I'm sure you'll get agree that there are some Muslims, myself included, that don't always stay on the right path. Females may not wear the hijab or men may shave their facial hair. Some of us may even listen to music, swear, speak with non-mahram people etc. What's your opinion however on those people that sin and do so with no shame. What I mean by that is say for instance, I happen to listen to music but do so with free will. I'm not forced to listen like when a car may drive by with loud music but actually do so because I want to. I'm clearly doing what I do without being ashamed of sinning. And I could pray for forgiveness but, supposing I don't stop listening to music, what would be the point. My question is what is your opinion on a person in such a situation (the act itself can be anything ranging from a small to a great sin but the idea of sinning without shame is the same). Do you believe a Muslim who lives like that will maybe be punished but not go to Hell because after all they are Muslim. Or that maybe if their sins happen to out-weigh their good deeds that maybe they will go to Hell. I understand this isn't the easiest question to answer because: 1) We aren't to judge, Allah is and 2) Obviously different sins and different actions all have different consequences but generally speaking, from your religious knowledge and insight what would be personal opinion. (Regardless or whether you opinion is reliable). Thanks for reading (and responding).