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Wife Read Salah Behind Hubby

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I was just wondering if somebody could tell me does a wife always have to read namaz behind her hubby? Is this farz or mustahab? Is it the same when you go on Hajj??

JazakAllah :rolleyes:

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If you mean behind as in, in position, then yes she has to. If you mean behind as in "jama'a", to combine prayer, then she doesn't have to.

  • Advanced Member
Who said the wife has to read behind her husband :huh:?

Well thats what im confused with coz some people say yes when they are reading namaz together in the same room then she has to stand behind her husband so that he can't see her. Then some people say that you don't so im confused :squeez:

  • Advanced Member


If the husband and wife are praying jama'a together in the same room, then yes, the wife HAS to do salat behind her husband. But in hajj, you can do salat right next to each other.


  • Advanced Member


The husband and wife (or for that matter, any man and woman) cannot pray in the same room, unless it is jamat - and in that case the woman would have to stand behind the man.

  • Advanced Member


I think this topic is getting mixed in with peoples opinion.....................to clear this up one must look at the rulings by his/her marja

Ladies must pray behind the men regardless of whether it is Jamaat or not

there is a specisified distance (Ithink) ill look for the ruling

  • Advanced Member
Saida said:

I think this topic is getting mixed in with peoples opinion.....................to clear this up one must look at the rulings by his/her marja

Ladies must pray behind the men regardless of whether it is Jamaat or not

there is a specisified distance (Ithink) ill look for the ruling

Question: What should be the minimum distance between a woman and a man while both are performing prayers (salat)? whether both can offer prayers within the same room?

Answer: The least distance is an “arm” length. In the said case, a woman can pray behind a man, if she believe the man is 'Adil'.


  • Advanced Member


By Ayt Seestani

The sixth condition: As an obligatory precaution, women should stand behind men while praying. At least, her place of Sajdah should be in line with his thighs, when in Sajdah.

896. If a woman stands in line with man, or in front of him in namaz, and both of them begin together, they should repeat their prayers. And the same applies if one of them starts earlier than the other.

897. If a man and a woman are standing side by side in namaz, or woman is in front, but there is a wall, curtain, or something else separating them, so that they cannot see each other, the prayers of both of them are in order. Similarly, the prayers of both will be valid if the distance between them is ten arms

  • Veteran Member
The only time wife and husband can pray next to each other is hajj, ONLY. Or some crazy emergency situation...

Al-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

Dear brother,

The wife is allowed to pray jama'a behind her husband as long as she keeps the needed distance away from him. There is no objection in that.


  • Advanced Member


does "behind" mean directly behind? because the Ayatollah Sistani fatwa implies that she can stand next to him, but just further back (as he says, so that her head is in line with his thighs during sajdah). these are obviously two different scenarios

  • Advanced Member

does "behind" mean directly behind? because the Ayatollah Sistani fatwa implies that she can stand next to him, but just further back (as he says, so that her head is in line with his thighs during sajdah). these are obviously two different scenarios


Yes that's perfectly fine. As long as she isn't directly to the side of him. She can be a little behind, so that during sajdah, her head is next to his leg for example. Or she can be directly behind him as well.


  • Veteran Member

does "behind" mean directly behind? because the Ayatollah Sistani fatwa implies that she can stand next to him, but just further back (as he says, so that her head is in line with his thighs during sajdah). these are obviously two different scenarios

If the prayer is intended to be jama'a prayer then she must stand beside him so that " her head is in line with his thighs during sajdah."


  • Advanced Member
how about dad and daughter?

A women and man even dad and daughter can not pray next to each other unless in hajj, however whether jama'h or not you can pray exactly behind him according to Ayatuallah Sistani, if you want ill try to get the source. So say I come to pray(not jama') and my dad's praying in the room, i can put my prayer rug behind his and pray.

-hope that helps

wa alsalam

  • 13 years later...
  • 5 months later...
  • Advanced Member
On 6/25/2020 at 8:38 AM, MohammadAli1993 said:


me and my wife have been praying together side by side for a while now?

What is the harm in that?

Husband and wife can not pray together side by side in congregational prayers.

  • 2 years later...

Aoa brothers and sisters,

Can I pray beside my husband for wajib namaz which is performed separately not in jamat manner ? The positioning of my prayer mat is mention below,

Her place of Sajdah should be in line with his thighs, when in Sajdah.

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