was Was only One we Worship

so please elaborate does your thread says ;

1- One should be worshiped?

2- Worships are for One?

3- Both meanings?

4- Last time checked where!!? That verse (2:163) And your god is one God. There is no deity [worthy of worship] except Him, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.!!!!? Only this one verse or you checked more!!!!?

There answer some previously asked questions regarding worship. Please read the following again;

1- What is worship which is only and solely for Allah? I am sure there are more than 100 acts which we muslims today consider 'act of worship'.Therefore please define 'worship' first so we know we are talking about same thing.

2- Which muslim say to worship other than Allah?

3- Is there any kind of act of wordship done by people in the past to other than Allah?


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Where in this post did it mention Taraweeh prayer and worshiping Umar(r.a)?

http://www.shiachat....lity-one-ummah/ read I would like to know your response to this? whats your opinion?

Brother, Islamic unity is what I have been fighting for on YouTube for the past 4 years..look up "Shi3i4lyf".

But, the problem is that you're assuming that we "worship" Imams and Awliya'a...that has flaws.

That's why I would like to know, what actions do you see from us that make you assume we commit shirk?

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Salaam. People need to realise that if ONE "shi'a" claims to pray to anyone or anything other that Allah (swt) (astaghfirAllah).. doesnt mean that ALL Shi'a do. This is just like the non-muslims in the world generalising Muslims in one catergory from one misled person with a muslim name...

May Allah guide us all and keep us all on the straight path of righteousness inshaAllah

Allahu Alim

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The story says that a Zuljinah gave Quid-e-Azam's grandmother a son after 11 of her sons had died at birth. If you want to belive that.. You can. I do not believe that. I believe that Allah is all powerful and only he has power over life and death.

Zuljinah was the name of QeA's grandfather. He's not saying you should literally start worshipping a horse, it's a comment directed at Bakris who call Shi'ah "kafir" or "mushrik" but live in a country founded by a Shi'ah who was 'descended' from Zuljinah.

It's called irony.


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Why don't you make yourself clear and tell us which Muslim sect you think worships other than Allah. Open up and start discussing. By the way what do you think about these Ayaath [Ateeullaha-Wa-Ateeurasool-Wa-Ululamre-Minkum] Obey Allah and obey the Messenger also obey those who are worthy of obedience amongst you. You have a chain here which is no different than the other. Obey, each and everyone mentioned, without a difference. So what is your opinion here??? What are you trying to stir here??? Lets here it.

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