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In the Name of God بسم الله

The Nicest Things Someone's Said To You

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"You are one of the nicest people i've met..."

"Your so funny...you have to always come with me to the study days"

"Work is no longer the same, since you've started, i cant believe i miss your voice when you're not here...."

I could go on and on....blowing my own trumpet...but im tired..lol

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That's not gheeba at all Sista CandidCamera.

Gheeba is talking ill of someone behind their back. First of all i never said her name, second of all it's not a lie attributed to her character.....third it's not something she told me in confidence ... i.e i'm not sharing a secret that she has trusted me with..........and therefore since she said it in a public place.....ya3ni university in front of someone else.......... I'M ALLOWED TO SAY IT :D

I hope that's the last time you start chattin without knowledge

learn your eye-slam sista hijjabi otherwise blah!!!!!!!!!!!!


To elaborate on your statement:

Abu Dharr ® once asked the Prophet Muhammad (s): “O Messenger of Allah, what is gheebah?” He replied: “It is to mention about your brother that which he detests.”

Abu Dharr ® said: “O Messenger of Allah, what if that which is mentioned of him should actually be in him?” He (s) replied: “Know that when you mention that which is in him, you have committed his gheebah, and when you mention that which is not in him, then you have slandered him.”

[Al-Hurr al-`Amili, Wasai'l al-Shi`ah, vol. 8, hadith no. 16312]

Scholars permit Gheebat in some cases. We shall mention the opinion of Shaykh in this matter as given in his book Makasib Muhrima.

Gheebat of a person whose defect is not hidden. It is known to all. Like the one who roams the streets with a bottle of wine on his lips.

"One who sins openly is not worthy of respect and his gheebat is not haraam.

(Makasib Muhrima Pg. 27, Vol. 4)

A tradition also says,

"(The Gheebat of) one who has thrown away the robe of shame (and commits sins openly) is not Gheebat.

(Makasib Muhrima Pg. 27 Vol. 4)

It should be noted that, Gheebat is allowed only for those sins that are committed openly. There is no proof of the legality of Gheebat for the sins committed secretly, though according to the Shaykh, if his visible sins are more severe than his concealed defects, there is no harm in relating them. However, one should abstain from it as a matter of precaution.

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they were tryin to say you're buttaz man!!!!!!!

i would have slapped that person

Heyy LOL! dont be slack!! Not necessarily, they could have been saying "even though you are beautiful you are more admired for....."

Hmmm.. the nicest thing someone has said to me :unsure: .. not sure if this is a compliment but it made me laugh and go :o all at once.

My hubby has said that I'm a combination of hermione (harry potter), tracey turnblad (the chubby hairspray chick!!) and alicia silverstone in clueless all bundled up together :lol:

Is he saying i'm an overweight know-it-all ditz?? :mellow: :!!!: LOL!! OR am i a bubbly bright hot chiquita?? or am i an overweight know-it-all ditz who is bubbly, bright and gorgeous??

I dunnoooo :cry: its messing with my head!!

In terms of other people, my brother in law said I remind him of Giselle from 'Enchanted' :mellow: .. am I really THAT bad ??

I've decided I must be extremely annoying :mellow:

Edited by Iman
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said to me by my babygirl cousin when she was 5

"i remember when you looked after me for a whole year when mummy died! you would play hide and seek with me and on saturday mornings bajji would send me to wake you up you would always pretend to be asleep for AAAGES"

a message written to me wrapped around a refresher sweet from my charity after we had worked with him and his group for a week

"Thank you, you have made me feel really good about myself, you are a really kind guy, i hope your businesses work loads"

and finally said to me by my mum when i was goin through a rough patch

"son you have been blessed with the golden touch, whatever you try and whatever you do will always be successful inshallah, just remember to regularise your namaz and remember to work with honestly" (my mum always says honestly instead of honesty)

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No actually, Your Best Friend. You are right in a way. When you say nothing to say and you mean silence, it speaks volumes. It's golden. That's the nicest thing someone can say. :) I'm nutty and I know that!

(as you all on SC think that I always say/post rubbish)

I don't think so... I may not agree with your opinions but that doesn't mean they are rubbish :)

And the nicest things people have said to me er... have been published!!! Need I say more?

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(as you all on SC think that I always say/post rubbish) :blush:

Well you have jus sed something... and quite rightly Utterly and truly Pointless and Rubbish?!!!!!! :!!!:

What was da point of writing dat?!!

n den to make it extra large bold in red-- daym u mus b boredddddddd :Hijabi:

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(as you all on SC think that I always say/post rubbish) :blush:

In the Name of Allah (SWT), the All Compassionate, the All Merciful.

Salaam Alaykum

You people are completely ruthless. Shame on those of you, who have rushed to condemn the brother. There is no doubt that the brother, in question feels a great lack of self-worth, and low image of himself, as a direct result of the response members have made to his posts.

Was it really necessary for you add insult to injury, to rub salt in the wound?

Have you not heard the Holy Prophet (SAWS) say:

Try to find a good excuse and cause for any of your brothers' deeds. If you cannot find try again

Also please read and comprehend the following hadith, and compare them to your response to this brother’s appeal:

Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) says:

"If a person due to some difficulty takes refuge with his Muslim brother but inspite of being capable of helping him does not do so then he has for his own self cut off the Divine help."

(Al Kafi)

Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says:

"He is not a believer who inspite of being capable avoids helping his brother in need; Allah also leaves him on his own and does not help him in this world nor the Hereafter."

(Behaarul Anwaar)

If you truly claim to be Shia, let us assess the day of Ashura.

May I ask whom exactly it was in the battle of Karbala, who was merciless, ruthless, heart-hearted and pitiless?

And whom exactly it was in the battle of Karbala, who was compassionate, merciful and benevolent?

May Allah (Swt) bestow his mercy and compassion upon us all.

Wa Alaykum As-salaam

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In the Name of Allah (SWT), the All Compassionate, the All Merciful.

Salaam Alaykum

You people are completely ruthless. Shame on those of you, who have rushed to condemn the brother. There is no doubt that the brother, in question feels a great lack of self-worth, and low image of himself, as a direct result of the response members have made to his posts.

Was it really necessary for you add insult to injury, to rub salt in the wound?

Have you not heard the Holy Prophet (SAWS) say:

Try to find a good excuse and cause for any of your brothers' deeds. If you cannot find try again

Also please read and comprehend the following hadith, and compare them to your response to this brother’s appeal:

Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) says:

"If a person due to some difficulty takes refuge with his Muslim brother but inspite of being capable of helping him does not do so then he has for his own self cut off the Divine help."

(Al Kafi)

Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says:

"He is not a believer who inspite of being capable avoids helping his brother in need; Allah also leaves him on his own and does not help him in this world nor the Hereafter."

(Behaarul Anwaar)

If you truly claim to be Shia, let us assess the day of Ashura.

May I ask whom exactly it was in the battle of Karbala, who was merciless, ruthless, heart-hearted and pitiless?

And whom exactly it was in the battle of Karbala, who was compassionate, merciful and benevolent?

May Allah (Swt) bestow his mercy and compassion upon us all.

Wa Alaykum As-salaam

Venerable sister kismet, salamalaikum.

jazakallah for your post. As an outsider, its understandable how it may appear to you that i might be condemning the brother, but the truth is I appreciate his posts and have also encouraged him on several occasions plus I have also sent him a PM long back telling him that i never for even one moment consider his posts worthless. It may appear that i might be ridiculing him but its just that i'm only pulling his leg - its all in good humor- not to be taken seriously. You can even gauge it from his reply that he didn't mind it and his reply wasn't serious.

However, I highly appreciate the hadiths you have quoted from Al Kafi and bihar ul anwar. Inshallah i'll reflect on them more. jazakallah. btw, i'd like to mention that i don't yet have the temerity to outrageously claim to be true shia, i just claim to be muhibb ahl al-bayt! i understand being a true shia is out of my reach, the kind of shia described by our master Imam Ali (as) in nahjul balagha and LINK here - may Allah bestow me with this elevated status one day, inshallah! Ittemase dua. khudahafez and take care sister.


"You're burden on this earth.. and on peoples lives"

Oh and "How's it going?"


Okay........and pray tell us whats the worst thing someone's said to you ?

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^^^ Hahaha....In philosophical-psychological terms that’s called deductive reasoning which can be easily falsified and thus ur conclusion will turn out to be invalid!! (Putting into practice mere school work :P:P)

"Pigs are cute. You look like a pig. Therefore, you are cute."

Ma'shallah, what a valid thing to say.

^^^ Hahaha.... In philosophical-psychological terms that’s called deductive reasoning which can be easily falsified and thus ur conclusion will turn out to be invalid!! (Putting into practice mere school work :P:P)

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^^^ Hahaha.... In philosophical-psychological terms that�s called deductive reasoning which can be easily falsified and thus ur conclusion will turn out to be invalid!! (Putting into practice mere school work :P:P)

Haha. I'm not a philosophy student, but I'm pretty sure that is indeed a valid argument. It's just not a sound argument since I DO NOT LOOK LIKE A PIG and PIGS ARE NOT CUTE!

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Haha. I'm not a philosophy student, but I'm pretty sure that is indeed a valid argument. It's just not a sound argument since I DO NOT LOOK LIKE A PIG and PIGS ARE NOT CUTE!

Haha der u go...u just falsified ur argument!! :P:P It will not remain valid if u find a uncute pig or u find soemone who doesnt looks like a pig!!

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^Ma'shallah, good work. One day you will become quiet the philospher. But I must test you, for without a test, you are doomed to fail.

Identify the fallacies below (again, never studied philosphy b4... only like to read books :P!)

Most stores carry jeans for people with 32 waists.

Are you addicted to ShiaChat? You are addicted? Well then, you are spending to much time on ShiaChat.

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^Ma'shallah, good work. One day you will become quiet the philospher. But I must test you, for without a test, you are doomed to fail.

Identify the fallacies below (again, never studied philosphy b4... only like to read books :P!)

Most stores carry jeans for people with 32 waists.

Are you addicted to ShiaChat? You are addicted? Well then, you are spending to much time on ShiaChat.

lol i knew u were gonaa do soemthing shifty!! :P I havnt studied such stuff yet (stop getting them from wikipedia and say "I havnt studies b4!!") good try tho n heres my go at you!!

Most stores carry jeans for people with 32 waists

informal fallacy--->dunno where u got this from... but sound vaild to me tho, it doesnt say ALL or none stores have jean for people with 32 waists, sticks in the middle "most" but still dunno wat the literaturehas to say on it.

Are you addicted to ShiaChat? You are addicted? Well then, you are spending to much time on ShiaChat

Formal fallacy---->The your flow of argument is wrong because you have not indicted wat is it that you are your are addicted to, u cud be addicted to something else other than sc!!

Long lives Wikipedia :angel:

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