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In the Name of God بسم الله

My Dua Ahad Story

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  • Advanced Member

Mashallah. Good work. Just one question though. Shouldn't it be compulsory to use alarm clocks and mobile phone alarms to wake up for fajr. Is there really an excuse for not waking up???

Absolutely no excuse for not waking up. But their is the expectation and then there is reality. And the reality was that sometimes, I didn't wake up, for what ever reason.

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Mashallah. Good work. Just one question though. Shouldn't it be compulsory to use alarm clocks and mobile phone alarms to wake up for fajr. Is there really an excuse for not waking up???

Salam alekum brother billy187

I read in several ahadeeth concerning the golden age that there will be no more alarms or people waking up without wanting to wake up.

To me personally this is the single most attractive thing to look forwards to. No stress! Not sure how sahih the hadith is, however it makes sense .. And I already try to live by this sunnah.

Let's start planning for the golden age guys.

In 'the art of war' book it says something really cool:

Along the lines of .. "in times of peace prepare for war and in times of war prepare for peace"

Currently globally speaking we are time of war. May Allah bring victory to peace, harmony and love.

Thanks and (salam)

Edited by Philip
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Brother, thank you for sharing your story. It made me cry to read about your sincere prayer and Allah's blessing to answer your prayer. Allah bless you and your family. May we all be able to read Du'aa Ahad forty days consecutively, inshaAllah. eltemaase du'aa

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SubhanAllah, InshaAllah Allah (swt) will grant you tawfeek for ever and I wish Allah (swt) would answer my Duas :( plz pray for me bro

Do not give up hope if the answer to your request is slow in coming, for surely what you receive depends on the strength of your request.


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  • Advanced Member


Jazakallah for sharing your experience. I suffered the same problem that you had, I always began with a fresh niyyat to complete dua e ahad for 40 consecutive days but missed fajar prayer and then had to start again. And then the same experience with ziayarate a aashura. I had reached probably 30 consecutive days on which I had recited ziyarate e aashura, and then there came a day when I lost the chance to recite it. May Allah s.w.t grant us perseverence and make us more strong in our convictions to be able to make it through 40 days and beyond inshallah.


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What is your personal experience after reciting Dua E Ahad for 40 mornings...can you share with us???? Thanks!

May Allah Bless you a lot on your success ... :)

Well, nothing magical happened of course, life continued as normal, but I definately have more of a awareness of Imam (atfs) and his arrival.

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Thanks for sharing dear bro! May Allah include you and everyone who was happy upon reading this with the 313 helpers of our last Imam (as).

So we would not just see him in visions, long for him in du'a but stand next to him and follow his orders thoroughly!

Allah sure opens the door for the one who keeps knocking on it!

ma'a salama,


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member


Alhamdulillah :) may Allah grant all of success to get closer to Him...

thanks 4 sharing the stories n congratulation! May Allah grant u the strength to maintain n keep improving the relationship with Imam!

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  • 4 years later...
  • Veteran Member

(bismillah)  (salam) This made tears in my eyes.

May Allah bless you and your family InshAllah

Do not give up hope if the answer to your request is slow in coming, for surely what you receive depends on the strength of your request.

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Asalamoalaikum, subhanAllah your story is inspiring and encouraging as it reminds us all to never give up on the mercy of Allah (SWT) no matter how ashamed we are. Shaytan sometimes does betray man.

May Allah bless you and may you never miss any namaz or dua ahad again. Please keep all the Muslims in your duas and also this sister. Thankyou and Fiamanillah!

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  • 2 weeks later...

as salamu alaykum,


me and my husband try to do it after each prayer, however the first time we did the 40 days together was Ramadan, the first year we had Muhammad, he was about 6 months, and he would be sleep at the time of fajr. when he got older we did it a second time and he would run out and hit his side, it was cute. he would say when the imam as comes he wants to share cookies with him when he was 2.


ya hussayn always

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