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In the Name of God بسم الله

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  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)


there is no need for lying, we can discuss with the Quran and Hadeeth of Ahlul Bait (s)

Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan (s) is alive and before several months he issued a new book (Al-Tawheed) and his commands are reaching us until this very day Alhamdulilla

O Allah establish Mohammed and Al Mohammed in your land and demonstrate their rightenous and curse their enemies and liers. Ameen

Can you give us a picture of him?

A video of him?

Any audios of his lectures?

Edited by lotfilms
  • Advanced Member

Salam alykom

please calm down, we are trying to get a scientific dialogue which Allah and ahlul Bait bless.

the friends of Imam Al-Mahdy (s) you are mentioning are his Sofara2. however, in the end of time there are also personality mentioned by Ahlul Bait that appear before Imam Al-Mahdy and are infallible.

there are narrations of Ahlul Bait, please go back to the resource in order to be sure it's not a lie

Imam Al Sadiq (A.S) said: "from among us, after the Qa'em, we shall have twelve Mahdi's of Al Hussein descendents (A.S), Bihar Al Anwar (Oceans of Lights), chapter 53 page 148, and Ghaybat Al Tousi (Occultation by Al Tousi) page 4478.

so after Qaém (Imam Al-Mahdy) , there are 12 mahdies

Thouban (May God be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet of God (pbuh) said, "Three, who are the sons of Caliphate, shall be killed near your treasure, and then it shall not revert to any of them. Black flags shall appear from the East, and fight you like nobody has ever fought you before. He then mentioned a young man and said, when you see him, pay homage to him, as he is the Caliphate of Al Mahdi." Bisharat Al Islam (Evangel of Islam) p. 30.


Al-Baqir (as) “There is no banner better than that of the banner of Yamani, it is the banner of faith and dedication, because he calls to your possessor, so if the Yamani comes out, selling weapons to people or any Muslim becomes prohibited, and if the Yamani appears, stand up to him, because he’s banner is the banner of faith, and its prohibited for any Muslim to turn away from him, and who ever turns away from him, then he’s from the people of hell, because he calls to the truth and to the right path). Al-Ghaybah - Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim A' Noâmani p. 264.

about cursing, no one did here, nor in our website My link, so let's not talk about the matter so much.

about the resource of my religion, it is from AHlul Bait, do you think Ghazali that Ahlul Bait didn't finish the deen? in order to need others who give us new FIQH and Fatwa? then i should warn you by the hadeeth of Ahlul Bait:

As-Sadiq (as) says: [When Al-Qa’im comes out to take revenge on the jurists for issuing fatwas in what they do not know, they and their followers will suffer misery. Was the religion incomplete for them to complete it? Was it deviated for them to straighten it? Did people want to oppose Allah so they obeyed Him? Or did He command them to do right and they disobeyed Him? Did the chosen one (the Prophet) misconstrue what was revealed to him so they warned him? Did the religion remain incomplete in his time so they completed it? Or did another prophet come after him, and so they followed him?]

VERY clear.

Now I take my religion, fiqh, Aqida, etc from Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan who takes the religion clearly from Imam Al-Mahdy.

Alhamdulilla for His graces, you should all know that Allah is near us all, disbelivers and believers, and if you raise your hands with pure heart to your Only God and ask him to show you the truth and show you if Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan is a right messenger from Imam Al-Mahdy or an imposter and then open the Quran believing that you will do what Allah tells you, He Al-Mighty will answer you Inshalla. But you should work with what Allah answer you, you should be ready for His answer.

from the ahadis u presented it seems u totally misunderstood it's context. There will be 12 mahdis after imam Mahdi(ajf) (after/after) and that is about rajat(rajah/return) of all aimma a.s.

You presented a hadis from imam sadiq a.s without the reference. If imam ajf is going to kill people who are trying to complete a religion however ahmad al Hasan would also fall in the category bcos he and the followers think there is something still incomplete and he has right to do so.

Ofcourse taking religion (usool n furoo from aimma is haqq but anyone who claims anything before rise of sufyani and a caller from sky(jibrael a.s) announcing the return of imam ajf is a liar.

Return to the rope of Allah azwj or you maybe a loser.

Ya urwathil wuthqa madad

  • Advanced Member


Dont listen to these freaks they were exposed many times, they lost a debate on paltalk to shiekh asad alhak (may Allah protect him), they were so lost and confused in the debate... BTW, this person malakoot is practising the same method like his imam alkati3 aldajjal ahmad altaxi driver, he changed some of the narrations he posted to suite his belifs!!! so be careful

  • Advanced Member


Dont listen to these freaks they were exposed many times, they lost a debate on paltalk to shiekh asad alhak (may Allah protect him), they were so lost and confused in the debate... BTW, this person malakoot is practising the same method like his imam alkati3 aldajjal ahmad altaxi driver, he changed some of the narrations he posted to suite his belifs!!! so be careful

Yes, thank youu, These guys are spreading false every where. They change hadiths to suit them, they take parts of hadith to suit them. La3natAllah 3la False Idols!!!!

  • Advanced Member

Yes, thank youu, These guys are spreading false every where. They change hadiths to suit them, they take parts of hadith to suit them. La3natAllah 3la False Idols!!!!

Bro i think we should just report all their posts. We can't have a dialogue with these people because they already know the truth and are just spreading this false ideology to deviate and mislead people for their own evil goals. If somebody comes on the forum and swears at Imam Mahdi (as), he will surely be banned. Well they are doing worse than that, so please admins ban these shayateen

  • Basic Members

Who is the Yamani in the narrations ?

In the name of Allah the most beneficial the most graceful

First, it is necessary to know that Mecca is from Touhama, and that Touhama is from Yemen. Thus Mohammad (pbuh) and (the Holy Family of the Prophet (as)) are all “Yamanis” (they are from Yemen); Mohammad (pbuh) is “Yamani”, Ali (as) is “Yamani”, Imam Al Mahdi (as) is “Yamani”, the twelve Mahdies are “Yamanis”, and First Mahdi is also “Yamani”.

And that was what the first working jurists knew (May God’s mercy be upon them) “Now there hath succeeded them a later generation whom have ruined worship and have followed lusts. But they will meet deception.” Maryam (59).Also Al-Majlissi (may God’s mercy be upon him) in the book of Bihar Al-Anwar, named the speech of the progeny of Mohammed (pbuh) as the “Yamani wisdom” (Bihar Al-Anwar volume 1 p. 1). That was also reported by the messenger of Allah (pbuh), as he named Abd Al-Mutalib (as) the sacred house the Yamani Ka’aba. Bihar Al-Anwar. Volumes. 22,51,75.

Concerning the Features defining Al Yamani`s personality, it was narrated by Al-Imam Al-Baqir (as) “There is no banner better than that of the banner of Yamani, it is the banner of faith and dedication, because he calls to your possessor, so if the Yamani comes out, selling weapons to people or any Muslim becomes prohibited, and if the Yamani appears, stand up to him, because he’s banner is the banner of faith, and its prohibited for any Muslim to turn away from him, and who ever turns away from him, then he’s from the people of hell, because he calls to the truth and to the right path). Al-Ghaybah - Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim A' Noâmani p. 264.

In this account there is the following

- First: ”, and its prohibited for any Muslim to turn away from him, and who ever turns away from him, then he’s from the people of hell”… :and this means that Al Yamani has the row of a Divine Seignior, because no character can be a (hujjah) a successor from Allah before people to a point that if they turn away from him they will enter hell, even if they pray, fast .unless they are the successors of Allah on his earth and they are prophets, messengers, imams and Mahdis.

- Second: “because he calls to the truth and to the right path”: And the call to the Truth and the Right path means that this person is never mistaken makes a mistake where it will engage people in wrong doings and he doesn’t remove people from what’s right. Therefore this person is an infallible and his infallibility is stated and written. And from that meaning, the limit to this character in his characteristics makes it useful for us to determine the character of the Yamani. Moreover, if one makes his own assumption to the meaning of this narration “because he calls to the truth and to the right path”, then his making the words of the imams (as) useless since there will be no limits or restriction to the character of the Yamani, and may Allah forbid people saying such a thing about our holy imams (as).

The result of what was discussed above exposed (in the first and second part) is that Al Yamani is one of the successors of Allah on his earth and his succession on earth has been written (stated) in a divine text. And it has also been proven by many narrations and many text irrefutable evidence that the successors of the prophet Mohammed (pbuh) are the 12 imams (as) and after them there are 12 Mahdies and that there is no infallible successor from Allah on this earth but them. And through them is the completion of grace, perfection of religion and that the celestial messages are sealed.

In addition, the 11 imams (as) have all been deceased and there only remains imam al Mahdi (as) and the 12 Mahdies (as). The Yamani calls to imam al Mahdi (as). Therefore the Yamani Must be the First of the Mahdis because the 11 Mahdies after him are from his progeny “They were descendants one of another. Allah is Hearer, Knower. (34) Al-Imran” they also come after the period of the appearance of imam al Mahdi (as), indeed they arrive during the state of divine justice and what is known and is fixed is that first Mahdi will be there during the time of imam al Mahdi and he is the first believer in imam al Mahdi (as) when he first emerges. He’s aim is to provide the necessities for the emergence of imam al Mahdi as it was narrated in the will of prophet Mohammed (pbuh). And from the characteristics of the Yamani become limited to the fact that the Yamani is the first Mahdi and he is from the 12 Middies.

Also, the accounts of the Holy Family of the Prophet (as) describe first Mahdi and give, in detail, His Name, His Attributes and his Habitat. Indeed his Name is Ahmad, his Nickname is Abdollah (Servant of God), i.e. Israel, and i.e. that people call him “Israelan” (a Jew). And prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said: my name is Ahmad and I am Abdullah (the servant of Allah), my name is Israel, and who ever ordered him has ordered me and whatever God said to Israel was meant to me. (tafseer al Ayashi. Ch.1,pg.44- alburhan ch.1,pg95-albihar ch.7,ph.178) and the first Mahdi is the first from the 313, and he is from al-Basra, on his cheek is a mark and on his forehead is dandruff. His body is similar to the body of Moses the son of Imran. (as). Also on his back is the seal of prophet hood and in Him the Will of the Prophet (as) is carried out, he is the most knowledgeable from all creation, after the imams, in the Quran, torah and the bible. Moreover, at the beginning of his appearance he will appear as a young man. The prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said: (…then he mentioned a young man and he said, “if you see him pay allegiance to him because he is the successor of the Mahdi). Bisharat Al' Islam p. 30.

O Father of Al Hassan, bring me a inkwell and leaf” then he started dictating his will to ali” O Ali, there will be twelve Imams and after them there will be twelve Mahdi’s. You, O Ali, are the first of the twelve Imams, and he dictated his will until he came to a position where he completed mentioning the 12 imams then he said: . If the day of death comes to him (Al-Hassan), let him hand the will over to his son, Mohammed the Mandate of the Holy Family of Mohammad Peace be upon them all. These are the twelve Imams. Then there will be twelve Mahdi’s after them. then when the day of death comes to him, let him hand the will over to his son, the first of the close ones, he has three names, one like mine and my Father’s: Abdollah (Servant of God), Ahmad and the third name is The Mahdi (the guided) and he is the first Believer.” Bihar Al' anwar. Vol. 53 p. 147./ Alghayba Attossi p. 150./ Ghayat Almoram. Vol. 2 p.241. also narrated about Al-Sadik that he said: “from us there is (i.e. our progeny),, after Al Qa'im (the envoy), Twelve Mahdis of the descent of the Imam Hussein (as)” Bihar Al' anwar. Vol. 53 p. 148. Alborhane. Vol. 3 p. 310. Alghayba Attossi p. 385. Also from Imam Al-Sadik (as) , he said: “from us there is (i.e. our progeny), after Al Qa' Im (the resurrector), Eleven Mahdis of the descent of the Imam Hussein (as)” Bihar Al' anwar. Vol. 53 p. 145. And in this narration, the Qa’eim is the first Mahdi and not imam Al-Mahdi (as) because imam Al-Mahdi (as) has 12 Mahdies after him.

Al Baqir (as) said in the description of the First Mahdi:” He said: “It is he, whose pigment has a strike of red, hollow eyes, unlinked eyebrows, wide shoulders, dandruff in his head and a mark on his face. May Allah have mercy upon Moses.” The Occultation – Mohammed AlNomani, page 223

Also about the Prince of Believers, Imam Ali (as) said in a long narration: ((…The first one of them shall be from Basra and the last one from Ebdal) Evangel of Islam, page 249, Beirut year 1999)

Also about Imam Al sadik (as) said in a long narration where he mentioned in it the followers of the Qaeim (as): ((…and from Al Basra…Ahmad…)) Bisharat al islam pg.148.

Also about Imam Al Baqir (as), he said: ("The Qa'em (Riser) shall have two names; one is secreted while the other is announced. The one announced is Mohammad, while the one secreted is Ahmad". Kamal Al Din, part 2 page 653 item 57 . Ahmad is the name of the first Mahdi and Mohammed is the name of Imam Al Mahdi (as) as it has been clear from the will of prophet Mohammed (pbuh).

About imam al Baqir (as): (“Allah Almighty has a treasure in Talkan, neither gold nor silver, twelve thousand in Khurasan. Their slogan is “Ahmed Ahmed” lead by a young man from Hashim’s sons (ridden) by a blond mule, a red headband on him, as if I am looking at him across the Euphrates. So if you hear about that, rush to him, even if crawling on snow.” Montakhab AlAnwar Almodi’a, page 343. And Ahmad is the name of the First Mahdi.

In the book almalahim wal fitan by sayed bin tawos al hassany pg.27 ( the prince of anger is not from this neither from that but he is a Khalifa Yamani.)

Also in the book almalahim walfitan in pg.80 ( they gather and look at who they pay allegiance to, and while they are like that, they will hear an unknown voice never said neither by a jinn nor by human “lend allegiance to - such person - by his name He is neither this nor of that but He is a Representative “Khalifa” Yamani”.

Also, Sheik Ali Al Korani mentioned in his book” mojam ahadeeth Al Imam Al Mahdi (as)” chp.1 pg.299. (the Mahdi is only from Quraysh, and that the divine succession is only within them, except that he has an origin in Al Yamane). Since the first Mahdi is from the progeny of imam al Mahdi (as), it becomes essential that he has an “incomplete” family tree since the progeny of imam al Mahdi (as) are unknown. These attributes are the attributes of the victorious Yamani, and they are the attributes of the first Mahdi because they are indeed one person as it has been shown above.

If, however, you want more information, I will say, that Al Yamani is that which prepares the ground in period of holy emergence, He is from the three hundred and thirteen and gives the banner to IMAM ALMAHDY (as). Moreover the First Mahdi is also present in period of Holy emergence and he is the first believer in Imam Al Mahdi (as) in the beginning of holy emergence and before the period of the holy rising. Therefore it becomes necessary that one of them becomes a “hujah” over the other, and since the imams and the Mahdies are all the “hujah” i.e. successors of Allah before all creation and that the first Mahdi is from them, therefore he is a hujjah over the Yamani- if these to characters are only but one person. Thus the first Mahdi would be leading the preparatory revolution, and the role of al Yamani would become secondary and that is untrue because the Yamani is the primary preparer and the primary leader of the holy era of emergence.

Then it becomes necessitated that the first Mahdi is the Yamani and that the Yamani is the first Mahdi. Thus the Yamani (he’s name is Ahmad, he is from Basra, has a mark on his right cheek, at the beginning of his emergence he is a young man, has dandruff on his head, most knowledge from all people in the Quran, torah and bible after the imams, has an incomplete family tree, nicknamed the “Mahdi”, he is an infallible imam which people MUST obey, no Muslim should turn away from him and who ever turns away from him is from the people of hell because he call to the truth and the right path, he calls to imam Al Mahdi (as)…and…and…all that has been dictated from the imams about the characteristics of the Mahdi. If u want refer to the books Kitab Ghaybat Anno' amani and Ghaybat Attossi and Ikmal Addin and Bihar Al' Anwar. Vol. 52 and 53, and other books of narrations (koutoub Al hadit).

  • Forum Administrators

Bro i think we should just report all their posts. We can't have a dialogue with these people because they already know the truth and are just spreading this false ideology to deviate and mislead people for their own evil goals. If somebody comes on the forum and swears at Imam Mahdi (as), he will surely be banned. Well they are doing worse than that, so please admins ban these shayateen

For the time being I am moving threads related to this topic to the "Other Sects" board.


Alsalam Alaikum

Dear brothers and sister

Our holly prophet have taught us manners

better than this, if someone is now telling us

that he is a MESSENGER from Imam Almahdi (aj)

and he is Al-Yamani almaw3ood

Then we have to look into it before we reject it

If you would like to know who Imam Ahmad Alhassan is,

go to his official websites and then argue and ask about what he came with

Much more reliable than youtube or wikipedia

Here are the two websites for you

English : www.the-savior.com

Arabic: www.almahdyoon.org

  • Advanced Member

............blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, has dandruff on his head, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah............

Looks like Imam Mahdi could use some:


Seriously you people are mental. Stop copy/pasting nonsense!!!

  • Basic Members


Can you give us a picture of him?

A video of him?

Any audios of his lectures?

salam brother/ sister

for pictures, he doesn't have any picture spreaded, nor video because he said: ãÇÌÆÊ ÇÈÍË Úä ÎÏã æáÇ ÌÆÊ áíÑÇäí ÇáäÇÓ ÝÇßæä ÍÌÇÈ Èíäåã æÈíä Çááå ÌÆÊ áÇäÞÖ åíßá ÇáÈÇØá æÇÈäí åíßá ÇáÍÞ ÝÇÚíäæäí Úáì Ðáß íÑÍãßã Çááå >> which means: (I didn't come searching for servants nor i came for people to see me for I be a veil between them and Allah, I came to revoke the structure of falseness and build the structure of rightousness, so assist me on that , Yarhamakom Allah)

audios yes, as i previously mentioned, Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan has 3 recordings by his voice:

1) the story of his meeting with Imam Al-Mahdy

2) a speech to the scholars of Hawza in Najaf, Qum and in every spot on earth

3) the speech of Hajj (pilgrimage)

speeches of Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan

and soon it will be in our website translated to english , InshALAAH

Posted (edited)

from the ahadis u presented it seems u totally misunderstood it's context. There will be 12 mahdis after imam Mahdi(ajf) (after/after) and that is about rajat(rajah/return) of all aimma a.s.

You presented a hadis from imam sadiq a.s without the reference. If imam ajf is going to kill people who are trying to complete a religion however ahmad al Hasan would also fall in the category bcos he and the followers think there is something still incomplete and he has right to do so.

Ofcourse taking religion (usool n furoo from aimma is haqq but anyone who claims anything before rise of sufyani and a caller from sky(jibrael a.s) announcing the return of imam ajf is a liar.

Return to the rope of Allah azwj or you maybe a loser.

Ya urwathil wuthqa madad

you should pay attention that Imam said there will be 12 mahdies (from progeny of Hussein) not from progeny of prophet Mohammed, after Imam Al-Mahdy. and you believe that there are 9 Imams after Hussein (s) not 12. so here you confirmed the 12 Imams existence. now you should know that the 12 mahdies (s) rule after the 12 Imams (s). and they are one after another. the 12th Imam is Imam Mohammed bin Al-Hassan Al-Askari (s) and the 1st Mahdy is Imam Ahmad Al-hassan (s).

so that 's why Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan is a messenger from Imam Al-Mahdy , the way Imam Ali and prophet Mohammed, the way Haroon and Mosa. wa alHamdulilla for everything.

the other thing you mentioned is wrong. because Imam will kill who pretend to complete religion not really that they do complete it!! now see that prophet Mohammed completed the religion as Allah said in Quran by appointing Imam Ali to be his khalifa, so religion is completed by existence of khalifa masoom . so that's why religion is always complete when there is khalifa appointed by Allah's order. as through khalifa we know what is halal, haram , and know what Allah wants from us especially if the matters we have are new and not previously mentioned by Ahlula bait. now Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan is khalifa masoom and he takes orders from his forefather Imam Al-Mahdy (s).

as for the riwaya about sufyani ,, mention it and we will discuss InshAllah

as for the reference for hadeeth i thought it is very clear without need of reference, but it is your right,, here it is : - إلزام الناصب ج2 ص200 ilzam al-nasoub, part 2, pg 200

As-Sadiq says: [When Al-Qa’im comes out to take revenge on the jurists for issuing fatwas in what they do not know, they and their followers will suffer misery. Was the religion incomplete for them to complete it? Was it deviated for them to straighten it? Did people want to oppose Allah so they obeyed Him? Or did He command them to do right and they disobeyed Him? Did the chosen one (the Prophet) misconstrue what was revealed to him so they warned him? Did the religion remain incomplete in his time so they completed it? Or did another prophet come after him, and so they followed him?]

alhamdulilla wahdah wahdah wahdah

Looks like Imam Mahdi could use some:


Seriously you people are mental. Stop copy/pasting nonsense!!!

Astaghfurallah!! are you serious of your writings!! you are just making laugh at Imam's hadeeth not on us!! be careful.

the refrences are there and the books are already in the shia library for many years. Go back to them and searrch if you aren't sure otherwise Ahlul Bait will not forgive you in saying "bla bla"on their holy hadeeths.

AstaghfurrAllah may Allah forgive you and us and bless us with His mercy

(We will stay fighting with you Ahlul Bait and will never leave you as long as we are alive) Ameen

Edited by Malakoot
  • Advanced Member

Astaghfurallah!! are you serious of your writings!! you are just making laugh at Imam's hadeeth not on us!! be careful.

the refrences are there and the books are already in the shia library for many years. Go back to them and searrch if you aren't sure otherwise Ahlul Bait will not forgive you in saying "bla bla"on their holy hadeeths.

AstaghfurrAllah may Allah forgive you and us and bless us with His mercy

(We will stay fighting with you Ahlul Bait and will never leave you as long as we are alive) Ameen

I am sorry if I have offended you. Here you go, looks like you need some:


  • Advanced Member

There is no point in arguing with these misguided fools!, Ban them already. They are only corrupting peoples minds!, Just ban them end of story, Don't make them misguide people .

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

There is no point in arguing with these misguided fools!, Ban them already. They are only corrupting peoples minds!, Just ban them end of story, Don't make them misguide people .

we should leave them instead of banning them,,, we will have some fun with them...They are cute :D (by cute i mean confused :P )

Edited by Slave of Husain
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)


Can you please let me know what are the biggest achievements of your Yamani/Mahdi to date?

What has he done, so far, other than sending his followers (like you) to ShiaChat?

sending followers like them on paltalk B)

Edited by Slave of Husain
  • Advanced Member



salam brother/ sister

for pictures, he doesn't have any picture spreaded, nor video because he said: ãÇÌÆÊ ÇÈÍË Úä ÎÏã æáÇ ÌÆÊ áíÑÇäí ÇáäÇÓ ÝÇßæä ÍÌÇÈ Èíäåã æÈíä Çááå ÌÆÊ áÇäÞÖ åíßá ÇáÈÇØá æÇÈäí åíßá ÇáÍÞ ÝÇÚíäæäí Úáì Ðáß íÑÍãßã Çááå >> which means: (I didn't come searching for servants nor i came for people to see me for I be a veil between them and Allah, I came to revoke the structure of falseness and build the structure of rightousness, so assist me on that , Yarhamakom Allah)

audios yes, as i previously mentioned, Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan has 3 recordings by his voice:

1) the story of his meeting with Imam Al-Mahdy

2) a speech to the scholars of Hawza in Najaf, Qum and in every spot on earth

3) the speech of Hajj (pilgrimage)

speeches of Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan

and soon it will be in our website translated to english , InshALAAH

Judging by the way he talks, i can see why the common people would be quick to believe every word he says.

When were these speeches given?





Judging by the way he talks, i can see why the common people would be quick to believe every word he says.

When were these speeches given?



speech of his meeting with Imam Al-Mahdy >> 28/Shawal/ 1424 H

speech to scholars of Hawza in najaf, Qum and every spot on earth >> 28/Rabee'althanee/1426 H

speech of hajj >>Thu Qu'da 1427 H

Posted (edited)


Can you please let me know what are the biggest achievements of your Yamani/Mahdi to date?

What has he done, so far, other than sending his followers (like you) to ShiaChat?

we can ask ourselves the same Question, what did Imam Al-Mahdy's biggest achievments until now? being in occultation? of course no, he (s) has works even in occultation by the order of Allah "ëven if we don't know these works", as mentioned by Ahlul bait that each era there should be imam otherwise the earth will sink with its people, also about the prophet and imams,, what are their achievments? Imam Al-Khadim (s) was 16 years in prison, away from people! what were the achievments?

BUT in order to answer you, we should know the mission of masoom, why does Allah send them?

you should know that ALL THE RELIGION is a man, this man is appointed by Allah, who follows him salvage, who don't goes to hell.

alhamdulilla Shia religion is very clear.

now this man tells us everything we need in religion, from Halal, Haram, even the words of Allah reaches to us throught the, , the Torah, bible and Quran reached to us through prophets, not directly from Allah.

this man can be a prophet, messenger, Imam, Mahdy,etc "ïmportant thing is that he is masoom and appointed by Allah's order".

now let's go back to your question, Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan came as a messenger from imam Al-Mahdy, so the Fiqh, Aqida , everything , we take it from him (s). he came to support people to turn back to the religion of Muhammed and Al Muhammed, people should believe in him as Imam albaqir mentioned in the previous hadeeth "that whoever turns away from yamani he is from the people of hell and that he calls to imam Al-Mahdÿ, etc". the hadeeth is authentic and many scholars mentioned it in their books.

the achievments I can't mention all or the biggest , but i mention what I know:-

*when Saddam Hussein wanted to write the Quran with his unpure blood "which is absolutely haram" no one stood in his face because all were scared as Saddam was tyrant who will kill any who is against him, but Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan was the only one who refused it and he called others from maraji3 to refuse it but they were scared, that's why Saddam searched much about Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan in order to kill him, but Allah is the Savior Alhamdulilla.

Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan's call is the same as prophets' calls, he once said: فدعوتي كدعوة نوح (ع ) وكدعوة إبراهيم (ع) وكدعوة موسى (ع )وكدعوة عيسى (ع) وكدعوة محمد (ص) أن ينتشر التوحيد على كل بقعة في هذه الأرض هدف الأنبياء والأوصياء هو هدفي ، وأبين التوراة والإنجيل والقرآن إرادتي هي إرادة الله سبحانه وتعالى ومشيئته . أن لا يريد أهل الأرض إلا ما يريده الله سبحانه وتعالى أن تمتلئ الأرض قسطاً وعدلاً كما ملئت ظلماً وجوراً ، أن يشبع الجياع ولا يبقى الفقراء في العراء ، أن يفرح الأيتام بعد حزنهم الطويل ، وتجد الأرامل ما يسد حاجتها المادية بعز وكرامة أن …… وأن …… أن يطبق أهم ما في الشريعة العدل والرحمة والصدق

which means: as my call is the same as Noah's call (s), Ibrahim's call(s), Mosa's call (s), Eissa's call (s), Mohammed's call (s). that monotheism is spread on every spot in this earth. the goal of prophets and guardians is my goal, and i clarify the Torah, Bible and Al-Quran. My will is Allah Al-Mighty's will and desire, that the people of earth wants nothing but what Allah Al-Mighty wants, that the earth fills with fairness and justice after it has been filled with injustice and tyranny, that the hungers gartify and the poor don't stay outdoors, that the orphans rejoice after their long grief and the widows find what supplies their material needs by honor and dignity, and , and , and to apply the most important in the Sharieá: the justice, mercy and honesty.

Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan demonstrated the religion of Allah like any other Hujja, as firstly they call people to the religion of Allah by wisdom and good deeds. he has many books some are translated in our websites, bayanat and speeches by his voice.

as for other achievments they are so many because he works day and night in calling people to the religion of Allah, as who met him witnesses. i don't think that anyone can talk about achievments of Ahlul Bait because we know nothing. Alhamdulilla he made us their followers after we were mislead.

am 100% sure about the rightnous of Imam Ahmad AlHassan, not only because ahlul bait mentioned him by his characteristics , name , from where he appears, etc but also because i saw prophet muhammed in my sleep, I was walking with him and calling people to believe in Imam Ahmad Al-hassan being a messenger from Imam Almahdy , you don't know if am honest, but i know because seeing hazrat prophet is more than delight. that's why am here.

any more questions? am at your service and thank you for this opportunity

Edited by Malakoot
  • Advanced Member




speech of his meeting with Imam Al-Mahdy >> 28/Shawal/ 1424 H

speech to scholars of Hawza in najaf, Qum and every spot on earth >> 28/Rabee'althanee/1426 H

speech of hajj >>Thu Qu'da 1427 H

But brother, this is my point, there are reports that he was killed in a battle near Najaf 3 years ago and i have yet to see any speech or anything like that from him since three years ago...

Is there a website where he lists his rulings on fiqh?

Has he brought any daleel for his claim? Does he have a letter from the Mahdi(as)?


Posted (edited)



But brother, this is my point, there are reports that he was killed in a battle near Najaf 3 years ago and i have yet to see any speech or anything like that from him since three years ago...

Is there a website where he lists his rulings on fiqh?

Has he brought any daleel for his claim? Does he have a letter from the Mahdi(as)?


salam alykom

I think you mean (the soldiers of heaven, Jond Al-samaa), well these people were going to visit Imam Hussein as i heard but the americans shot them from helicopters thinking they shot Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan and his followers, we are not Jond Alsamaa and we don't belong to them at all, alhamdulilla. However, Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan is alive until now because Allah saves him even if many want to kill him the way they wanted to kill his grandfather Hussein (s). He is alive until now and before several months he issued a new book named "Al-Tawheed". and also his near believers are meeting him.

Imam Ahmad AlHassan issued three books about fiqh named "Sharae' Al-Islam: parts:1,2,3"

the books are all in arabic and some translated in english,, our arabic website our english website

If you know arabic, then everything is there in the arabic website, if you don't, there are some translated in our website.

and if you have any question in Fiqh, ask it here and Inshalla i will translate for you from his book. may Allah forgive us for not offering you all the documents in english, but we are translating and from Allah is Tawfeek and success.

About letter from Imam Al-Mahdy AJF, Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan met Imam Al-Mahdy personally and it is there in his speech. however, Imam Al-mahdy sent Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan to people to unify them on the right religion. As many people are going astray from religion because they don't know what is right what is wrong, but when they read imam ahmad alhassan's writings, many believed in him including christians, Wahabis, Sunna and Shia and maybe from other sects which i don't know.

about Daleel, yes there are many. but when a woman sent him a question about the shortest way of knowing if Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan is right, He (s) said:

أقصر طريق للأيمان بالغيب هو الغيب، اسألي الله بعد أن تصومي ثلاثة أيام وتتوسلي بحق فاطمة بنت محمد (ص) أن تعرفي الحق من الله بالرؤيا أو الكشف أو بأي آية من آياته الغيبية الملكوتية سبحانه وتعالى

the shortest way to believe in the unseen is the unseen (Ghaib), ask Allah after you fast three days and make Tawassul by the rightousness of Fatima bint Mohammed (s) to know the right from Allah by Roaya (vision seen in sleep mentioned many in quran especially Surat Yousef), or Kashif (same as Roaya but while you are awake) or by any Aya from His Al-Might's Ghaib Malakoot Ayat.

however the other proves are from the two weighty things that prophet mohammed ordered us to clung into, the Quran and Eitra. as Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan was mentioned in Ahlul Bait Hadeeth like the will of prophet mohammed on his day death and in the yamany hadeeth mentioned by Imam Al-Baqir, also there are tens and tens of hadeeth you can acces the website, go to the Shia sect and you can find many daleel Inshalla.

at your service if you have more questions.


Edited by Malakoot
  • Advanced Member



and if you have any question in Fiqh, ask it here and Inshalla i will translate for you from his book.

Sure, here are some questions i had:

1) Are Ahl al-Kitab considered najis?

2) Is it mustahab or makrooh to wear black year-round?

3) What is his view of tatbir?

4) What is his view of the niqab?

5) i looking around on the website and i noticed in the forum that someone asked about the 3rd Shahadah in the adhan/iqama (ÇÔåÏ Çä ÚáíÇð æáí Çááå). Does Ahmad al-Hasan know of the Imams (as) said this in the adhan/iqama or of the Prophet (pbuh) authorized this?

ÃÞÕÑ ØÑíÞ ááÃíãÇä ÈÇáÛíÈ åæ ÇáÛíÈ¡ ÇÓÃáí Çááå ÈÚÏ Ãä ÊÕæãí ËáÇËÉ ÃíÇã æÊÊæÓáí ÈÍÞ ÝÇØãÉ ÈäÊ ãÍãÏ (Õ) Ãä ÊÚÑÝí ÇáÍÞ ãä Çááå ÈÇáÑÄíÇ Ãæ ÇáßÔÝ Ãæ ÈÃí ÂíÉ ãä ÂíÇÊå ÇáÛíÈíÉ ÇáãáßæÊíÉ ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì

the shortest way to believe in the unseen is the unseen (Ghaib), ask Allah after you fast three days and make Tawassul by the rightousness of Fatima bint Mohammed (s) to know the right from Allah by Roaya (vision seen in sleep mentioned many in quran especially Surat Yousef), or Kashif (same as Roaya but while you are awake) or by any Aya from His Al-Might's Ghaib Malakoot Ayat.

We'll see what happens when i do this insha'Allah

Thank you for your time.





Sure, here are some questions i had:

1) Are Ahl al-Kitab considered najis?

2) Is it mustahab or makrooh to wear black year-round?

3) What is his view of tatbir?

4) What is his view of the niqab?

5) i looking around on the website and i noticed in the forum that someone asked about the 3rd Shahadah in the adhan/iqama (ÇÔåÏ Çä ÚáíÇð æáí Çááå). Does Ahmad al-Hasan know of the Imams (as) said this in the adhan/iqama or of the Prophet (pbuh) authorized this?

We'll see what happens when i do this insha'Allah

Thank you for your time.


walykom alsalam

am sorry for the late reply i was busy in some uni stuff, InshaAllah i sent your fiqh questions to Imam through our website and as soon as i get the reply i will post it here.

thank you

and may Allah protect the nation of Mohammed and Al Mohammed

adham Allah Ojorakom in the reminiscence tragedy of Karbala

  • 3 months later...

I believe all followers of Ahmad al-Hassan ad-Dajjal should be removed from this forum and there should be a sticky thread warning against and exposing these liars.

They keep changing their beliefs to suit them and the situation, after Dia Abdul Zahra Kadim died, they started to claim ahmad was the new Mahdi, and once they realised that wouldn't work, they made him the "messenger" of the 12th Imam.

Please admins, there is such a thing as free speech, open expression and dialogue, but this is an exception. We should not tolerate this nonsense, nor give them a medium in which to launch or spread their demonic idealogy. They should all be banned from posting and as I said above, a sticky thread be made regarding this imposter Ahmad al-qati3 and his followers, who are either severely misguided or at the worst otherwise cunning and evil opportunists.

Salam Ibn Abdullah.

Can you please provide some evidence towards this? Specifically the part where you said "after Dia Abdul Zahra Kadim died, they started to claim ahmad was the new Mahdi, and once they realised that wouldn't work, they made him the "messenger" of the 12th Imam."

I am ok with any kind of evidence, even if it was your experience like you saw it on their website but they later changed the website.


  • Advanced Member

I think this is a false Yamani. These people appear to believe in many mahdis. They want to start a dynasty of Mahdis it seems. Last time we had that it was called Fatimid Empire

  • Advanced Member

I am not in support of this Man or his movement.

I just wanted to point out to you, since I have read several times things like "our scholars are against him", or "he is against our scholars", or "our scholars would tell us if he is the Mahdi", that when the whole of Bani Israel were waiting for their Messiah and he finally arrived, the temple priests rejected him, called him a liar, slandered his mother and rallied their followers in opposition to him and wanted to kill him.

I am 100% sure, that when the real Imam of our Time appears, that the scholars will issue fatwas against him, legitimising the shedding of his blood or making it a religious obligation to shed his blood they will call him all sorts of things.

Basically the point "he's against our scholars" or the other way around "our scholars are against him" is completely baseless.

As pointed out by others, your scholars are not masoom and they are still working on "perfecting" the religion of Allah.

Just see things in perspective please.

  • 1 month later...
  • Basic Members

walykom alsalam

am sorry for the late reply i was busy in some uni stuff, InshaAllah i sent your fiqh questions to Imam through our website and as soon as i get the reply i will post it here.

thank you

and may Allah protect the nation of Mohammed and Al Mohammed

adham Allah Ojorakom in the reminiscence tragedy of Karbala

A1) the Jews and christians, if they weren't exaggerators (like some christians who believe that Jesus is an absolute God) and not Nawasib (nawasib are those who fight Mohammed and Mohammed's family), then they are not Najis (they aren't impure)

A4) Niqab isn't an obligation

other answers will come soon Inshalla

The scientific Committee

Ansar Imam Al-Mahdy (may Allah strengthen him on land)

Sheikh Nadhim Al-Uqaili

1432 H

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member

Salaam alaikum,

Anyone interested in a thorough refutation of Ahmad Al Hassan can find it here:


Topics covered:

- Infallibility of Ahmad Al Hasan

- Zolfiqar Exposed

- Ahmad Al-Hasan's EXPLANATION of Infallibility - REFUTED

- The Ansar EXPOSED

- Ahmad al Hasans explanation of the Shout - REFUTED

- Sayyid Sistani's Imaginary Fatwa to kill Ahmad Al Hasan

- What Hashemstudios is NOT made for...

- Media Reports Linking Ahmad Al Hassan To "Soldiers Of Heaven" Militant Group

I hope this is of some help insha 'Allah.

I apologize for posting this again, there are several topics in this forum concerning Ahmad Al Hassan.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Basic Members

Allah has sent his true messengers on earth. For every one of them, there appear to be 100s of people making false claims. Whereas it is important to recognise the true messenger (I have always believed that next person whom shias must recognise would be imam Aakhiruzzaman Mehdi a.s), it is equally important to identify the imposters and not get affected by them as either mistake can carry one from the road to heaven to the road to hell.

More recently there is a claim from a person named Ahmed Al Hassan from Basra who claims to be Yamani (the right hand of Imam Mehdi a.s), Imam Aakhiruz zaman’s son or 6th in his generation (Imam Mahdi (as) > Salman > Hossein > Saleh > Ismail > Ahmad Al Hassan), and first of the 12 Mehdis that have been claimed to rule the world after our 12th imam a.s passes away.

I have met missionaries representing various sects of Christianity who tried to lure me into doing some prayers and sleeping and then having dreams or visions. I have never been impressed because I am a staunch believer and a humble follower of Imam Ali a.s. and his teaching on knowledge & wisdom. Moreover, I have seen tragedies arising from this line of thinking. Several times, people have slaughtered their sons after seeing dreams that Allah has asked them for this act (astaghfarullah). I also vividly remember when I was a teenager when a girl who had visions and took her family to drown into Arabian ocean as she was ordered to go to ziaraat crossing the ocean walking.

Being a doctor of Medicine, I am also aware of the fact the normal population has some proportion of psychotic elements. Hence pushing a large number of people to such tactics of immersing into so-called spirituality is bound to bring on hallucinations, dreams and “visions” in many if not most people. This is practiced successfully by religious people of opposing faiths. Hence it is a tool which in itself shows the ideological weakness of the person performing it, a sheer exploitation practiced most commonly by those who cannot backup their claim by scientific and logical reasoning.

Unlike those who base their arguments on superstitions when it comes to religious righteousness, I have always felt proud of our prophet (saww) and 12 imams (a.s) whose arguments have been logical and often very scientific. When I read the following passage, I was very disappointed as this line of reasoning is not that of holy prophet (saww) or 12 imams:

“When a woman sent him (Mr. Ahmad Al-Hassan) a question about the shortest way of knowing if Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan is right, He said:

“The shortest way to believe in the unseen is the unseen (Ghaib), ask Allah after you fast three days and make Tawassul by the righteousness of Fatima bint Mohammed (sua) to know the right from Allah by Roaya (vision seen in sleep mentioned many in Quran especially Surat Yousef), or Kashif (same as Roaya but while you are awake) or by any Aya from His Al-Might's Ghaib Malakoot Ayat.”

Let me say that according to Medical Sciences, this is not only the shortest, but also a crooked way.

I see that our ulema are not getting into debate on Ahmed Al Hassan perhaps as they do not want to put too much importance on the issue. I disagree with this approach despite having great respect for our grand scholars. I understand that they may not want to directly engage in this controversy, but maybe they can appoint someone to guide the ummat which can otherwise draw false conclusions one way or other.

I also think it is the responsibility of Mr. Ahmed Al Hassan to cooperate with people so that they can reach the truth about him and his message. Obviously until we reach a logical and intellectual conclusion, a learned person cannot be expected to denounce scholars and believe Mr. Ahmed Al Hassan.

I am well aware that bias and prejudice are the biggest hurdles in reaching sane conclusions and alhamdolillah; feel that I am capable of shedding any bias or prejudice in a debate.

However, I must accept that whatever knowledge and experience I have, makes me very sceptical of Mr. Ahmed Al Hassan and his claims. This is despite the fact that I have gone through his website and writings and discussions in Internet trying to learn something. With all honesty, the level of reasoning is such that expecting a learned person to change his opinion on the basis of such reasoning will be unreasonable.

The standard that I expect from an infallible has been set by imam Ali a.s in Nahjul Balagha.

I believe we can start our mission of finding the truth by following questions. May Allah help us.


1. Can we look at his record as a student in Engineering University? What has he filled as his father’s name, place and date of birth? Can we also look at his record in Hawza?

2. Can we ask him and then trace his lineage to his maternal & paternal grandparents, great grandparents and so on?

3. Which are his previous colleges/ schools? How has he performed in those institutions? What are his teachers’ ( of primary and secondary schools/ colleges and other institutions) opinion of him?

4. What do his neighbours’ of childhood and subsequent years say of him?

5. Can we trace his place of birth and look at his mother and father’s genealogy?

6. How many brothers & sisters he has and how are they doing?


Since he claims to be “the most knowledgeable from all creation, after the imams”,

7. Does he have “ILM E LADUNNI” or is it all acquired from teachers?

8. Can he answer questions about any subject, say Clinical Sciences?

9. Can he answer to questions asked in foreign languages, say pushto or Sindhi without interpreter?


10. Our dozens of scholars deliver dars e kharji with immense religious knowledge (including teachers of Mr. Ahmad Al-Hassan), having gone through system of religious education built on guidance of our imams. Are they all so worthless that none can recognise him, are they all so weak that they cannot even verbally side with him? The entire system established by 12th imam failing miserably?

{Is it not evidence enough for them that [so many] learned men from among the children of Israel have recognized this [as true]? (Ash-Shu'ara- 26:197. 84-85), these are the bounds of God, which He makes clear unto people of knowledge (Al-Baqara 2:230)}.

11. What about dozens of hadiths praising our ulema? For example, “Innama yukhshi al lah min ibade hi ulema”, meaning only scholars are fearful of God, and, if the scholars did not support us, the signs of prophet hood would disappear and the efforts of infallible would become fruitless.

12. He praises Imam Khomeini and other murja in his writing that have asked people to do their taqleed and have written tauzeehul masail. Similarly, he also denounces the concept of Vilayat e Faqih in Iran, propagated by Ayatollah Khomeini (r.u.a.). Yet he says that taqleed of non infallible is haram (obviously confusing the concepts of ita’at and taqleed). This is hypocrisy at its highest level. Obviously, he is not finding any living scholar of great significance to praise as they are all against him. Nevertheless, he has to praise some scholars. So he picks up few scholars who have passed away and cannot come to condemn him, without realising they have spent their entire life practicing and promoting what he terms haram (taqleed).


13. The Hadith of 12 Mehdis after 12 imams is not a common or famous one. Certainly, hadith about 12th imam are everywhere, in every book of hadith, hundreds of them. How many times we find hadith regarding 12 Mehdis? I find very few quotations such as from:

a. Ghaybat Al Tusi page 385.

b. Bihar Al' anwar.

c. Sharh Alkhbar 3/400

d. Kamal Al Din chapter 2, page 358.

Read Sheikh Suddooq’s “Kamaluddin wa tamamun naima”. It has thousands of hadiths about Imam e Zaman, his occultation, his spreading justice all over the world. However only at two places I found mentioning of Mehdis. They too much differently than Mr. Ahmad Al-Hassan’s writings lead us to believe.

It would only be fair to expect that as it is claimed that the issue of 12 Mehdis is of immense importance and significance, their description should have been with most hadiths mentioning occultation or appearance of 12th imam. Just count the hadiths mentioning 12th imam and then those about 12 Mehdis and be amazed with the massive difference. In fact, hadiths about 12 Mehdis are so rare, we can conclude that either these few hadiths are fake or the whole issue is practically of little significance.

Let us be fair. If we are to believe in 1st Mehdi/ Yamani and he will take us to the 12th imam and right path, then all we should do is to find him as the path after that will have divine guidance. But we see 1000s of hadith from each and every imam in each and every hadith book of shias telling us the importance of occultation and how to recognise imam e zaman. When the fact of the matter is that this whole exercise is totally unnecessary. We only have to recognise, believe and follow Yamani/ 1st Mehdi and he will take us forward. However, we hardly find very few hadith about Yamani and 1st Mehdi. I would say that for one hadith quoted for Yamani/ Mehdis, there are more than 1000 hadith about imam e Zaman. Why, why, why? Where are our imams putting all the efforts. Whom do they want us to make no mistake to identify and recognise. “these invite unto the fire, whereas God invites unto paradise, and unto [the achievement of] forgiveness by His leave; and He makes clear His messages unto mankind, so that they might bear them in mind”. Al-Baqara. 2:221

14. The actual hadith about Mehdis is in 2nd part of Kamaluddin wa tamamun naima, Hadith number 54 where Abu Baseer said to Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s that I heard the hadith from your father that “AFTER Qaim a.s. there will be 12 Mehdis”. Imam answered “(My father) said 12 Mehdis, he did not say 12 Imams. Actually this will be a group of our shias who will call people to our wilayat and will make them understand our right.”

Hence even this isolated hadith specifically tells that despite the fact that Abu Baseer has quoted Imam Baqar a.s as saying that there will be 12 Mehdis, Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s got worried of the ummat drawing wrong conclusion and instead of simply agreeing went on to elaborate that they will not be imam but will be just a part of shia nation who will be involved in preaching. This concern of imam is reiterated in Hadith number 51 where he has severely condemned those who say that Imamat will go to 13 or even more people.

Moreover, Imam a.s has specifically mentioned that this group will come after Imam Mehdi has come out.

Lastly, if this group is going to be in the lineage of 12th imam, it should have been mentioned in this hadith. I want a specific answer as to where is it said that Yamani and 1st Mehdi will be the same person and that person will be the son of 12th imam.

15. Does the hadith quoting 12 Mehdis after 12 Imams also claim that the first Mehdi will be Yamani and even Mr. Ahmed Al Hassan? Would it not be fair to conclude that Mr. Ahmad Al-Hassan started with one position first (like claiming to be Yamani), then not satisfied with the position/ importance of merely being accepted a Yamani, he increased his claim to being son of Imam e Zaman. Still wanting more, he took the controversial role of 1st of 12 Mehdis? One wonders what next?

16. Even if he is 1st Mehdi, the role does not start until 12th Imam leaves this world. Should he have not waited until Imam e Zaman has established him or at least come out of occultation? It is exactly like Hazrat Ali (a.s) claiming his imamat before holy prophet (a.s) announcing to be last prophet.

17. Now let me tell why I think the Hadith quoted about 12 Mehdis after 12th imam is not authentic. Sheikh Suddooq writes in 1st part of “Kamaluddin wa tamamun naima” that Ameerul Momineen Hazrat Ali a.s has been asked about the events that will happen after the Qaim a.s. Hazrat Ali a.s, who always answers every question about earth and skies, says that this will be answered by Him (Qaim a.s). Prophet (saww) has made me promise not to tell (what will happen after appearance of Imam Aakhiruz zaman a.s) to anyone except Imam Hassan a.s and Imam Husain a.s. This hadith is repeated several times each time stressing that all imam have promised not to reveal what will happen after 12th imam except to imam after them. In such case, how can Imam Baqar a.s and Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s tell so much to Abu Baseer.

18. He claims to be 6th in line of Imam Mehdi (a.s). Yet he has come much before Imam (a.s) and will fight and win and will continue till after Imam Mehdi a.s leaves this world and will then perform the duty of being the first Mehdi.


19. It is presented in proof of Ahmed Al Hassan that his name is given in holy prophet’s (saww) will. This will is written in a book by Sheikh Tusi (AR). Also it is written in Bihar al-Anwar by Allama Majlisi (AR), Vol 53 - page 147, Vol 51 - page 218 and Vol 36 -page 260. At other places, it is claimed that since he has brought the will, this proves that he is Yamani. If the will has already been there, he has just copied it. If it has not been there, how can we trust that it is indeed the true, complete will and he has not put his name in the will?

20. Those familiar with this hadith or "will" say that it is not considered "sahih" by scholars (including those who quoted it). The hadith starts with "A group of people narrated" which means its chain is not complete.

21. OK. Imam Muhammad Baqar a.s said that “There is no banner better than that of the banner of Yamani, it is the banner of faith and dedication, because he calls to your possessor, so if the Yamani comes out, selling weapons to people or any Muslim becomes prohibited, and if the Yamani appears, stand up to him, because he’s banner is the banner of faith, and its prohibited for any Muslim to turn away from him, and who ever turns away from him, then he’s from the people of hell, because he calls to the truth and to the right path”. Following questions arise:

a. Is this hadith really authentic?

b. This shows that the banner of Yamani with be better than others only and only because it will take people to Imam Mehdi. There appears to be lot of ways of actually taking people to Imam Mehdi a.s. Having gone through the website, I have not found any.

c. It does not say that Yamani will be the son (or 6th in line) of Imam Mehdi a.s.

d. It does not say that there will be 12 Mehdis and Yamani will indeed be the first Mehdi.

e. How does it prove that Ahmed Al Hassan is indeed the Yamani, and more so, first of Mehdis?


22. Mr. Ahmad Al-Hassan insists that Yamani or 1st Mehdi (i.e. himself) will do bayat in 12th imam as he comes out of occultation. However Sheikh Suddooq says in 2nd part, chapter 58, hadith number 18 in “Kamaluddin wa tamamun naima” that Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s said that before anyone, Hazrat Jibrael will do bayat of Imam e Zaman.

23. Mr. Ahmad Al-Hassan insists that 12 Mehdis will rule the world after Imam e Zaman’s death. However, Sheikh Suddooq says in 2nd part, chapter 58, hadith number 1 in “Kamaluddin wa tamamun naima” that Imam Ali Raza a.s has said that “the world cannot remain without a living Imam, whether he is obvious or in occultation. Hence imamat never gets interrupted, nor will it ever interrupt”, in hadith 2 Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s. has said that “imamat can only leave when days and nights leave this world”. This is repeated many times in this chapter. Hence anyone hoping to replace or takeover from Imam Aakhir uz Zaman must be daydreaming.


24. In this age of science and knowledge, one expects much higher level of reasoning from someone claiming to be in the league of prophets & imams. However, I must say that even university students put on much higher level than submitted in the website. One can safely say that I find the level similar to someone who holds merely a bachelor’s degree from an Iraqi university and no more. Someone aspiring to stand in the same row as Hazrat Ali a.s should have done 1000 times better.

25. I can see that there is an unfair haste on Mr. Ahmed Al Hassan side that people should make their decision soon. This is extremely unfair. He does not have a single Marja standing and siding with him, his reasoning leaves much to be desired and the quotations from Quran virtually non existing and from hadiths scarce and not very reliable (very very few in all books together each of which has 1000s of hadiths about 12th imam. Yet insisting that identifying the Yamani/ Mehdi is most important as he would take us to 12th imam a.s).

But, behold, many people lead others astray by their own errant views, without [having any real] knowledge. Verily, thy Sustainer is fully aware of those who transgress the bounds of what is right (Al-An'am 6:119).

26. Since there are so many doubts prevailing, and since we have so many incidences of false proclamations, and since our own imams (a.s) have warned us against being deceived by imposters, would it not be sensible to wait for some of his signs (which are hard to fulfil without God and his Imam’s (a.s) help such as conquering Syria and defeating Sufyani), and even better, arrival of our much awaited 12th Imam, the real Imam Mehdi (a.s) before we accept him and denounce everyone who is denouncing him (like great Murjas) or reject him altogether.

27. Accepting him is not without potentially grave consequences. If he were wrong, accepting him would mean angering and saddening our 12th Imam, which is the last thing any Shia can afford. It may be a straight path to hell and may mean moving out of what our holy prophet (saww) considers circle of Islam. Hence we can afford to do lot of research and thinking, but can not afford to make wrong judgement. Remember Hazrat Ali a.s has divided people into 3 groups. One is the scholars, other is the learners and 3rd one consists of common people who are the lowest and start following everyone calling and move in the direction of wind. I would therefore warn those who wish to do bayat on him to wait for 2-5 years and Insha Allah, truth will be revealed.

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