In the Name of God بسم الله
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Salam o alaikum people, this is my story, and I need urgent help. I am a boy, a boy who was not a firm follower of Islam, but after watching some documentaries on Ayatollah Behjat, I decided to transform myself to a better human and decided not to sin for forty days. And believe me a person who never prayed salat, was now performing nafils along with tahajjud every night without commiting any sin (in my opinion). Till 28 days passed, I felt my spirituality going up to a new level, I never experienced before. But, on the 29 day, a very satanic thought regarding Ahlebait (عليه السلام) came to my mind which I could not stop and due to those thoughts due to depression I was not able to perform any good deeds because whenever I tried to go to a mosque or a majlis, I would experience these satanic thoughts, and from two years from that date, I am still suffering from that obsessed thought. Please help me, I am very worried about losing my faith and my love to Ahlebait (عليه السلام). My mental situations matches the one written in this link: For God sake please help me.
Assalamu alaykum everyone. I hope you are all in the best of health insha'Allah. I'm in a dilemma. Despite the obvious stress of going to university this September during a global pandemic there's another problem. I come from a low economic background and the idea of me being able to pay tuition (£9000+ annually) is unrealistic let alone having to pay for university equipment i.e a laptop (especially since university is going to be online for half the year if not more). In a normal situation someone would take student loans and a maintenance loan. However, both of these include interest being added each year (not in my benefit but to them when I pay the university back). I know that interest and riba is a great sin which is why I'm asking for everyone's advice/help. I've tried applying for Muslim loans and charities however they either to be too little to match my cost or are bias in what degree you must take to be eligible. For context I'm looking to study Middle Eastern Studies combined with Arabic at a prestigious university. This in mind, I wanted to make a big impact insha'Allah through this degree. I've been told that it doesn't matter therefore that there is interest added as I am insha'Allah going to be able to give back to the community. However, I also realise that I can acquire such knowledge without going to university and I don't care too much about the experience. Additionally, I am much more interested in going to howza in the future (maybe in Iran) when I become independent in the future insha'Allah as I am very much interested in Islamic studies/theology. With all this said: 1) What was your own experience with university? 2) How to tell one's parent? Jazak'Allah brothers and sisters.
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- interest
- student loan
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How would you translate the following (from the famous hadith about taqiyyah)? والتقية ترس الله في الأرض لان مؤمن آل فرعون لو أظهر الاسلام لقتل Please translate word by word (with pronounce).
Its still early in the morning and there is 12 more hours and a half left to fast, but I’m leaving to go to work soon and will be there for most of the day. I already feel faint and because of the physical activity at work, I fear that I will pass out. Is this a valid enough reason to drink some water and break my fast without having to to kaffarah? Can I just fast it qatha?
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- Ramadan
- ramadan رمضان رمضان کریم
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Bismillah, Salaam Brothers and Sisters, Insha Allah you are all doing well! I was hoping that I could get some help with translating this beautiful recitation about Imam al Zaman (ajf)! It would be great to have it before the 15th of Sha'ban! So, insha Allah If I could get it by Saturday. Please let me know, if you could please help me in this regard. Here is the link to the heavenly recitation: eltemase dua!
بإسمه تعالى: ج) يراد بمصطلح الولاية التكوينية، ما مفاده: أن الله تعالى قد فوض تدبير شؤون الكون أو قسم منها للنبي محمد "ص" وآله "ع". وقد ذهب فريق من العلماء إلى القول بها والاعتقاد بصحتها، فيما ذهب فريق آخر إلى القول ببطلانها، والأقوى عندنا هو القول ببطلانها، وذلك لأن الولاية المذكورة إن كانت تعني أن الله تعالى لا يتدخل في إدارة تلك الشؤون فأوكل أمرها لغيره من الخلق المتميز، كالملائكة والأنبياء والأوصياء، فهم يستقلون في تدبيرها، فذلك هو (التفويض) الذي اتفق علماء الشيعة على رفضه في إطار ردهم على من قال بذلك من فرقة المعتزلة، وحينئذ فإن كل ما يقال في إثبات بطلان التفويض هو مما يمكن قوله لإثبات بطلان الولاية التكوينية. وأما إذا كان مرادهم بالولاية التكوينية معنى آخر غير التفويض، وهو أنه تعالى قد شرّفهم فأوكل إليهم إدارة تلك الشؤون، رغم كونه تعالى هو المدبر الحقيقي والمهيمن الأوحد، فإننا نقول : حيث أن دورهم ( صلوات الله تعالى عليهم أجمعين )، هو هداية الناس وقيادتهم نحو الخير فإن ما عدا ذلك من شؤون هذا الوجود لا يتناسب مع دورهم المذكور، ولا هو ضروري للقيام بدورهم هذا، ولا يصح اعتبار المعجزات من مصاديق الولاية التكوينية المدعاة، لأن المعجزة حدث طارىء واستثنائي يجريه الله تعالى على يد المصطفين من الأنبياء لغرض إثبات نبوته، وهو أمر لا ريب في ثبوته، لكنه لا يصح إطلاق مصطلح الولاية التكوينية، ما دام ليس حالة دائمة لهم "ع" كما هو المدعى عند القائلين بالولاية التكوينية. ومهما يكن من أمر فإن الذي يجب الوقوف عنده في مثل هذه الأمور هو أن الله تعالى قد أكد في كتابه الكريم أنه هو المهيمن على هذا الوجود والمدبر له، لا شريك له في خلق ولا في تدبير، وأنه حين أجرى الأمور بأسبابها ظل هو المحرّك لها والحاضر فيها والمدبر لها، وأن الملائكة الكرام الذين قد كلفهم بشيء من شؤون التدبير لا استقلالية لهم، بل هم : "لا يسبقونه بالقول وهم بأمره يعملون"، ولم يثبت أن من عدا الملائكة من الخلق لهم دور معين في إدارة هذا الوجود، وبخاصة الأنبياء والأوصياء "ع"، وما ورد في الروايات مما ينافي ذلك، هو إما ساقط دلالةً لمنافاته لهذا الثابت القرآني، أو هو ضعيف السند، فلا يعتد به. والعلماء يختلفون في آرائكم سواء الفقهية أو الكلامية، مع اختلاف المباني المعتمدة. والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته مكتب الاستفتاءات لسماحة العلامة المرجع آية الله العظمى السيد محمد حسين فضل الله (رضوان الله عليه) Can you guys translate this letter for me it is crucial
Important I need someone that is willing to take and translate Velyattv episodes with english subtitles and break the episode into parts pertaining to different subjects. I want to post it on youtube. Please I need help! The thing is I know farsi enough to understand it myself. You can find all episodes on their website: But right now I need this one episode that has some important topics discussed, translated. You can post on here or PM me for further info and discussion! Wa Salaam
Run/Jog/Walk in the British 10K London Run and raise funds for Ansar Youth Project and Peace Youth and Community Trust. If you are interested in taking part in this historic event please inbox one of the admins of this event. Places are limited so please book quick. The British 10K London Run is the UK's most prestigious and sought-after 10km road race which is staged on the world's greatest route through the heart of central London. 25,000 runners fill the streets of the nation's capital and get the unique chance to run past many of the country's greatest landmarks including Big Ben, The London Eye, St Paul's Cathedral, Trafalgar Square and Westminster Abbey. Abilities range from charity fundraisers and recreational runners right through to Olympic champions! The 2012 event is staged just 19 days before the start of the Olympic Games and the excitement and buzz within London at this time should make for a truly special occasion and the best British 10k London Run in its 12 year history. (Please note you must be 15 years old on the day) Ansar Youth Project have teamed up with My Voice Project and Peace Youth and Community Trust to help raise funds towards projects that engage young people from ethnic minority and disadvantaged backgrounds. Some of the projects that have been run include: · Weekly Youth Club Sessions · Leadership opportunities for young people · Developmental day trips · Teamwork and leadership residential trip · Project management opportunities for young people My Voice Project engage over 1000 young people per annum through various activities. Help Young people develop in a holistic manner by sponsoring our runners. Sponsor one of our committed runners and help raise the desperately needed funds required to run our projects. Sponsorship no matter how small can help: £5 will pay for expenses for a volunteer for a day. · £50 will pay to run an hour workshop of conflict resolution, teamwork and leadership, anti crime etc. · £500 will pay for a day trip for 15 young people. · £2,500 will pay for a teamwork and leadership residential trip for 15 young people for 3 days. · £10,000 will allow purchase of a mini bus to help support the youth projects. Please dig deep and help make the lives of young people better.
- volunteer
- fundraising
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