For many of us, Spring is only round the corner
I read this hadith in Man and Universe by Ayt. Mutaharri [r]:
اذا رايتم الربيع فأكثروا ذكر النشور
The Prophet ص said: If you witness Spring, then increase in the remembrance of the Resurrection*
He explains this by the fact that both Spring and the Resurrection are times of renewal. I never made this connection before reading this hadith, perhaps partly because I see Spring as a beautiful time of year, whereas in my mind I associate Resurrection with scary ideas of fear of punishment and hell fire, (as well as positive notions of justice being done, and the good being rewarded.) But I've now come to see Resurrection as a beautiful thing, not because I've learned something new about it, but because renewal is a beautiful process.
*He doesn't give a reference for this hadith. Anyone know where he got it from, how many versions there are, and whether we have any ahadith with similar meanings?