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salaam, I'm in a very complex situation from the past 2 months, I started praying Nmaaz e Shab, Zyarat e Ashura, Ziyarat e Jamia, its been more than 40 days to all of these, but I don’t know how and when will my hajat be fulfilled? I am even fasting from the past 2 months. I'm losing hope. I used to pray ziyarat e ashura with 10 salam and 10 curses, without dua e alqamah, but now I've started with 100 salaam and 100 curses and with dua e alqamah. can anybody tell me where I am lacking anything? or what to do now? because its now very hard for me
Salaam any of you experienced help by reciting ziarat e ashura?
Safwan (r.a) narrates that Hazrat Jibraeel (a.s.) conveyed this Ziyarat to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) on divine command. What is important at this point is to appreciate that this Ziyarat is Hadithe Qudsi and it has reached Imam Baqir (a.s.) through his noble ancestors who received it from Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a). Imam Baqir (a.s.) made ‘public’ this Ziyaarat for the first time. This is because like all other divine laws that were delayed, the delay in the communication of Ziyarate Aashoora in the public domain also had a divine rationale. (Ref: Shifa al-Sudoor, p. 51 by Abul Fazl Tehrani) PLEASE CLICK THE LINK BELOW FOR AUDIO/VIDEO OF ZIYARAT E ASHURA
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Excellent blog on Ziyarat e Ashurah. It has audio/ video recitations of the ziyarat with translations in English , Gujarati , Persian , French languages. Also it contains articles on the Merits , Miracles , Authencity of Ziyarat e ashurah along with arabic and english text Do visit the site and spread it to all the believers as a part of our azadari ans love for Imam Hussain (as) VISIT : “Salutations upon Hussain, and upon Ali Ibnil Hussain, and upon the children of Hussain and upon the companions of Hussain!” It is a firmly established fact that just as it is impossible to comprehend and grasp the greatness, excellence, position and status of Ahle Bait (a.s.), it is impossible for us to comprehend the connotations, implications and significance of their words and statements in their entirety. Of course, we can have some basic understanding of their words, which makes us realize their high stature and distinction. Ziyaarate Ashurah too falls in a similar category. Its greatness, benefits and rewards cannot be entirely comprehended or enumerated. Hence whatever is being written in this article concerning Ziyaarate Ashurah is like taking a few drops from a vast ocean. As the old Arabic cliché goes, ‘If the entire ocean cannot be encircled and seized, then at least take from it to the extent of your thirst. What else could be a greater merit for this Ziyarat than to be the ‘Word of Allah’ (Hadithe Qudsi)? No other Ziyarat bears this eminence and superiority. The difference between the Holy Quran and Ziyarate’ Ashurah is the same as the difference between the Holy Quran and Hadithe Qudsi. If the words from Allah claim to be a miracle from the aspect of meaning and concept, then they are the verses of the Holy Quran. But if there is no claim of miracle from the aspect of meaning and concept, then these divine words are called as ‘Hadithe Qudsi’. And if the concept is from Allah, but the words are those of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), then it is called as ‘Hadith’. However there is no doubt that this Ziyarat is Hadithe Qudsi. Safwan (r.a) narrates that Hazrat Jibraeel (a.s.) conveyed this Ziyarat to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) on divine command. What is important at this point is to appreciate that this Ziyarat is Hadithe Qudsi and it has reached Imam Baqir (a.s.) through his noble ancestors who received it from Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a). Imam Baqir (a.s.) made ‘public’ this Ziyaarat for the first time. This is because like all other divine laws that were delayed, the delay in the communication of Ziyarate Aashoora in the public domain also had a divine rationale.(Ref: Shifa al-Sudoor, p. 51 by Abul Fazl Tehrani)
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Ziyarat of Ashurah – Text and Translation ÃóáÓóøáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßó íóÇ ÃóÈóÇ ÚóÈúÏö Çááøٰåö¡ ÃóáÓóøáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßó íóÇ Èúäó ÑóÓõæáö Çááøٰåö¡ ÃóáÓóøáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßó íóÇ Èúäó ÃóãöíÑö ÇáúÜãõÄúãöäöíäó¡ æóÇÈúäó ÓóíöøÏö ÇáúæóÕöíöøíäó¡ÃóáÓóøáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßó íóÇ Èúäó ÝóÇØöãóÉó ÓóíöøÏóÉö äöÓÂÁö ÇáúÚÇáóÜãöíäó¡ Peace be upon you O’ Aba ‘Abdillah; Peace be upon you O’ son of the Messenger of Allah; Peace be upon you O’ son of the Commander of the Faithful and the son of the leader of the inheritors (of the Prophet); Peace be upon you O’ son of Fatimah, the leader of the women of the entire Universe. ÃóáÓóøáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßó íóÇ ËóÇÑó Çááøٰåö æóÇÈúäó ËóÇÑöåö æóÇáúæöÊúÑó ÇáúÜãóæúÊõæÑó¡ ÃóáÓóøáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßó æóÚóáìٰ ÇáÃóÑúæóÇÍö ÇáóøÊöí ÍóáóøÊú ÈöÝöäóÂÆößó Peace be upon you O’ the one who was killed and whose blood has not yet been avenged – and whose avenging is in the hands of Allah and peace be upon you, the son of one who was killed and whose blood has not yet been avenged (Imam ‘Ali b. Abi Talib) and peace be upon you O’ the one who was alone, an individual (killed). Peace be upon you and also upon those souls who accompanied you to your annihilation. Úóáóíúßõãú ãöäöøí ÌóãöíÚÇð ÓóáÇóãõ Çááøٰåö ÃóÈóÏÇð ãóÇ ÈóÞöíÊõ æóÈóÞöíó Çááóøíúáõ æóÇáäóøåÇÑõ¡ Upon you and upon all of those (who were killed) is the Salam of Allah from me for eternity, as long as the night and the day remain. PLEASE VISIT : íóÇ ÃóÈóÇ ÚóÈúÏö Çááøٰåö¡ áóÞóÏú ÚóÙõãóÊö ÇáÑóøÒöíóøÉõ æóÌóáóøÊú æóÚóÙõãóÊö ÇáúÜãõÕöíÈóÉõ Èößó ÚóáóíúäóÇ æóÚóáìٰ ÌóãöíÚö Ãóåúáö ÇáÅööÓúáÇóãö æóÌóáóøÊú æóÚóÙõãóÊú ãõÕöíÈóÊõßó Ýöí ÇáÓóøãٰæóÇÊö Úóáìٰ ÌóãöíÚö Ãóåúáö ÇáÓóøãٰæóÇÊö¡ O’ Aba ‘Abdillah! Surely the tribulations are great and unbearable and your tragedy is great for us, and for all the people of Islam and unbearable and great is your tragedy in the heavens and for all of the dwellers of the heavens. ÝóáóÚóäó Çááøٰåõ ÃõãóøÉð ÃóÓóøÓóÊú ÃóÓóÇÓó ÇáÙõøáúãö æóÇáúÜÌóæúÑö Úóáóíúßõãú Ãóåúáó ÇáúÈóíúÊö May the curse (La’n) be upon those people who laid down the foundations for the oppression and wrongs done upon you, the family of the Prophet [Ahlul Bayt]. æóáóÚóäó Çááøٰåõ ÃõãóøÉð ÏóÝóÚóÊúßõãú Úóäú ãóÞóÇãößõãú æóÃóÒóÇáóÊúßõãú Úóäú ãóÑóÇÊöÈößõãõ ÇáóøÊöí ÑóÊóøÈóßõãõ Çááøٰåõ ÝöíåóÇ May Allah curse those people who denied you your position (O’ Ahlul Bayt) and removed you from your rank which Allah himself had granted you. æóáóÚóäó Çááøٰåõ ÃõãóøÉð ÞóÊóáóÊúßõãú¡ æóáóÚóäó Çááøٰåõ ÇáúÜãõãóåöøÏöíäó áóÜåõãú ÈöÇáÊóøãúßöíäö ãöäú ÞöÊóÇáößõãú May the curse of Allah be upon those people who killed you and may the curse of Allah be upon those people who made it easy for them by preparing the grounds of your killing. ÈóÑöÆúÊõ Åöáìٰ Çááøٰåö æóÅöáóíúßõãú ãöäúåõãú æóÃóÔúíóÇÚöåöãú æóÃóÊúÈóÇÚöåöãú æóÃóæúáöíóÂÆöåöãú I turn to Allah and I turn towards you and turn away from them and their adherents, followers and friends. íóÇ ÃóÈóÇ ÚóÈúÏö Çááøٰåö¡ Åöäöøí Óöáúãñ áÜöãóäú ÓÇáóÜãóßõãú¡ æóÍóÑúÈñ áÜöãóäú ÍóÇÑóÈóßõãú Åöáìٰ íóæúãö ÇáúÞöíóÇãóÉö O’ Aba ‘Abdillah! I am at peace with those who make peace with you and I am at war with those who make war with you until the Day of Judgment. æóáóÚóäó Çááøٰåõ Âáó ÒöíóÇÏò æóÂáó ãóÑúæóÇäó¡ æóáóÚóäó Çááøٰåõ Èóäöí ÃõãóíóøÉó ÞóÇØöÈóÉð May the curse of Allah be upon the family of Ziyad and the family of Marwan and may the curse of Allah be upon Bani Umayyah. æóáóÚóäó Çááøٰåõ ÇÈúäó ãóÑúÌóÇäóÉó¡ æóáóÚóäó Çááøٰåõ ÚõãóÑó Èúäó ÓóÚúÏò¡ æóáóÚóäó Çááøٰåõ ÔöÜãúÑÇð¡ May the curse of Allah be upon Ibn Marjana and may the curse of Allah be upon ‘‘Umar b. Sa’ad and may the curse of Allah be upon Shimr. æóáóÚóäó Çááøٰåõ ÃõãóøÉð ÃóÓúÑóÌóÊú æóÃóáúÜÌóãóÊú æóÊóäóÞóøÈóÊú áöÞöÊóÇáößó And may the curse of Allah be upon the nation that carried out, saw and were silent at your killing. ÈöÃóÈöí ÃóäúÊó æóÃõãöøí¡ áóÞóÏú ÚóÙõãó ãõÕóÇÈöí Èößó¡ ÝóÃóÓúÃóáõ Çááøٰåó ÇáóøÐöí ÃóßúÑóãó ãóÞóÇãóßó¡ æóÃóßúÑóãóäöí Èößó¡ Ãóäú íóÑúÒõÞóäöí ØóáóÈó ËóÇÑößó ãóÚó ÅöãóÇãò ãóäúÕõæÑò ãöäú Ãóåúáö ÈóíúÊö ãõÍóãóøÏò Õóáóøì Çááøٰåõ Úóáóíúåö æóÂáöåö May my father and mother be sacrificed for you. Surely my sorrow for you is great and I pray to Allah who has honored your status and has also honoured me through you that He grant me the opportunity to seek your revenge with the victorious Imam from the family of Muhammad. Ãóááøٰåõãóø ÇÌúÚóáúäöí ÚöäúÏóßó æóÌöíåÇð ÈöÇáúÜÍõÓóíúäö˛Úóáóíåö ÇáÓóøáÇóãõ Ýöí ÇáÏõøäúíóÇ æóÇáÂÎöÑóÉö¡ O’ Allah! Make me worthy of respect with You through Husayn, peace be upon him, both in the transient world and also the next life. íóÇ ÃóÈóÇ ÚóÈúÏö Çááøٰåö¡ Åöäöøí ÃóÊóÞóÑóøÈõ Åöáìٰ Çááøٰåö¡ æóÅöáìٰ ÑóÓõæáöåö¡ æóÅöáìٰ ÃóãöíÑö ÇáúÜãõÄúãöäöíäó¡ æóÅöáìٰ ÝóÇØöãóÉó¡ æóÅöáìٰ ÇáúÜÍóÓóäö¡ æóÅöáóíúßó ÈöÜãõæóÇáÇóÊößó¡ æóÈöÇáúÈóÑóÇÁóÉö ãöÜãóøÜäú ÞóÇÊóáóßó¡ æóÇáúÜÌóæúÑö Úóáóíúßõãú æóÃóÈúÑóÃõ Åöáìٰ Çááøٰåö æóÅöáìٰ ÑóÓõæáöåö ãöÜãóøäú ÃóÓóøÓó ÃóÓóÇÓó Ðٰáößó æó Èóäìٰ Úóáóíúåö ÈõäúíóÇäóåõ¡ æóÌóÑìٰ Ýöí Ùõáúãöåö æóÌóæúÑöåö Úóáóíúßõãú æóÚóáìٰ ÃóÔúíóÇÚößõãú¡ O’ Aba ‘Abdillah! Surely I seek closeness to Allah and to His Messenger and to the Commander of the Faithful and to Fatimah and to Hasan and to you through love of you and through distancing myself from those who laid the foundations and those who built upon and carried out oppression and cruelty upon you all and upon your followers. ÈóÑöÆúÊõ Åöáìٰ Çááøٰåö æóÅöáóíúßõãú ãöäúåõãú¡ æóÃóÊóÞóÑóøÈõ Åöáìٰ Çááøٰåö Ëõãóø Åöáóíúßõãú ÈöÜãõæóÇáÇóÊößõãú æóãõæóÇáÇóÉö æóáöíöøßõãú¡ æóÈöÇáúÈóÑóÇÁóÉö ãöäú ÃóÚúÏóÇÆößõãú¡ æóÇáäóøÇÕöÈöíäó áóßõãõ ÇáúÜÍóÑúÈó¡ æóÈöÇáúÈóÑóÇÁóÉö ãöäú ÃóÔúíóÇÚöåöãú æóÃóÊúÈóÇÚöåöãú¡ I disassociate myself from them through Allah and through all of you and I seek nearness to Allah and then to you through love for you and your friends and disassociation with your enemies and from those who want to fight against you and disassociation from their adherents and followers. Åöäöøí Óöáúãñ áÜöãóäú ÓóÇáóÜãóßõãú¡ æóÍóÑúÈñ áöÜãóäú ÍóÇÑóÈóßõãú¡ æóæóáöíñø áÜöãóäú æóÇáÇóßõãú¡ æóÚóÏõæñø áöÜãóäú ÚóÇÏóÇßõãú Surely I am at peace with those who are at peace with you and I am at war with those who are at war with you and I am a friends to those who are friends to you and I am an enemy to those who are enemies to you. ÝóÃóÓúÃóáõ Çááøٰåó ÇáóøÐöí ÃóßúÑóãóäöí ÈöÜãóÚúÑöÝóÊößõãú¡ æóãóÚúÑöÝóÉö ÃóæúáöíóÂÆößõãú¡ æóÑóÒóÞóäöí ÇáúÈóÑóÇÁóÉó ãöäú ÃóÚúÏóÇÆößõãú¡ Ãóäú íóÜÌúÚóáóäöí ãóÚóßõãú Ýöí ÇáÏõøäúíóÇ æóÇáÂÎöÑóÉö¡ æóÃóäú íõËóÈöøÊó áöí ÚöäúÏóßõãú ÞóÏóãó ÕöÏúÞò Ýöí ÇáÏõøäúíóÇ æóÇáÂÎöÑóÉö¡ So then I ask Allah who has honoured me with a cognizance of all of you and a cognizance of your friends that He also grant me the opportunity to disassociate myself from your enemies and that He place me with you – both in the transient world and also in the next life – and that he make me firm in your presence with a truthful stance both in the transient world and also the next life. æóÃóÓúÃóáõåõ Ãóäú íõÈóáöøÛóäöí ÇáúÜãóÞÇãó ÇáúÜãóÍúãõæÏó áóßõãú ÚöäúÏó Çááøٰåö¡ æóÃóäú íóÑúÒõÞóäöí ØóáóÈó ËóÇÑöí ãóÚó ÅöãóÇãö åõÏìð ÙóÇåöÑò äóÇØöÞò ÈöÇáúÜÍóÞöø ãöäúßõãú And I ask Him (Allah) that He enables me to reach to the honoured station with you in the presence of Allah and that He grant me the ability to seek the revenge of you with the rightly guided Imam from you, who shall surely come and speak the truth. æóÃóÓúÃóáõ Çááøٰåó ÈöÜÍóÞöøßõãú æóÈöÇáÔóøÃúäö ÇáóøÐöí áóßõãú ÚöäúÏóåõ Ãóäú íõÚúØöíóäöí ÈöÜãõÕóÇÈöí Èößõãú ÃóÝúÖóáó ãóÇ íõÚúØöí ãõÕóÇÈÇð ÈöÜãõÕöíÈóÊöåö¡ ãõÕöíÈóÉð ãóÇ ÃóÚúÙóãóåÇ æóÃóÚúÙóãó ÑóÒöíóøÊóåóÇ Ýöí ÇáÅöÓúáÇóãö æóÝöí ÌóãöíÚö ÇáÓóøãٰæóÇÊö æóÇáÃóÑúÖö And I ask Allah for your sake and for the status and rank which you have with Him that He grant me that thing due to me showing grief and sorrow at your sorrows even more than of that which he gives in a person’s own grief and sorrows, and what great sorrow and tragedies you faced! How great was your tragedy for Islam and for all of the inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth! Ãóááøٰåõãóø ÇÌúÚóáúäöí Ýöí ãóÞóÇãöí åٰÐóÇ ãÜöãóøäú ÊóäóÇáõåõ ãöäúßó ÕóáóæÇÊñ æóÑóÍúãóÉñ æóãóÛúÝöÑóÉñ¡ O’ Allah! Make me at this moment, one who receives from You prayers, mercy and forgiveness. Ãóááøٰåõãóø ÇÌúÚóáú ãóÜÍúíóÇíó ãóÜÍúíóÇ ãõÍóãóøÏò æóÂáö ãõÍóãóøÏò¡ æóãóÜãóÇÊöí ãóÜãóÇÊó ãõÍóãóøÏò æóÂáö ãõÍóãóøÏò O’ Allah! Make me live the life of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and permit me to die the death of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad. Ãóááøٰåõãóø Åöäóø åٰÐóÇ íóæúãñ ÊóÈóÑóøßóÊú Èöåö Èóäõæ ÃõãóíóøÉó æóÇÈúäõ ÂßöáóÉö ÇáÃóßúÈóÇÏö¡ ÇááóøÚöíäõ ÇÈúäõ ÇááóøÚöíäö Úóáìٰ áöÓóÇäößó æóáöÓóÇäö äóÈöíöøßó Ýöí ßõáöø ãóæúØöäò æóãóæúÞöÝò æóÞóÝó Ýöíåö äóÈöíõøßó O’ Allah! This is the day (the Day of ‘Ashura) which the Bani Umayyah rejoiced upon (and is the day when the) son of the liver eater (the son of Hind b. Abu Sufyan – Mu’awiyah and his son Yazid) celebrated, the cursed son(s) (Yazid) of the cursed (Mu’awiyah), as said by You and Your Prophet at every place and occasion. Ãóááøٰåõãóø ÇáúÚóäú ÃóÈóÇ ÓõÝúíóÇäó æóãõÚóÇæöíóÉó æóíóÒöíÏó Èúäó ãõÚóÇæöíóÉó Úóáóíúåöãú ãöäúßó ÇááóøÚúäóÉõ ÃóÈóÏó ÇáÃóÈöÏöíäó¡ æóåٰÐóÇ íóæúãñ ÝóÑöÍóÊú Èöåö Âáõ ÒöíóÇÏò æóÂáõ ãóÑúæóÇäó ÈöÞóÊúáöåöãõ ÇáúÜÍõÓóíúäó ÕóáóæÇÊõ Çááøٰåö Úóáóíúåö. Ãóááøٰåõãóø ÝóÖóÇÚöÝú Úóáóíúåöãõ ÇááóøÚúäó ãöäúßó æóÇáúÚóÐÇÈó ÇáÃóáöíãó O’ Allah! Curse Abu Sufyan and Mu’awiyah and Yazid b. Mu’awiyah – upon them may Your curse be forever and eternity. And this is the day when the family of Ziyad were happy and so were the family of Marwan at their killing of Husayn, may the Prayers of Allah be upon him. O’ Allah! Increase upon them Your curse and (Your) painful punishment. 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Curse the group who fought against Husayn and those who followed them and supported them and assisted them in killing him. O’ Allah, curse all of them! ÃóáÓóøáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßó íóÇ ÃóÈóÇ ÚóÈúÏö Çááøٰåö æóÚóáìٰ ÇáÃóÑúæóÇÍö ÇáóøÊöí ÍóáóøÊú ÈöÝöäóÂÆößó¡ Úóáóíúßó ãöäöøí ÓóáÇóãõ Çááøٰåö ÃóÈóÏÇð ãóÇ ÈóÞöíÊõ æóÈóÞöíó Çááóøíúáõ æóÇáäóøåóÇÑõ¡ æóáÇó ÌóÚóáóåõ Çááøٰåõ ÂÎöÑó ÇáúÚóåúÏö ãöäöøí áöÒöíóÇÑóÊößõãú¡ ÃóáÓóøáÇóãõ Úóáìٰ ÇáúÜÍõÓóíúäö¡ æóÚóáìٰ Úóáöíöø Èúäö ÇáúÜÍõÓóíúäö¡ æóÚóáìٰ ÃóæúáÇóÏö ÇáúÜÍõÓóíúäö¡ æóÚóáìٰ ÃóÕúÍóÇÈö ÇáúÜÍõÓóíúäö. Peace be upon you O’ Aba ‘Abdillah and upon the souls which were annihilated with you. Upon you, from me, is the peace of Allah for eternity, as long as the night and the day remain and please do not make this (Ziyarat) as my last contact with you. Greetings be upon Husayn, and upon ‘Ali the son of Husayn and upon the children of Husayn and upon the companions of Husayn. Ãóááøٰåõãóø ÎõÕóø ÃóäúÊó Ãóæóøáó ÙÇáöãò ÈöÇááóøÚúäö ãöäöøí¡ æóÇÈúÏóÃú Èöåö ÃóæóøáÇð¡ Ëõãóø ÇáúÚóäö ÇáËóøÇäöíó æóÇáËóøÇáöËó æóÇáÑóøÇÈöÚó. Ãóááøٰåõãóø ÇáúÚóäú íóÒöíÏó ÎóÇãöÓÇð¡ æóÇáúÚóäú ÚõÈóíúÏó Çááøٰå öÈúäó ÒöíÇÏò æóÇÈúäó ãóÑúÌóÇäóÉó æóÚõãóÑó Èúäó ÓóÚúÏò æóÔöÜãúÑÇð æóÂáó ÃóÈöí ÓõÝúíóÇäó æóÂáó ÒöíóÇÏò æóÂáó ãóÑúæóÇäó Åöáìٰ íóæúãö ÇáúÞöíóÇãóÉö O’ Allah! Particularly curse the first tyrant, a curse from me, and begin the first curse with him and then send the curse on the second and the third and then the forth (tyrant). O’ Allah curse Yazid, the fifth (tyrant) and curse ‘Ubaydullah b. Ziyad and Ibne Marjanah and ‘‘Umar b. Sa’d and Shimr and the family of Sufyan and the family of Ziyad and the family of Marwan until the day of Judgement. Then go to Sajdah and recite.. Ãóááøٰåõãóø áóßó ÇáúÜÍóãúÏõ ÍóãúÏó ÇáÔóøÇßöÑöíäó áóßó Úóáìٰ ãõÕóÇÈöåöãú. ÃóáúÜÍóãúÏõ áöáøٰåö Úóáìٰ ÚóÙöíãö ÑóÒöíóøÊöí. Ãóááøٰåõãóø ÇÑúÒõÞúäöí ÔóÝóÇÚóÉó ÇáúÜÍõÓóíúäö íóæúãó ÇáúæõÑõæÏö¡ æó ËóÈöøÊú áöí ÞóÏóãó ÕöÏúÞò ÚöäúÏóßó ãóÚó ÇáúÜÍõÓóíúäö æóÃóÕúÍóÇÈö ÇáúÜÍõÓóíúäö ÇáóøÐöíäó ÈóÐóáõæÇ ãõåóÌóåõãú Ïõæäó ÇáúÍõÓóíúäö˛ Úóáóíúåö ÇáÓóøáÇóãõ O’ Allah! To you belongs the praise, the praise of those who are thankful to You for their tribulations. All Praise belongs to Allah for my intense grief. O’ Allah, grant me the blessing of intercession of Husayn on the Day of Appearance (before You) and strengthen me with a truthful stand in Your presence along with Husayn and the companions of Husayn – those people who sacrificed everything for Husayn, peace be upon him.
The Ziyarat of Ashurah – Introduction “Salutations upon Hussain, and upon Ali Ibnil Hussain, and upon the children of Hussain and upon the companions of Hussain!” It is a firmly established fact that just as it is impossible to comprehend and grasp the greatness, excellence, position and status of Ahle Bait (), it is impossible for us to comprehend the connotations, implications and significance of their words and statements in their entirety. Of course, we can have some basic understanding of their words, which makes us realize their high stature and distinction. Ziyaarate Ashurah too falls in a similar category. Its greatness, benefits and rewards cannot be entirely comprehended or enumerated. Hence whatever is being written in this article concerning Ziyaarate Ashurah is like taking a few drops from a vast ocean. As the old Arabic cliché goes, ‘If the entire ocean cannot be encircled and seized, then at least take from it to the extent of your thirst. Please visit the link What else could be a greater merit for this Ziyarat than to be the ‘Word of Allah’ (Hadithe Qudsi)? No other Ziyarat bears this eminence and superiority. The difference between the Holy Quran and Ziyarate’ Ashurah is the same as the difference between the Holy Quran and Hadithe Qudsi. If the words from Allah claim to be a miracle from the aspect of meaning and concept, then they are the verses of the Holy Quran. But if there is no claim of miracle from the aspect of meaning and concept, then these divine words are called as ‘Hadithe Qudsi’. And if the concept is from Allah, but the words are those of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), then it is called as ‘Hadith’. However there is no doubt that this Ziyarat is Hadithe Qudsi.
- ashura
- ziyarat e ashura
- (and 4 more)
It is written in the book Kamiluz Ziyarat ( chp 26 tdn no 7) : Abu Basir says: I was speaking with Imam Sadiq (a.s.) when one of his sons entered. Imam (a.s.) said: ‘May Allah bless you’; and then embraced and kissed him. Then he (as) said: ‘May Allah degrade those who dishonored you. May Allah avenge those who oppressed you. May Allah disappoint those who deserted you. May Allah curse those who slain you. May Allah be your guardian, protector and helper. Prophets, truthful ones, martyrs, angels of the heavens and our ladies have been weeping on you’. Then Imam (a.s.) began to weep and said: ‘Abu Basir, when I look at the children of Imam Husain (a.s.), grief overcomes me when I remember what was meted out to them and to their father.’ ‘Abu Basir, Fatima (s.a.) weeps and laments over Husain (a.s.) as a result of which Hell sighs so intensely, that if the keepers of Hell who also hear her voice did not prepare themselves to restrain it, it would burn all the inhabitants of the earth with its blazing fires and sparking fumes. So the keepers restrain it and hold its doors tightly closed as long as Fatima (s.a.) laments. Because they fear for the inhabitants of the earth. But Hell is not pacified until Fatima’s lamentation ends.’ ‘Abu Basir, the seas almost split apart and collide with each other. There is a dedicated angel for every drop of water and they prevent every drop from boiling with their wings; keeping it together because of their fear for this world and everything in it. The angels remain in fear and cry for her crying. And they pray to Allah and beseech Him, after which the inhabitants of the Arsh and those around it beg Allah.’ visit the blog ‘Then their voices are raised in glorification of Allah, all because of their fear for the people of the earth. Even if one of their voices reached the earth, all the inhabitants would swoon, mountains would crumble and the earth would shake with its inhabitants.’ Abu Basir said, “May I be sacrificed on you! It is really a serious matter.” Imam (a.s.) said, “That which you have not heard is greater. Abu Basir! Don’t you want to be of those who support Lady Fatima (s.a.)?” When I heard this, I cried so much that I could not speak nor could the Imam (a.s.) do, because he was crying so intensely. Then he went to his prayer room and began to recite a supplication. So I left the Imam in that state. I could not eat or sleep that night. The following morning, I was fasting and was in extreme fear when I went to Imam (a.s.). I heaved as sigh of relief when I saw that he had calmed down; and I praised and glorified Allah, because no chastisement or calamity had befallen me.
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