AsalaamOLaikum. First of all could you all please read surah Fatiha for my beloved Grandad who has passed away. My Grandad (Father's Father) whom I was very very very close too passed away five years ago, however all the memories live on and I still feel so close to him but all connection to him in reality has been cut off this makes me really upset and sometimes ill just sit there and cry. I do know that this does not help at all and dua is the best thing to do. I will just casually read Surah Fatihah and Surah Ikhlas whenever I do think of him. However, I feel this is not enough and want to increase my knowledge in this aspect. What can I do for the Dead - my Grandad? I really want him to go Jannah insha'Allah and for Allah to forgive all his sins (if any) How do I ask of this? And is reading Surah Ikhlas/Fatiha casually with him in mind helping him at all?? I truly love him to bits and wish he would come back alive, which is obviously impossible so I want to instead help him as much as I can. Please post your advice. :) Also could you increase my knowledge in can the Dead see us, hear us etc? Thank-you! Hope you are all well insha'Allah and enjoying Ramadhan as it comes to an end.