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In the Name of God بسم الله

Salaat Al - Jumuah

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Salaam fellow Br/Sr.

Yes tonight is another blessed Layl al-Jumuah / Shabe Jumuah. Tomorrow will be the blessed day... What do you and your family do especially for this main day of the week?

As this is the blessed day of the week Muslimin put in extra attention in Salaah, Dua and Aamaal (Ebaadah), recite Dhikr and seek further forgiveness from Allah. Also socialise with ones fellow Muslimin to increase love and unity amongst one's community and Ummah.

Islamically one should perform the ghusl of Yawm al-Jumuah, cut one's nails, trim one's hair if required, and wear clean clothes. Muslimin are encouraged to be generous to the Faqir / Miskin and give Sadaqah. Also to show kindness to one's family, relatives and friends.

Also mothers make extra effort to serve their family with treats. It is a tradition in alot of cultures to cook a special family meal on Fridays such as a dish of meat stew/curry, meat Palaw/Biryani etc - as this is the best day of the week. (Although some families eat meat regularly alot of families can only afford it once in a while so save it for Yawm al-Jumuah).

What deeds do you carry out on this blessed day that is different from the rest of the days in the week and rewards you? Also does anyone have any Hadith or merits to mention about the blessings of Layl / Yawm al-Jumuah?

Asalukum al-Dua / Iltimaase Dua

Edited by Mahdiyah
  • Advanced Member


In the Quran it says that anyone who does anything at the time of jummah apart from the salah (jummah) then that action becomes haram for him. So it is not a matter of missing it we should never miss it unless we do not meet the criteria to pray it (travel, sickness e.t.c).

Surah Jummah (Friday)

Number of Surah 62

Number of Ayah 11

Place Medina

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

9. O you who believe! when the call is made for prayer on Friday, then hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave off trading; that is better for you, if you know.

10. But when the prayer is ended, then disperse abroad in the land and seek of Allah's grace, and remember Allah much, that you may be successful.

11. And when they see merchandise or sport they break up for It, and leave you standing. Say: What is with Allah is better than sport and (better) than merchandise, and Allah is the best of Sustainers.

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Alhamdulillah, going to the jami3 on fridays means the world to me, if i don't go I feel extremely upset the whole day especially when i ponder on what Imam Ali a.s says about being in the jami3.

Imam Ali a.s was in the jami3 once, someone approaches the Imam and asks him, Ya Imam which do you prefer, the house of Allah s.w.t or Jannah? the Imam Replied; The house of Allah s.w.t, the man said, not jannah, how is that so? Imam Ali a.s said:"Jannah is for me, where as the jami3 belongs to Allah s.w.t" :cry: Subhana'Allah, such thought provoking words.


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I go every Friday with very few exceptions. I go alone because my family isn't Muslim. :(

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I pray it every friday at MSA during school hours. Unfortuntely, all of them that do attend are Sunni.

Brother I know how you feel, but doing anything at the time of jummah even classes or lectures is haraam. So explain to the teachers or lecturers and find the latest place where jummah happens or start your own jummah at work, college, school or uni.

  • Advanced Member
Brother I know how you feel, but doing anything at the time of jummah even classes or lectures is haraam. So explain to the teachers or lecturers and find the latest place where jummah happens or start your own jummah at work, college, school or uni.



Are you sure its really haram? Without any condition? Is Friday prayer considered fardh?

Will someone please give a scholarly answer to this and my other questions regarding Jum'ah prayer.

1. In sunni dominated areas we shias are always in danger of being in trouble if we join their congregation prayer, and we have no mosque of our own; so we are always forced to pray at home. Are we committing any sin if we dont join the Jum'ah congregation prayer?

2. If Jum'ah is Fardh why is it only required for males?

3. What was the condition of performing the Jum'ah prayer during the Prophet's SAWA lifetime?

a. what time did they perform the Jum'ah prayer? Is it true they performed it before noon?

b. did they still perform the Zuhur prayer after doing the Jum'ah?

4. Are there conditions or prerequisites before Jum'ah prayer can be considered as validly done?

5. Is the phrase "...and after standing in prayer disperse ye thru the land.." referring to the Jum'ah prayer or any prayer for that matter?

6. Is it really true that the Jum'ah prayer was imposed to replace the Zuhur prayer? If so, then what happened to the covenant that transpired during Al Mi'raj where the Five Fardh Prayers were imposed?

Please somebody give us answer to these questions because in our place in the Philippines especially in the remote Muslim areas where sunnis are still the overwhelming majority, the issue of doing or not doing Zuhur prayer after Jum'ah prayer has caused a lot of heated discussions and sometimes trouble.

Salaam to all...


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(bismillah) & (salam)

[i thought I'd share this which I read recently in a book haven't got the ref at hand]

Allah (s.w.t) has placed a big reward with regards congregational salat/namaz.

Our Holy prophet (pbuh) and the Aimma (as) have also laid great stress on it. It’s also been recommended to offer congregational salat/namaz as far away as possible.

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said that if there are only 2 persons (Imam and only one Mamum) in Jama’at prayer, every rikat gets the reward of 150 prayers. The reward is increased by the increase in the number of Musallis. Thus in a Jama’at prayer of 3 persons every Rikat gets reward of 600 prayers

If the Jama’at consists of 4, every Rikat gets reward of 1,200 prayers

If the Jama’at consists of 5, every Rikat gets reward of 2,400 prayers

If the Jama’at consists of 6, every Rikat gets reward of 4,800 prayers

If the Jama’at consists of 7, every Rikat gets reward of 9,600 prayers

If the Jama’at consists of 8, every Rikat gets reward of 19,200 prayers

If the Jama’at consists of 9, every Rikat gets reward of 36,400 prayers

If the Jama’at consists of 10, every Rikat gets reward of 72,800 prayers

If there are more than 10, then nobody can estimate its reward except the almighty (s.w.t) subhanAllah truly unbelievable :cry:

Eltemas dua


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