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Online Books On Imam Mahdi [OFFICIAL THREAD]

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Does anyone know where I can buy these books online?
I find it hard to read online so id rather have the book in my hands, i've been on amazon.com but it seems they don't ship worldwide(I get a message that says 'cannot be shipped to this address')but only within the US. :squeez:

Any help will be appreciated as I realllyyyy wish to read these books

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Does anyone know where I can buy these books online?

I find it hard to read online so id rather have the book in my hands, i've been on amazon.com but it seems they don't ship worldwide(I get a message that says 'cannot be shipped to this address')but only within the US. :squeez:

Any help will be appreciated as I realllyyyy wish to read these books

Where are you based?

You can get most of these books from Ansariyan and NabaCultural, both of which are based in Iran.

Ansariyan: http://ansariyan.org/ansariyan/pages/home_e/home_e.php

Naba: http://nabacultural.org/ [the website seems to be down currently]

Check out the list of online Shi'i bookstores:

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On 8/7/2010 at 9:49 AM, Ya Baqiyatullah (aj) said:


Can anyone tell me where I can buy this book from the UK? http://mahdibooks.blogspot.com/2008/05/imame-zaman-hazrat-mahdi-as.html


The link says the book was published by Literary Section Ithnaasheri Union, Dar-es-Salaam, and their website seems to be this: http://literarysection.org/

Maybe you can contact them directly to inquire about the book.

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thanks, favourited


Asalam o alikum!

If u have or you know any Authentic,interesting,informative material/source/text/articles/video/lectures by any well-renowned scholar or any useful links related to my blog...please do tell / MSG me.....i am still searching for my blog....or you want to post your own articles on my blog..You're always be welcomed to share your vision ....


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Al-Imam al-Mahdi, The Just Leader of Humanity  Get PDF


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AsSalam-o-Alliykum/Tufa Ya Ali ((عليه السلام).) Madad.

Hope it finds you good. I admit that we couldn't arrange all of them but this is not the end I will try to arrange more and more Insha'Allah. I’d like to compile a list on all the Books available on the net on Imam al’Mahdi ((عليه السلام).) ajtfs. If anyone has a book/s to share, then please do post. Please don’t post any Book without link.

Insha'Allah with your prayers and help i can make a good effort.

So, always remember me in your prayers.

Allah hafiz, Mola Zamin, Iltamas-e-Dua, Ya Ali ((عليه السلام).) Madad.

[ Online English books on Imam al’Mahdi ((عليه السلام).) ajtfs.! ]


Title: Lives of the Twelve Imams from the Ahle Bait (The Custodians of The Message of Islam)

Author: Dr. Syed Haider Husain Shamsi



Title: He(عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف) will come, for sure

Author : Unknown



Title: Imam Mehdi(عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف) - The spring of Life

Author : Association of Imam Mehdi(عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف)



Title: Rabi-ul-Anaam fee Addea khairil Anaam

Author : Unknow



Title: Tears for Beloved

Author : Unknown



Title: The promised one in Quran

Author: Unknown



[ Online Urdu books on Imam al’Mahdi ((عليه السلام).) ajtfs.! ]

Title: Imam Mahdi ((عليه السلام).) ajtfs, Naveed-e-Insanyat

Autho: Moulana Shafqat Abbas



Title: Aftab Zahoor-e-Mehdi(عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف)

Author: Molana Syed Ali Hasan Akhtar



Title: Aftab-e-Adalat

Author: Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini



Title: Al Imam al-Mehdi(عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف)

Author : Molana Syed Muhammad Badar Alam



Title: Alamat Zahoor-e-Mehdi(عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف)

Author : Allama Talib Johri



Title: Al-Mahdi(عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف)

Author : Ayatullah Sadr-ud-din Sadr



Title: As Siratus Savi - 1 of 2

Author: Syed Muhammad Sibtain Sarsawi



Title: As Siratus Savi - 2 of 2

Author: Syed Muhammad Sibtain Sarsawi



Title: Falsafae Ghaibate Mehdi(عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف)

Author : Prof. Mazhar Abbas Chaudhry



Title: Hakoomat-e-Mehdi(عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف)

Author : Allama Najm-ud-din Tibsi



Title: Imam Mehdi(عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف)

Author : By a Group of Scholars



Title: Imam Zamana(عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف) ki Wapsi aur jadeed khitab

Author : Syed Kifayat Hussain Piranshahri



Title: Jannat-ul-Maarif

Author : Molana Syed Ali Sahib



Title: Jazeera-e-Bermuda

Author : Syed Muhammad Abbas Qamar Zaidi



Title: Jazira-e-Khazra

Author: Aqae Naji an-Najjar



Title: Kamal-ud-din - 1 of 2

Author: Sheikh Sadooq


Title: Kamal-ud-din - 2 of 2

Author: Sheikh Sadooq



Title: Mamba-e-Adl

Author: Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini



Title: Mehdaviat

Author: Unknown



Title: Meray Mola Imam Zamana(عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف)

Author : Suhail Bukhari



Title: Mulaqaat-e-Imam(عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف)

Author : Molana Muhammad Sahib



Title: Mulaqat ba Imam-e-Zaman((عليه السلام).)

Author : Aqae Syed Hasan Abtahi



Title: Mulaqat Imam Zamana(عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف)

Author : Syed Muhammad Amrohvi



Title: Naqoosh-e-Ismat - Imam Muhammad Mehdi((عليه السلام).)

Author : Allama Syed Zeeshan Haider Jawwadi



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Kitabul Ghaibah - Book of Occultation

Part 1: http://www.scribd.co...nslation-Part-1

Part 2: http://www.scribd.co...nslation-Part-2

[Mod Note: These links might be behind a pay wall. In 2012 they were free books to read.]

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Salamun Alaikum.

To begin with, I would like to recommend a very useful online site I found regarding Imam Mahdi books:


Next, I would like to inform you that I have uploaded the english translations of Bihar al Anwar Vol 51,52,53, that centralizes on Imam Mahdi.

And recently, also Ghaybah Nu'mani.

You may find these uploads at my Scribd Channel:


Alhamdulillah, Allah opened doors for me to these rare translated books, while I was busy researching to expose that fake Mahdi Ahmad Hassan.

If you benefited from this contribution, please recite a quick surah for the benefit of my dead relatives.


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I Segni della Manifestazione del Mahdi (aj) by: Comunita Shiita Italiana  Italian PDF
For other books in Italian, see this topic:
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Is there a way to download those scribd books?


but you have to be a premium reader on scribd to download it

I think you can download books without becoming a premium member: Click on "upload now" and upload some document; after the document has been successfully uploaded you will be allowed to download a book. Try a few times if required, and, insha-Allah, you should be able to download those books for which the download option is avaliable.

No soul has authority over another. Guidance and straying is a matter between God and you.


alhamdu lillahi Rabbil aalameen.

la ilaaha illaa Allaahu Al-'Atheemu Al-Haleemu, la ilaaha illaa Allaahu Rabbul 'arshil-‘atheemi,

la ilaaha illaa Allaahu Rabbus-samaawaati wa Rabbul-ardhi wa Rabbul-'arshil-kareemi

there is no god except Allah, the All-Mighty, the Forbearing; there is no god except Allah, the Lord of the Mighty Throne;

there is no god except Allah, Lord of the heavens, Lord of the earth and Lord of the noble Throne.

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On 6/29/2011 at 3:09 PM, Hameedeh said:



Al-Imam al-Mahdi, The Just Leader of Humanity  Get PDF


Do you have books with the same style as "Imam Mahdi just leader of humanity" by Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini?

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A very perceptive view on the blessings of Allah SWT and the circumstances to the marriage of Imam Mahdi's parents Imam Hassan a.s.and Narjis Khatoon, the daughter of a Roman emperor, Imam's birth, and his early days.

The Blessed Birth of Imam Mahdi [A]  Get PDF


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a brief account on how Nargis (r.a.) travelled to find imam Askari (as), her origins, her captivity, their encounter, their marriage and the blessed birth of Imam Mahdi (aj) The Imam of our Time, may Alat Ta’ala hasten his reappearance.

In Pursuance Of The Sun  Get PDF


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An excerpt:

This text titled "Mikyalul Makarim" authored by Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani is a two-part book about the perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for our 12th Living Imam (aj). The first part addresses the recognition of the Imam and the rational proofs discussed. Among other topics, the second part of the book discusses the times and conditions emphasized for supplicating.


Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m vol. 1  Get PDF



Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m vol. 2  Get PDF


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On 7/19/2015 at 7:26 AM, Chaotic Muslem said:

This thread should also be cleaned. to not lose the links, either we upload them on shiachat or upload them on al-islam . org to avoid any future broken links.

I find that many of the books on dropbox are no longer working. Al-Islam.org has been adding the books to their website. These are newly added: 

Explanation to the Belief of Mahdism in Shi'a Imamia PDF



Fazail ul-Mahdi   Get PDF



Mahdi in the Quran According to Shi‘ite Quran Commentators



The Return of Al-Mahdi  Get PDF


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On 11/10/2015 at 8:08 AM, syeda fakeha said:

Please can someone tell me the names of books which are written by non-shia scholars on the topic of IMAM MEHDI atfs..?

Please see the section called "Sunni Documentation on Imam al-Mahdi (as)" here:  Get PDF


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The Promised Savior: An inquiry into the imamate of Imam Mahdi (as) from the viewpoint of Muslim thinkers



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This work authored by Sayyid Ridha Husayni Mutlaq, presents ninety-nine rights and responsibilities which the true believers have to the Living Imam. The author demonstrates that the best way which one can fulfill such responsibilities is through purification of the soul and in addition, a spiritual change must take place within each person and we must seek to maintain closeness to Allah.

The Last Luminary and Ways to Delve Into the Light     Get PDF


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