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New York Post FollowView Profile Alleged Islamic extremist in machete attack on NYPD cops asked family to ‘repent to Allah’ in disturbing manifesto Story by Joe Marino, Jorge Fitz-Gibbon • 43m ago 530 The 19-year-old alleged Islamic extremist suspected of attacking NYPD cops with a machete on New Year’s Eve penned a disturbing manifesto that urged his family to “please repent to Allah and accept Islam,” police sources told The Post. Trevor Bickford — a Maine resident who arrived in the Big Apple just days before the attack — carried the handwritten note in his backpack, along with a collection of religious material and $200 while staying at the Bowery Mission in Manhattan, the sources said. “To my family — specifically, mother — I’m sorry for not having been a good enough son,” the note read, according to a police source. “I fear greatly that you will not repent to Allah,” it said. “And therefore I hold hope in my heart that a piece of you believes so that you may be taken out to the hellfire. “To [my brother] Travis. Of anyone I’ve known who I have felt is closest to faith — it’s you,” he allegedly wrote. “Of anyone I’ve ever wanted to accept Islam with me — it’s you. Please repent to Allah and accept Islam. I fear for you. Alleged Islamic extremist in machete attack on NYPD cops asked family to ‘repent to Allah’ in disturbing manifesto© Provided by New York Post Trevor Bickford, 19, of Maine, was shot in the shoulder after allegedly attacking NYPD cops with a machete in Times Square on New Year’s Eve. Paul Martinka “To [my other brother] Devon, there was a time when we were close, but that time has passed,” the manifesto said. “You have joined the ranks of my enemy. And for that I can give you no kind words – return to Allah.” Bickford, of Wells, Maine, is believed to have become a radicalized Muslim in recent years following the overdose death of his father, Tom, who died in 2018 at the age of 41. The teen’s father played a “very active” role in the lives of his three sons, and “could often be found coaching them at football and wrestling,” the Portland Press Herald reported. Alleged Islamic extremist in machete attack on NYPD cops asked family to ‘repent to Allah’ in disturbing manifesto© Provided by New York Post Trevor Bickford, a reputed radicalized Muslim charged with attacking NYPD cops on New Year’s Eve, once appeared to be a normal American teenager. Facebook/Audra D'Antilio Simpson Bickford’s radical shift put him on the FBI radar, and sources said his name surfaced on an FBI “Guardian Watchlist” before he hopped an Amtrak train and traveled to New York, arriving on Dec. 29, according to sources. Around 10 p.m. on Saturday he allegedly attacked cops working the Times Square detail, including a rookie on his first assignment, police said. The young cop, who was still assigned to the police academy, suffered a gash to his head, and a Staten Island officer suffered blunt force trauma to the head. Both were taken to Bellevue Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Bickford was shot in the shoulder and wounded during the attack, police said. He remained hospitalized Sunday and has not yet been charged. Alleged Islamic extremist in machete attack on NYPD cops asked family to ‘repent to Allah’ in disturbing manifesto© Provided by New York Post Police and city officials said Trevor Bickford, 19, used this machete to attack cops in Times Square and had other knifes at the Bowery Mission where he was staying. Paul Martinka It is unclear how long Bickford had been staying at the Bowery Mission, but police sources said investigators found a sheath for the machete, a variety of other knives, and a collection of religious material. According to reports, Bickford once appeared to be a typical American teenager who played on a championship football team at Wells High School, won an art award in school for his jewelry and made the honor roll as a freshman.
Bismillah Rahman Raheem. I am absolutely heartbroken after finding out Anti-Majos 3 had made a video entitled “when fake matam turns real!!” and making comments from the contributors with things about God being pleased with those who did (killing the Shias in that shooting video) or bringing a scholar who says that the only solution for the Shias is to kill the men, take their women as captives and enslave their children (I think the name was specifically Rami Issa). What is the sick and disgusting stuff? Did their prophet (saws) hurt the Jews and Christians during his time? The prophet only ever fought in a battle after being expelled with his followers from their homes, getting harassed and looted constantly, having the peace treaties broken and absolutely being oppressed! Now can anyone tell me when did the Shias do that? I think we need to report these channels for their hate speech which is a CLEAR crime. If the police will not listen then at least we have to try and take down these hate-inspiring videos and channels by reporting it on YouTube and Google. Who is with me and willing to help do this? Anti-majos production even called Imam Mahdi a “rat” in one of the YouTube comments when they themselves should believe in his appearance. Absolutely disgusting and sickening. What a great shame they bring to Islam for their fighting and enmity towards the other sects!
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- anti-majos
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Bismillah, We Twelver Shias commonly claim that the Takfiri/Salafi/Wahhabi propagandists are funded by the Saudis and their petro dollars. Do we have any proof of this? Thanks. JazakAllah Khair.
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What is Difference b/w Sunni and Wahabi ? Wahab are those who were invented by English (British) with the help of Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab Najdi who belongs to an area of Najd (now which is part of Riadh, capital of Saudi Arabia). Mission was to destroy Ottoman Empire which was a pure Sunni and to destroy Islam too. They collect people who were against Sunni Govt and were greedy and rascal. Those people were from Khawarij.When English starts to attack on Ottoman Empire, these people starts slaughtering those who were Sunni, and they call those innocent as "Mushrik" (Mushrik are those who worshops gods of Stones).Sunni had lot of Shrines of Sahaba (companion of Mohammed) and Ahle Bayt.Wahabis started to destroy the Shrines of Sahaba and Sufi (Auliyah). They call those are infidel, who go to Shrines and asks them for help.However It is the belief of the Ahl-as-Sunnah that it is permissible to supplicate to Allah with the Tawasul of good deeds. It is permitted to supplicate with the Tawasul of a living pious person and it is also permitted to supplicate with the Tawasul of the deceased pious person. Sunni were those who send "Lanah" on Yazid, they respect Ameer Muawiya but hate Yazid.But Wahabi were those who defend Yazid. Sunni were those who believe that it is impermissible to say Ya Muhammad! or Ya Rasoolullah [May Allah bless him and grant him peace], but Wahabi said that “Ya Rasul Allah is 'shirk' and it is Wajib to kill Sunni people, and it is is wajib to loot their Sisters, Daughters, Wives and Mothers and it is Wajib to loot their Money. So, Sunni gives them a name of Wahabis, because they were follower of Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab Najdi, but not Mohammed. After a period of time they were suceeded to snatch Hijaz (old name of Saudi Arabia), and after the period of Saud, they renamed the Hijaz to Saudi Arabia.
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Pakistan is Majority Sunni but you can find Shias in Significant number. Since it is believed that Quaid-e-Azam (Founder of Pakistan) was Ismaili Shia. But I see Wahabis and Deobandis are very much in Power. Barelvi is the only Sunni Branch which you can say is Shia Friendly but even Barelvis have lost their Control. Multan (City of Pakistan where I live) is City of Saints and filled with Shrines but people are are now thinking celebrating death anniversiry of Saints is something wastage of time. So SHOCKING point for me is Founder of Pakistan was Shia but today Wahabis are in power. It feels like in some years Pakistan will just be like Saudi Arabia.
Brothers and sisters, Here in Boston there is a large mosque called Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, it is a sunni mosque, and to my understanding, salafi. Have any of you tried to pray at this mosque, I am tempted to because I live 5 minutes away from it, however due to my anxiety I am nervous to go inside. How did you feel as a Shi'a praying here? Thoughts?
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- shia boston islam
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- It seems a serious hole in the Shia world is in the making. Iraq is drifting towards its Arab neighbour Saudi Arabia, leaving Iran further isolated. The article says that Muqtada Sadr has long been a critic of Iran's influence. And Saudi Arabia is opening a consulate in Najaf. All this is very ominous of a greater Wahabi influence in the Muslim world and beyond. I personally think Iraq should move closer to KSA ONLY under the condition that they restore Jannat ul Baqi and agree to joint control of Mecca and Medina by all Muslim nations. What do you guys think?
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- arab-iran rivalry
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Salam! I came across a channel called "Anti Majos Production" where they upload videos that claims to refute our beliefs. They seem to show clips from "Shia scholars" that says pretty weird stuff, I don't know if they have edited the videos to make them seem bad or if these scholars aren't really representing Shia Islam. This video for example, who is the Sheikh and did he really say that Allah swt obeys the Imams (a.s) (Stagfurallah)? Anyone who has seen this channel before? I'm sure the videos aren't representing us Shias, however it'd be interesting to see if these "scholars" really said all those strange things, or if they really are Shias to begin with.
There are many Sunni, Salafi, Deobandi, Barailvi, Ahl-e-Hadees and Wahabi Ulema that converted to Shi’a, especially in the Indian Subcontinent, many who were subsequently killed by Sippah-e-Sahaba (Lanatallah Aley On The Nasibi Wahabi Kuffar!). I’m only writing the ones that are common knowledge. List of the names of those Ullema who converted from the Sunni Schools of thought to Shia'ism: Maulana Wazeer Turabi - From Bhawalpur who was ex Deobandi, he has converted scores of people including Sunni Mullah's to Shi'asim Muhammad Tijani Simaoui - A Sunni Aalim born to a Sunni Aalim. Maulana Ismail Deoband Ex Deobandi converted to Shi’a. Was a big time debater and was responsible for converting entire villages to Shi’a when defeating their Mullah’s in debates. He also converted scholars to Shi’a when they lost such as Hafiz Sayfullah (Wahabi) and Saeed’ur Rahman Alavi (Deobandi). Killed when his car brakes mysteriously failed (Nasibi Wahabi). Hafiz Sayfullah - Read above Saeed'ur Rahman Alavi - Read above Maulana Ghulam Husayn Naeemi Ex Deobandi debated in Punjab Martyred by SSP (Lanatallah Aley On Nasibi Wahabi). Allamah Talib Husayn Kirpalvee (ex Barelvi) wrote over 50 books on the life of Rasul (s), Maula ‘Ali and Ahl’ul bayt . Martyred by SSP (Nasibi Wahabi!). Allamah Abdul Kareem Mushtaq Ex Barelvi authored 40 books refuting Nasabi lies against Shi’a appealed to the common man, converted many to Shi’a. Martyred by SSP (Nasibi Wahabi). Allamah Shah Zaeem Fatami was a Deobandi, infact the son in law of their leader Ataullah Bukhari, authored ‘Purdah ut tha hai’ [veils are lifted] when he converted. Was poisoned by his family (Laanat on Dushman-e-Ahlul Bayt). AM Abdul Qayum Alavi He was not just a Wahaby but was infact the side kick of Maulana Ghulamullah of SSP. He wrote one book when he was Sunni but exposing the Wahaby’s Tareekh Nasabi, and then wrote Tareekh Nasabi V2 when he became Shia. (Slap on the face of the Nasibi Wahabis) Maulana Tawakkul Husayn Ex Deobandi alive and kicking Ex Deobandi, very harsh volatile speaker Maulana Hafiz Younis Gujjar Ex Barelvi he is quite popular amongst the Punjabi speaking audiences. Maulana Tajideen Haydheri Ex Barelvi, converted in 70’s and a major debater, defeated all these Nasibi Mullah’s and was the lone Maulana who appeared in court in the 80’s (Karachi) when SSP filed a petition to declare Shi’a Kaafirs (Laanat on Dushman-e-Ahlul Bayt). Hafiz Muhammad author of the famous Fulq un Najaath A Sunni Maulana who authored this to counter all the Hate mail he’d received when he became Shi’a Allamah Haroon Gilani - converted four years ago from a Sunni family of Ulema and Pirs. Maulana Abdul Saqi Ex Barelvi scholar I heard when he was Sunni and after he was a Shi’a, good speaker really knows his stuff. Maulana Zahid-u-Rashdi - General Secretary of SSP (Sindh area) who became Shi’a in Prison I heard him speak in Rawalpindi but his name has slipped my mind. Maulana Imran - One of the SSP leaders stationed in Rawalpindi. Hakeem Syed Mahmoomd Gilani - Ex Ahle-Hadith became shia after research of famous books - wrote famous books : Aylia, Ohm aur Ali etc - He was Ahle Hadith before. from Sialkot. Danish Alvi - Big name from Charsada N. W .F .P, recently killed by SSP (Lanatallah Aley On The Nasibi Wahabi Kuffar!). He was a very learned man who converted 100s to Shia'ism. Shaykh Marwan Khleefat - author of 'Raabtul safinah' (I boarded the ark of salvation) Shaykh Mutasim Sayid Ahmed author of 'AlHaqeeqa AlThaia' (The lost Truth) Shaykh Isam Imad, he had a debate with the Wahabi sheikh and compulsive liar Uthman AlKhamees which ended in Uthman AlKhamees pulling out of the debate. This is the link for the debate, Sheikh Abu Muhammad Ordoni - Previously a Wahabi scholar wrote the book 'Fatima the Gracious'. This is online in english, Abdul Hakeem Buturabi - Converted from Sunni to Shia Ghulam Abbas (Spanish lawyer) converted to shiaism first he became sunni then he converted to shia after reading Ayatullah Shaheed Mothari articles on web. Idrees AlHussainy - Author of the book 'Laqad Shayyaany AlHussain' - 'Hussain made me a Shia' Maulana Abdul Hakeem - from Sunni to Shia Maulana Abdul Hakeem Carney - American Christian to Sunni to Shi'a Aalim Allama Muhammed Basheer more popularly known as "Fateh taxela who converted the full village of Taxela to the Shia'ism. Sheikh Jihad Ismael from Sydney reverted to Shiaism. Professor Ali Ibrahim - From Hindu to Sunni to Shia. Shiekh Hamidu - South Africa, Sunni to Shia Shiekh Safiyullah Khan - South Africa (former student Al-azhar), Sunni to Shia Shiekh Shaheed Matti - South Africa (former Al-azhar Student) Shiekh Usama Abdulghani- Was a sunni, then became shia Alim -USA Dr Hamid Algar - An author and speaker, he become shia after converting from chritianity to sunnism. Moulana Zakariya - from south africa Sheikh Abdillahi Nassir - An East African Sunni scholar/'alim became a Shi'a. Juma Omari Mayunga - a staunch Wahabi scholar became a Shi'a and has written tafsir of Qur'an with commentary in Kiswahili. Maulana Waheeduzaman - The first person who translated Sahih Bukhari to Urdu, a big Wahabi aalim, converted to shiaism in his last days. Shiekh Ali Grant - Argentinian, Sunni to Shia, His lectures are available at: Sakhawat Hussain - Recites majalis in Canada and America. Known for converting many Sunnis. AM Maulana Osama Al Mughani - Washington, USA, became shia from sunni, converting most of his family too. Sumiaki (Ruhollah) Religious researcher and computer engineer (Japanese) Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Ali Imam of a mosque in the province of Al-Anbar, Iraq (Iraqi) Leonard Peter Surenson (Dutch) Crystal Edwinson (Swedish) Doris Cluzin Music expert (German) Professor Lekenhowzin (American) Professor Istwili Claude (French) Hassan Shuhata (Egyptian) Roberto Arcadi (Italian) Dahir Hassan (American) Roberto Raico (Italian) Dr. Ali Linistad (Norwegian) Dr. Ali Kruger (German) Dr. Hussein Labiyal (German) Dr. Abdul Khaliq Aiman (Egyptian) Dr. Harish Waldman (Austrian) Amer Abu Tariq (British) Salih Al-Wardani (Egyptian) Yusif Kabisof (Russian) Ahmed Hanif (Canadian) Abdul Salam Al-Lagmish (Belgian) Fujiro Lumunuku (Italian) Abdul Wahid (Russian) Hassan Shamsuri (Malaysian) Ibrahim Zinco (African) Michael Buth (American) Dr. Ali Al-Shiekh (Iraqi) Abdul Baqi (Algerian) Mohammad Nadhim Zainalof (Russian) Shams Al-Arif (Indonesian) Mrs. Kazrum (Fatima) (Russian) Mrs. Hasina (British) Mrs. Nosrat bint Mohammad Isa (Malaysian) Mrs. Zainab Al-Hisi (German) Sheikh Hussain Al-Durghami (Egypt) Sheikh Hassan Shehate (Egypt) Sheikh Atallah Al-Saeed (Egypt) Sheikh Qandil (Egypt) Sheikh Mahmood Rajab (Egypt) Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Muhran (Egypt) Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Bakr (Egypt) Sheikh Mousa Saleh (Egypt) Sheikh Muhammad Abdulhafiz (Egypt) Sheikh Muhammad Al-Antaki (Syria) Sheikh Ahmad Al-Antaki (Syria) Sehikh Jamal Al-Halabi (Syria) Sheikh Seed Dahdooh (Syria) Sheikh Abdulmuhsen Al-Serawi (Syria) Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Qaderi (Syria) Sheikh Hussain Al-Raja (Syria) Sheikh Muhammad Naji (Syria) Sheikh Abdulaziz Kan'an (Syria) Sheikh Yaser Al-Hasaani (Syria) Sheikh Ahmad Al-Ghezali (Syria) Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Al-Tijani (Tunis) Sheikh Mubarak Beghdash (Tunis) Sheikh Ahmad Saleh (Tunis) Sheikh Hamad Al-Reeh (Sudan) Sheikh Mutasem Sayd Ahmad (Sudan) Sheikh buqroon (Sudan) Sheikh Ali Al-Hashemi (Kuwait) Sheikh Muhammad Al-Sehil (K.S.A) Sheikh Muhammad Al-Rabeei (K.S.A) Sheikh Dr. Marwan Khalifat (Jordan) Sheikh Hassan Al-Saqaf (Jordan) Sheikh Mustafa al-ordoni (Jordan) Sheikh Dr. Isaam Al-Imaad (Yemen) Sheikh Zakaria Al-Hadhrami (Yemen) Sheikh Hassan Al-Aeidroos (Yemen) Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Al-Mughli (Algeria) Sheikh Abdulbaqi Gerna (Algeria) Sheikh Mousa Shaki (Morocco) Sheikh Al-Maqdesi (Palestine) Sheikh Muhammad Shehada (palstine) Sheikh Alawai Al-Atas (indonesia) Sheikh Eidroos Al-Saqaf (indonesia) Sheikh Hussain Al-Kaf (indonesia) Sheikh Uloomaldeen Saeed (philippine) Sheikh Ahmad Qaemi (Turkey) Sheikh Muhammad Al-Amedi (Turkey) Sheikh Murad Bazkin (Turkey) Sheikh Hassan Kooni (Burkina Faso) Sheikh Hussain Sorabi (Burkina Faso) Sheikh Shareef Ahmad (Burundi) Sheikh Alfa Umar Bah (Ghuinea) Sheikh Ahmad Kolibali (Mali) Sheikh Tijani Malem (Niger) Sheikh Idrees Tijani (Nigeria) Sheikh Abdullah Naser (Kenya) ..................................... The list is never ending continuous slap on the face of the likes of Nasibis like Yasir, Canadian, The fake profiled Ali Raza and their Wahabi likes. Even today, members of such groups as SSP and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi are enlightened by the call of Allah and love for the Ahl-e-Bait. Maybe it is time for you Munafiqs to follow the footsteps of your forefathers and embrace Islam once and for all.
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Saudi Arabia has paid substantial money for a secret alliance with Israel, a US journalist claims in his study. If this statement is true, it may fundamentally change our perception of Middle East politics. The region's muddled relations, political and military alliances have long been a favourite subject for researchers and journalists studying the Middle East. Those familiar with the region are all quite aware that the area is characterized by an Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well as a Sunni-Shiite and a Saudi-Iranian opposition, which root in cultural, religious and political divisions. However, noted US journalist Robert Parry has recently published an in-depth article based on intelligence information, claiming that Saudi Arabia paid around 16 billion USD to Israel in order to buy the friendship of the Jewish State. Lobbyists for sale It is common knowledge that political (and other) lobbying has considerable traditions in the United States. Lobbyists promoting the interests of countries or economic groups often influence US interior and foreign policy decision making processes in a decisive manner. Consequently, Saudi Arabia has also begun to build a lobby in Washington, only to experience bitterly that the masses of law firms and PR specialists costing top dollar or even the exploitation of connections with such powerful families as the Bushes can never outperform the Israel Lobby in the US. Therefore, the Saudis decided to take a different approach: they bought the Israelis, writes Parry. According to the article, Saudi Arabia has given Israel around $16 billion over the past two and a half years, funnelling the money through other Arab states and Israeli development funds. If it is all true, the Saudis may have indeed bought the Israelis, since Israel was starkly opposing the agreement with Iran - and found several American backers along the way. Why Iran? Readers not quite familiar with regional affairs might not know that Iran and its religious Shiite leadership is a thorn in the side of another player beside Israel - Saudi Arabia, a key power in the Sunni world also considers the Shiite state as its archrival. The Sunni-Shiite division is one of the greatest fault lines among Muslim countries, which they not have been able to overcome. As a result, Saudis consider any pro-Iran governments in the Middle East as enemies, so much so, that they are apparently willing to ignore the solidarity rooted in the same culture and all-Islam togetherness. Not to mention that they turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed against the Palestinian people (who are also Sunni, by the way). So, Saudi Arabia is not in the least interested in a strengthening Iran. However, the lifted sanctions and Tehran's return to international politics would inevitably lead to a strengthening Persian state, and in a big way too, as Iran has all the capabilities to become a key state of the Middle East, similarly to Turkey. It seems such a dreadful outcome for the Saudis, who follow Wahhabism, a rigorous school of Islam, that they appear willing to ally with Israel to prevent it. Religious rigour does not seem to apply to foreign policy... Riyadh is not concerned about the bloodshed According to Parry, Riyadh and Tel-Aviv had a similar cooperation to destabilize Iraq, Syria and Egypt. Even though Iraq's central government had already been toppled by the US invasion, a Shiite, thus pro-Iran leadership that enjoyed the support of the population's majority was obviously not so close to the Saudis' heart, just as they didn't like the Alavite (a branch of Shiitism) Assad regime in Syria, either. This put Riyadh on the same side with Israel. Interestingly enough, the Islamic State that follows a wrong and violent interpretation of Sunni Islam happened to grow strong in this region. Notably, the terrorist organization that calls itself a Caliphate was not planning to annihilate Israel, but the Shiites living in the area. This is one more reason why ISIS may have seemed more likeable for Israel than the Assad regime, which has maintained religious peace but been relentlessly opposed to Tel-Aviv, even though the Islamic State destroys everything with unheard of brutality in the occupied areas. Palestinian cause on the sideline Although the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood gave a glimmer of hope for the Palestinians struggling to survive the air-tight blockade in Gaza, the world's largest outdoor prison for years, Saudi Arabia considered Mohamed Morsi's Muslim revolutionary and not anti-Hamas government as an enemy, so it joined Israel in backing the military coup and the new Egyptian leadership, which wasn't as friendly to the Palestinians as its predecessor but fit the Saudi interests much better. Hypocrisy at its peak As it is known, Saudi Arabia is one of the most radical Muslim states in the world. Its structure is based on Wahhabism, an ideology rooted in the quasi literal interpretation of Islamic religious principles and the most puritanistic traditions. Yet this country hardly ever receives firm criticism from the West, contrary to a democratic Turkey that tolerates religions other than Islam, or the undoubtedly theocratic Iran, which ensures parliamentary representation for religious minorities. In comparison, wearing a cross in Saudi Arabia may constitute a crime and power is concentrated in the hands of one single dynasty. And this country is a reliable ally for the United States and if Parry's article is correct, it is an outstanding sponsor for Israel against other Muslim states.
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- saudi arabia
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(salam) Share links you know please.
Before anyone says that they are kafir or non-Muslim etc, this cannot be true because their shahada is same as any Sunni Muslim. To be a Muslim you have to agree to this shahada: لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله (lā ʾilāha ʾillā l-Lāh, Muḥammadun rasūlu l-Lāh) There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God. Only difference is that they believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a Mahdi. I believe that technically the Ahmadiyya Muslims are Sunni Muslim, it is one of the branch of Sunni sect because it inherits majority of its teaching from Sunni school. Bear in mind that technically a certain branch comes under a certain sect according to whatever its teaching is inherited from. e.g. Shia Islam = Alawi, Twelver, Zaydi etc because it inherits its teachings from Shia school Sunni Islam = Ahmadi, Hanafi, Maliki, Wahabi, Salafi etc because it inherits its teachings from Sunni school Please share your intelligence. Here is the Ahmadiyya shahada which is exactly the same as any other Sunni branch:
So, i want to perform a social experiment. I want to gather as much ridiculous Wahabi Fatwas as possible that we see online. And trust me i have seen some really out of this world and totally just crazy, crazy fatwas by these Wahabi Thugs. The only condition is that they have to be in video format and if possible with English translations for all of us to enjoy the monkey show. #5291 - Saudi Cleric Ali Al-Malki: West Tampers with Burgers, Whiskey to Induce Birth of Girls among Muslims (Archival) - This idiot read an article in China, never mentions the articles name, no source, who wrote it, who translated it, what exactly was mentioned in article but is willing to testify in front of God on day of judgement that since he read it in an article it must be true. I mean i am lost with words to be able to describe the shallowness of the intellect of this man and these are men who declare us Kafir and pray for us in the mosques to die and rot in hell.
Salam I was wondering about the view upon videos actually making fun of "Allahu Akbar". In the internet we typically see videos that make fun of this islamic term/sentence. So I was wondering what the islamic response to this would be because I feel kind of ridiculed by these videos. Like Allahu Akbar gets turned into a so called "meme" which for me is totally ridicolous because of these isis dogs. I don't know how to respond or react to this and I've met even muslims who don't mind and even they are making fun of it.
Saturday night turned into a horror movie at London’s Leytonstone underground station as an attacker slashed a person’s throat while shouting “this is for Syria.” Police, who had difficulty detaining the man with only a Taser, are now treating the incident as a terror act. The attack took place in the ticket hall at Leytonstone station. Witnesses described a horrific scene, with a pool of blood on the floor and the attacker shouting, while threatening to stab others. Source: NOTE TO ALL ARBAEEN: Please stay safe because the wahabi's have struck literally a day before Arbaeen so please be careful at the Arbaeen Procession 07 December 2015. Also be careful look after the muslimah sisters as well because there is no telling of a attack on them or us by Far Right Protesters.
The link shows how a saudi joined ISIS and he flew away from there. Any comments on it? Regards
(salam) (bismillah) Is there any historical documentation on the issue that proves that Imam Ali (a.s) praised Usman on his attempts to collect and compile holy Quran? I was reading a Urdu book on investigation of different aspects of Tehreef e Quran in the following link. Where i read that Imam Ali a.s praised attempts of Usman of compiling Quran.
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(salam) The problem with Sunnis is that they never accept the reality and always try to twist and turn the facts and reality to suit their faith. The proper approach should be acceptance of truth and mold our faith and deeds according to the reality and truth. Now see the point in an authentic hadith Prophet (pbuh) said Sahih Bukhari Narrated by 'Ikrima Ibn 'Abbas said to me and to his son 'Ali, "Go to Abu Sa'id and listen to what he narrates." So we went and found him in a garden looking after it. He picked up his Rida', wore it and sat down and started narrating till the topic of the construction of the mosque reached. He said, "We were carrying one adobe at a time while 'Ammar was carrying two. The Prophet saw him and started removing the dust from his body and said, "May Allah be Merciful to 'Ammar. He will be killed by a rebellious, aggressive group. He will be inviting them (i.e. his murderers, the rebellious group) to Paradise and they will invite him to Hell-fire." 'Ammar said, "I seek refuge with Allah from affliction." Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 8, Number 438 Instead of accepting the reality they will always try to twist the reality in their favor. Now see Sonador twisted its meanings to save corrupt and evil Muawvia (l.a) This is the same reasoning Amr bin Al-aas used against Imam Ali a.s when the army of Syria started to avoid fighting against Imam Ali a.s because of martyrdom of Ammar Yasir (r.a) by rebellious and hell bound Muawvia's army. Amr Bin Al-aas who was famous for his satanic politics, deception, lie and Muafiqat said to the people that "Factually, Imam Ali's is killer of Ammar Yasir (r.a) because he brought him r.a in the battlefield. If he a.s would not have brought him here, he would not have been killed". For the first time Imam Ali a.s came in the battlefield and gave a sermon that "O people of Syria do you think that Prophet (pbuh) is killer of Hamza (r.a) as Prophet p.b.u.h took Hamza to fight against Kufaar in Ohad? You are the killers of Ammar r.a". Can Mr. Sonodar can confirm us that he will go to heaven for sure? If no then he is a muslim how he can not claim this? Being Muslim does not save one from hell due to the bad deeds. Even Kharjiites were muslims but they are destined to hell fire. Two big groups of muslims does not necessarily mean that one of the group will never be hell bound. Actually it proves nothing. Muawvia (l.a)'s army was muslim though by name or apparently therefore, it has no point in his support.
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- Ammar Yasir
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A failed attempt at scaring the people who were gathered at a majalis, i can't really describe this act of cowardliness of these extremist who have now been throwing grenades and crackers but one thing is for sure is that the shia's in this video have proven the utmost bravery and azadari in the faces of these cowards.
Time for liberation of Eastern Saudi and time for liberating the occupied Yemeni provinces... the dogs of hell cannot and should not get away with this... Saudi Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr 'sentenced to death' A court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced a prominent Shia cleric to death, his brother has said on Twitter. Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr went on trial in Riyadh last year after being accused by prosecutors of "sowing discord" and "undermining national unity". The cleric was a vocal supporter of the mass anti-government protests that erupted in Eastern Province in 2011. His arrest two years ago, during which he was shot and wounded by police, triggered days of deadly unrest. Oil-rich Eastern Province is home to a Shia majority that has long complained of marginalisation at the hands of the Sunni royal family. Protests began there in February 2011 after the start of the pro-democracy uprising in neighbouring Bahrain, which has a Shia majority and a Sunni royal family. The Saudi authorities deny discriminating against Shia and blame Iran for stirring up discontent. 'Crucifixion' Sheikh Nimr's brother said he had been sentenced to death by Riyadh's Specialised Criminal Court, which tries terrorism cases, on Wednesday morning. When the cleric, who holds the rank of ayatollah, went on trial in March 2013 prosecutors called for his execution by "crucifixion", a punishment which in Saudi Arabia involves beheading followed by public display of the decapitated body. Human rights groups expressed concern at the time that he would not receive a fair trial. They also said he had still not been given access to adequate medical care for the gunshot wounds he received during his arrest in July 2012, something denied by the authorities. Police shot Sheikh Nimr in the leg four times in disputed circumstances as they detained him after a car chase in Eastern Province's Qatif district. Officials said he rammed a security forces vehicle, leading to a gun battle. However, his family disputed the allegation that he resisted arrest and insisted that he did not own a weapon. The cleric was held for eight months before being charged and reportedly spent the first four in an isolation cell at a prison hospital in Riyadh. Activists and relatives say Sheikh Nimr, who has a wide following among Shia in Eastern Province and other states, supported only peaceful protests and eschewed all violent opposition to the government. In 2011, he told the BBC that he supported "the roar of the word against authorities rather than weapons... the weapon of the word is stronger than bullets, because authorities will profit from a battle of weapons". His arrest prompted days of protests in which three people were killed. BBC
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The earliest Imamite scholar to give an account of the Twelfth Imam's mother is al-Mas'udi. He reports that she was a slave-girl called Narjis [ithbat, 248. For the later authors who named her as Narjis see al-Irshad, 390; T. al-Ghayba, 153, 158; ‘Uyun, 32-3.]. Al-Shahid (d. 786/1384) states that her name was Maryam b. Zayd al-`Alawiyya [bihar, LI, 28, quoted from al-Dirus.], and other reports give her name as Rayhana, Saqil and It is possible that her name was in fact Narjis and the other names, except Saqil, were given to her by her owner Hakima bint Muhammad al-Jawad. People at that time used to call their slave-girls by different names as a form of flattery, and Narjis, Rayhana and Sawsan are all names of flowers. The earliest report concerning the nationality of the Twelfth Imam's mother goes back to the year 286/899. This was written down for the first time by al-Saduq, on the authority of Muhammad b. Bahr al-Shaybani, who attributed his narration to Bishr b. Sulayman al-Nakhkhas. According to this report she was a Christian from Byzantium who had been captured by Islamic troops[Kama’l, 431-2]. She was sold as a slave and bought by al-Nakhkhas in the slave-market in Baghdad. Al-Nakhkhas sent her to the tenth Imam, `Ali al-Hadi, in Samarra. After this, however, the narration begins` to lose much of its credibility and becomes hagiographical. It is related that she was Malika b. Yashshu', the granddaughter of the Emperor of Byzantium, whose mother was a descendant of Simon (Sham' un) the disciple of Jesus. When Malika was in her grandfather's palace, she dreamt that she saw Jesus's mother, Mary, and Muhammad's daughter, Fatima. In this dream Fattima converts her to Islam and persuades her to allow herself to be captured by Islamic troops [Kama’l, 317-23.]. The authenticity of this narration is questionable in many aspects, the most doubtful points being found in the last part. Firstly there was no major battle between the `Abbasids and the Byzantines after 242/856 [Tabari, III, 1434] and there is no indication in the sources that the Emperor of Byzantium appealed to the `Abbasids to liberate his granddaughter. Secondly, the early Imamite authors, particularly al-Qummi, al-Nawbakhti, al-Kulayni and al-Mas'udi, who were contemporaries of al-Shaybani, the narrator of this report, do not refer to it in their works. In addition, al-Kashshi, who was a companion of al-Shaybani, and the later scholars al-Najashi and Ibn Dawud claim that he was an extremist [ikhtiyar, 147-8; al-Najashi, 298; Ibn Dawud, al-Rijal, 541]. Thirdly, al-Kulayni states that al-Qa’im's mother was a slave-girl from al-Nawba, the northern province of Sudan [al-Kafi, I, 323]. Moreover al-Nu'mani and al-Saduq related other narrations which indicate that al-Qa’im's mother was to be a black slave-girl [N. al-Ghayba, 84, 85, 120; Kama’l, 329]. It may be that the later Imamites ignored these transmissions and considered the narration of al-Shaybani as authentic because the latter makes al-Qa’im’s mother of noble ancestry and high social status. They would have been particulary attracted by the connection the report establishes between the Twelfth Imam, al-Qa’im, and Jesus, since prophetic traditions state that the two of them will rise together to rid the world of tyranny [Kama’l, 280, 345; al-Marwazi, Kitab al-Fitan, Mss fol, 150-63.]. In the light of these three points the narration of-Muhammad b. Bahr al-Shaybani can be rejected despite the fact that al-Tusi and Ibn Rustam al-Tabari consider it reliable [T. al-Ghayba, 134-9; Dala'il, 262-4]. Possibly the correct account of the origin of al-Qa’im's mother is given by al-Mufid, who states that she was a slave-girl brought up in the house of Hakima, the sister of the tenth Imam. According to his report the Imam saw her one day and predicted that she would give birth to someone with special Divine blessing [al-Irshad, 390-1]. According to al-Saduq she died before the death of her husband, al-Hasari al-`Askari, in 260/874.[Kama’l, 431] But al-Najashi's report indicates that she was alive after this year hiding at the house of Muhammad b. `Ali b. Hamza, one of the close associates of her husband al-`Askari [al-Najashi, 268]. Source:
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- Imam Mahdi a.s
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According to Judicial Watch, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico is serving as a base for Islamic terrorists planning an imminent threat against the United States. Although few specifics are available, sources cited by the site indicate that militants are “planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED).” Federal intelligence officials from multiple agencies are reportedly on alert regarding the threat. “It’s coming very soon,” one source confirmed, adding that intelligence points to the possibility that terror organizations ISIS and al Qaeda could be involved in “an attack on the border.” A leaked document published by Breitbart confirms that agents tasked with securing the Mexican border have received such alerts and are taking the warnings seriously. Recent events have shown that the threat posed by Middle Eastern terrorists is not confined to that region as American citizens have been captured and murdered in Syria. Meanwhile, the domestic issue of securing our southern border and enforcing immigration laws continues to be a high priority for Americans worried about the threat to our safety and sovereignty as a nation. These two concerns seem to have collided in what is now being described as an imminent threat by Islamic terrorists positioned near the U.S.-Mexico border. Read more at Source: These Isis things are now in mexico planning a border attack on america.. But why mexico? It is such a random place for them to be in..
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- Isis
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- This is an emotional appeal to those who have legitimatized shia killing in Pakistan... for what crime did these poor innocent children lose their fathers. and for those who even after watching this still agree with the killers... I ask you one question... how will you answer on the Day of Judgment to Allah (SWT) for this... You are in the same camp as Yazeed (la) who killed the blessed Imam Hussain (as) Apne Khuda Se Daro, Khuda ke Lanat se Daro ... Allahuma Salli Aala Muhammad Wa Aali Muhammad ... Mashallah very nice speech by Sanam Baloch on this issue....
- Pro-Taliban militants have attacked a religious gathering in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi, killing at least eight Shia Muslims and injuring several others, security sources say. The violence broke out as Shia Muslim mourners massed to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him), grandson of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him).
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