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Is it considered good to focus only on obligatory prayers and reduce time spent on extra acts like reading the Quran, studying Islam, and making Duas when my exams are near?
Salamun Alaykum, My name is Mehdi. I am from India and I am travelling to Salt Lake City, Utah, on 29th Dec. I will be attending graduate program at the University of Utah. I need to know Shia brothers and community centres who can help me get a rented apartment near the U (zipcode :84102) (The apartment should not be expensive). We are 3 students(the other 2 are not shia) who will reach SLC on 29th Dec 11pm. Kindly help connect me to the Student body/ Shia centres around here in Utah. I need this urgently done. Thank you for your help.:)
Salam everybody !! The IMF (Imam Al Mahdi Fund) strives to provide access for higher education through partnerships, scholarships, and monetary endowments to underprivileged Lebanese's youth. Their programs cater for graduate students or undergraduates, including opportunities in Lebanese or European universities. To apply, visit the foundation’s site:
- scholarship
- shia
- (and 4 more)
Salam, i was just wondering where br. Khalil jaffer studied and how he gained his knowledge and also hajj hassanain rajabali if you know.
Assalamun alaikum I have studied physics, chemistry and biology as my main subjects alongwith english and physical education. I have completed my class 12th this year. I'm interested in studying abroad but i don't know the procedures to apply and what are the eligibility criteria. I come from a middle class family so i would try to get some scholarship for my studies. Shiachat is a platfrom where people come from almost every corner of the world. So if you all could provide my the eligibility criteria, fee structure, scholarships given and some necessary information of the colleges/universities near you....then i might have a hope of fulfilling my dream. Jazakallah khair.
حوزة الامام الحسين (ع) في ويندزور كندا Imam Hussain (A.S.) Hawza in Windsor, Canada بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Imam Hussain Hawza would like to inform of its acceptance of new students for the year 2015-2016. The Hawza provides its students with the first two stages of Hawza: Muqadimat (introductory stage) and Sutooh (intermediate stage). Both of these stages require about 10 years to complete. During these 10 years, one learns several subjects such as 1-Islamic Beliefs 2-Islamic Jurisprudence 3-Islamic Morals 4-Logic 5-Arabic Grammar 6-Usool al-Fiqh 7- Other crucial subjects that a Hawza student is in need of. For most subjects, the student will study several books (from beginning to end), in order to have a good understanding and grasp of the subject. تعلن حوزة الإمام الحسين (عليه السلام) عن قبولها لطلاب جدد للعام الدراسي 2015-2016. تدرس في الحوزة مواد مرحلة المقدمات ومرحلة السطوح. تستغرق هاتان المرحلتان ما يقارب عشر سنين. في تلك المدة، يدرس الطالب موادا كثيرة، من ضمنها... 1- العقائد 2- الفقه 3- الأخلاق 4- المنطق 5- النحو 6-أصول الفقه 7- غيرها من المواد الهامة للطالب في أغلب المواد، يدرس الطالب كتبا عديدة (من بداية الكتاب الى نهايته) من أجل أن تصبح عنده المادة مفهومة،و يكون عنده استيعاب قوي لها. Requirements: -Every student who wishes to study part time or full time in Hawza has to be between 16& 26 years old. For those older than 26, they need to have previous Hawza education or a post-secondary degree in order to be enrolled in the Hawza. Otherwise, they might be permitted to attend classes just for the benefit of learning (this will need to be decided by the main office). - One must present two reference letters from people that are recognized by the Hawza. -Application must be filled out. -An interview with Sheikh Abdul-Menhem Charara, Dean of the Hawza, will be carried out before enrolling in classes. الشروط - كل من يريد الإنتساب الى الحوزة، لا بد أن يكون عمره بين 16- 26 سنة. من كان عمره يفوق 26 سنة، لا بد أن تكون عنده دراسة سابقة في \بعض المواد الحوزوية، أو شهادة دراسة آكاديمية. من لم يكن هذا الشرط متوفرا فيه، قد يسمح له بحضور الدروس من دون الإنتساب. - تقديم راسليتي تعريف من قبل أشخاص تعرفهم الحوزة. - ملأ إستمارة التسجيل. - مقابلة مع سماحة الشيخ عبد المنعم شرارة، عميد الحوزة، قبل الإبتداء بالدروس. Full-time studies: -Enrolling in fulltime studies means that the student will be studying all subjects taught in Hawza. The student will be taking classes 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday, 3-4 courses per day. *Each course is approx. 50 minutes long. * We might be in need of changing the schedule based on the administration's decision Part-time studies: Part-time students must meet with the administration to arrange and finalize their schedule تعطى الدروس في الحوزة كل يوم من الإثنين الى الجمعة، وتدرس 3-4 دروس يوميا. كل درس يستغرق 50 دقيقة. * قد يقتضي الحال بعض التغييرات حسب تقدير الادارة من لا يمكنه الإلتزام بهكذا دوام، يمكنه أن يدرس دراسة جزئية، بالتنسيق مع ادارة الحوزة Location- مكان الحوزة Imam Hussain Hawza is located @ 1485 Janette Ave. Windsor. Ontario (Canada) N8X 1X5. Phone # 519-256-7171 ext 10 (for receptionist) Ext 11 (for Sheikh Abdul Menhem Charara) Ext 17 (for Sheikh Charara’s assistant) You can email us at Official Facebook Page: May Allah shower us all with his infinite blessings. And all Praise be to the Lord of the worlds, and may He send his blessings upon his perfect creations, Muhammed and his Holy progeny
* Get Paid £250 per week * Obtain a Higher National Diploma (HND) In Computers or Business Studies Courses Available in Birmingham, London, Manchester, Luton, Croydon, Entry Test for English & Numeracy { Taking Place Weekly } Courses Starting Soon in April 25 Placements for Computers Left for Birmingham Branch Please Contact / Text : Sarfraz 07539-886450
Salaam all, So I am a student. I feel like I have this block. I feel as if I don't have the capability to be successful in my project and general reading. When I want to read, I feel like I need to know everything. It is just overwhelming me. So much so that I can't open my work and just want to run away from it. I have a major exam in exactly one month, and a deadline for my research project mid month. I don't feel that I know my subject well and just really want to know and understand it. pleeasee someone give me some tips or something :cry:
An Introduction to Hawza StudiesBy Sayyid Fadhil Bahrululoom The introductory course is a three week course held twice a week at Imam al-Jawad Centre. Topics that will be discussed will be the history, origins and mediums of study for Fiqh, Usool, Kalaam/Aqaid, Ilm al-Rijaal, Ilm al-Hadith, Tafsir al-Quran and Philosophy/Irfan. Dates for the lessons will be January 22nd, 24th, 29th, 31st and February 5th. Brothers and Sisters are welcome. £15 administration fee. Refreshments will be served. To register please contact 07712219213 or e-mail as places are limited. Address: Imam al-Jawad Centre 247 High Road, Willesden London NW10 2RY Transport details: By car – Parking is free from 6.30pm on all the surrounding streets By bus – 52, 98, 302, 226, 260, 460 By tube – Jubilee line, Willesden Green or Dollis Hill station Join our facebook event here
Salaams, Does anybody have a general idea of how many people go to the Hawza in Qom to study (from the UK/Canada/US) every year? Mainly asking about young ages, 16-20 age range...
(salam) The Centre for Islamic Shia Studies has recently launched it's new webiste: With this new website they have created an info portal on Shia Islam written in an academic manner. I have found it to be very good as it contains articles that spread all over Shia Islam and is split into 3 sections: beginners, intermediate and advanced. I have talked to those who are working at the CISS and they have asked for those that do read the articles and find any mistakes to send them to . They have also mentioned that those who wish to contribute with new articles and other content that they feel is missing then they are welcome to do so and can also send them to the e-mail above. (wasalam)
Salamalaikum, YAM, All praise is to Allah swt who helped me get through this excruciating examination session. I thank Him for giving me the strength and endurance to get through it all. Introduction and whom this is for Alhamdolillah i finished a very stressful session of engineering exams last week, which was arguably the most stressful time of my life. Since I've been working very hard for the last couple of months, I thought I will share my revision techniques with fellow momineen/mominaat on SC. I am an Engineering student and this guide is aimed at players only, who are aiming to bang out a minimum of 10+ hours everyday. However having said that, it doesnt mean that you cant cast down this guide into something less intensive.Since Iam an engineer (and i hate writing essays) and if your reading this you've got exams (i.e less time to spare), I shall endeavour to bulletpoint as much as I can in order to share my experience. Before I begin, may I remind everyone that revision is a lifestyle, not a regime!! 1) Focussing and staying positive * Engineering is one of those courses where there is truck loads to study in very little time. It can be daunting at times as to where to start and there is always a feeling that says I cant do this. The first steps of this guide is to murder that feeling! Seriously!Dont waste time by procrastinating i.e thinking about studying but not studying at all! You can do it and you will do it! If others can then so can you! * Start your day in the name of Allah swt, the Panjetan e Paaak a.s and then remind your innerself of the the above^^ (i dont mean the woman!) It is imperative that psychologically and mentally you beginin a happy state. * Work in groups! When you are banging out 9-15 hours a day revising, there will be times where the most simplest of things look very complicated. This is where it helps to have more than a pair of eyes looking at something as different people think differently. * In addition to above, you might save time by splitting a module into components. For e.g Adam does oscillators, I study operational amplifiers and George studies BJTs. Then after an hour you teach each other which collectively saves time and resources. * Another important thing is your approach. Usually in engineering, it helps a lot to simplify problems for e.g converting something very complicated into equivalent circuits, sketching graphs, making assumptions etc. This helps you to a) break down the problem B) look at it from a different point of view. I always start from bottom to top. From this is mean approach the problem from a very low level of analysis and then apply more complicated techniques. Usually big problems are solved with simple low level thinking. 2) Time table * I didnt have one, solely because i start procrastinating and hence adds to my stress levels. The most obvious thing to do is start early! More on this in the end * Also what i found really helped was to juggle between different subjects. So for e.g i would study nanotechnology in the morning and finish the day with electromagnetics. The reason why I did it this way is because last year i planned out a week/two for each subjects and when it got close to the exams, I couldnt remember anything! * What i did use was this for other minor things : I am sure there is an iphone equivalent somewhere! 3)Sleep more by sleeping less *Yep. I found this very very efficient. Sleep for 6 hours at night followed by 2, 30 minute power naps during the day. They both work as revision breaks + help u catch up with sleep (duh!) *However the above could be easier said than done as it takes time to train your body to this new lifestyle. Apparently this is how our ulema study as well by sleeping less at night but taking power naps during the day. * Also when you lie down on your bed, before you doze off try and recollect everything you learnt. Just picture all the equations/theories/proofs as it helps you think about them involuntarily - which they say is much better than normal thinking. 4) Study space and people * The study space should be well lit and adequately spaced. I love to spread all my files and folders around the room lol! * Work with like minded people. They help you and you help them. Simple as that! * Because of the above, I didnt bother with libraries as due to the complexity of my course, it is impossible for a person to get a 1st class by studying solely on his own. Hence the emphasis on group study. So we found a lecture theatre that wasnt in use and that was our study space! 5)Allah and the Ahlulbayt a,s Yes your revising hard....but that doesnt mean you have an excuse not to pray! Also say YAM all the time! All halal knowledge comes from the Ahlulbayt so dont forget them. * There are plenty of duas you can find on with regards to exams and that. 6) Facebook, SC and other distractions *Ok it is very hard to not to distract. So to get around it, we had setup a facebook group which had every1 from our year group. Here we would ask each other q's and discuss solutions. So when i went on fb, i would mainly use it to see wagwan in the group AND also see what others are up to. * As for SC and other websites, this is where the group that you work in helps. They motivate you and you motivate them. They stop you from slipping and vice versa. 7) Nutrition and exercise *It is very very very important that you eat healthy, clean and nutritious food. Your mind and body is working extremely hard and it is very important that you fuel it accordingly. Please dont bother with kfc, subway etc etc. They will make you feel sleepy, tired and will make you fat! (think about what your potential wifey would say!!) * If your are following 3), after my 30 minute nap, I would get up and do some pushups to feel lively. It is very important that you exercise adequately to compensate for all the time your sitting down on your bottom revising. 8) Backup your work * I have a lot of files on my computer which i just cannot afford to loose. Hence i got a dropbox (free one) and synced all the important files every few hours. * Also bought an external hard drive (just in case!) * If you've got essays and other text files, use google docs. 9)Thoughts and if i could go back then... * Although i started revising early, my proper revision 10+ hours started 3 months before the exams and it still wasnt enough near the end! So i would start much earlier! * An obvious thing which you probably hear all the time but seriuosly i learnt it the hard way. Keep up to date with what is going on in your course everyday! * Buy a mac and not a pc :D ! Still regret buying a windows machine! * Eat healthy! Cant emphasise on 7) enough. I was kfcing near the end of my exams as i couldnt be bothered to pack any lunch and i ended up with an upset tummy near the last week of exams! * Do more past papers *Smart revision - only revise what you need to. Getting a 1st is all about exam technique i.e knowing what to revise and how to do so. Talk to the people in the years above who have done the same exams as you last year. They might have some revision 'tips'. * Manage your time efficiently. As in dont cut off completely with family and friends but then at the same time dont socialise too much either. As i said before, I am an engineering student and I'm more comfortable with maths than words. Hence apologies if I've made any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes (and also it is past midnight here!). Hope it helps and yea feel free to ask about anything which i havent covered! Good luck and i shall finish this post with 1) i.e you can do it!! BULB!
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