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Found 18 results

  1. Arabic: العليئية English: Al-'Aliyiyyah or Aliyiyism or Aliyiy refers to a Sufi order or tariqa within Zaydi Shia Islam. Aliyites are a Sufi group that have an emphasis on each individual studying to become like their own scholar, with an emphasis on acting on one's own ijtihad, interpreting Quran and Hadiths, and not blindly following religious beliefs. Because of this, the Aliyites are not organized and they don't have a central authority or single scholar or Imam that unifies their community, and internal differences are abound. The Aliyites have a range of different beliefs and interpretations. They believe there can be more than one Imam at one time, for different locations and different people groups who speak different languages. The job of an Imam is to help people stay guided and teach them how not to make ijtihad and to prevent misinterpretation and abuse of religious beliefs and systems, as well as to be the rope of Allah, a spiritual guide. Similar to the Alevis of Turkiye, the Aliyites don't force anyone to practice Islam or do things like wearing hijab, claiming that everything is a choice, Allah gave all human beings free will, and these matters are between a Muslim and God and are personal, and so judgement isn't passed for women who don't wear hijab or people who get tattoos, etc., although following the Quran and Hadith and imams is encouraged and highly beneficial in the Aliyite tradition. Nobody knows for sure how old the Aliyite movement actually is or how many followers it has, due to its secretive and underground nature, but one narrative claims that the Aliyite faith developed when Yemeni Zaydi Shiites and Yemeni Sufis from the Sunni Hanafi Madhab, traveled to the Sokoto Caliphate, a Sunni Islamic Country in West Africa, while traveling the global trade routes, and ended up being embedded in a group of Muslims who believes the Orishas were prophets and imams whose message had been distorted, and who had been deified when they were merely servants of Allah, and not deities. These Muslims who believe in the orishas were considered heretics, and often fought with leaders and the government of the Sokoto Caliphate. Even though the Aliyites don't worship the Orishas, they have some heretical beliefs, including a belief that Imam Ali is a continuation of the life of Jesus Christ, and that Imam Ali also was the same person as Orisha Ogun, the Orisha of Iron and War. Imam Ali/Orisha Ogun is seen as a figurehead or the face of Aliyite Islam. The Aliyites also believe Orisha Obatala (whom they called Imam ObatAllah) was Jesus Christ too.
  2. What is the Shia view of Sufism? Thought on Sufi practices?
  3. Is God in you (in a non-physical and non-spiritual sense)?? Thanks Khoda Hafez
  4. Personally I think there are so many problems with being a believer. When you say “I believe” you are fundamentally saying, “I am unwilling to admit that I do not know”. The seeker is willing to admit he doesn’t know! The believer is unwilling to make this admission. He draws conclusions about what is not yet within his experience. A believer may make assumptions about the day of the judgement! Further, the moment you believe something, you are in conflict with the opposing belief. You can postpone it with moderate talk. But conflict is inevitable. Isn't it that Abu Darda reported: Did Imam Ali (عليه السلام) not affirm in his last will, I do not see how one can attain ultimate bliss by believing in something that they do not know, by not having the courage nor commitment to seek what is true and just by wanting to assume something. The fundamental human nature is to seek, isn't it how we grow? But then why have faith in something? Well, personally, belief is a big no-no to me but faith is a big yes-yes! It is because faith is something that happens along the spiritual path. It is not something that is forced upon your mind. Belief is brainwashing; faith is a realization through experience. Faith is about recognizing that there is an intelligence in the universe that is beyond our limited logic, and seeking ways to access that. But right now, unfortunately, faith has been misunderstood to mean rigid dogma. How is Belief different from Faith? Even further, the word mistranslated into English as believer has the roots, hamza-meem-nun, meaning to have faith. Of course, "belief" is a synonym to "faith" in English, but languages like Arabic are fundamentally different from languages like English. Arabic is a language where a single word is capable of a multitude of meanings while English is a language where different words can have an exact same meaning! It must be understood that Classical Arabic is too accurately grammatized and too literal. However, the language was still very young at the time the Qur'an Sharif was written. The language of the sacred text carries no such smartness or cleverness as its Classical form because its propounder, the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم), was himself just too simple. That being said, with very less grammar and much sense of colloquialism there were naturally many different meanings of a single word but even so, inter-related. It is only the gift of the so-called 19th century western philosophers and translators that the essence of spiritual processes were corrupted. Now, I understand why Benjamin Franklin had said, "Give me twenty-six lead soldiers and I will conquer the world." Indeed, Edward Bulwer-Lytton agreed that "The pen is mightier than the sword." Today, along with the so called religious scholars of their own religion, the English translators since 17th century have harmed much of the philosophies of the world. English is a widespread language that has emerged out of the need to communicate and it has the least vocabulary to become a translated target-language. It lacks the vast memory and moods found in languages like Arabic. English is a language for materialistic purposes only! What Qur'an has to say about Islam? Qur'an itself refers to Islam as Din - While the word "religion" would again connect Islam with a certain form of theism, Din is an Arabic word with its root being d-y-n, meaning ‘to dissolve.’ Thus, the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) himself is telling that Islam has nothing to do with any belief-system, rather it is about submission to the whole of the creation and becoming one with it and obviously it needs faith to walk such a truthful path and dissolve. This is why Allah has the name Al-Ahad - The Unifier. For me, Islam is not a Religion but a Way of Life and a Spiritual Quest and I am not a believer but indeed faithful to Islam. What are your views?
  5. Salam . . . i want to know that is there is any concept of Sufism in Shiasm as well??? if yes what are the steps of it?
  6. An insightful 1 hour video on Sufism by Syed Ammar.
  7. Salamu Alaykum. Does anyone know if this Hadith is Authentic or weak? Our master Imam al-Askari (peace be upon him) has also been reported to have said to Abu Hashim al-Ja’fari: “O Abu Hashim! There will come a time where people’s faces are laughing and joyous [while] their hearts are dark and indeterminate. The Sunnah amongst them is innovation and the innovation is Sunnah. The believer amongst them is demeaned and the evil one venerated. Their rulers are oppressive and their scholars through the doors of darkness proceed.Their wealthy pillage the provision of their poor. Their young precede their old, and every ignorant to them is an authority, and every assignee to them is poor. They do not differentiate between the sincere and the doubtful, nor do they know the sheep from wolves. Their scholars are the most evil of God’s creation on the face of earth, because they incline towards Philosophy and Sufism. By Allah! They are of the enemies and people of distortion. They exaggerate in their love for our opponents and they misguide our Shi’a and Followers.” (Safinatul Bihar, By al-Muhadith al-Qummi, vol. 2, p. 58)
  8. Salaamu alaykum everyone, Thanks for all your support so far. My last major post (The Aql is Not Reason - It's Consciousness) had a reception beyond my expectations, and received over 200 shares alhamdulillah. Continuing with this series is my next post. There's been a gap since the post on the Aql, but inshaAllah I'll be producing the next posts in the series in rapid succession. After this series, if I have the tawfeeq I will move on to the proof(s) for the existence of God inshaAllah. I always appreciate any likes/shares and/or comments, jazakumullah khayr. http://themuslimtheist.com/you-are-not-your-rational-mind/
  9. Salam, I am aware that many Muslims do not consider Sufism a part of true Islam, but isn't Shia Islam very closely related to erfan philosophy which is the same that Sufis follow and highly appreciate? From where is the disagreement between Sufis and Shia Muslims originated? Why is it that Sufis are not considered "true" Muslims? Another question, as far as I have understood, not any practicing Sufi is a dervish. Is there anyone here who considers oneself a dervish and could explain what makes one a dervish? Could you be a dervish by yourself or do you need to be recognized by others as one?
  10. Bismillah. Salam. While surfing Isra Publications website I read and article and it is my favorite now. You can read it here: http://www.israpublications.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Dhikr_and_the_Wisdom_behind_it.pdf Thank you. ma salam.
  11. I was wondering if there were any murids of the Naqshbandia sufi order on this forum. Prior to converting to Shi'ism, I was part of the Naqshbandi Sufi Way. How do guys reconcile shia doctrine with those of the naqshbandia?
  12. Hi. I'm going through a period of skepticism and would like to ask any ex-Muslims on here why they chose to leave Islam. What specifics were the final straw that broke the camel's back? In particular, since this is a Shia forum, I'd be interested in how your view of the following changed once you'd left Islam compared to when you were a Muslim: 1. The sacrifice of Imam Hussain at Karbala along with 72 of his followers. 2. The infallibility of the Prophet and His Miracles and 3. how do you interpret the lives of Sufi saints such as Rumi, Hallaj and Bulleh Shah after leaving Islam? These answers from you I hope will help me to elucidate my own thoughts and questions. (Moderators: perhaps this could go in the Thinkers' Discourse section; secondly, is there a way of changing one's username without making a new account?)
  13. Salam, everyone! I hope Allah swt has kept all of you safe and happy. Hello, my name is Shahreem and I'm 18 years old. I had been researching Shia Islam since last year and I wanted nothing more than to declare allegiance to Imam Ali(as). However, i was still in doubt and so I took the best thing on the table. I joined a sufi order--the Ottoman Naksibendi Sufi Order. However, I was deeply distressed. I did not feel spiritually connected at all. A few days ago i finally made the decision. I declared the true Shahada and embraced Shia Islam. I have never been happier in my entire life. Shia Islam has provided me with a solution to all of my problems. It is as if I can feel the blessings of Aal Muhammad pouring down on me. There were two instances during which I asked for help from Imam Reza(as) and it immediately came, Subhanallah! However, my parents are not aware of this reversion. My father--despite living in another country--would disown me if he ever found out. My mother is sympathetic towards the Shias but is unsure of converting( I dont think she ever will, unfortunately). I am unsure how to go about this whole situation if my dad ever calls me to lead the prayer when he visits( he's somewhat of a Zakir Naik follower, however he started disliking him since he learned that Mr.Naik praised Yazid). I'd love to know how i can handle this situation from you guys. Overall, I am just so happy now to be part of the Shia family. I'm nothing less than excited to learn of all the rituals part of Shi'sm--Ashura, Hajj, Arbaeen, Mutah, and so much more! I've finally found the role models I can look to for any thing in my life, Alhamdulillah. I'd love to get to know all of you--this is the first time I'll be interacting with other Shia Muslims, as there no other Shias in my city. Salam!
  14. Dr. Farrokh Sekaleshfar, Muharram 2014 Lectures, Night 1
  15. Very interesting lectures. I recommend watching and then please discuss your thoughts. Lec 1 Lec2
  16. Does Mysticism(Irfan), deviant elements in Philosophy and Sufism have a place in Islam? Now one might ask and especially a Sunni would say what is the difference between the stuff being performed in this video and the Shia stuff done in Aushra? The answer is, they are completely different and are no were relevant to one another. The rituals performed in Ashura is generally grieving for Imam Hussien and reviving his message in order to please Allahسُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى. After all, as Allahسُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى mentioned in the Quran , crying and grieving to whom Allahسُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى adores is a type of worship and he set an example for that by showing how he was pleased with prophet Yaqoob(AS) when he used to weep and cry for Yusef(AS) for years until he eventually became blind. However, in regards regards to Suffism and specifically the types in this video, What they believe is basically that there are ways in which you can reach Allahسُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى other than through fasting, ziyarat, haj, praying and making dhikr but by other physical means or actions such as those performed in this video. Moreover, Allahسُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى did not set an example in the Quran that would reflect on these rituals they are performing as he did for Ashura nor any hadith said by the prophet or the infallibles would reflect on them as well. Does that not make these people specifically deviant? Now since I only have a general knowledge on Irfan and Sufism , I cannot immediately label them as deviant or declare takfeer on them. Moreover, I know for a fact that Sufism is broad and that there are other Sufis that reject these types of rituals and even declare takfeer on those that perform them. However, some of our major scholars have openly declared Sufism as a corrupt ideology and out of the fold of Islam. Scholars such as Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq al shirazi and those that reflect on his views. It is also worth mentioning and quote what our imams have said about Sufism in general. Here are a few hadiths below. “Our master Imam al-Askari (peace be upon him) has also been reported to have said to Abu Hashim al-Ja’fari: “O Abu Hashim! There will come a time where people’s faces are laughing and joyous [while] their hearts are dark and indeterminate. The Sunnah amongst them is innovation and the innovation is Sunnah. The believer amongst them is demeaned and the evil one venerated. Their rulers are oppressive and their scholars through the doors of darkness proceed.Their wealthy pillage the provision of their poor. Their young precede their old, and every ignorant to them is an authority, and every assignee to them is poor. They do not differentiate between the sincere and the doubtful, nor do they know the sheep from wolves. Their scholars are the most evil of God’s creation on the face of earth, because they incline towards Philosophy and Sufism. By Allah! They are of the enemies and people of distortion. They exaggerate in their love for our opponents and they misguide our Shi’a and Followers.” (Safinatul Bihar, By al-Muhadith al-Qummi, vol. 2, p. 58) "It has also been reported that Al-Hussain bin Abul Khattab said: “One day, I was with Abul Hassan al-Hadi (peace be upon him) in the mosque of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his pure family) when some of his companions, among whom was Abu Hashim al-Ja’fari, came to him. Abu Hashim was an eloquent man and had a high position near Imam al-Hadi (peace be upon him).While we were standing, a group of Sufis came into the mosque. They sat in a corner of the mosque and began saying ‘La Ilaha Illallah’ (i.e. there is no God but Allah). Imam al-Hadi (peace be upon him) turned towards his companions and said to them: ‘Do not pay attention to these deceivers for they are allies of the Devils and destroyers of the bases of religion." "It has been reported that our pure Infallibles (peace be upon them) condemned the one who adopts the philosophers and Sufi’s path. When Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) was asked about Sufis, he answered: “they are our enemies, whoever is inclined towards them then he's one of them and will be resurrected with them. There will be people who claim they love us but they are inclined towards them and they try to be like them, call themselves with their name, and say what they say, whoever is inclined towards them he's not from us and we are innocent from him and whoever rejects them and refutes them he's like someone who performed Jihad against the disbelievers with the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his pure family)” (Safinatul Bihar, by al-Muhadith al-Qummi, vol. 2, p. 57)" By the way, the people seen in this video adhere themselves to Sunnism rather than Shiaism. It can be seen by the way they pray at the end of the video. That being all said, what are everyone's thoughts and opinions on this?
  17. (salam) Could someone tell me what the concept of dhamal is? I have seen so called Shias engaging in this wierd dance and they claim it is due to their love of Imam Ali (as). Isn't it a Sufi / Malang practice with no basis in Shia Islam?
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